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Ⅰ 打開pdf文件時出現 字體TimesNewRomanPSMT包含錯誤的/BBOX 是什麼意思會不會損壞文件


Ⅱ 怎麼才能高質量的保存LATEX導出的PDF文件

我本身不推薦使用pdflatex,如果你是使用Mac OS,你可以用xelatex進行編譯,調用fontspec package使用中文字體。輸出質量良好。Linux的發型版我不清楚xelatex可否使用,但是latex命令應該夠用,記得添加 T1 字體庫和選用lmodern字體包。Windows上應該也適用。

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} % A4紙,11號字體的article格式
\usepackage{CJK} %中文支持,比較過時的支持方法,你可以去研究下xelatex,那個對中文和中文字體支持達到英文水平
\usepackage{amsmath} % 數學擴展字元

\usepackage{graphicx} % 添加圖片

\usepackage{times} %默認使用Times字體

Ⅲ 用word編輯文檔時在pdf復制了一篇文獻出處,但是粘貼之後本來設置是times的西文字體成了宋體的數字和字母


Ⅳ 打開pdf文件的時候發現文件字體亂碼怎麼辦







Ⅳ times new roman 字體問題,求真正知道的高手。 字體已經下載,並且也安裝成功,但word以及pdf卻無法識別

你的word是在更新系統FONTS之後安裝的么? 如果是之前安裝的, 那就重裝OFFICE 得了。

Ⅵ PDF 編輯時的字體問題

字體這東西怎麼說呢,除了一些比較常見的和一些比較常用的特效字體容易分辨以外,其它的不是那麼好分辨的。字體各類太多了,類似的分析人遠不如電腦。像你這字體看上雲很明顯是times newroman但是一般系統上都是有這個字體的,而你無法編輯很可能的原因就是它不是times字體。有一種方法:用acrobat打開它,然後執行「文件——屬性」屬性裡面有一個字體標簽,你可以從這裡面看到你的文檔都用了哪些字體,找出它是哪種

Ⅶ 英文文檔word轉pdf時單詞中的字母間距異常,如何解決


Ⅷ 急!有沒有大神有 The Times Atlas of World History 最新英文版的PDF格式的電子書

Publication Information
The Atlas, first published in 1978 in London, UK, sold more than 2 millions of copies in many languages. Its stated aim was to describe the major processes and events of world history across a broad canvas and omit tiny details of, say, ruling families, minor battles etc. It wished to give a dynamic view of population migrations, economic developments such as agriculture and instrialisation, wars, the spread of religions and political ideologies.
It was created by Barry Winkleman, the Publishing Director of The Times, and Geoffrey Barraclough, Chichele Professor of Modern History at Oxford University. They assembled a team of some 100 leading historians [1] from around the world who wrote the texts and provided the map sources and recruited a team of illustrators and designers to create over 6 maps that were not primarily cartographers but illustrators.[citation needed] The map design was the work of Peter Sullivan, an art teacher and principal graphic artist at The Sunday Times newspaper in London. The illustration team was from Proct Support Graphics, a large design group once part of Rolls Royce Motors in Derby, England,[citation needed] who used technical illustration technology to create projections.
The Atlas was the first work of its kind to be published in Chinese[citation needed], in Beijing, in 1981, by The Joint Publishing Company, and was a major success in French (Encyclopedie Universalis), German (Droemer Verlag), Italian (Mondadori), Hungarian (Akademiai Kiado), Serbo-Croat (Cankarjeva Zalozba) and in many other languages. In the UK it was published by Times Books Limited and in the USA, where it had a huge success, by Hammond, Inc.
Following the death of Geoffrey Barraclough in 1984, three other editors have since edited the atlas. The third edition was edited by Norman Stone, then Geoffrey Parker for the fourth, and Richard Overy for the fifth to the present eighth edition. Also, since the fifth edition the atlas was fully updated with digitalized maps and is renamed as The Times Complete Atlas of World History, along with its smaller version of The Times Compact History of the World, previously known as The Times Concise Atlas of World History.



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