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⑴ vc2010怎麼進行c語言編譯

1,在windows桌面中Visual Studio打開軟體並新建項目。

⑵ 如何在VS2010中運行編譯C和C++

VS2010 需要先建立工程,然後在工程中添加cpp文件,再編寫代碼,然後編譯運行才可以,給您個圖吧:

2。從左邊找到Visual C++ 在中間找到你要建立的項目,一般回事空項目



5。寫完代碼 就可以 調試運行了。 至於一些調試技巧你可以網路「VS2010調試技巧」

⑶ VS2010中怎麼編譯成EXE啊


⑷ vs2010如何編譯驅動

1、安裝VS2010,安裝WDK 7.0(DDK);

2、新建VC++->Empty Project

3、打開Configuration Manager 並新建一個名稱為「 dirver 」的Solution Configuration 並將「dirver」 設為Active Solution Configuration .

4、打開View-> property Manager。

5、在"dirver" solution configuration 上點擊右鍵,選擇Add new property Sheet。取名為「dirverProperty」. 並對他進下以下設置。

5.1. C\C++ - General - Debug Information Format = Program Database (/Zi)
5.2. C\C++ - Preprocessor - Preprocessor Definitions = _X86_ [add also DBG for Debug config]
5.3. C\C++ - Code Generation - Enable C++ Exceptions = No
5.4. C\C++ - Code Generation - Basic Runtime Checks = Default
5.5. C\C++ - Code Generation - Buffer Security Check = No (/GS-)
5.6. C\C++ - Advanced - Calling Convention = __stdcall (/Gz)
5.7. C\C++ - Advanced - Compile As = Compile as C Code (/TC) [if you are going to use plain C]
5.8. Linker - General - Output File = $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).sys
5.9. Linker - General - Enable Incremental Linking = Default
5.10. Linker - Input - Additional Dependencies = ntoskrnl.lib hal.lib $(NOINHERIT) [add here needed libs here e.g. ntoskrnl.lib hal.lib]
5.11. Linker - Input - Ignore All Default Libraries = Yes (/NODEFAULTLIB)
5.12. Linker - Manifest File - Generate Manifest = No
5.13. Linker - System - SubSystem = Native (/SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE)
5.14. Linker - System - Driver = Driver (/DRIVER)
5.15. Linker - Advanced - Entry Point = DriverEntry
5.16. Linker - Advanced - Base Address = 0x10000
5.17. Linker - Advanced - Randomized Base Address = Disable (/DYNAMICBASE:NO)
5.18. Linker - Advanced - Data Execution Prevention (DEP) = Disable (/NXCOMPAT:NO)

6. Config VC++ Directories
6.1 Open Open up property manager by clicking on Menu View->Property Manager.
6.2 Expand the project node and then the Configuration|Platform nodes, you will see "Microsoft.cpp.<Platform>.users" file for each Configuration|Platform. These are the files

for the global settings, similar to the old tools/Options/VC++ Directories.
6.3 Multi-Select "Microsoft.cpp.<Platform>.users", right click and bring up the property page window
6.4 In the property page window, click on "VC++ Directories" (for example) in the left pane, add new paths for the directories such as "Include Directories". separated by

(eg:Include Directories config As:
Library Directories config As:
6.5 Make sure to save the settings before shutting down Visual Studio.
6.6 Re-launch Visual Studio and the new settings will be in effect.
6.7 Note: If you would like to only change the settings for one project, you can right click on the project and bring up the property page. Change the settings for 「VC++

Directories」, these settings will be persisted to the project file.
七. OK. Have done. Now you can test it with simple code, e.g.:

#include "ntddk.h"

DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath)

Visual Studio 2010 在智能設備開發方面只支持Windows Phone OS 7.0。如果你要為Windows CE 5.0和Windows Mobile 6.5開發應用程序,請安裝Visual Studio 2008。
做驅動開發時,SDK的版本要和WDK的版本一致,即Win7 WDK要配Win7 SDK,否則會出現編譯錯誤。VS2010里集成了Windows SDK 7.0A。
如果出現類似如下編譯錯誤,解決方法是:拷貝C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\sal.h,然後覆蓋掉C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\inc\api\sal.h。

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\crtdefs.h(550): error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before 'const'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\crtdefs.h(550): error C2143: syntax error : missing '{' before 'const'

⑸ VS2010如何編譯


⑹ vs2010怎麼編譯源代碼


⑺ 請問用vs2010學習版如何編譯c語言程序


⑻ vs2010如何編譯單個CPP文件。


⑼ vs2010怎麼編譯


⑽ 如何使用Visual Studio2010編譯C語言

使用Visual Studio2010編譯C語言的具體步驟如下:

1、首先雙擊打開Vs 2010,找到左上角的新建項目並點擊打開,選擇win32控制台程序,給文件命名,如123,單擊確定。



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