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1. 求一個A*演算法的C語言或C++代碼,小弟不勝感激,謝謝

1#include <iostream>
2#include <queue>
3usingnamespace std;
5struct knight{
6int x,y,step;
7int g,h,f;
8booloperator< (const knight & k) const{ //重載比較運算符
9return f > k.f;
10 }
12bool visited[8][8]; //已訪問標記(關閉列表)
13int x1,y1,x2,y2,ans; //起點(x1,y1),終點(x2,y2),最少移動次數ans
14int dirs[8][2]={{-2,-1},{-2,1},{2,-1},{2,1},{-1,-2},{-1,2},{1,-2},{1,2}};//8個移動方向
15priority_queue<knight> que; //最小優先順序隊列(開啟列表)
17boolin(const knight & a){ //判斷knight是否在棋盤內
18if(a.x<0|| a.y<0|| a.x>=8|| a.y>=8)
22int Heuristic(const knight &a){ //manhattan估價函數
23return (abs(a.x-x2)+abs(a.y-y2))*10;
25void Astar(){ //A*演算法
26 knight t,s;
28 t=que.top(),que.pop(),visited[t.x][t.y]=true;
29if(t.x==x2 && t.y==y2){
30 ans=t.step;
32 }
33for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
34 s.x=t.x+dirs[i][0],s.y=t.y+dirs[i][1];
35if(in(s) &&!visited[s.x][s.y]){
36 s.g = t.g +23; //23表示根號5乘以10再取其ceil
37 s.h = Heuristic(s);
38 s.f = s.g + s.h;
39 s.step = t.step +1;
40 que.push(s);
41 }
42 }
43 }
45int main(){
46char line[5];
48 x1=line[0]-'a',y1=line[1]-'1',x2=line[3]-'a',y2=line[4]-'1';
49 memset(visited,false,sizeof(visited));
50 k.x=x1,k.y=y1,k.g=k.step=0,k.h=Heuristic(k),k.f=k.g+k.h;
51while(!que.empty()) que.pop();
52 que.push(k);
53 Astar();
54 printf("To get from %c%c to %c%c takes %d knight moves.\n",line[0],line[1],line[3],line[4],ans);
55 }

2. 求8數碼A或A*演算法(用C語言)

//dfs+hash+記憶化 爐灰出品
#include "stdio.h"
#define N 4
#define swap(a,b) a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b;
int map[N][N]/*={{0,0,0,0},{0,1,2,3},{0,8,0,4},{0,7,6,5}}*/,hashta[99991]={0},path[2000]={0},min=150,book[N][N]={0},H=0,step=0,choos[5]={0},len=0;

int hash(int x,int y,int temp[N][N])
{ int i=0,j=0,k=1,sum=0;
{ for(j=1;j<N;j++)
{ sum=sum*x+temp[i][j]*k-2;
return sum;
void dfs(int x,int y)
{ int i=0,j=0,k=0,p=0,mark=0,temp=0,h=0;
if(step>min) return;
{ if( step<min )
{ min=step;
return ;
if( hashta[h]!=0 ) {return ;}
{ step++;
{ step++;
{ step++;
{ step++;
int main(void)
{ int i=0,j=0,mark=0,k=0,p=0,x=0,y=0;
{ for(j=1;j<N;j++)
{ scanf("%d",&map[i][j]);
{ for(j=1;j<N;j++)
{ scanf("%d",&book[i][j]);
if(book[i][j]==0) {x=i;y=j;}
if(hashta[H]!=0) printf("%d\n",min);
else printf("-1\n");
return 0;
因為原程序和此題稍有不同而臨時修改,所以可能還有點問題。 qiji8816你自己再看看吧,反正修改前是可以運行的。^_^

3. 急求用C實現的Apriori演算法的 代碼


File : apriori.h
Contents: apriori algorithm for finding frequent item sets
(specialized version for FIMI 2003 workshop)
Author : Christian Borgelt
History : 15.08.2003 file created from normal apriori.c
16.08.2003 parameter for transaction filtering added
18.08.2003 dynamic filtering decision based on times added
21.08.2003 transaction sort changed to heapsort
20.09.2003 output file made optional
Modified by : Frédéric Flouvat
Modifications : store the positive and negative border into an
an input trie for ABS
process stastical informations on dataset to stop
the apriori classical iterations
Author : Frédéric Flouvat
#ifndef APRIRORI_H
#define APRIRORI_H

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MAXIMAL

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "tract.h"
#include "istree.h"
#include "Application.h"

Preprocessor Definitions
#define PRGNAME "fim/apriori"
#define DESCRIPTION "frequent item sets miner for FIMI 2003"
#define VERSION "version 1.7 (2003.12.02) " \
"(c) 2003 Christian Borgelt"

/* --- error codes --- */
#define E_OPTION (-5) /* unknown option */
#define E_OPTARG (-6) /* missing option argument */
#define E_ARGCNT (-7) /* too few/many arguments */
#define E_SUPP (-8) /* invalid minimum support */
#define E_NOTAS (-9) /* no items or transactions */
#define E_UNKNOWN (-18) /* unknown error */

#ifndef QUIET /* if not quiet version */
#define MSG(x) x /* print messages */
#else /* if quiet version */
#define MSG(x) /* suppress messages */

#define SEC_SINCE(t) ((clock()-(t)) /(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
#define RECCNT(s) (tfs_reccnt(is_tfscan(s)) \
+ ((tfs_delim(is_tfscan(s)) == TFS_REC) ? 0 : 1))
#define BUFFER(s) tfs_buf(is_tfscan(s))

#ifndef QUIET /* if not quiet version */

/* --- error messages --- */
static const char *errmsgs[] = {
/* E_NONE 0 */ "no error\n",
/* E_NOMEM -1 */ "not enough memory\n",
/* E_FOPEN -2 */ "cannot open file %s\n",
/* E_FREAD -3 */ "read error on file %s\n",
/* E_FWRITE -4 */ "write error on file %s\n",
/* E_OPTION -5 */ "unknown option -%c\n",
/* E_OPTARG -6 */ "missing option argument\n",
/* E_ARGCNT -7 */ "wrong number of arguments\n",
/* E_SUPP -8 */ "invalid minimal support %d\n",
/* E_NOTAS -9 */ "no items or transactions to work on\n",
/* -10 to -15 */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
/* E_ITEMEXP -16 */ "file %s, record %d: item expected\n",
/* E_DUPITEM -17 */ "file %s, record %d: plicate item %s\n",
/* E_UNKNOWN -18 */ "unknown error\n"

Global Variables
#ifndef QUIET
static char *prgname; /* program name for error messages */
static ITEMSET *itemset = NULL; /* item set */
static TASET *taset = NULL; /* transaction set */
static TATREE *tatree = NULL; /* transaction tree */
static ISTREE *istree = NULL; /* item set tree */
static FILE *in = NULL; /* input file */
static FILE *out = NULL; /* output file */

extern "C" TATREE * apriori( char*fn_in, char*fn_out, int supp, int & level,
Trie * bdPapriori, Trie * bdn, set<Element> * relist, double ratioNfC, double & eps, int ismax,
vector< unsigned int > * stat, int & maxBdP, bool & generatedFk, bool verbose ) ;


File : apriori.c
Contents: apriori algorithm for finding frequent item sets
(specialized version for FIMI 2003 workshop)
Author : Christian Borgelt
History : 15.08.2003 file created from normal apriori.c
16.08.2003 parameter for transaction filtering added
18.08.2003 dynamic filtering decision based on times added
21.08.2003 transaction sort changed to heapsort
20.09.2003 output file made optional
Modified by : Frédéric Flouvat
Modifications : store the positive and negative border into an
an input trie for ABS
process stastical informations on dataset to stop
the apriori classical iterations
Author : Frédéric Flouvat

#include "apriori.h"

Main Functions

static void error (int code, ...)
{ /* --- print an error message */
#ifndef QUIET /* if not quiet version */
va_list args; /* list of variable arguments */
const char *msg; /* error message */

assert(prgname); /* check the program name */
if (code < E_UNKNOWN) code = E_UNKNOWN;
if (code < 0) { /* if to report an error, */
msg = errmsgs[-code]; /* get the error message */
if (!msg) msg = errmsgs[-E_UNKNOWN];
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: ", prgname);
va_start(args, code); /* get variable arguments */
vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);/* print error message */
va_end(args); /* end argument evaluation */
#ifndef NDEBUG /* if debug version */
if (istree) ist_delete(istree);
if (tatree) tat_delete(tatree);
if (taset) tas_delete(taset, 0);
if (itemset) is_delete(itemset);
if (in) fclose(in); /* clean up memory */
if (out) fclose(out); /* and close files */
exit(code); /* abort the program */
} /* error() */


TATREE * apriori( char*fn_in, char*fn_out, int supp, int & level, Trie * bdPapriori,
Trie * bdn , set<Element> * relist , double ratioNfC, double & eps,int ismax,
vector< unsigned int > * stat, int & maxBdP, bool & generatedFk, bool verbose )
int i, k, n; /* loop variables, counters */
int tacnt = 0; /* number of transactions */
int max = 0; /* maximum transaction size */
int empty = 1; /* number of empty item sets */
int *map, *set; /* identifier map, item set */
char *usage; /* flag vector for item usage */
clock_t t, tt, tc, x; /* timer for measurements */

double actNfC = 1 ;
double avgNfC = 0 ;
int nbgen = 0 ;
int nbfreq = 0 ;
level = 1 ;
bool endApriori = false ; // boolean to stop the initial classial apriori approach
int bdnsize = 0 ; // number of itemsets found infrequent

/* --- create item set and transaction set --- */
itemset = is_create(); /* create an item set and */
if (!itemset) error(E_NOMEM); /* set the special characters */
taset = tas_create(itemset); /* create a transaction set */
if (!taset) error(E_NOMEM); /* to store the transactions */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "\n")); /* terminate the startup message */

/* --- read transactions --- */
if( verbose )MSG(fprintf(stderr, "reading %s ... ", fn_in));
t = clock(); /* start the timer and */
in = fopen(fn_in, "r"); /* open the input file */
if (!in) error(E_FOPEN, fn_in);
for (tacnt = 0; 1; tacnt++) { /* transaction read loop */
k = is_read(itemset, in); /* read the next transaction */
if (k < 0) error(k, fn_in, RECCNT(itemset), BUFFER(itemset));
if (k > 0) break; /* check for error and end of file */
k = is_tsize(itemset); /* update the maximal */
if (k > max) max = k; /* transaction size */
if (taset && (tas_add(taset, NULL, 0) != 0))
error(E_NOMEM); /* add the loaded transaction */
} /* to the transaction set */
fclose(in); in = NULL; /* close the input file */
n = is_cnt(itemset); /* get the number of items */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "[%d item(s),", n));
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, " %d transaction(s)] done ", tacnt));
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "[%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));

/* --- sort and recode items --- */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "sorting and recoding items ... "));
t = clock(); /* start the timer */
map = (int*)malloc(is_cnt(itemset) *sizeof(int));
if (!map) error(E_NOMEM); /* create an item identifier map */
n = is_recode(itemset, supp, 2, map); /* 2: sorting mode */
tas_recode(taset, map, n); /* recode the loaded transactions */
max = tas_max(taset); /* get the new maximal t.a. size */

// use in the other part of the implementation to have the corresponding
// identifiant to an internal id
stat->reserve( n+2 ) ;
stat->push_back( 0 ) ;
for(int j= 0; j< n ; j++ )
stat->push_back( 0 ) ;
relist->insert( Element( atoi( is_name( itemset, j ) ) ,j) );

if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "[%d item(s)] ", n));
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));

/* --- create a transaction tree --- */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "creating transaction tree ... "));
t = clock(); /* start the timer */
tatree = tat_create(taset,1); /* create a transaction tree */
if (!tatree) error(E_NOMEM); /* (compactify transactions) */
tt = clock() -t; /* note the construction time */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));

/* --- create an item set tree --- */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "checking subsets of size 1"));
t = clock(); tc = 0; /* start the timer and */
istree = ist_create(n, supp); /* create an item set tree */
if (!istree) error(E_NOMEM);
for (k = n; --k >= 0; ) /* set single item frequencies */
ist_setcnt(istree, k, is_getfrq(itemset, k));
ist_settac(istree, tacnt); /* set the number of transactions */
usage = (char*)malloc(n *sizeof(char));
if (!usage) error(E_NOMEM); /* create a item usage vector */

/* --- check item subsets --- */
while (ist_height(istree) < max && ( ( ismax == -1 && endApriori == false )
|| ist_height(istree) < ismax )
nbgen = 0 ;
nbfreq = 0 ;

level ++ ;

i = ist_check(istree,usage);/* check current item usage */

if (i < max) max = i; /* update the maximum set size */
if (ist_height(istree) >= i) break;

k = ist_addlvl(istree, nbgen); /* while max. height is not reached, */

if (k < 0) error(E_NOMEM); /* add a level to the item set tree */
if (k != 0) break; /* if no level was added, abort */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, " %d", ist_height(istree)));
if ((i < n) /* check item usage on current level */
&& (i *(double)tt < 0.1 *n *tc)) {
n = i; x = clock(); /* if items were removed and */
tas_filter(taset, usage); /* the counting time is long enough, */
tat_delete(tatree); /* remove unnecessary items */
tatree = tat_create(taset, 1);
if (!tatree) error(E_NOMEM);
tt = clock() -x; /* rebuild the transaction tree and */
} /* note the new construction time */
x = clock(); /* start the timer */

ist_countx(istree, tatree, nbfreq, istree->supp ); /* count the transaction tree */

tc = clock() -x; /* in the item set tree */

actNfC = 1-double(nbfreq)/double(nbgen) ;
avgNfC = avgNfC + actNfC ;

if( verbose )
cout<<" \t Fk : "<<nbfreq<<" Ck : "<<nbgen<<" NFk/Ck "<<actNfC<<" avg NFk/Ck "<<avgNfC/(level-1)<<endl;

bdnsize += nbgen - nbfreq ;

if( level >=4 && ( bdnsize / nbgen < 1.5 ) && ( bdnsize > 100 ) )
if( actNfC < ratioNfC )
eps = 0 ;
endApriori = true ;
else if( actNfC > 0.25 )
endApriori = true ;


} /* and note the new counting time */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, " done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));

/* --- filter item sets --- */
t = clock(); /* start the timer */
#ifdef MAXIMAL /* filter maximal item sets */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "filtering maximal item sets ... "));

if( ratioNfC == 0 || nbgen < k+1 || ist_height(istree)>= max )
ist_filter2(istree, IST_MAXFRQ, 0);
ist_filter2(istree, IST_MAXFRQ, bdn);

if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, " done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));
empty = (n <= 0) ? 1 : 0; /* check whether the empty item set */
#endif /* is maximal */
#ifdef CLOSED /* filter closed item sets */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "filtering closed item sets ... "));
ist_filter(istree, IST_CLOSED);
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, " done [%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));
for (k = n; --k >= 0; ) /* check for an item in all t.a. */
if (is_getfrq(itemset, k) == tacnt) break;
empty = (k <= 0) ? 1 : 0; /* check whether the empty item set */
#endif /* is closed */

/* --- print item sets --- */
for (i = ist_height(istree); --i >= 0; )
map[i] = 0; /* clear the item set counters */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "writing %s ... ", (fn_out) ? fn_out : "<none>"));
t = clock(); /* start the timer and */
if (fn_out) { /* if an output file is given, */
out = fopen(fn_out, "w"); /* open the output file */
if (!out) error(E_FOPEN, fn_out);
if (empty) fprintf(out, " (%d)\n", tacnt);
} /* report empty item set */
ist_init(istree); /* init. the item set extraction */
set = is_tract(itemset); /* get the transaction buffer */
for (n = empty; 1; n++) { /* extract item sets from the tree */

k = ist_set(istree, set, &supp);

if (k <= 0) break; /* get the next frequent item set */
map[k-1]++; /* count the item set */
if (fn_out) { /* if an output file is given */
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { /* traverse the items */
fputs(is_name(itemset, set[i]), out);
fputc(' ', out); /* print the name of the next item */
} /* followed by a separator */
fprintf(out, "(%d)\n", supp);
} /* print the item set's support */
short unsigned * is = new short unsigned[k] ;

for (i = 0; i < k; i++) /* traverse the items */
is[i] = set[i] ;
if( k < level || nbgen < k+1 || ist_height(istree)>= max )
bdPapriori->insert(is, k ,supp ) ;

(*stat)[ 0 ] ++;
(*stat)[ k+1 ]++;

if( maxBdP < k )
maxBdP = k ;

generatedFk = true ;


delete[] is;

if (fn_out) { /* if an output file is given */
if (fflush(out) != 0) error(E_FWRITE, fn_out);
if (out != stdout) fclose(out);
out = NULL; /* close the output file */
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "[%d set(s)] done ", n));
if( verbose ) MSG(fprintf(stderr, "[%.2fs].\n", SEC_SINCE(t)));

/* --- print item set statistics --- */
k = ist_height(istree); /* find last nonzero counter */
if ((k > 0) && (map[k-1] <= 0)) k--;
if( verbose ){
printf("%d\n", empty); /* print the numbers of item sets */
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) printf("%d\n", map[i]);

/* --- clean up --- */
#ifndef NDEBUG /* if this is a debug version */
free(usage); /* delete the item usage vector */
free(map); /* and the identifier map */
ist_delete(istree); /* delete the item set tree, */

if (taset) tas_delete(taset, 0); /* the transaction set, */
is_delete(itemset); /* and the item set */

return tatree ;


4. 求A* 演算法C語言源程序

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <time.h>
#define NULL 0

const int nmax = 200;
const int nend = 99; /*終點坐標的代表點*/
static char achar[10][10];
static int npayo = 0; /*0 表示空 1為非空*/
static int npayc = 0; /*0 表示空 1為非空*/
static int npay_x = 0; /*起點*/
static int npay_y = 0;
static int nend_x = 9; /*終點*/
static int nend_y = 9;
static int nnewpay_x;
static int nnewpay_y;
static int ndian = 101;
static int nh;
static long i = 10000000L;

struct Spaydian
int ng;
int nf; /*路徑評分*/
int nmy_x; /*自己位置*/
int nmy_y;
int nfatherx; /*父節點*/
int nfathery;
int nflag; /* 0 wei O; 1 wei @ */
static struct Spaydian spaydian[200];

/* open close list 表 */
typedef struct spaylist
int n_f;
int n_x;
int n_y;
int nfather_x;
int nfather_y;
struct spaylist *next;
static struct spaylist *open_list, *close_list;

static void smline();
static int sjudge(int nx,int ny,int i); /*判斷在第nx列ny行向第i個方向走是否可以,可以返回1否則返回0。
static void spath();
static void spayshow(int nxx,int nyy);
static int sifopen( int nx,int ny); /*判斷點是否在 open 表上*/
static int sifclose(int nx,int ny); /*判斷點是否在 close 表上*/
static int snewx(int nx,int i);
static int snewy(int ny,int i);
static spaylist *creat(); /*建立鏈表*/
static spaylist *del(spaylist *head,int num_x,int num_y); /*刪除鏈表的結點*/
static spaylist *snewdianx(spaylist *head);/*新的點*/
static spaylist *snewdiany(spaylist *head);
static spaylist *insert(spaylist *head,int ndian); /* 點插入鏈表 */
static spaylist *srebirth(spaylist *head,int ndian); /*更新表*/

int main()
FILE *fp ;
char ach ;
int ni = 0 ; /*統計個數*/
int nii = 0; /*achar[nii][njj]*/
int njj = 0;
if ((fp=fopen("route.txt","rt")) == NULL) /* 判斷打開文件是否為空 */
return 0;
/* exit(1);*/
ach = fgetc(fp);
while(ach != EOF)
if(ach == 'O' || ach == '@') /*當值為@或O時候*/
spaydian[ni].ng = 0;
spaydian[ni].nf = nmax;
spaydian[ni].nmy_x = njj;
spaydian[ni].nmy_y = nii;
spaydian[ni].nfathery = -1;
spaydian[ni].nfatherx = -1;
if(ach == '@')
spaydian[ni].nflag = 1;
else if(ach == 'O')
spaydian[ni].nflag = 0;
achar[nii][njj] = ach;
if(njj == 10)
njj = 0;
} /*end if*/
ach = fgetc(fp);
}/*end while*/
smline(); /* a*演算法 */
for(int i=0;i<10;i++ )
{ for(int j=0;j<10;j++ )
if (j==9)
return 0;

/* a* 演算法 */
static void smline()
{ close_list = open_list = NULL;
open_list = creat();
while(open_list != NULL) /* 當open 表不為空時 */
open_list = del(open_list,npay_x,npay_y); /*刪除open 鏈表的結點*/
if(npay_x == 9 && npay_y == 9)

achar[9][9] = '=';
spath(); /*尋找並畫出路徑*/
for (int i=1; i<=4; i++) /*四個方向逐個行走,i=1向右 2向下 3向左 4向上*/
if (sjudge(npay_x,npay_y,i))

nnewpay_x = snewx(npay_x,i);
nnewpay_y = snewy(npay_y,i);
if(open_list != NULL)
npayo = sifopen(nnewpay_x,nnewpay_y) ; /*判斷點是否在 open 表中*/
npayo = 0;

if(close_list != NULL)
npayc = sifclose(nnewpay_x,nnewpay_y) ; /*判斷點是否在 close 表中*/
npayc = 0;
ndian = 10*nnewpay_x+nnewpay_y ;

if (npayo == 0 && npayc == 0 ) /*點不在open表也不在close表中*/
spaydian[ndian].ng = spaydian[10*npay_x+npay_y].ng + 1; /*更新點的基本信息*/
nh = (nend - ndian)/10 + (nend - ndian)%10 ;
spaydian[ndian].nf = spaydian[ndian].ng+nh;
spaydian[ndian].nfathery = npay_y;
spaydian[ndian].nfatherx = npay_x;
spaydian[ndian].nmy_y = nnewpay_y;
spaydian[ndian].nmy_x = nnewpay_x;

open_list = insert(open_list,ndian);/*點插入open 表中*/
else if (npayo == 1) /*點在open表中*/
spaydian[ndian].ng = spaydian[10*npay_x+npay_y].ng + 1;
nh = (nend - ndian)/10 + (nend - ndian)%10 ;
if(spaydian[ndian].nf > (spaydian[ndian].ng+nh) && spaydian[ndian].nf != nmax)
spaydian[ndian].nf = spaydian[ndian].ng+nh;
open_list = srebirth(open_list,ndian); /*點插入open 表中*/
else if(npayc == 1) /*新生成的點在close表中*/
spaydian[ndian].ng = spaydian[10*npay_x+npay_y].ng + 1;
nh = (nend - ndian)/10 + (nend - ndian)%10 ;
if(spaydian[ndian].nf > (spaydian[ndian].ng+nh) && spaydian[ndian].nf != nmax)
spaydian[ndian].nf = spaydian[ndian].ng+nh;
close_list = srebirth(close_list,ndian);
close_list = del(close_list,nnewpay_x,nnewpay_y); /*刪除close鏈表的結點*/
open_list = insert(open_list,ndian);/*點插入open 表中*/
}/*end else if*/
}/*end if*/
}/*end for*/
close_list = insert(close_list,(10*npay_x+npay_y));/*點插入close 表中*/
if(open_list != NULL)
npay_x = open_list->n_x;
npay_y = open_list->n_y;

}/*end while*/
if(open_list == NULL)
{printf("無路可走 \n");}

spaylist *creat(void)
spaylist *head;
spaylist *p1;
int n=0;
p1->n_f = 18;
p1->n_x = 0;
p1->n_y = 0;
p1->nfather_x = -1;
p1->nfather_x = -1;
p1->next = NULL;
head = NULL;

spaylist *del(spaylist *head,int num_x,int num_y)
spaylist *p1, *p2;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\nlist null!\n");
return (head);
p1 = head;
while((num_y != p1->n_y ||num_x != p1->n_x )&& p1->next != NULL)
if(num_x == p1->n_x && num_y == p1->n_y )

return (head);

static void spath()
int nxx;
int nyy;
nxx = spaydian[nend].nfatherx;
nyy = spaydian[nend].nfathery;

spayshow(nxx,nyy) ;

void spayshow(int nxx,int nyy)
{ achar[nxx][nyy] = '=';
if( nxx != 0 || nyy != 0 )
int nxxyy = 10*nxx+nyy;
nxx = spaydian[nxxyy].nfatherx;
nyy = spaydian[nxxyy].nfathery;

/* 判斷周圍四個點是否可行 */
static int sjudge(int nx,int ny,int i)
if (i==1) /*判斷向右可否行走*/
if (achar[nx][ny+1]=='O' && ny<9)
return 1;
return 0;
else if (i==2) /*判斷向下可否行走*/
if (achar[nx+1][ny]=='O' && nx<9)
return 1;
return 0;
else if (i==3)/*判斷向左可否行走 */
if (ny > 0&&achar[nx][ny-1]=='O')
return 1;
return 0;
else if (i==4)/*判斷向上可否行走 */
if (nx > 0&&achar[nx-1][ny]=='O')
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;

/* 求新的x點 */
static int snewx(int nx,int i)
if(i == 1)
nx = nx;
else if(i == 2)
nx = nx+1;
else if(i == 3)
nx = nx;
else if(i == 4)
nx = nx-1;
return nx;
/* 求新的y點 */
static int snewy(int ny, int i)
if(i == 1)
ny = ny+1;
else if(i == 2)
ny = ny;
else if(i == 3)
ny = ny-1;
else if(i == 4)
ny = ny;
return ny;

int sifopen(int nx,int ny)
spaylist *p1, *p2;
p1 = open_list;
while((ny != p1->n_y || nx != p1->n_x )&& p1->next != NULL)
p2 = p1;
p1 = p1->next;
if(nx == p1->n_x && ny == p1->n_y)
return 1;
return 0;

int sifclose(int nx,int ny)

spaylist *p1, *p2;
p1 = close_list;
while((ny != p1->n_y ||nx != p1->n_x )&& p1->next != NULL)
if(nx == p1->n_x && ny == p1->n_y)
return 1;
return 0;

spaylist * insert(spaylist *head,int ndian)
spaylist *p0,*p1,*p2;
p0->n_f = spaydian[ndian].nf;
p0->n_x = spaydian[ndian].nmy_x;
p0->n_y = spaydian[ndian].nmy_y;
p0->nfather_x = spaydian[ndian].nfatherx;
p0->nfather_x = spaydian[ndian].nfathery;
p0->next = NULL;
while((p0->n_f > p1->n_f)&&(p1->next!=NULL))
if(p0->n_f <= p1->n_f)
return (head);

/* 更新鏈表 */
spaylist * srebirth(spaylist *head,int ndian)
spaylist *p1, *p2;
p1->n_f = spaydian[ndian].nf;
return (head);

5. c語言中a+=a-=a*=a這個表達式的演算法是怎麼算的


6. A*搜尋演算法的代碼實現(C語言實現)

用C語言實現A*最短路徑搜索演算法,作者 Tittup frog(跳跳蛙)。 #include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>#defineMaxLength100 //用於優先隊列(Open表)的數組#defineHeight15 //地圖高度#defineWidth20 //地圖寬度#defineReachable0 //可以到達的結點#defineBar1 //障礙物#definePass2 //需要走的步數#defineSource3 //起點#defineDestination4 //終點#defineSequential0 //順序遍歷#defineNoSolution2 //無解決方案#defineInfinity0xfffffff#defineEast(1<<0)#defineSouth_East(1<<1)#defineSouth(1<<2)#defineSouth_West(1<<3)#defineWest(1<<4)#defineNorth_West(1<<5)#defineNorth(1<<6)#defineNorth_East(1<<7)typedefstruct{ signedcharx,y;}Point;constPointdir[8]={ {0,1},//East {1,1},//South_East {1,0},//South {1,-1},//South_West {0,-1},//West {-1,-1},//North_West {-1,0},//North {-1,1}//North_East};unsignedcharwithin(intx,inty){ return(x>=0&&y>=0 &&x<Height&&y<Width);}typedefstruct{ intx,y; unsignedcharreachable,sur,value;}MapNode;typedefstructClose{ MapNode*cur; charvis; structClose*from; floatF,G; intH;}Close;typedefstruct//優先隊列(Open表){ intlength; //當前隊列的長度 Close*Array[MaxLength]; //評價結點的指針}Open;staticMapNodegraph[Height][Width];staticintsrcX,srcY,dstX,dstY; //起始點、終點staticCloseclose[Height][Width];//優先隊列基本操作voidinitOpen(Open*q) //優先隊列初始化{ q->length=0; //隊內元素數初始為0}voidpush(Open*q,Closecls[Height][Width],intx,inty,floatg){ //向優先隊列(Open表)中添加元素 Close*t; inti,mintag; cls[x][y].G=g; //所添加節點的坐標 cls[x][y].F=cls[x][y].G+cls[x][y].H; q->Array[q->length++]=&(cls[x][y]); mintag=q->length-1; for(i=0;i<q->length-1;i++) { if(q->Array[i]->F<q->Array[mintag]->F) { mintag=i; } } t=q->Array[q->length-1]; q->Array[q->length-1]=q->Array[mintag]; q->Array[mintag]=t; //將評價函數值最小節點置於隊頭}Close*shift(Open*q){ returnq->Array[--q->length];}//地圖初始化操作voidinitClose(Closecls[Height][Width],intsx,intsy,intdx,intdy){ //地圖Close表初始化配置 inti,j; for(i=0;i<Height;i++) { for(j=0;j<Width;j++) { cls[i][j].cur=&graph[i][j]; //Close表所指節點 cls[i][j].vis=!graph[i][j].reachable; //是否被訪問 cls[i][j].from=NULL; //所來節點 cls[i][j].G=cls[i][j].F=0; cls[i][j].H=abs(dx-i)+abs(dy-j); //評價函數值 } } cls[sx][sy].F=cls[sx][sy].H; //起始點評價初始值 // cls[sy][sy].G=0; //移步花費代價值 cls[dx][dy].G=Infinity;}voidinitGraph(constintmap[Height][Width],intsx,intsy,intdx,intdy){ //地圖發生變化時重新構造地 inti,j; srcX=sx; //起點X坐標 srcY=sy; //起點Y坐標 dstX=dx; //終點X坐標 dstY=dy; //終點Y坐標 for(i=0;i<Height;i++) { for(j=0;j<Width;j++) { graph[i][j].x=i;//地圖坐標X graph[i][j].y=j;//地圖坐標Y graph[i][j].value=map[i][j]; graph[i][j].reachable=(graph[i][j].value==Reachable); //節點可到達性 graph[i][j].sur=0;//鄰接節點個數 if(!graph[i][j].reachable) { continue; } if(j>0) { if(graph[i][j-1].reachable) //left節點可以到達 { graph[i][j].sur|=West; graph[i][j-1].sur|=East; } if(i>0) { if(graph[i-1][j-1].reachable &&graph[i-1][j].reachable &&graph[i][j-1].reachable) //up-left節點可以到達 { graph[i][j].sur|=North_West; graph[i-1][j-1].sur|=South_East; } } } if(i>0) { if(graph[i-1][j].reachable) //up節點可以到達 { graph[i][j].sur|=North; graph[i-1][j].sur|=South; } if(j<Width-1) { if(graph[i-1][j+1].reachable &&graph[i-1][j].reachable &&map[i][j+1]==Reachable)//up-right節點可以到達 { graph[i][j].sur|=North_East; graph[i-1][j+1].sur|=South_West; } } } } }}intbfs(){ inttimes=0; inti,curX,curY,surX,surY; unsignedcharf=0,r=1; Close*p; Close*q[MaxLength]={&close[srcX][srcY]}; initClose(close,srcX,srcY,dstX,dstY); close[srcX][srcY].vis=1; while(r!=f) { p=q[f]; f=(f+1)%MaxLength; curX=p->cur->x; curY=p->cur->y; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(!(p->cur->sur&(1<<i))) { continue; } surX=curX+dir[i].x; surY=curY+dir[i].y; if(!close[surX][surY].vis) { close[surX][surY].from=p; close[surX][surY].vis=1; close[surX][surY].G=p->G+1; q[r]=&close[surX][surY]; r=(r+1)%MaxLength; } } times++; } returntimes;}intastar(){ //A*演算法遍歷 //inttimes=0; inti,curX,curY,surX,surY; floatsurG; Openq;//Open表 Close*p; initOpen(&q); initClose(close,srcX,srcY,dstX,dstY); close[srcX][srcY].vis=1; push(&q,close,srcX,srcY,0); while(q.length) { //times++; p=shift(&q); curX=p->cur->x; curY=p->cur->y; if(!p->H) { returnSequential; } for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(!(p->cur->sur&(1<<i))) { continue; } surX=curX+dir[i].x; surY=curY+dir[i].y; if(!close[surX][surY].vis) { close[surX][surY].vis=1; close[surX][surY].from=p; surG=p->G+sqrt((curX-surX)*(curX-surX)+(curY-surY)*(curY-surY)); push(&q,close,surX,surY,surG); } } } //printf("times:%d ",times); returnNoSolution;//無結果}constintmap[Height][Width]={ {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}, {0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0}, {0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1}, {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}};constcharSymbol[5][3]={"□","▓","▽","☆","◎"};voidprintMap(){ inti,j; for(i=0;i<Height;i++) { for(j=0;j<Width;j++) { printf("%s",Symbol[graph[i][j].value]); } puts(""); } puts("");}Close*getShortest(){ //獲取最短路徑 intresult=astar(); Close*p,*t,*q=NULL; switch(result) { caseSequential: //順序最近 p=&(close[dstX][dstY]); while(p) //轉置路徑 { t=p->from; p->from=q; q=p; p=t; } close[srcX][srcY].from=q->from; return&(close[srcX][srcY]); caseNoSolution: returnNULL; } returnNULL;}staticClose*start;staticintshortestep;intprintShortest(){ Close*p; intstep=0; p=getShortest(); start=p; if(!p) { return0; } else { while(p->from) { graph[p->cur->x][p->cur->y].value=Pass; printf("(%d,%d)→ ",p->cur->x,p->cur->y); p=p->from; step++; } printf("(%d,%d) ",p->cur->x,p->cur->y); graph[srcX][srcY].value=Source; graph[dstX][dstY].value=Destination; returnstep; }}voidclearMap(){ //ClearMapMarksofSteps Close*p=start; while(p) { graph[p->cur->x][p->cur->y].value=Reachable; p=p->from; } graph[srcX][srcY].value=map[srcX][srcY]; graph[dstX][dstY].value=map[dstX][dstY];}voidprintDepth(){ inti,j; for(i=0;i<Height;i++) { for(j=0;j<Width;j++) { if(map[i][j]) { printf("%s",Symbol[graph[i][j].value]); } else { printf("%2.0lf",close[i][j].G); } } puts(""); } puts("");}voidprintSur(){ inti,j; for(i=0;i<Height;i++) { for(j=0;j<Width;j++) { printf("%02x",graph[i][j].sur); } puts(""); } puts("");}voidprintH(){ inti,j; for(i=0;i<Height;i++) { for(j=0;j<Width;j++) { printf("%02d",close[i][j].H); } puts(""); } puts("");}intmain(intargc,constchar**argv){ initGraph(map,0,0,0,0); printMap(); while(scanf("%d%d%d%d",&srcX,&srcY,&dstX,&dstY)!=EOF) { if(within(srcX,srcY)&&within(dstX,dstY)) { if(shortestep=printShortest()) { printf("從(%d,%d)到(%d,%d)的最短步數是:%d ", srcX,srcY,dstX,dstY,shortestep); printMap(); clearMap(); bfs(); //printDepth(); puts((shortestep==close[dstX][dstY].G)?"正確":"錯誤"); clearMap(); } else { printf("從(%d,%d)不可到達(%d,%d) ", srcX,srcY,dstX,dstY); } } else { puts("輸入錯誤!"); } } return(0);}

7. 用C語言怎麼編一個a^n(a的n次方)的演算法

int npower(int a,unsigned int n)
return 1;
return a*npower(a,n-1);

void main()



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