導航:首頁 > 源碼編譯 > isotropic演算法的特點


發布時間:2023-08-23 13:56:45

A. Concting Media的英文解釋,,,,,,

Media's Influences on Current Distribution of Bare and Insulated Cylindrical Antenna in Concting Media
Expressions of current distribution for both bare and insulated cylindrical antennas in homegeneous isotropic concting media are given in this paper.
NumericaJ and theoretical research has been made to analysis the influences of concting media on the current distribution,which is of much interest in antenna engineering.
In this paper, we describe the quasi-static problem of magnetoelastic in solid deformed media caused by the eulerian and lagrangian coodinate and we discuss the electro-magnetic effect of the magneto-elasticity of concting media. We also obtain the simplified equations in the Lagrangian coordinate to solve magnetoelastic problenis for small deformation.

Since the 1990s the Taiwan authorities began to take bolder steps towards their goal of independence, defying the "One China Policy" adopted by the Chinese government and its people. The Taiwan authorities have pushed the concept of Taiwan independence so hard that the policy of "Peaceful reunification and One country, two systems" is under great challenge, and that the peace of Taiwan Strait is endangered. In response to this, the Chinese government has launched a campaign of anti-recession and is determin...
The object of present paper is to investigate the propagation of magneto-viscoelas-tic plane wave in initially stressed concting media. Firstly, the fundamental equation of magneto-vicoelastic wave in a concting medium under an initial stress is deced and employed to investigate the case of hydrostatic initial stress. Secondly, propagation of magneto-elastic plane wave in a conctor under initial uniaxial tension is considered. The final results obtained in above case are in agreeme...
Expressions of current distribution for both bare and insulated cylindrical antennas in homegeneous isotropic concting media are given in this paper. NumericaJ and theoretical research has been made to analysis the influences of concting media on the current distribution,which is of much interest in antenna engineering.
In this paper, we describe the quasi-static problem of magnetoelastic in solid deformed media caused by the eulerian and lagrangian coodinate and we discuss the electro-magnetic effect of the magneto-elasticity of concting media. We also obtain the simplified equations in the Lagrangian coordinate to solve magnetoelastic problenis for small deformation.
An numerical calculation method of substation grounding grids with unequal potential model is presented in this paper, i.e., the potential drop caused by the interior resistance of conctors is taken into account. A system of equations with the potential at discretization points as unknowns is formed by a field circuit coupling theory. The system is derived based on the nodal potential analysis in the circuit theory and the definition of the mutual resistance between conctors located in concting$...
According to tensor theories, the scalar resistivities of the anisotropic concting media are calculated in the directions of the current density and the electric field strength. Ohm's law of the electronic element that is composed of the anisotropic concting media is discussed and its approximate property analyzed. There are no Ohm's law of matrix and the nonlinear effect of electric resistance. The general characteristic formulae and the invariance notation of scalar electric r...
根據張量理論 ,計算了各向異性導電媒質在電流密度方向和電場強度方向的標量電阻率 .討論了由各向異性導電媒質構成的電子元件的歐姆定律形式 ,分析發現其具有近似性 ,並不存在矩陣形式的歐姆定律 ,也不存在非線性電阻效應 .給出了基於歐姆定律的標量電阻特性普遍公式及其張量不變性記法 .
The current dipoles can be adopted to simulate the nerve sources in human brains. The electric current and potential distribution proced by dipoles in human brain was simulated by the finite element method. The finite element formula related to dipole sources and anisotropic media was derived. An approach for creating a symmetrical stiffness matrix of the finite element equation system in the computation of potential problems with anisotropic media was presented. In the simulation, the realist...
神經元所產生的腦內電活動通常可用電流源偶極子來模擬。討論用有限元法計算電流源偶極子產生的電流與電位分布 ,推導出計算偶極子源在各向異性導電媒質中的有限元方程 ,並對其進行變形 ,使得在各向異性導電媒質中生成的有限元剛度陣對稱。這一演算法已應用於媒質各向異性的真實頭模型腦電計算 ,得到了較為滿意的結果。
It is of profound significance to attach more importance to the ecation on political theory for the teen�agers in constructing socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, because of the socialist market economy being under the construction, the globalization and the influence of "peace evolution" from the west, the ecation on political theory for the teen�agers shows a tendency of being weakened. Therefore, some counter�measures such as innovating the theories, concting media propa...



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