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㈢ Ro ute Geological section of the Proterozoic in Jixian

Jixian County,an ancient county(previously Yuyang County)in North China,is located at the southern foot of the Yanshan Range and in the northern outer suburbs of Tianjin municipality.It is about 90 km east of Beijing and 100 km west of Tianjin.

Well-developed Proterozoic sequences crop out in the northern parto f the Jixian area(Fig.3-6).A NW-trending syncline with a core of Cambrian rocks occurs between Hongshuizhuang and Jing'eryu villages.A thrust fault parallel to the strike of the rocks between Yangzhuang and Chuancangyu villages caused a repetition of the strata.In addition,a large N-S trending fault from Huangyaguan to Yangzhuang with ENE-trending thrusts occurs along the front of the hill,north of Jixian(Fig.3-6).

The Proterozoic geology of the Jixian area and its vicinity was firsts tudied by Gao Zhenxi(C.C.Kao)et al.in 1934.These authors and many subsequent studies provided detailed descriptions of the lithology and subdivided the rocks into formations.They also properly identified the stromatolites occurring in the rocks.Based on these works,the Jixian section has been regarded as a typical section of the Middle and Upper Proterozoic in North China.

Fig.3-6 Geological map and cross-section of Jixian and adjacent areas

1—Quaternary;2—Cambrian;3—Jing'eryu Fm.;4—Luotuolingfm.;5—Xiamaling Fm.;6—Tieling Fm.;7—Hongshuizhuang Fm.;8—Wumishan Fm.;9—Yangzhuang Fm.;10—Gaoyuzhuang Fm.;11—Dahongyu Fm.;12—Tuan Shanzi Fm.;13—Chuanlinggou Fm.;14—Changzhougou Fm.;15—Archean;16—Pluton;17—Unconformity

At the beginning of the 1970's,the Proterozoic sequences around Jixian and Yanshan Range have been studied by many geologists,and numerous papers and monographs have been published on the lithology,paleontology,geochemistry,geochronology,paleomagnetism and paleogeography of these rocks.

The Proterozoic sequences in the Jixian area are underlain by Archean rocks and overlain by lower Cambrian strata.These sequences have a total thickness of 9193 m,which can be divided into 12 formations that define 3 systems,the Changcheng,Jixian and Qingkou systems.

Geochronological results date the Proterozoic sequences in Jixian area as ranging ca.1800 to 850 Ma.The Changcheng System is dated at ca.1800-1 600Ma,and the Jixian System at ca.1600~1000Ma and the Qingkou System at ca.1000-850Ma,and these systems belong to the late Paleoproterozoic,Mesoproterozoic and Early Neoproterozoic,respectively.The stratigraphic succession of these units is described as below:

1.The Late Paleoproterozoic Changcheng System

The Changcheng system con Sists of four formations with a total thickness of 2762 m.The lowermost Changzhougou Formation rests unconformably over the Archean metamorphic Zunhua Complex-Group,and is chiefly composed of conglomerate,pebble-bearing sandstone and arkosic sandstone of fluvial origin in the lower portion and sandstone of marine facies in the middle-upper part.The second formation,the Chuanlinggou Fm.,is mostly composed of neritic shales grading upward into the dolomitic Tuanshanzi Fm.The fourth formation,the Dahongyu Fm.,co nsists o f littoral and neritic sandstone,shale and K-rich trachyte with cherty dolo stone in the upper part.

(1)The Changzhougou Formation

Location:North top of Changzhougou(40°13′03″N,117°30′47″E,494m)

Content:Unconformity between Changzhougou Formation(Chch)and Archean(Fig.3-7).

Fig.3-7 Unconformity between Changzhougou Formation and Archean in Changzhougou

A—the unconformity of Chch/Ar;B—the river conglomerate and cross-bed in Chch

The Changzho ugo u Fo rmatio n,the lo wermost unit of the Changcheng System,co nsists o f grayish purple,massive to thick-bedded co nglo merate and co arse-grained sandsto ne,pinkish and white quartz sandsto ne,sedimentary quartzite and so me thin-bedded sandsto ne,fine-grained sandsto ne,clayey and feldspathic sand Sto ne with a thickness o f 859 m.The quartzite and quartzitic sandsto ne of shallo w marine o rigin are the chief co mpo nents o f the fluvial conglomerate,and coarse grained sandstone dominates in the lower part.

So far,no stromatolites have been identitied in this formation.However,a numbero fa critarches,including ssme unicellular eukaryotes,have been identified from the intercalated beds of muddy siltstone in the upper part of the formation.

(2)The Chuanlinggou Formation


Content:Boundary of Chuanglinggou Formation/Changzhougou Formation(Chc/Chch).

The Chuanlinggou Formation consists chiefly of silty and illitic lenses.It has a thickness of 889m in Jixian area,but much less in the eastern and western parts of the Yanshan Range.

This formation can be subdivided into three sections based on the quantity of sandstone and the color of rocks.The lower section of supratidal to intertidal origin is characterized by a large amount of yellowish-green sandstone,and the middle section is composed of black shale of subtidal to lagoonal facies with many intercalations of intertidal sandstone.Mud cracks are spectacularly developed and sand veinlets are common in the sandstone of the lower section.

Acritarchs are abundant in this formation and they include the following groups:Sphaeromorphida(e.g.Leiominuscula,Margominuscula,Dictgosphaera,Kildinellaand Leiosphaerida),Scaphomorphida(e.g.Dictgosphaera,Kildinellaand Schizovalvia),Versimorphida,including blade-like,lobe-like,valve-like and band-like forms(e.g.Pholimorphaaa,Lobomorphaand Valvimorpha):and Nematomorphida(e.g.Qingshaniaand Changchengonema).In addition,some macroscopic,ribbon-shaped fossil algae have been reported.

There are no stromatolites in this formation in Jixian area,but two horizons containing stromatolites have been found in the western Yanshan Range.

(3)The Tuanshanzi Formation


Content:Tuansanzi Formation/Chuanglinggou Formation(Cht/Chc).

The Tuanshanzi Formation is composed mainly of muddy and silty,micritic dolomite with a total thickness of 518 m(Chen et al.,1980).The lower member of this formation contains abundant muddy,silty and carbonaceous material,with pyrite impregnations and black carbonaceous films on the bedding planes.In the upper member,the content of clastic material increases considerably resulting in micritic sandstone,sandy dolostone,thin-bedded sandstone and small stromatolite bioherms.

The lower member of the Tuanshanzi Formation is characterized by even bedding indicating deposition in a quiet,weakly recing,subtidal environment(lagoonal facies),whereas the upper part formed in an unstable environment probably between the intertidal and supratidal zones.Previously,the Tuanshanzi Formation was regarded as being poor in fossils,containing only a few of stromatolites,microfossils and doubtful megafossils dominated by Tyrasotaenia(Hofmann and Chen,1981).However,a large collection of megafossils represented by Iongfenshanids(Antiqufolia,gixianfolium and others)have been identified in the lower part of this formation in recent years,and interpreted as Paleoproterozoic megasc Opic eukaryotes Or metaphytes.

(4)The Dahongyu Formation


Content:Dahongyu Formation/Tuansanzi Formation(Chd/Cht).

The Dahongyu Formation can be subdivided into two units.The lower unit consists mainly of white quartz sandstone and sandy dolostone,intercalated With purple and green tuffaceous siltstone or tuffaceous silty shale,locally accompanied by beds of volcanic breccia,tuffaceous sandstone and high-K lava.The upper section consists of micritic dolomite and cherty micritic dolomite with abundant stromatolites.A fe W poorly preserved acritarches have also been found mainly in the lower section of this formation.Some microscopic algal fossils occur in the cherty beds of the upper unit.

2.The Mesoproterozoic Ji Xian System

Disconformably overlying the Changcheng System,the Jixian system consists of five conformable formations with a total thickness of about 6088 m.The Gaoyuzhuang Formation at the base,is composed of littoral-neritic dolostone and dolomitic limestone.The overlying Yangzhuang Formation i S chiefly made up of alternating red-white marine dolostone with minor limestone.In the middle,the Wumishan Formation is composed of thick beds of siliceous dolostone intercalated with abundant cherty bands,and it grades upward into the Hongshuizhuang Formation composed dominantly of black shale.The uppermost Tieling Formation consists of shale and limestone with abundant stromatolites.

(5)The Gaoyuzhuang Formation

The Gaoyuzhuang Formation disconformably overlies the Dahongyou Formation of the Changcheng Group.Because it has sedimentary and paleontological characteristics typical of the「Jixianian System」.

This formation consists chiefly of carbonates and is subdivided into four members:

Member 1 is characterized chiefly by dark-gray cherty micritic dolomite,containing lenses of muddy and sandy dolomite.It also contains intercalations of thin-bedded,clayey,micritic dolomite and shale or silty shale.In addition,a bed of sandstone,about three meters thick,with ripple marks occurs at the base,where it overlies an erosional surface.

Member 2 could be further subdivided into two parts.The lower part consists of thin-bedded manganiferous,sandy micritic dolomite intercalated with dolomitic siltstone.Thick-bedded to massive dolomite with wavy bedding surfaces and large-scale ripple marks makes up the upper part of this Subformation.

Member 3 i S characterized by dark-gray muddy dolomite,calcareous micritic dolomite and dolomitic and micritic limestone with platy bedding,intercalated with some clastic layers and nolar limestone.

Member 4 begin S with dark,thick-bedded,calcareou S dolomitic micrite and dolomite,interca-lated with black,bituminous and muddy dolomite.This passes upward into gray,micritic dolomite with siliceous layers.All of these rocks in the upper part are thin-bedded and contain wavy bedding and cherty concretions.

The Gaoyuzhuang Formation contains various fossils.Stromatolites occur mainly in member 1 and are represented by Confusoconophytonmultiangulum,Gaoyuzhuangiacrassibrevis,G.Bulbosa,G.gaoyuzhuangensis,Tabuloconigera paraepiphyta,Conophyton garganicum and C.cylindricum.Microfossils interpreted as microscopic algae occur mainly in the cherty rocks of member 1.Although the microfossils are poorly preserved in the Jixian area,they are abundant in the same horizon in adjacent areas.Acritarchs are generally sparse and poorly preserved in the formation,and occur only member 1 and 3.The carbonaceous megafossils are represented by G.rvpaniaspiralis(namely Sangshuaniaspiralis,S.sangsuanensis and S.buccinata)and they occur only in the lower part of member 3.

(6)The Yangzhuang Formation

The Yangzhuang Formation consists of brick-red argillic,silty micritic dolomite with alternating white layers.Near both the base and top of the unit,there are thick layers of siliceous micritic or sparry dolomite.Many of the red layers have small,white spots.

This formation is subdivided into three members based on lithology.Both the lower and middle members contain ripple marks,mud cracks,cross-beds,and gypsum and salt casts indicating that they formed in supra-and intertidal lagoonal environments in a hot,dry climate.However,these features are absent in the upper member,which consists of bituminous dolostone.The Se rocks probably formed in a hot,wet,lagoonal environment.

Fossils are sparse and poorly preserved in the Yangzhuang Formation.Only some small stromatolites(Microstylus,Scyphus,Yangzhuangia)and a few achritarchs have been found in the lower and upper members.

(7)The Wumishan Formation

The Wumishan Formation,with a thickness of3336m,makes up one third oft he total Proterozoic section in the Jixian system.The rocks of this formation are rich in organic matter and show many cycles,suggesting deposition in a tidal environment.This formation includes four members:

1)The Lozhuang Member

The lower part of this unit contains alternating layers of white,muddy to silty,micritic dolomite,banded cherty micritic and sparry dolomite with intercalations of bituminous dolostone.The upper part is composed mainly of gray and dark-gray,medium-to thick-bedded,sparry dolomite with bands of chert and black,bituminous dolostone.These microbial deposits are characterized by small,wavy,laminated and columnar stromatolites.

2)The Mopanyu Member

This member consists chiefly of white silty to shaly micritic dolomite and thick-bedded stromatolitic,sparry dolomite.Chert layers,chert concretions and flat-pebble cherty conglomerates occur in the lower part of the unit.The upper part contains some thick-bedded,bituminous sparry dolomite with wavy laminae of algae,with several large,conic stromatolitic and silicified oolitic beds atthe top.

3)The Ershilipu Member

This member is subdivided into a lowera nd an upper parts.The lowerp art consists of white,rhythmically layered shaly to silty micritic dolomite,gray calcareous to muddy dolomite and gray,calcareous micritic dolomite with layers of black chert.Red,shaly,silty or sandy micritic dolomite occur in the base of the lower unit.The upper part generally consist S of dark-gray and thick-bedded calcareous,micritic dolomite.

4)The Shanpoling Member

This member can be subdivided into al owera nd an upperp arts.The lowerp arti s composed of gray to grayish-white,calcareous,micritic dolomite and cherty micritic dolomite intercalated with bituminous dolostone.The upper part consists mainly of light gray,thin-bedded calcareous,micritic dolomite without chert.In addition,a bed of white dolomitic sandstone occurs at the bottom of the formation in the Jixian area,and a bed of glauconite-bearing stromatolite dolostone,several tens of meters thick,occurs at the top.

The Wumishan Formation contains abundant stromatolites and microscopic fossil algae.In addition to large varieties,there are many small stromatolites in this formation,namely Psoudogvmnosollen moponyueuse,S'chuphus parvas and Mlcrostylus deusus.These mini-stromatolites occur mainly in the Lozhuang(1 st)member and the lower part of the Ershilipu(3rd)member.The larger varieties,represented by Conophyteslituum,C.shanpolingese,Jacutophytonfurcatum and Colonnelladiscreta,occur mainly in the Mopanyu(2nd)member and the upper part of the Ershilipu(3rd)member.Some medium-sized stromatolites,such as Pseudochihsienela,Wumishanellaand Paraconophyton,occur at the top of the Shanpoling(4th)member.A multitude of fossil algae have been found in the black cherty layers of this formation.The most important are Palaeolynbya,Sphonophycus,Eoentophysalis,Oscillatoriopsis,Sacdyngbya,Hyxococcodes.Harythrixand Archeaoellipsotdes.In addition,Some eukaryotic algae,Such a S Pandorinepsis,Uronemopsi,Hyalothecopsis and Templuma,Pseudochihsienela,Wumishanellaand Paraconophytonare also present.

(8)The Hongshuizhuang Formation

This formation is only 131 m thick and is subdivided into a lowera nd an upper members.The lower member is composed of grayish or dark yellow,thin-bedded,muddy dolostone with some intercalations of black and green shale.The upper member is dominated by black and green shale containing very fine silty laminations.Al1 of these sediments were probably formed in a lagoon or bay.Many distinctive acritarchs with quadrangular,triangular,global and scaffold forms,such as Quadratimorpha,Triangumarpha,Leiofusa,Scaphida,Trachysphaeridium and Pseudezonosphera have been reported by Xing and Liu(1973).In addition,a few of filamental forms and carbonaceous megafossils such as Chuaria are also present.

(9)The Tie Iing Formation

The Tieling Formation,the uppermosts tratigraphic unito ft he Mesoproterozoic Jixian System,consists of two members:the lower shale member and the upper limestone member,which combined total about 330m in thickness.Based on the existence of a layer of「ferruginous sandstone」,a disconformity was formerly thought to exist between the two members.However,recent study shows that the「ferruginous sandstone」and associated rocks may simply be the procts of hydrothermal alteration.This layer,about 2m thick,consists ofjasper and Mn-bearing,dolomitic limestone.

Microscopic acritarchs and stromatolites have been found in the lower shale member and the upper limestone beds,respectively.The stromatolite S are very well developed and constitute a「stromatolitic palace」(Fig.3-8)in the Jixian area.They are represented by Kussiella,Scopulimorpla,Anabaria,Baicalia,Tielingellaand Chihsienella.The Tieling Formation i S disconformably overlain by the Xiamaling Formation,which belongs to the Neoproterozoic Qingkou System.

Fig.3-8 Stromatolites are very well developed in Tieling Formation

A—shape in longitudinal thin section;B—shape in transverse thin section

3.The Qingkou System

This system includes three formations,which constitute two integrated sedimentary cycles.The Xiamaling Formation,which consists of conglomerate,sandstone and shale,disconformably overlies the Tieling Formation,and is overlain by conglomerate,arkosic sandstone,glauconitic sandstone and shale of the Luotuoling Formation.The uppermost unit,the Jingeryu Formation,con Sists of limestone.The Qingkou System has a total thickness of 370 m and is disconformably overlain by the Cambrian Fujunshan Formation.

In the Jixian area,as in the mostp arts of North China,there was no sedimentation untilt he middle of the Early Cambrian.

(10)The Xiamaling Formation

A 168-m-thick layer of yellowish-green to grayish-green,clayey siltstone with lenticular sandstone beds disconformably overlying the Tieling Formation,is named as the Xiamaling Forma-tion after its original locality in the western Hills of Beijing(compare this with Stop 6in Route 2).These rocks have current marks,such as furrow casts and groove casts on the sandstone bedding planes along with mud cracks,suggesting deposition in a supratidal or intertidal environment.

Abundant acritarchs,such as Microconcentrica,Gloeocapsomorpha,Symplasso-sphaerdium and Tasmanites,have been recovered from the silty shales.These acritarchs have shapes and ornamen-tation that distinguish them from those in the underlying strata.

(11)The Luotuoling/Changlongshan Formation

This formation was formerly considered to be the lowerp arto ft he Jing'eryu Formation,and was designated the Changlongshan Subformation(Chen et al.,1980).Wang et al.(1980)named it the Changlongshan Formation,whereas Xing et al.(1989)suggested the name Luotuoling Formation after its type locality in the Jixian area.It disconformably overlies the Xiamaling Formation in the Jixian area or other older horizons in adjacent areas,and conformably underlies the Jing'eryu Formation.

The Luotuoling Formation,which is 118 m thick,begins with basal conglomerate followed successively upward by green and yellowish-green shale and glauconite-bearing,arkosic sandstone.The upper part of the formation is characterized by purple,gray and black shale.Two types of glauconite are present in the sandstones,a granular variety distributed along cross-bedding planes and interstitial cement.

(12)The Jing'eryu Formation

The Jing'eryu Formation was formerly designated as the upperp arto ft he「Jing'eryu Formation」(Chen et al.,1980),but many workers regard it as an independent formation.This unit is only 100 m thick in the Jixian area and consists mainly of variably colored limestone.The color changes successively upward from red,to grayish-green,light green,and grayish-brown to green at the top.Based on its sedimentary structures,these rocks were deposited in a subtidal environment.

The Jing'eryu Formation is disconformably overlain by the middle-lower Cambrian Fujunshan Formation,which contains a trilobite fauna of Redlichiachinensls(Walcott)and Megapalaeolenus fengyangensis(Chu)in dolomitized limestone.

㈣ 在電腦玩ro origin登錄不了谷歌賬號,是什麼問題呢



㈤ matlab里rotote什麼意思

rotate 函數在三維空間中旋轉圖形對象。

rotate(h,direction,alpha) 將圖形對象 h 旋轉 alpha 度。指定 h 為曲面、補片、線條、文本或圖像對象。direction 是一個二元素或三元素向量,它與旋轉軸原點共同確定旋轉軸。旋轉軸的默認原點是圖框中心。該點未必是坐標區的原點。

正 alpha 定義圍繞方向向量從旋轉原點伸展的右旋角度。

如果 h 為句柄數組,則所有對象必須為相同坐標區的子級。

rotate(...,origin) 將旋轉軸的原點指定為三元素向量 [x0,y0,z0]。

㈥ rectrospectively是什麼意思

retrospectively (法律, 付款等)有追溯力的

spelling wrong

㈦ 誰製作出了第一個網路游戲


世界上第一款網路游戲:1969年,一名叫瑞克·布羅米的美國人為PLATO遠程教學系統編寫了一款名為《太空大戰》的游戲,該游戲以誕生於麻省理工學院的第一款電腦游戲《太空大戰》為藍本,可以支持兩人遠程連線,有趣的是,1969年也正是ARPAnet(Advance Research Projects Agency Network)誕生的年份。大家知道,ARPAnet是美國國防部高級研究計劃署研製的世界上首個包交換網路,它的成功直接促成了互聯網以及傳輸控制協議(即TCP/IP)的誕生,不過這款游戲至今被人遺忘在角落裡,現在估計國內玩家沒有幾個知道吧。


1984年馬克·雅克布斯組建AUSI公司(《亞瑟王的暗黑時代》的開發者Mythic娛樂公司的前身),並推出遊戲《阿拉達特》(Aradath)。雅克布斯在自己家裡搭建了一個伺服器平台,安裝了8條電話線以運行這款文字角色扮演游戲,游戲的收費標准為每月40美元,這是網路游戲史上第一款採用包月制的網路游戲,包月制的收費方式有利於加速網路游戲的平民化進程,對網路游戲的普及將起到重要作用。遺憾的是,包月制在當時並沒有成長起來的條件,1990年AUSI公司為《龍門》(Dragon's Gate)定的價格為每小時20美元,盡管費率高得驚人,但仍有人願意每月花上2000多美元去玩這款游戲,因此在80年代末90年代初,包月制並未引起人們的關注。

1991年Sierra公司架設了世界上第一個專門用於網路游戲的服務平台--The Sierra Network(後改名為ImagiNation Network,1996年被AOL收購),這個平台有點類似於國內的聯眾游戲,它的第一個版本主要用於運行棋牌游戲(當時的比爾·蓋茨是一名狂熱的橋牌手,在Sierra Network上擁有自己的賬號,且常常光顧),第二個版本加入了《葉塞伯斯的陰影》(The Shadow of Yserbius)、《紅色伯爵》(Red Baron)和《幻想空間》(Leisure Suit Larry Vegas)等功能更為復雜的網路游戲。當時Sierra Network的運營者還曾同理查德·加利奧特聯系,希望把開發中的《網路創世紀》搬到Sierra Network上。隨後幾年內,MPG-Net、TEN、Engage和Mplayer等一批網路游戲專用平台相繼出現。


2000年7月 第一款真正意義上的中文網路圖形Mud游戲《萬王之王》正式推出,憑借優秀的游戲質量,配合特殊的歷史條件,《萬王之王》成為中國第一代網路游戲無可爭議的王者之作。中國網路游戲的運營機制也通過《萬王之王》得到了建立,而其誘出的潛在市場成為吸引更多公司沖擊網路游戲市場的直接原因。兩個月後智冠也隨之推出《網路三國》與同期的《萬王之王》分庭抗禮,並且贏得了不錯的口碑。








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