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發布時間:2022-02-07 16:35:04

Ⅰ 求高手翻譯一句話 法律方面的 謝謝~翻譯為英語哈

Only if the objects of right are determined can the right of personality be finalized and various types of rights of personality be further distinguished, otherwise, it may lead to a state that the right of personality be absorbed by the right of health; and such finalization mechanism may result in diversity of object forms, e.g. there are general sense and narrow sense in names, health covers physiological health and psychological health etc.

Ⅱ 英語翻譯,比較難

Public endorsement of false advertising, the actor to perform special ties, to conflict with their own personality rights issues as historical figures to respect my problems, public figures in the use of other people to imitate the appropriate commercial portrait or the right to name the problems and its name right of personality to speak the advertisement

Ⅲ 求一段文字翻譯成英語,不要用軟體翻!有效將追加100分,謝謝!!


Discuss on consumer privacy
Abstract: The fact that the consumer privacy has been constantly infringed makes that much attention has been paid to the protection of the consumer right of privacy. But the right of privacy has not be set as an independent personality right in our country law, and that makes the consumer privacy in practice can't be effectively protected. This article is divided into five part to expatiate on the protection of consumer privacy, that includes an overview of the consumers' right of privacy; the present situation of the consumer right of privacy infringement; our country law level and practical level of the present situation of the consumer right of privacy protection; the social value of the consumer right of privacy protection; the way to strengthen the consumer right of privacy protection.


Ⅳ 誰能幫忙翻譯英文 (論死者人格權利保護)這個論文題目 不要翻譯軟體翻譯的 不太標准 我想要嚴謹的法

Upon the protection of the personality right of the dead

Ⅳ 幫忙把漢語翻譯成英語

Summary : As the media instry for hidden interview with increasing frequency and widespread use in recent years a lot of information from the practice, it can be seen that hidden interviews to spread the flow of the key factors brought some negative impact, the authors made the following analysis : the negative impact of the media, mainly manifested in "media credibility decline" and "continuous trigger media cases"; to the negative impact primarily embodied in a "personal safety is threatened at any time" and "mental torture is"; interviews with the main object of the negative impact reflected in the "incement their crime" and "the right to human dignity is violated. Finally made peep avoid hidden interview measures : one will be important in building quality news agenda; 2 medium quality ecation will be universal.

Keyword : hidden negative effects of credibility with the media the right to personal security personal qualities

Ⅵ 人格分裂英語怎麼說




Ⅶ 在線等英語高手翻譯法學論文摘要。急急!!!!

The commercial personality right are put forward to emphasize the comprehensive protection of the interests of the personality right connotation and extension. Since independence to commercial personality right, so the civil relief is bound to have its own way, this article tries from the present situation of commercial personality right civil relief, classification and relief way, tort liability and so on were discussed.

This article is divided into four chapters:

The first chapter expounds the concept of commercial personality right, the subject and the content of the commercial personality right, and from the nature of rights is analyzed in this paper.

The second chapter expounds the classification of commercial personality right to civil remedies, and from the current situation of our country's commercial personality right infringement analysis, the importance of civil all kinds of relief for commercial personality right.

The third chapter from commercial personality right before litigation relief, relief and v in the final relief three aspects elaborated the obligee seek relief ways and significance, for commercial paper expounds the special case of infringement of personality rights.

The fourth chapter of civil relief of subject and object and commercial personality right infringement responsibility, the emphasis is on commercial personality right of tort liability for compensation, including property damage compensation and the property damage compensation, and the calculate method of intangible assets of compensation.

Ⅷ 求英語牛人翻譯:

With the development of society, people pay more attention to privacy,pay attention to their own image more. On the other hand, an increase inthe cultural value of goods, so that the image of a natural person in the use of commodities to greatly increase proportion, this is tantamount to let the image of a natural person to increase economic value, the image of a natural person should be protected, but the right of personality andintellectual property rights and not well protected natural imagecommercial value, we need a more into specific rights, it is the right of publicity, and publicity rights includes not only natural person image value, and the nature of intangible property, it should be distinguished from the right of personality and intellectual property. The unique natureof the right of publicity, has decided it can prevent the natural image value misuse, but also more standardized exercise of my image of thecommercial value, is concive to the natural person obtain wealth through my image value. The image right can protect our natural imagecomprehensive mental interests and commercial value, promoting rolehas to Chinese commercial economy.

Ⅸ 英語人格分裂的定義

n.[醫][心] 人格分裂
split personality
[ 名詞 ]
a relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge
split personality 衍生詞→ dissociative disorder

Ⅹ 什麼是人身攻擊













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