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A. 關於名人為夢想奮鬥成功的例子,比較常見的

路德維希·凡·貝多芬(Ludwig Van Beethoven,1770-1827),德國最偉大的音樂家之一。 出身於德國波恩的平民家庭,很早就顯露了音樂上的才能,八歲開始登台演出。1792年到維也納深造, 藝術 上進步飛快。貝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄,創作了有大量充滿時代氣息的優秀作品,如:交響曲《 英雄 》、《命運》;序曲《哀格蒙特》;鋼琴奏鳴曲《悲愴》、《月光》、《暴風雨》、《熱情》等等。一生坎坷,沒有建立家庭。二十六歲時開始耳聾,晚年全聾,只能通過談話冊與人交談。但孤寂的生活並沒有使他沉默和隱退,在一切進步思想都遭禁止的封建復辟年代裡,依然堅守「自由、平等」的政治信念,通過言論和作品,為共和理想奮臂吶喊,寫下不朽名作《第九交響曲》。他的作品受十八世紀啟蒙運動和德國狂飆突進運動的影響,個性鮮明,較前人有了很大的發展。在音樂表現上,他幾乎涉及當時所有的音樂體裁;大大提高了鋼琴的表現力,使之獲得交響性的戲劇 效果 ;又使交響曲成為直接反映社會變革的重要音樂形式。貝多芬集古典音樂的大成,同時開辟了浪漫時期音樂的道路,對世界音樂的發展有著舉足輕重的作用,被尊稱為「樂聖」。米開朗琪羅,1475年3月6日出生於佛羅倫薩,是義大利文藝復興時期著名的雕塑家、畫家、建築師和詩人。他13歲時跟隨基蘭達約學畫1年,後從師貝托多學習雕塑1年。他的 藝術 創作深受人文主義思想和薩伏那羅拉宗教改革運動的影響,以現實主義方法和浪漫主義的幻想,表現當時市民階層的愛國主義和為自己而斗爭的精神面貌。在藝術上具有堅強的毅力和雄偉的氣魄。

米開朗琪羅中年時期的作品《大衛》雕像,被認為是象徵著為正義事業而奮斗的力量。他還在西斯廷教堂的天花板上連續工作4年,獨立完成了《創世紀》的巨型天頂畫。他晚年所作的美第奇陵墓雕像《晨》、《幕》、《晝》、《夜》,具有冷靜而沉鬱的悲劇性質, 顯示 出人物心情的激動與意志的矛盾,反映了當時義大利人民失去自由和獨立的精神狀態。其它重要作品還有壁畫《最後的審判》、雕塑《摩西》及《奴隸》等

B. 誰有 《羅拉的奮斗-excel菜鳥升職記》pdf版完整版[email protected]


C. 翻譯一篇文章....急要啊

Is the world's most complex organisms. Everyone has their own destiny. Relatively independent of the fate of people, and is interwoven. Is the fate of countless species is not possible because of a certain factors change? This Everything must be decided by a Lalla girls to interpret.
Roller in the running. Her in 20 minutes in order to get 100,000 marks, to save the life of her boyfriend and running. Her tireless running. Her a one Chuanzhaocuqi every step are racing against time……
80 minutes of the film, running three rollers. Twice before running return only she or her boyfriend's death. Roller unwilling, so the last time, she succeeded. Boyfriend recovery in the loss of hundreds of thousands of subway mark Heilaoda paid to the poor, and rollers from the casino win to another 100,000. director has given us a satisfactory outcome. roller Peixiao the holding 100,000 marks.
Roller run in the process, she encountered the boys and dogs, pushed baby carriages woman, and my father's friends, ambulances, female bank staff… .. As the rollers three different running, so that they have also taken place in the destiny of change. because of a change in a link, so the fate of the entire chain has changed. life there, it was dead, some sad, some-hi. roller All this because the run.
We do not also rollers? We do not also in the running is? Some money to run, it was to love and running, it was to their studies and running, it was right to run…… the world, and countless rollers, in order to target run, and struggle. our run, and the number of affected people and to change the fate of so many people?
Light red hair in rollers, like a flame in the markets Bencuan. Like that in the combustion. Person's life is like a roller to run this course in 20 minutes, although in this process there are numerous choices and the possibility of accidental, but We always can only choose one of them. Once the choice, the time could not turn the clock back, it can change destiny.

D. 誰有 《羅拉的奮斗-excel菜鳥升職記》PDF版完整版,163郵箱,用戶名:dragon2709


作者:ExcelHome編著 頁數:348 出版日期:2012.01



E. 誰有 《羅拉的奮斗-excel菜鳥升職記》PDF版完整版[email protected]

你好,那書是ExcelHome出品的,沒有PDF完整版的,現在網上流傳的PDF版本只是這書的官司方網站自己放出來的這書開頭的一點介紹,用意只是讓你先看一點點的開頭,覺得好的再去買。當當網上有賣,定價49元的,折價30多就有了。 所以不用等,等了也是白等,真的沒有完整的PDF版本,覺得好的就去買一本吧。

F. 誰有《羅拉的奮斗-Excel 2007菜鳥升職記》的PDF的完整版啊是完整版哦,郵箱:[email protected]


G. 求 羅拉秘史 百度雲免費在線觀看資源






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