導航:首頁 > 源碼編譯 > ise從新分配引腳後編譯不通過


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Ⅰ ISE14.7編譯不能生成bit文件,求大神解答


Ⅱ 急!ISE引腳無法分配問題(懸賞50分)


Ⅲ 我的電腦ise8.1i在時序編程時為什麼老說vc++編譯不成功


Ⅳ ise編譯完成生成沒成功


Ⅳ ISE12.3實現ERROR:MapLib:30 - LOC constraint G12 on Reset is invalid: No such site on the device.


Ⅵ xilinx ISE編譯出錯 out of date


Ⅶ ISE 分配差分引腳,用了OBUFDS原語,進入PlanAhead 之後提示Could not create 'SLEW'


Ⅷ ise為什麼刪除一些輸入引腳會報錯

因為你信號列表裡面沒有這個信號 ,但又給他罩余分配了一個管腳,他找不到管腳 應該連到哪個信號上去局仔,所以物臘滾就報錯了。

Ⅸ xilinx ISE 的verilog 編譯時出現的錯誤,請大神解釋一下這些錯誤是什麼意思

第一個錯誤 模塊例化的時候需要給定一個名字—— 模塊名 例化名 都要有

Ⅹ xilinx ise錯誤求助

ERROR:Xst:2035 - Port <clk> has illegal connections. This port is connected to an input buffer and other components.
查到的解決方法是禁掉自動I/O Buffer insertion 功能,具體的做法是右擊synthesize,然後properties->Xilinx Specific Options,把add I/O buffer 的勾去掉,綜合通過櫻正高。但是這樣處理了之後在map時又引入了許多的warning,而且還會引發錯誤。方法出處一會轉帖出來。
Pack:198 - NCD was not proced. All logic was removed from design.
MapLib:701 - Signal clk connected to top level port clk has been removed.
MapLib:701 - Signal dad connected to top level port dad has been removed.
以下省略很多這樣的warning,這個問題之前一直沒注意,後來才知道問題出在我在問題(清鬧1)中的處理,按照同樣的流程把add I/O buffer 勾上,綜合到route都沒什麼問題,可見warning也是不能忽略的呀。
ERROR:HDLParsers:3482 - Could not resolve instantiated unit dacinter in Verilog mole work/datest_top in any library
(5)綜合錯誤:ERROR:Xst:528 - Multi-source in Unit <entity> on signal <sig>
Solution 1
This error appears when XST determines that there is contention on a particular signal. If the processes assigning values to this signal are mutually exclusive (as in the case of 3-state buffers), this message can be ignored.
However, in most cases, XST is able to determine when multiple drivers are illegal, and will stop synthesis soon after this message.
Check this signal and modify your code to avoid the existing contention.
Solution 2
In some cases, XST ties unconnected output ports to ground. If the output port is part of a 3-state bus, which in turn connects to another 3-state bus, then connecting one bit of the bus to ground will cause a multiple-driver error. Verify that this is not occurring in your design by searching for the following warning:
"WARNING:Xst:1305 - Output <dataout<23>> is never assigned. Tied to value 0."
To work around this issue, remove the unused output port.
Solution 3
This has also been seen in the following condition:
When there is an association signal named to_qvm_d4.Q_num.
When using association signal(to_qvm_d4.Q_num), XST will rename it to "to_qvm_d4_Q_num" ring synthesis. There is signal named "to_qvm_d4_Q_num" in the same architecture. XST is confused with these two signals and errors.
To work around this issue, rename either of the two signals.
Solution 4
EDK Designs
For EDK Designs using bidirectional signals DIR=IO and THREE_STATE=FALSE, the external port name must match the connecting signal name exactly. NOTE: IOB_STATE is deprecated in future EDK versions.
(6)ERROR:Xst:902 - "dec_seg.v" line 38: Unexpected event in always block sensitivity list.
(7)map的時候出現錯誤ERROR:Pack:679 - Unable to obey design constraints (LOC = ...) which require the combination of the following symbols into a single slice component:
(8)ERROR:NgdBuild:604 - 'GTP_DUAL_1' could not be resolved,這個錯誤在translate的時候報,是軟體的bug,網上查說ise12.2多發,但是我用的9.1也出了這個,原因大概是ISE只復制了頂層的NGC文件,即mycpu.ngc,而頂層mycpu還包含其它ngc文件,因此找不到,報錯。按照查到的解決辦法,有兩種。
解決辦法1是:在mycpu mole前面加上
(* box_type = "user_black_box" *)
(* box_type = "user_black_box" *)
mycpu my_cpu_moudle (.fpga_0_clk_1_sys_clk_pin(sys_clk),
辦法2是在ISE 的processes欄下,選中Translate,右鍵process propreties.....
彈出Translate Properties對話框,
在-sd macro search path 中加上EDK工程的implementation子目錄的路徑就可以了
一開始採用了第一種解決方案,translate通過,但在map時出錯。改用第二種,問題是,我用了兩個ip core,這個指定的路徑只能是一個最直接的目錄,所以只能完全解決其中一個core的錯誤,把兩個core的文件夾里的文件全拷到工程目錄中,指定工程目錄路徑為implementation子目錄路徑,搞定。

(1)ProjectMgmt - "F:/verilogworks/FPGATESTS/datest_top_map.ncd" line 0 plicate design unit: 'Mole|datest_top'



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