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the soul 130分鍾電影完整版在線觀看

發布時間:2024-07-13 04:35:06

A. 鄰居女孩電影69分鍾的插曲叫什麼

LOVING YOU歌詞中英對照: LOVING YOU 愛著你 (Music & Lyrics by Minnie Riperton & Richard Rudolph) Loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful, 愛上你很容易,因為你如此美麗 And making love with you is all I wanna do. 而與你纏綿是我心願唯一所系 Loving you is more then just a dream come true, 愛著你,不只是一個美夢成真 And everything that I do is out of loving you. 而我所做的一切都是出於愛你 No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring. 沒有人能夠讓我感受到你所帶來的色彩艷麗 Stay with me while we grow old 陪伴在我身邊,直到我們年華老去 And we will live each day in springtime. 而我們將春天般的度過每一個日子 'Cause loving you has made my life so beautiful, 因為愛著你使我的生命變得如此美麗 And everyday of my life is filled with loving you. 而我每一天的生命都盈滿了對你的愛意 Loving you, I see your soul come shining through, 愛著你,我看見你的靈魂閃閃發光而來 And every time that we, oohh.. 而每一次當我們,噢 I'm more in love with you. 我就越來越愛你 No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring, 沒有人能夠讓我感受到你所帶來的色彩艷麗 Stay with me while we grow old 陪伴在我身邊,直到我們年華老去 And we will live each day in springtime. 而我們將春天般的度過每一個日子 'Cause loving you is easy 'cause you're beautiful, 因為愛上你很容易,因為你如此美麗 And every day of my life is filled with loving you. 而我每一天的生命都盈滿了對你的愛意 Loving you, I see your soul come shining through, 愛著你,我看見你的靈魂閃閃發光而來 And every time that we, oohh.. 而每一次當我們,噢 I'm more in love with you. 我就越來越愛你


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