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㈠ 關於RS碼的英文論文,急啊

摘要:提出了基於歐氏演算法和頻譜分析相結合的RS碼硬體編譯碼方法;利用FPGA晶元實現了GF(2 8)上最高速率為50Mbps、最大延時為640ns的流式解碼方案,滿足了高速率的RS編解碼需求。
關鍵詞:RS碼 FPGA 伴隨式 關鍵方程 IDFT

差錯控制編碼技術對改善誤碼率、提高通信的可靠性具重要作用。RS碼既可以糾正隨機錯誤,又可以糾正突發錯誤,具有很強的糾錯能力,在通信系統中應用廣泛。由於RS碼的解碼復雜度高,數字運算量大,常見的硬體及軟體解碼方案大多不能滿足高速率的傳輸需求,一般適用於10Mbps以下。本文提出的歐氏演算法和頻譜結構分析相結合的RS硬體解碼方案,適用於FPGA單片實現,速率高、延遲小、通用性強、使用靈活。筆者在FPGA晶元上實現了GF(2 8)上符號速率為50Mbps的流式解碼方案,最大延時為640ns,參數可以根據需要靈活設置。

1 RS碼的結構

碼字長度為N=q-1(q=2i),生成多項式為,αi∈GF(q)的RS碼有最小碼距δ=2t+1,能夠糾正t個隨機或突發錯誤[1]。本文列舉的方案測試中採用的RS碼主要參數為N=255、m0=0、t=8,其中GF(2 8)的生成多項式為g(x)=x8+x4+x3+x2+1。由於RS碼的編碼邏輯結構比較簡單,文中僅給出模擬結果。

2 RS碼的解碼演算法






3 方案流程


3.1 伴隨式S0,S1,…,S2t-1的計算


3.2 利用伴隨式確定關鍵方式


3.3 利用最短線性移位寄存器綜合和離散傅氏變換獲取錯誤圖樣


3.4 RS編解碼在FPGA上的實現


4 模擬結果

4.1 編碼器的模擬


4.2 解碼器的模擬





圖5 編碼器模擬結果



Abstract : Euclidean algorithm based on the combination of spectral analysis and RS hardware encryption; FPGA chip by GF (2 8), maximum rate of 50Mbps. 640ns delay the flow of the biggest decoding program to meet the demand for high-speed RS encryption. Keywords : RS-key equations with FPGA technology to improve IDFT error control coding error rate. improve communications with the reliability of an important role. RS random error correcting codes can also be corrected burst error correction capability is strong, widely used in communication systems. As RS decoder complexity, the number of large amount of computation. Most common hardware and software decoding program can not meet demand for high-speed transmission. Following are generally applicable to 10 Mbps. Euclidean algorithm and the proposed combination of spectral analysis RS hardware decoding program FPGA chip to achieve that rate, small delay, a strong and flexible. I realized in FPGA GF (2 8) symbols, the flow rate of 50Mbps decoding program maximum delay of 640ns, parameters can be set up based on the need for flexibility. 1 RS code word length of the structure N=q-1 (q=2i) for generating polynomial. α i ∈ GF (q) from the RS code with the smallest δ =2t+1. t random or unexpected error correction [1]. This paper listed in the test parameters for the RS code N=255, m0=0, pH7.5. which GF (2 8) for generating polynomial g (x) =x8+x4+x3+x2+1. As RS encoder logic structure is relatively simple, text only give the simulation results. 2 RS RS code decoding algorithm generally consists of three steps : With computers, The key equation solving and design errors. RS decoding is the key equation is the most difficult and most crucial step. With the use of key-solving equations, BM algorithm and Euclidean (Euclidean) algorithm is two better choices. BM algorithm involves a large number of variables to store and complex control logic applies to software programming without appropriate hardware. Euclidean algorithm for data storage less control convenient and suitable hardware. Also use the Euclidean algorithm to determine the key equation is proportional to the number of errors and the time required, from time to consider. Euclidean algorithm is a good choice. Access to the key equation, using time-domain approach requires a large amount of computational moles and control circuit the hardware is not desirable. Using spectrum analysis method, the shortest inverse linear shift register integrated and discrete Fourier transform, simple logic and less time suitable hardware. While the Fourier transform need more logic unit, but GF (2n) n <10 in the circumstances, Domain encoder decoder is much simpler than the time domain. Euclidean algorithm, and therefore this paper combine spectrum analysis program, and to gain better results in practice. Euclidean algorithm [3] The following steps : (2) 3 iterative methods listed in the program flow program flow chart shown in Figure 1. With 3.1 - S0, S1,…, S2t-1 calculated so r1, r2,…, rnΔyn to receive the RS code word, Under supervision of the character matrix code system. Construction can be calculated as shown in figure 2 with Si= circuit (((r1 - i+r2) - i+r3) - i… +rn. With so that the actual sequence of calculations. With 32,000 officially confirmed the key ways to use the Euclidean algorithm for the main difficulty lies in the iterative process of calculation and arithmetic polynomial length polynomial dividend, the uncertainty Thus, each calculation of the length of the serial range and thus may be involved in the multiplication of polynomials and the sum of variable length. increase the difficulty of hardware design. Two of the nesting cycle system using the method of 'Clock 2' control through. 'Clock 1' inner loop control, optimize the algorithm, a solution to the problem. The ceremony was accompanied by the foundation, Figure 3 circuit can be completed Euclidean algorithm specific key equations of σ (x) = σ txt+ σ t-1xt-1+… + σ 1x+1. 330 linear shift register using the shortest access to integrated and discrete Fourier transform has been key in the wrong design equation, First, should the wrong location (the root of the key equation) determined that this will rece the size of circuits; use the money to search [1] (works for σ (x) root practical method), a simple method to determine the wrong location. Then, shortest start inverse linear shift register integrated and discrete Fourier transform, through N (computational domain where the length) iteration. be all wrong location corresponding to the wrong design, as shown in figure 4. Drawing on the takeover code used for correcting mistakes. can get the correct message sequence. RS 3.4 encryption in the FPGA to achieve limited domain multiplication, Adder moles and the molar design of the control logic systems is the key to success. Operation of the various moles involved in the limited domain of the decoder speed computational speed constraints, and control logic guiding the decoding process. Hardware complexity of circuit design software development tools to provide a simple idea. QUARTUS system with a combination of third-party software. VHDL design of most functional moles. especially in the multiplier, multiplier determined. multiplicand volatile finite field multiplier, logic synthesis and optimization design, 11.6ns 6.8ns and the computational speed can be completed. Symbol rate of 50Mbps system can meet the requirements. It should be noted that further improve the system by inverse calculation speed restrictions no clear inverse calculation of the mathematical structure (look-up table method is usually used). This is a bottleneck restricting the operation speed. However, in view of flow algorithm. the structure can meet the above requirements. 4 simulation results of the simulation 4.1 encoder clock frequency of 50MHz. EN input to the generator when the information effectively. for the sake of simplicity, the use of the shortened code systems, information (00, 00…, 00,02,01,02). The simulation results shown in Figure 5 encoder. Among them, IN to input information, for the system clock CLK, C coding output (both input and output, 16-ary). Simulation 4.2 Decoder First, The simulation gives the whole picture, as illustrated in figure 6. C for receipt of the RS code, as with SP-S15. shang Euclidean algorithm for the use of the serial, SeryDA S Series, anssd ERTD corresponding code and the fourth may be wrong position and erroneous values Simulation code in the receiving position (105,106,107,108,109,110,111. 112) were wrong (01) HEX. With results like : S15, S14,…, S1. S0 (FD,8D) CE,4A,51, B2, A1, CA, C4,0D,73,56, A6, F5,01) Figure 6 and Figure 7 sp namely the S15. With the focus here is calculated by using the key to the equation circuit simulation results shown in figure 7. When the input syndrome result, the circuit operation in the calculation of serial link at the same time polynomial iteration. Euclidean algorithm serial shang : (FF,58), (37,92), (50,45). (E9, C7), (F4, B9), (5D,33), (87,8F). When shown signs QQC meet after the termination conditions, while the key equation coefficients is given in Figure 7 (AI AH AG. AF, AE, AD, AC, AB, AA) : (00,19,2E, EC, A8, AD,41, E6,95) limited domain corresponding to the formula : δ (x) = α - 122x5+ 130x6+ 193x7+ α - α 191x2+ 252x3+ 144x4+ α - α 184; 160x+ Solution (α 105, - 106, - 107, - 108, - 109, - 110, - 111). exactly the same position with the wrong assumptions. And then the S Series, IDFT against the wrong location, it could be the wrong response value. 6 anssd ERTD plan and said there is the wrong position for the 108 (01) HEX. Figure 5 encoder System Simulation results show that Decoder the wrong place and wrong patterns and the actual position of the erroneous assumption (105,106,107. 108,109,110,111) and the wrong values (01) HEX totally consistent. RS APEX structure based on a programmable chip encryption hardware solutions in China Putian Group Limited, the second group Xi'an Bluetooth wireless communication equipment spread spectrum communication mechanism has been applied to the reconstruction project. It can be used for discrete decoding, streaming decoding, in addition to the basic level cache, the same applies to successive decoding.

㈡ RS編碼的RS碼簡介

RS(Reed-Solomon)碼是一類糾錯能力很強的特殊的非二進制BCH碼。對於任選正整數S可構造一個相應的碼長為n=qS-1的 q進制BCH碼,而q作為某個素數的冪。當S=1,q>2時所建立的碼長n=q-1的q進制BCH碼,稱它為RS碼。當q=2m(m>1),其碼元符號取自於F(2m)的二進制RS碼可用來糾正突發差錯,它是最常用的RS碼。

㈢ 什麼是RS碼


㈣ rs碼的編碼解碼matlab程序


㈤ RS編碼的RS碼的應用


㈥ RS解碼是什麼


㈦ 如何使用matlab通訊工具箱的函數實現RS編解碼

rsenc RS編碼器

rsdecof 將RS編碼的ASCII文件解碼

rsencof 對一個ASCII文件進行RS編碼


㈧ 有人知道最簡單的RS編碼實現嗎


㈨ RS編碼的RS碼的參數


㈩ rs碼的編解碼演算法怎麼用simulink實現

作者:陶德元 何小海 吳志華
Author:TAO De-yuan HE Xiao-hai WU Zhi-hua
作者單位:四川大學電子信息學院,成都 610064
刊 名:四川大學學報(自然科學版) ISTICPKU
年,卷(期):2000, 34(6)
Keywords:RS codeGF regionnonbinary codeencodingdecoding
機標分類號:TP3 TN9



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