⑴ 請問,編譯軟體最早是由誰發明出來的
Grave of Grace
Grace Hopper是個非常amazing的人 (常被稱為Amazing Grace),崇拜她的人相當多。雖然她的事跡很多,但是還有很多有類似事跡的人並沒有像她這樣受到眾人的崇拜。由其中一點我們可以看出來:從1947年開始 (二戰結束後第二年),她獲得了第一個榮譽博士學位 (賓州大學),從那以後,她先後被40多所大學授予榮譽博士學位,其中包括芝加哥大學、華盛頓大學、馬里蘭大學等知名學府。各種婦女社會團體和學術組織都曾授予Grace各種稱號和獎勵。1991年,布希總統在白宮授予她的「美國國家技術獎」 (National Medal of Technology) 是其中的最高獎項,她也是至今惟一獲此殊榮的美國女性。她的名言有很多,她自己最喜歡的,也是她最喜歡對所謂的「年輕人」說的 (在她年老時,她所謂的年輕人就是「年齡不到我的一半的人就叫做年輕人」),這句話是:
「A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.」
From then on, when anything went wrong with a computer, we said it had bugs in it.
The most dangerous phrase in the language is, 「We』ve always done it this way.」
Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, 「We』ve always done it this way.」 I try to fight that. That』s why I have a clock on my wall that runs counter-clockwise.
Leadership is a two-way street, loyalty up and loyalty down. Respect for one』s superiors; care for one』s crew.
One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.
Someday, on the corporate balance sheet, there will be an entry which reads, 「Information」; For in most cases, the information is more valuable than the hardware which processes it.
We』re flooding people with information. We need to feed it through a processor. A human must turn information into intelligence or knowledge. We』ve tended to forget that no computer will ever ask a new question.
To me programming is more than an important practical art. It is also a gigantic undertaking in the foundations of knowledge.
They told me computers could only do arithmetic.
In pioneer days they used oxen for heavy pulling, and when one ox couldn』t budge a log, they didn』t try to grow a larger ox. We shouldn』t be trying for bigger computers, but for more systems of computers.
Life was simple before World War II. After that, we had systems.
We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership. It might help if we ran the MBAs out of Washington.
At any given moment, there is always a line representing what your boss will believe. If you step over it, you will not get your budget. Go as close to that line as you can.
I seem to do a lot of retiring.
I handed my passport to the immigration officer, and he looked at it and looked at me and said, 「What are you?」
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