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echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>'磨擾;

你用上面的print_r 一下$_FILES看一下裡面是否有數洞游蠢值,索引又是多少。應該是索引納陪錯了

⑵ GitHub 上有哪些值得推薦的開源電子書


⑶ 比較常用的幾個PHP開發工具


FirePHP FirePHP是一款基於Firebug的擴展,phpLangEditor 一款PHP函數庫解釋工具。 PHP Lookup :是一個內置的搜索欄,以幫助您快速查找引用的PHP語法。 PHP ManualSearch :一個方便的搜索欄,從您的Web瀏覽器中搜索官方PHP文檔。


Webgrind Webgrind完美支持PHP 5,安裝迅速簡便,可以跨越多個平台運行。 Xdebug Xdebug是使用極為廣泛的PHP代碼調試工具,它提供大量的工具幫助你找出程序中潛在的BUG,並且它得到了很多PHP開發工具的支持,以做為專門的測試工具繼承在這些開發工具中,比如PHPEclipse、phpDesigner等。


Dwoo :PHP5 的模板引擎。CodeIgniter 用於敏捷軟體開發的PHP框架。 YII Framework :一個高性能的基於組件的PHP框架。 NetBeans :強大的PHP擴展框架支持集,擁有完善的GUI界面,獨自成為一款強大的PHP開發工具。 Solar symfony :一個開源的PHP Web框架,加速Web應用程序開發的創建與維護。


PHPUnit :一款基於PHP 5的JUnit組件測試工具。 SimpleTest SimpleTest是一款高度集成的PHP代碼測試工具。 Selenium :一款專業全自動WEB站點PHP代碼測試工具,比較側重的UI輸入輸出數據測試。PHP_CodeSniffer dBug 一款專注於測試類、對象、數組以及XML文件的PHP工具。 PHP Profile Class


SimplePie 此工具可用於PHP RSS解析。 HTML Purifier :此工具可以用來移除所有惡意代碼(XSS),而且還能確保你的頁面遵循W3C的標准規范。 TCPDF :一個可以用於快速生成PDF文件的PHP5函數包。 htmlSQL :一組可以使你方便的對HTML和XML內容方便的使用類似SQL語句進行檢索的PHP類集。


PHPEclipse 一個強大的Eclipse環境下開發PHP的插件,包括的主要功能有:PHP語法分析,調試,代碼格式化,大綱視圖,代碼模板定製等。 PhpED 一套Windows環境下的PHP集成開發環境。phpDesigner 一款輕量級的PHP集成開發工具,代碼編輯器功能特別強大,支持在線預覽。 ZendStudio 一 款Eclipse下優秀的PHP開發環境,適用於開發包含豐富介面的RIAs應用程序。


Minify:該工具使用 PHP5 開發,用於合並壓縮js/css 文件的應用程序,合並壓縮之後的結果可通過 HTTP gzip/deflate 及一些相關頭,優化客戶端緩存。 HTTP_StaticMerger:CSS和java script文件自動"合並"。 PHP Object Generator 一款PHP代碼生成器,它能夠為你的PHP4/PHP5應用程序生成簡潔和可測試的面向對象代碼。

⑷ 運用PHP可以做什麼項目啊












⑸ GitHub 上有哪些值得推薦的開源電子書


⑹ 《Domain-DrivenDesigninPHP》pdf下載在線閱讀,求百度網盤雲資源

《Domain-Driven Design in PHP》(Carlos Buenosvinos)電子書網盤下載免費在線閱讀




書名:Domain-Driven Design in PHP

作者:Carlos Buenosvinos

出版社:Packt Publishing




Key Features

Focuses on practical code rather than theoryFull of real-world examples that you can apply to your own projectsShows how to build PHP apps using DDD principles

Book Description

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) has arrived in the PHP community, but for all the talk, there is very little real code. Without being in a training session and with no PHP real examples, learning DDD can be challenging. This book changes all that. It details how to implement tactical DDD patterns and gives full examples of topics such as integrating Bounded Contexts with REST, and DDD messaging strategies. In this book, the authors show you, with tons of details and examples, how to properly design Entities, Value Objects, Services, Domain Events, Aggregates, Factories, Repositories, Services, and Application Services with PHP. They show how to apply Hexagonal Architecture within your application whether you use an open source framework or your own.

What you will learn

Correctly design all design elements of Domain-Driven Design with PHPLearn all tactical patterns to achieve a fully worked-out Domain-Driven DesignApply hexagonal architecture within your applicationIntegrate bounded contexts in your applicationsUse REST and Messaging approaches

About the Author

Carlos Buenosvinos is a PHP Extreme Programmer with more than 15 years of experience developing web applications and more than 10 years experience as a Tech Lead and CTO leading teams of between 20 and 100 people. He is a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) and has coached and trained close to two dozen different companies in Agile practices, both as an employee and as a consultant. On the technical side, he is a Zend PHP Engineer, a Zend Framework Engineer, and MySQL certified. He is also a board member of the PHP Barcelona User Group. He has worked with e-commerce (Atrapalo and eBay), payment processing (Vendo), classifieds (Emagister), and B2B recruiting tools (XING). He is interested in JavaScript, DevOps, and Scala. He likes developing for mobile, Raspberry Pi, and games.

Christian Soronellas is a passionate Software Developer, Software Journeyman, and Craftsman Apprentice. He's an Extreme Programmer soul with more than 10 years of experience in web development. He's also a Zend PHP 5.3 Certified Engineer, a Zend Framework Certified Engineer, and a SensioLabs Certified Symfony Developer. He has worked as a freelancer, as well as at Privalia, Emagister, Atrapalo, and Enalquiler as a Software Architect.

Keyvan Akbary is a polyglot Software Developer who loves Software fundamentals, the Craftsmanship movement, Extreme Programming, SOLID principles, Clean Code, Design Patterns, and Testing. He's also a sporadic Functional Programmer. He understands technology as a medium for providing value. He has worked on countless projects as a freelancer, on video streaming (Youzee), and on an online marketplace (MyBuilder) - all in addition to founding a crowdfunding company (Funddy). Currently, Keyvan is working in FinTech as a Lead Developer at TransferWise London.

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Domain-Driven DesignArchitectural StylesValue ObjectsEntitiesServicesDomain- Bounded ContextsHexagonal Architecture with PHP


About the Author

Carlos Buenosvinos is a PHP Extreme Programmer with more than 15 years of experience developing web applications and more than 10 years experience as a Tech Lead and CTO leading teams of between 20 and 100 people. He is a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) and has coached and trained close to two dozen different companies in Agile practices, both as an employee and as a consultant. On the technical side, he is a Zend PHP Engineer, a Zend Framework Engineer, and MySQL certified. He is also a board member of the PHP Barcelona User Group. He has worked with e-commerce (Atrapalo and eBay), payment processing (Vendo), classifieds (Emagister), and B2B recruiting tools (XING). He is interested in JavaScript, DevOps, and Scala. He likes developing for mobile, Raspberry Pi, and games.Christian Soronellas is a passionate Software Developer, Software Journeyman, and Craftsman Apprentice. He's an Extreme Programmer soul with more than 10 years of experience in web development. He's also a Zend PHP 5.3 Certified Engineer, a Zend Framework Certified Engineer, and a SensioLabs Certified Symfony Developer. He has worked as a freelancer, as well as at Privalia, Emagister, Atrapalo, and Enalquiler as a Software Architect.Keyvan Akbary is a polyglot Software Developer who loves Software fundamentals, the Craftsmanship movement, Extreme Programming, SOLID principles, Clean Code, Design Patterns, and Testing. He's also a sporadic Functional Programmer. He understands technology as a medium for providing value. He has worked on countless projects as a freelancer, on video streaming (Youzee), and on an online marketplace (MyBuilder) - all in addition to founding a crowdfunding company (Funddy). Currently, Keyvan is working in FinTech as a Lead Developer at TransferWise London.

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⑺ 當今流行的PHP框架中各自都有什麼特點,優缺點都在哪

1. Yii Yii是一個基於組件的高性能的PHP的框架,用於開發大規模Web應用。Yii採用嚴格的OOP編寫,並有著完善的庫引用以及全面的教程。從MVC,DAO/ActiveRecord,widgets,caching,等級式RBAC,Web服務,到主體化,I18N和L10N,Yii提供了今日Web 2.0應用開發所需要的幾乎一切功能。而且這個框架的價格也並不太高。事實上,Yii是最有效率的PHP框架之一。 2. CodeIgniter CodeIgniter是一個應用開發框架——一個為建立PHP網站的人們所設計的工具包。其目標在於快速的開發項目:它提供了豐富的庫組以完成常見的任務,以及簡單的界面,富有條理性的架構來訪問這些庫。使用CodeIgniter開發可以往項目中注入更多的創造力,因為它節省了大量編碼的時間。3. CakePHPCakePHP是一個快速開發PHP的框架,其中使用了一些常見的設計模式如ActiveRecord,Association Data Mapping,Front Controller以及MVC。其主要目標在於提供一個令任意水平的PHP開發人員都能夠快速開發web應用的框架,而且這個快速的實現並沒有犧牲項目的彈性。4. PHPDevShellPHPDevShell是一個開源(GNU/LGPL)的快速應用開發框架,用於開發不含Javascript的純PHP。它有一個完整的GUI管理員後台界面。其主要目標在於開發插件一類的基於管理的應用,其中速度、安全、穩定性及彈性是最優先考慮的重點。其設計形成了一個簡單的學習曲線,PHP開發者無需學習復雜的新術語。PHPDevShell的到來滿足了開發者們對於一個輕量級但是功能完善,可以無限制的進行配置的GUI的需求。5. AkelosAkelos PHP框架是一個基於MVC設計模式的web應用開發平台。基於良好的使用習慣,使用它可以完成如下任務:◆方便的使用Ajax編寫views◆通過控制器管理請求(request)及響應(response)◆管理國際化的應用◆使用簡單的協議與模型及資料庫通信你的Akelos應用可以在大多數共享主機服務供應方上運行,因為Akelos對伺服器唯一的要求就是支持PHP。因此,Akelos PHP框架是理想的用於發布單獨web應用的框架,因為它不需要非標准PHP配置便能運行。6. Symfony Symfony是一個用於開發PHP5項目的web應用框架。這個框架的目的在於加速web應用的開發以及維護,減少重復的編碼工作。Symfony的系統需求不高,可以被輕易的安裝在任意設置上:你只需一個Unix或Windows,搭配一個安裝了PHP5的網路伺服器即可。它與差不多所有的資料庫兼容。Symfony的價位不高,相比主機上的花銷要低得多。對於PHP開發者而言,使用Symfony是一件很自然的事,其學習曲線只有短短一天。干凈的設計以及代碼可讀性將縮短開發時間。開發者可以將敏捷開發的原理(如DRY,KISS或XP等)應用在其中,將重點放在應用邏輯層面上,而不用花費大量時間在編寫沒完沒了的XML配置文件上。Symfony旨在建立企業級的完善應用程序。也就是說,你擁有整個設置的控制權:從路徑結構到外部庫,幾乎一切都可以自定義。為了符合企業的開發條例,Symfony還綁定了一些額外的工具,以便於項目的測試,調試以及歸檔。7. PradoPRADO團隊由一些PRADO狂熱者組成,這些成員開發並推動PRADO框架以及相關項目的進行。PRADO的靈感起源於Apache Tapestry。從04年開始,PRADO成為SourceForge上的開源項目之一。這個項目目前進展到了3.x版本。8. Zend作為PHP藝術及精神的延伸,Zend框架的基礎在於簡單,面向對象的最佳方法,方便企業的許可協議,以及經過反復測試的快速代碼庫。Zend框架旨在建造更安全,更可靠的Web 2.0應用及web服務,並不斷從前沿廠商(如Google,Amazon,Yahoo,Flickr,StrikeIron和ProgrammableWeb等)的API那裡吸收精華。9. ZooP Zoop PHP框架,意為Zoop面向對象的PHP框架。這是個穩定,可伸縮並可移植的框架。從誕生到現在的5年間,已經在不少產品開發中被使用。Zoop是一個快速,有效並干凈的框架。它的伸縮性很好,你可以只安裝你需要的功能。對代碼並不很熟悉的開發者也可以通過Zoop快速的開發安全的web應用。熟練的開發者則可以更加將Zoop的彈性利用到極致。Zoop建議將display,logic以及數據層(MVC)分開使用。Zoop由很多組件和項目集合而成,其中包括smarty和prototype AJAX框架,PEAR模塊等。高效的核心組件提供了很多你原本需要自己編碼來實現的功能。Zoop內置的糾錯功能可以通過配置實現生產環境下的錯誤日誌生成,這個錯誤日誌提供了很多信息,可讀性很高,可以更輕易的尋找並排除錯誤。Zoop的一個特別之處在於其GuiControls,在PHP中是一個相當革新的想法。它提供了很多form widgets與驗證完整的集合到一起,並形成了一個可以輕松打造個性化GuiControls的框架。10. QPHPQPHP,意為快速PHP,它是一個與ASP.NET類似的MVC框架。基本上它是這樣一個情況:◆整合了Java和C#的美感◆除去了在其他PHP框架中使用的Perl形式的意義含糊的語言◆大量基於OOP的概念 Framework Comparison DB's2ORM3DB Mole9Moles10Zend Framework-----CakePHP--Symfony Project---Seagull Framework-WACT-----Prado----PHP on TRAX-----ZooP Framework-eZ Components-----CodeIgniter---#1: Indicates whether the framework comes with inbuilt support for a Model-View-Controller setup.
#2: Indicates whether the framework supports multiple databases without having to change anything.
#3: Indicates whether the framework supports an object-record mapper, usually an implementation of ActiveRecord.
#4: Indicates whether the framework includes other database objects, like a TableGateWay.
#5: Indicates whether the framework has an inbuilt template engine.
#6: Indicates whether the framework includes a caching object or some way other way of caching.
#7: Indicates whether the framework has an inbuilt validation or filtering component.
#8: Indicates whether the framework comes with inbuilt support for Ajax.
#9: Indicates whether the framework has an inbuilt mole for handling user authentication.
#10: Indicates whether the framework has other moles, like an RSS feed parser, PDF mole or anything else (useful).



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