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『貳』 《PlanetMarsStoryOfAnotherWorld》pdf下載在線閱讀,求百度網盤雲資源

《Planet Mars》(Forget, Francoise)電子書網盤下載免費在線閱讀


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1M_ZTesqKV7aaUM5GGHuAKw

提取碼: esgd

書名:Planet Mars

作者:Forget, Francoise

出版社:Springer Verlag



內容簡介:This book gives a new insight of Mars by adopting an original outline based on history rather than on subtopic (atmosphere, surface, interior). It focuses on the past and present evolution of Mars and also incorporates all the recent results from the space missions of Mars Express, Spirit and Opportunity. This book goes to the heart of current planetological research, and illustrates it with many beautiful images. The authors describe the magnificent scenery on Mars. The authors introce a new world and reveal the workings of the planet Mars, and they describe current research to prepare for future missions to Mars.

『叄』 《LonelyPlanet法國孤獨星球法國》pdf下載在線閱讀全文,求百度網盤雲資源


?pwd=h08w 提取碼:h08w

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