❶ 李建平的發表論著
1. Li,J.,2005: General explicit difference formulas for numerical differentiation,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,183⑴: 29-52,doi:10.1016/j.cam.2004.12.026. Electronic version pdf
2. Ding,R.,J.Li,S. Wang,and F. Ren,2005: Decadal change of the spring st storm in northwest and the associated atmospheric circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett.,32,L02808,doi:10.1029/2004GL021561. Electronic version PDF
3. 占瑞芬,李建平,何金海,西太平洋副熱帶高壓雙脊線及其對1998年夏季長江流域「二度梅」的影響,氣象學報,2004,62⑶:294-307. Electronic version PDF
4. Li,J.,and J. X. L. Wang,2003: A modified zonal index and its physical sense. Geophys. Res. Lett.,30⑿,1632,doi:10.1029/2003GL017441. Electronic version PDF
5. Li,J.,and J. X. L. Wang,2003: A new North Atlantic Oscillation index and its variability. Adv. Atmos. Sci.,20⑸,661-676. Electronic version PDF
6. Nan,S.,and J.Li,2003: The relationship between summer precipitation in the YangtzeRiver valley and the boreal spring Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode. Geophys. Res. Lett.,30(24),2266,doi: 10.1029/2003GL018381. Electronic version PDF
7. Li,J.,and Q. Zeng,2002: A unified monsoon index,Geophys. Res. Lett,29⑻,1151-1154. Electronic version PDF
8. Zeng,Q.,and J. Li,2002: On the Interaction between Northern and Southern Hemispheric Atmospheres and the Essence of Tropical Monsoon,Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,26,207-226. Full Paper PDF(中文版:曾慶存,李建平,南北兩半球大氣的相互作用和季風的本質,大氣科學,2002,26,433-448. Electronic version PDF).
9. Li,J.,Q. Zeng and J. Chou,2000: Computational Uncertainty Principle inNonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations I. Numerical Results,Science in (Series E),43⑸,449-460. Electronic version PDF(中文版: 李建平,曾慶存,丑紀范,非線性常微分方程的計算不確定性原理 I. 數值結果,中國科學(E輯),2000,30⑸: 403-412. Electronic version PDF)
10. Li,J.,Q. Zeng and J. Chou,2001: Computational Uncertainty Principle inNonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations II. Theoretical analysis,Science in China(Series E),44⑴,55-74. Electronic version PDF(中文版: 李建平,曾慶存,丑紀范,非線性常微分方程的計算不確定性原理 II. 理論分析,中國科學(E輯),2000,30⑹,550-567. Electronic version PDF)
11. Li,J.,and Q. Zeng,2000: Significance of the normalized seasonality of windfield and its rationality for characterizing the monsoon,Science in China(D),43⑹: 647-653. Electronic version PDF(中文版: 李建平,曾慶存,風場標准化季節變率的顯著性及其表徵季風的合理性,中國科學(D輯),2000,30⑶: 331-336. Electronic version PDF)
12. Li,J.,and J. Chou,1998: The Qualitative Theory on the Dynamical Equations of Atmospheric Motion and Its Applications,Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Science,⑷,348-360. Electronic version PDF(李建平,丑紀范,大氣動力學方程組的定性理論及其應用,大氣科學,1998,22⑷: 443-453. Electronic version PDF)
13. Li,J.,and J. Chou,1997: Existence of atmosphere attractor,Science in China (Ser D),40⑵,215-224. Electronic version PDF(中文版: 李建平,丑紀范,大氣吸引子的存在性,中國科學 (D輯),1997,27⑴: 87-96. Electronic version PDF)
14. 李建平,全球大氣環流氣候圖集 I. 氣候平均態,北京:氣象出版社,2001,279p.
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