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① 漫談java加密技術(二)

接下來我們介紹對稱加密演算法 最常用的莫過於DES數據加密演算法


DES Data Encryption Standard 即數據加密演算法 是IBM公司於 年研究成功並公開發表的 DES演算法的入口參數有三個 Key Data Mode 其中Key為 個位元組共 位 是DES演算法的工作密鑰 Data也為 個位元組 位 是要被加密或被解密的數據 Mode為DES的工作方式 有兩種 加密或解密

DES演算法把 位的明文輸入塊變為 位的密文輸出塊 它所使用的密鑰也是 位


importjava security Key;importjava security SecureRandom;importjavax crypto Cipher;importjavax crypto KeyGenerator;importjavax crypto SecretKey;importjavax crypto SecretKeyFactory;importjavax crypto spec DESKeySpec;/***//***DES安全編碼組件authorby;**<pre>*支持DES DESede(TripleDES 就是 DES) AES Blowfish RC RC (ARCFOUR)*DESkeysizemustbeequalto *DESede(TripleDES)keysizemustbeequalto or *AESkeysizemustbeequalto or but and bitsmaynotbeavailable* andcanonlyrangefrom to (inclusive)*RC keysizemustbebeeen and bits*RC (ARCFOUR)keysizemustbebeeen and bits*具體內容需要關注JDKDocument&///docs/technotes/guides/security/l*</pre>**@author梁棟*@version *@since */{/***//***ALGORITHM演算法<br>*可替換為以下任意一種演算法 同時key值的size相應改變 **<pre>*DESkeysizemustbeequalto *DESede(TripleDES)keysizemustbeequalto or *AESkeysizemustbeequalto or but and bitsmaynotbeavailable* andcanonlyrangefrom to (inclusive)*RC keysizemustbebeeen and bits*RC (ARCFOUR)keysizemustbebeeen and bits*</pre>**在KeytoKey(byte[]key)方法中使用下述代碼*<code>SecretKeysecretKey=newSecretKeySpec(key ALGORITHM);</code>替換*<code>*DESKeySpecdks=newDESKeySpec(key);*SecretKeyFactorykeyFactory=SecretKeyFactory getInstance(ALGORITHM);*SecretKeysecretKey=keyFactory generateSecret(dks);*</code>*/= DES ;/***//***轉換密鑰<br>**@paramkey*@return*@throwsException*/privatestaticKeytoKey(byte[]key)throwsException{DESKeySpecdks=newDESKeySpec(key);SecretKeyFactorykeyFactory=SecretKeyFactory getInstance(ALGORITHM);SecretKeysecretKey=keyFactory generateSecret(dks);//當使用其他對稱加密演算法時 如AES Blowfish等演算法時 用下述代碼替換上述三行代碼//SecretKeysecretKey=newSecretKeySpec(key ALGORITHM);returnsecretKey;}/***//***解密**@paramdata*@paramkey*@return*@throwsException*/publicstaticbyte[]decrypt(byte[]data Stringkey)throwsException{Keyk=toKey(decryptBASE (key));Ciphercipher=Cipher getInstance(ALGORITHM);cipher init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE k);returncipher doFinal(data);}/***//***加密**@paramdata*@paramkey*@return*@throwsException*/publicstaticbyte[]encrypt(byte[]data Stringkey)throwsException{Keyk=toKey(decryptBASE (key));Ciphercipher=Cipher getInstance(ALGORITHM);cipher init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE k);returncipher doFinal(data);}/***//***生成密鑰**@return*@throwsException*/publicstaticStringinitKey()throwsException{returninitKey(null);}/***//***生成密鑰**@paramseed*@return*@throwsException*/publicstaticStringinitKey(Stringseed)throwsException{SecureRandomsecureRandom=null;if(seed!=null){secureRandom=newSecureRandom(decryptBASE (seed));}else{secureRandom=newSecureRandom();}KeyGeneratorkg=KeyGenerator getInstance(ALGORITHM);kg init(secureRandom);SecretKeysecretKey=kg generateKey();returnencryptBASE (secretKey getEncoded());}}

延續上一個類的實現 我們通過MD 以及SHA對字元串加密生成密鑰 這是比較常見的密鑰生成方式


importstatic junit Assert *;import junit Test;/***//****@authorby;;*@version *@since */publicclassDESCoderTest{@Testpublicvoidtest()throwsException{StringinputStr= DES ;Stringkey=DESCoder initKey();System err println( 原文: +inputStr);System err println( 密鑰: +key);byte[]inputData=inputStr getBytes();inputData=DESCoder encrypt(inputData key);System err println( 加密後: +DESCoder encryptBASE (inputData));byte[]outputData=DESCoder decrypt(inputData key);StringoutputStr=newString(outputData);System err println( 解密後: +outputStr);assertEquals(inputStr outputStr);}}


原文 DES

密鑰 f wEtRrV q =

加密後 C qe oNIzRY=

解密後 DES

由控制台得到的輸出 我們能夠比對加密 解密後結果一致 這是一種簡單的加密解密方式 只有一個密鑰

其實DES有很多同胞兄弟 如DESede(TripleDES) AES Blowfish RC RC (ARCFOUR) 這里就不過多闡述了 大同小異 只要換掉ALGORITHM換成對應的值 同時做一個代碼替換SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key ALGORITHM) 就可以了 此外就是密鑰長度不同了



② java密碼加密與解密


加密 CryptHelper encrypt(password)

解密 CrypHelper decrypt(password)


CryptUtils java


package gdie lab crypt;

import java io IOException;

import javax crypto Cipher;

import javax crypto KeyGenerator;

import javax crypto SecretKey;

import apache xerces internal impl dv util Base ;

public class CryptUtils {

private static String Algorithm = DES ;

private static byte[] DEFAULT_KEY=new byte[] { };

private static String VALUE_ENCODING= UTF ;


* 生成密鑰


* @return byte[] 返回生成的密鑰

* @throws exception

* 扔出異常


public static byte[] getSecretKey() throws Exception {

KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator getInstance(Algorithm)

SecretKey deskey = keygen generateKey()

// if (debug ) System out println ( 生成密鑰 +byte hex (deskey getEncoded

// ()))

return deskey getEncoded()



* 將指定的數據根據提供的密鑰進行加密


* @param input

* 需要加密的數據

* @param key

* 密鑰

* @return byte[] 加密後的數據

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {

SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)

// if (debug )

// {

// System out println ( 加密前的二進串 +byte hex (input ))

// System out println ( 加密前的字元串 +new String (input ))


// }

Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)

c init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE deskey)

byte[] cipherByte = c doFinal(input)

// if (debug ) System out println ( 加密後的二進串 +byte hex (cipherByte ))

return cipherByte;


public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {

return encryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)



* 將給定的已加密的數據通過指定的密鑰進行解密


* @param input

* 待解密的數據

* @param key

* 密鑰

* @return byte[] 解密後的數據

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {

SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)

// if (debug ) System out println ( 解密前的信息 +byte hex (input ))

Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)

c init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE deskey)

byte[] clearByte = c doFinal(input)

// if (debug )

// {

// System out println ( 解密後的二進串 +byte hex (clearByte ))

// System out println ( 解密後的字元串 +(new String (clearByte )))


// }

return clearByte;


public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {

return decryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)



* 位元組碼轉換成 進制字元串


* @param byte[] b 輸入要轉換的位元組碼

* @return String 返回轉換後的 進制字元串


public static String byte hex(byte[] bytes) {

StringBuilder hs = new StringBuilder()

for(byte b : bytes)

hs append(String format( % $ X b))

return hs toString()


public static byte[] hex byte(String content) {

int l=content length()》 ;

byte[] result=new byte[l];

for(int i= ;i<l;i++) {

int j=i《 ;

String s=content substring(j j+ )

result[i]=Integer valueOf(s ) byteValue()


return result;



* 將位元組數組轉換為base 編碼字元串

* @param buffer

* @return


public static String bytesToBase (byte[] buffer) {

//BASE Encoder en=new BASE Encoder()

return Base encode(buffer)

// return encoder encode(buffer)



* 將base 編碼的字元串解碼為位元組數組

* @param value

* @return

* @throws IOException


public static byte[] base ToBytes(String value) throws IOException {

//return Base decodeToByteArray(value)

// System out println(decoder decodeBuffer(value))

// return decoder decodeBuffer(value)

return Base decode(value)



* 加密給定的字元串

* @param value

* @return 加密後的base 字元串


public static String encryptString(String value) {

return encryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)



* 根據給定的密鑰加密字元串

* @param value 待加密的字元串

* @param key 以BASE 形式存在的密鑰

* @return 加密後的base 字元串

* @throws IOException


public static String encryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {

return encryptString(value base ToBytes(key))



* 根據給定的密鑰加密字元串

* @param value 待加密的字元串

* @param key 位元組數組形式的密鑰

* @return 加密後的base 字元串


public static String encryptString(String value byte[] key) {

try {

byte[] data=value getBytes(VALUE_ENCODING)

data=CryptUtils encryptData(data key)

return bytesToBase (data)

} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO Auto generated catch block

e printStackTrace()

return null;




* 解密字元串

* @param value base 形式存在的密文

* @return 明文


public static String decryptString(String value) {

return decryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)



* 解密字元串

* @param value base 形式存在的密文

* @param key base 形式存在的密鑰

* @return 明文

* @throws IOException


public static String decryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {

String s=decryptString(value base ToBytes(key))

return s;



* 解密字元串

* @param value base 形式存在的密文

* @param key 位元組數據形式存在的密鑰

* @return 明文


public static String decryptString(String value byte[] key) {

try {

byte[] data=base ToBytes(value)

data=CryptUtils decryptData(data key)

return new String(data VALUE_ENCODING)

}catch(Exception e) {

e printStackTrace()

return null;




package gdie lab crypt;

import java io IOException;

import javax crypto Cipher;

import javax crypto KeyGenerator;

import javax crypto SecretKey;

import apache xerces internal impl dv util Base ;

public class CryptUtils {

private static String Algorithm = DES ;

private static byte[] DEFAULT_KEY=new byte[] { };

private static String VALUE_ENCODING= UTF ;


* 生成密鑰


* @return byte[] 返回生成的密鑰

* @throws exception

* 扔出異常


public static byte[] getSecretKey() throws Exception {

KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator getInstance(Algorithm)

SecretKey deskey = keygen generateKey()

// if (debug ) System out println ( 生成密鑰 +byte hex (deskey getEncoded

// ()))

return deskey getEncoded()



* 將指定的數據根據提供的密鑰進行加密


* @param input

* 需要加密的數據

* @param key

* 密鑰

* @return byte[] 加密後的數據

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {

SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)

// if (debug )

// {

// System out println ( 加密前的二進串 +byte hex (input ))

// System out println ( 加密前的字元串 +new String (input ))


// }

Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)

c init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE deskey)

byte[] cipherByte = c doFinal(input)

// if (debug ) System out println ( 加密後的二進串 +byte hex (cipherByte ))

return cipherByte;


public static byte[] encryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {

return encryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)



* 將給定的已加密的數據通過指定的密鑰進行解密


* @param input

* 待解密的數據

* @param key

* 密鑰

* @return byte[] 解密後的數據

* @throws Exception


public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input byte[] key) throws Exception {

SecretKey deskey = new javax crypto spec SecretKeySpec(key Algorithm)

// if (debug ) System out println ( 解密前的信息 +byte hex (input ))

Cipher c = Cipher getInstance(Algorithm)

c init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE deskey)

byte[] clearByte = c doFinal(input)

// if (debug )

// {

// System out println ( 解密後的二進串 +byte hex (clearByte ))

// System out println ( 解密後的字元串 +(new String (clearByte )))


// }

return clearByte;


public static byte[] decryptData(byte[] input) throws Exception {

return decryptData(input DEFAULT_KEY)



* 位元組碼轉換成 進制字元串


* @param byte[] b 輸入要轉換的位元組碼

* @return String 返回轉換後的 進制字元串


public static String byte hex(byte[] bytes) {

StringBuilder hs = new StringBuilder()

for(byte b : bytes)

hs append(String format( % $ X b))

return hs toString()


public static byte[] hex byte(String content) {

int l=content length()》 ;

byte[] result=new byte[l];

for(int i= ;i<l;i++) {

int j=i《 ;

String s=content substring(j j+ )

result[i]=Integer valueOf(s ) byteValue()


return result;



* 將位元組數組轉換為base 編碼字元串

* @param buffer

* @return


public static String bytesToBase (byte[] buffer) {

//BASE Encoder en=new BASE Encoder()

return Base encode(buffer)

// return encoder encode(buffer)



* 將base 編碼的字元串解碼為位元組數組

* @param value

* @return

* @throws IOException


public static byte[] base ToBytes(String value) throws IOException {

//return Base decodeToByteArray(value)

// System out println(decoder decodeBuffer(value))

// return decoder decodeBuffer(value)

return Base decode(value)



* 加密給定的字元串

* @param value

* @return 加密後的base 字元串


public static String encryptString(String value) {

return encryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)



* 根據給定的密鑰加密字元串

* @param value 待加密的字元串

* @param key 以BASE 形式存在的密鑰

* @return 加密後的base 字元串

* @throws IOException


public static String encryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {

return encryptString(value base ToBytes(key))



* 根據給定的密鑰加密字元串

* @param value 待加密的字元串

* @param key 位元組數組形式的密鑰

* @return 加密後的base 字元串


public static String encryptString(String value byte[] key) {

try {

byte[] data=value getBytes(VALUE_ENCODING)

data=CryptUtils encryptData(data key)

return bytesToBase (data)

} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO Auto generated catch block

e printStackTrace()

return null;




* 解密字元串

* @param value base 形式存在的密文

* @return 明文


public static String decryptString(String value) {

return decryptString(value DEFAULT_KEY)



* 解密字元串

* @param value base 形式存在的密文

* @param key base 形式存在的密鑰

* @return 明文

* @throws IOException


public static String decryptString(String value String key) throws IOException {

String s=decryptString(value base ToBytes(key))

return s;



* 解密字元串

* @param value base 形式存在的密文

* @param key 位元組數據形式存在的密鑰

* @return 明文


public static String decryptString(String value byte[] key) {

try {

byte[] data=base ToBytes(value)

data=CryptUtils decryptData(data key)

return new String(data VALUE_ENCODING)

}catch(Exception e) {

e printStackTrace()

return null;




CryptHelper java


package gdie lab crypt;

import javax crypto Cipher;

import javax crypto SecretKey;

import javax crypto SecretKeyFactory;

import javax crypto spec DESKeySpec;

import javax crypto spec IvParameterSpec;

import springframework util DigestUtils;

public class CryptHelper{

private static String CRYPT_KEY = zhongqian ;


private static Cipher ecip;


private static Cipher dcip;

static {

try {

String KEY = DigestUtils md DigestAsHex(CRYPT_KEY getBytes()) toUpperCase()

KEY = KEY substring( )

byte[] bytes = KEY getBytes()

DESKeySpec ks = new DESKeySpec(bytes)

SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory getInstance( DES )

SecretKey sk = skf generateSecret(ks)

IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(bytes)

ecip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )

ecip init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE sk iv )

dcip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )

dcip init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE sk iv )

}catch(Exception ex) {

ex printStackTrace()



public static String encrypt(String content) throws Exception {

byte[] bytes = ecip doFinal(content getBytes( ascii ))

return CryptUtils byte hex(bytes)


public static String decrypt(String content) throws Exception {

byte[] bytes = CryptUtils hex byte(content)

bytes = dcip doFinal(bytes)

return new String(bytes ascii )



public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

String password = gly ;

String en = encrypt(password)

System out println(en)

System out println(decrypt(en))



package gdie lab crypt;

import javax crypto Cipher;

import javax crypto SecretKey;

import javax crypto SecretKeyFactory;

import javax crypto spec DESKeySpec;

import javax crypto spec IvParameterSpec;

import springframework util DigestUtils;

public class CryptHelper{

private static String CRYPT_KEY = zhongqian ;


private static Cipher ecip;


private static Cipher dcip;

static {

try {

String KEY = DigestUtils md DigestAsHex(CRYPT_KEY getBytes()) toUpperCase()

KEY = KEY substring( )

byte[] bytes = KEY getBytes()

DESKeySpec ks = new DESKeySpec(bytes)

SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory getInstance( DES )

SecretKey sk = skf generateSecret(ks)

IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(bytes)

ecip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )

ecip init(Cipher ENCRYPT_MODE sk iv )

dcip = Cipher getInstance( DES/CBC/PKCS Padding )

dcip init(Cipher DECRYPT_MODE sk iv )

}catch(Exception ex) {

ex printStackTrace()



public static String encrypt(String content) throws Exception {

byte[] bytes = ecip doFinal(content getBytes( ascii ))

return CryptUtils byte hex(bytes)


public static String decrypt(String content) throws Exception {

byte[] bytes = CryptUtils hex byte(content)

bytes = dcip doFinal(bytes)

return new String(bytes ascii )



public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

String password = gly ;

String en = encrypt(password)

System out println(en)

System out println(decrypt(en))



③ 如何用JAVA實現字元串簡單加密解密

package test;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.security.*;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
* 加密解密
* @author shy.qiu
* @since http://blog.csdn.net/qiushyfm
public class CryptTest {
* 進行MD5加密
* @param info
* 要加密的信息
* @return String 加密後的字元串
public String encryptToMD5(String info) {
byte[] digesta = null;
try {
// 得到一個md5的消息摘要
MessageDigest alga = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
// 添加要進行計算摘要的信息
// 得到該摘要
digesta = alga.digest();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
// 將摘要轉為字元串
String rs = byte2hex(digesta);
return rs;
* 進行SHA加密
* @param info
* 要加密的信息
* @return String 加密後的字元串
public String encryptToSHA(String info) {
byte[] digesta = null;
try {
// 得到一個SHA-1的消息摘要
MessageDigest alga = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
// 添加要進行計算摘要的信息
// 得到該摘要
digesta = alga.digest();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
// 將摘要轉為字元串
String rs = byte2hex(digesta);
return rs;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 創建密匙
* @param algorithm
* 加密演算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish
* @return SecretKey 秘密(對稱)密鑰
public SecretKey createSecretKey(String algorithm) {
// 聲明KeyGenerator對象
KeyGenerator keygen;
// 聲明 密鑰對象
SecretKey deskey = null;
try {
// 返回生成指定演算法的秘密密鑰的 KeyGenerator 對象
keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(algorithm);
// 生成一個密鑰
deskey = keygen.generateKey();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
// 返回密匙
return deskey;
* 根據密匙進行DES加密
* @param key
* 密匙
* @param info
* 要加密的信息
* @return String 加密後的信息
public String encryptToDES(SecretKey key, String info) {
// 定義 加密演算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish
String Algorithm = "DES";
// 加密隨機數生成器 (RNG),(可以不寫)
SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
// 定義要生成的密文
byte[] cipherByte = null;
try {
// 得到加密/解密器
Cipher c1 = Cipher.getInstance(Algorithm);
// 用指定的密鑰和模式初始化Cipher對象
c1.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, sr);
// 對要加密的內容進行編碼處理,
cipherByte = c1.doFinal(info.getBytes());
} catch (Exception e) {
// 返回密文的十六進制形式
return byte2hex(cipherByte);
* 根據密匙進行DES解密
* @param key
* 密匙
* @param sInfo
* 要解密的密文
* @return String 返回解密後信息
public String decryptByDES(SecretKey key, String sInfo) {
// 定義 加密演算法,
String Algorithm = "DES";
// 加密隨機數生成器 (RNG)
SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
byte[] cipherByte = null;
try {
// 得到加密/解密器
Cipher c1 = Cipher.getInstance(Algorithm);
// 用指定的密鑰和模式初始化Cipher對象
c1.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, sr);
// 對要解密的內容進行編碼處理
cipherByte = c1.doFinal(hex2byte(sInfo));
} catch (Exception e) {
// return byte2hex(cipherByte);
return new String(cipherByte);
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 創建密匙組,並將公匙,私匙放入到指定文件中
* 默認放入mykeys.bat文件中
public void createPairKey() {
try {
// 根據特定的演算法一個密鑰對生成器
KeyPairGenerator keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
// 加密隨機數生成器 (RNG)
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
// 重新設置此隨機對象的種子
// 使用給定的隨機源(和默認的參數集合)初始化確定密鑰大小的密鑰對生成器
keygen.initialize(512, random);// keygen.initialize(512);
// 生成密鑰組
KeyPair keys = keygen.generateKeyPair();
// 得到公匙
PublicKey pubkey = keys.getPublic();
// 得到私匙
PrivateKey prikey = keys.getPrivate();
// 將公匙私匙寫入到文件當中
doObjToFile("mykeys.bat", new Object[] { prikey, pubkey });
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
* 利用私匙對信息進行簽名 把簽名後的信息放入到指定的文件中
* @param info
* 要簽名的信息
* @param signfile
* 存入的文件
public void signToInfo(String info, String signfile) {
// 從文件當中讀取私匙
PrivateKey myprikey = (PrivateKey) getObjFromFile("mykeys.bat", 1);
// 從文件中讀取公匙
PublicKey mypubkey = (PublicKey) getObjFromFile("mykeys.bat", 2);
try {
// Signature 對象可用來生成和驗證數字簽名
Signature signet = Signature.getInstance("DSA");
// 初始化簽署簽名的私鑰
// 更新要由位元組簽名或驗證的數據
// 簽署或驗證所有更新位元組的簽名,返回簽名
byte[] signed = signet.sign();
// 將數字簽名,公匙,信息放入文件中
doObjToFile(signfile, new Object[] { signed, mypubkey, info });
} catch (Exception e) {
* 讀取數字簽名文件 根據公匙,簽名,信息驗證信息的合法性
* @return true 驗證成功 false 驗證失敗
public boolean validateSign(String signfile) {
// 讀取公匙
PublicKey mypubkey = (PublicKey) getObjFromFile(signfile, 2);
// 讀取簽名
byte[] signed = (byte[]) getObjFromFile(signfile, 1);
// 讀取信息
String info = (String) getObjFromFile(signfile, 3);
try {
// 初始一個Signature對象,並用公鑰和簽名進行驗證
Signature signetcheck = Signature.getInstance("DSA");
// 初始化驗證簽名的公鑰
// 使用指定的 byte 數組更新要簽名或驗證的數據
// 驗證傳入的簽名
return signetcheck.verify(signed);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* 將二進制轉化為16進制字元串
* @param b
* 二進制位元組數組
* @return String
public String byte2hex(byte[] b) {
String hs = "";
String stmp = "";
for (int n = 0; n < b.length; n++) {
stmp = (java.lang.Integer.toHexString(b[n] & 0XFF));
if (stmp.length() == 1) {
hs = hs + "0" + stmp;
} else {
hs = hs + stmp;
return hs.toUpperCase();
* 十六進制字元串轉化為2進制
* @param hex
* @return
public byte[] hex2byte(String hex) {
byte[] ret = new byte[8];
byte[] tmp = hex.getBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
ret[i] = uniteBytes(tmp[i * 2], tmp[i * 2 + 1]);
return ret;
* 將兩個ASCII字元合成一個位元組; 如:"EF"--> 0xEF
* @param src0
* byte
* @param src1
* byte
* @return byte
public static byte uniteBytes(byte src0, byte src1) {
byte _b0 = Byte.decode("0x" + new String(new byte[] { src0 }))
_b0 = (byte) (_b0 << 4);
byte _b1 = Byte.decode("0x" + new String(new byte[] { src1 }))
byte ret = (byte) (_b0 ^ _b1);
return ret;
* 將指定的對象寫入指定的文件
* @param file
* 指定寫入的文件
* @param objs
* 要寫入的對象
public void doObjToFile(String file, Object[] objs) {
ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* 返回在文件中指定位置的對象
* @param file
* 指定的文件
* @param i
* 從1開始
* @return
public Object getObjFromFile(String file, int i) {
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
Object obj = null;
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
obj = ois.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return obj;
* 測試
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
CryptTest jiami = new CryptTest();
// 執行MD5加密"Hello world!"
System.out.println("Hello經過MD5:" + jiami.encryptToMD5("Hello"));
// 生成一個DES演算法的密匙
SecretKey key = jiami.createSecretKey("DES");
// 用密匙加密信息"Hello world!"
String str1 = jiami.encryptToDES(key, "Hello");
System.out.println("使用des加密信息Hello為:" + str1);
// 使用這個密匙解密
String str2 = jiami.decryptByDES(key, str1);
System.out.println("解密後為:" + str2);
// 創建公匙和私匙
// 對Hello world!使用私匙進行簽名
jiami.signToInfo("Hello", "mysign.bat");
// 利用公匙對簽名進行驗證。
if (jiami.validateSign("mysign.bat")) {
} else {

④ java加密解密代碼

package com.cube.limail.util;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;/**
* 加密解密類
public class Eryptogram
private static String Algorithm ="DES";
private String key="CB7A92E3D3491964";
//定義 加密演算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish
static boolean debug = false ;
* 構造子註解.
public Eryptogram ()

} /**
* 生成密鑰
* @return byte[] 返回生成的密鑰
* @throws exception 扔出異常.
public static byte [] getSecretKey () throws Exception
KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance (Algorithm );
SecretKey deskey = keygen.generateKey ();
System.out.println ("生成密鑰:"+bytesToHexString (deskey.getEncoded ()));
if (debug ) System.out.println ("生成密鑰:"+bytesToHexString (deskey.getEncoded ()));
return deskey.getEncoded ();

} /**
* 將指定的數據根據提供的密鑰進行加密
* @param input 需要加密的數據
* @param key 密鑰
* @return byte[] 加密後的數據
* @throws Exception
public static byte [] encryptData (byte [] input ,byte [] key ) throws Exception
SecretKey deskey = new javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec (key ,Algorithm );
if (debug )
System.out.println ("加密前的二進串:"+byte2hex (input ));
System.out.println ("加密前的字元串:"+new String (input ));

} Cipher c1 = Cipher.getInstance (Algorithm );
c1.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE ,deskey );
byte [] cipherByte =c1.doFinal (input );
if (debug ) System.out.println ("加密後的二進串:"+byte2hex (cipherByte ));
return cipherByte ;

} /**
* 將給定的已加密的數據通過指定的密鑰進行解密
* @param input 待解密的數據
* @param key 密鑰
* @return byte[] 解密後的數據
* @throws Exception
public static byte [] decryptData (byte [] input ,byte [] key ) throws Exception
SecretKey deskey = new javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec (key ,Algorithm );
if (debug ) System.out.println ("解密前的信息:"+byte2hex (input ));
Cipher c1 = Cipher.getInstance (Algorithm );
c1.init (Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE ,deskey );
byte [] clearByte =c1.doFinal (input );
if (debug )
System.out.println ("解密後的二進串:"+byte2hex (clearByte ));
System.out.println ("解密後的字元串:"+(new String (clearByte )));

} return clearByte ;

} /**
* 位元組碼轉換成16進制字元串
* @param byte[] b 輸入要轉換的位元組碼
* @return String 返回轉換後的16進制字元串
public static String byte2hex (byte [] b )
String hs ="";
String stmp ="";
for (int n =0 ;n <b.length ;n ++)
stmp =(java.lang.Integer.toHexString (b [n ] & 0XFF ));
if (stmp.length ()==1 ) hs =hs +"0"+stmp ;
else hs =hs +stmp ;
if (n <b.length -1 ) hs =hs +":";

} return hs.toUpperCase ();


* 字元串轉成位元組數組.
* @param hex 要轉化的字元串.
* @return byte[] 返回轉化後的字元串.
public static byte[] hexStringToByte(String hex) {
int len = (hex.length() / 2);
byte[] result = new byte[len];
char[] achar = hex.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int pos = i * 2;
result[i] = (byte) (toByte(achar[pos]) << 4 | toByte(achar[pos + 1]));
return result;
private static byte toByte(char c) {
byte b = (byte) "0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(c);
return b;

* 位元組數組轉成字元串.
* @param String 要轉化的字元串.
* @return 返回轉化後的位元組數組.
public static final String bytesToHexString(byte[] bArray) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(bArray.length);
String sTemp;
for (int i = 0; i < bArray.length; i++) {
sTemp = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & bArray[i]);
if (sTemp.length() < 2)
return sb.toString();

* 從資料庫中獲取密鑰.
* @param deptid 企業id.
* @return 要返回的位元組數組.
* @throws Exception 可能拋出的異常.
public static byte[] getSecretKey(long deptid) throws Exception {
byte[] key=null;
String value=null;
//CommDao =new CommDao();
// List list=.getRecordList("from Key k where k.deptid="+deptid);
value = "CB7A92E3D3491964";
if (debug)
System.out.println("密鑰:" + value);
return key;

public String encryptData2(String data) {
String en = null;
try {
byte[] key=hexStringToByte(this.key);
en = bytesToHexString(encryptData(data.getBytes(),key));
} catch (Exception e) {
return en;

public String decryptData2(String data) {
String de = null;
try {
byte[] key=hexStringToByte(this.key);
de = new String(decryptData(hexStringToByte(data),key));
} catch (Exception e) {
return de;
} 加密使用: byte[] key=Eryptogram.getSecretKey(deptid); //獲得鑰匙(位元組數組)
byte[] tmp=Eryptogram.encryptData(password.getBytes(), key); //傳入密碼和鑰匙,獲得加密後的位元組數組的密碼
password=Eryptogram.bytesToHexString(tmp); //將位元組數組轉化為字元串,獲得加密後的字元串密碼解密與之差不多

⑤ java項目如何加密


1.BASE64 嚴格地說,屬於編碼格式,而非加密演算法
2.MD5(Message Digest algorithm 5,信息摘要演算法)
3.SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm,安全散列演算法)
4.HMAC(Hash Message Authentication Code,散列消息鑒別碼)
按 照RFC2045的定義,Base64被定義為:Base64內容傳送編碼被設計用來把任意序列的8位位元組描述為一種不易被人直接識別的形式。(The Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that need not be humanly readable.)
MD5 -- message-digest algorithm 5 (信息-摘要演算法)縮寫,廣泛用於加密和解密技術,常用於文件校驗。校驗?不管文件多大,經過MD5後都能生成唯一的MD5值。好比現在的ISO校驗,都 是MD5校驗。怎麼用?當然是把ISO經過MD5後產生MD5的值。一般下載linux-ISO的朋友都見過下載鏈接旁邊放著MD5的串。就是用來驗證文 件是否一致的。

HMAC(Hash Message Authentication Code,散列消息鑒別碼,基於密鑰的Hash演算法的認證協議。消息鑒別碼實現鑒別的原理是,用公開函數和密鑰產生一個固定長度的值作為認證標識,用這個 標識鑒別消息的完整性。使用一個密鑰生成一個固定大小的小數據塊,即MAC,並將其加入到消息中,然後傳輸。接收方利用與發送方共享的密鑰進行鑒別認證 等。

⑥ java加密的幾種方式












⑦ java 用^進行加密

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test {
public static final int KEY = 8;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "十點進攻";
StringBuffer str2 = new StringBuffer(); //存儲加密後的字元串
StringBuffer str3 = new StringBuffer(); //存儲解密後的字元串
for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)
char c = (char)(str.charAt(i) ^ KEY);
for(int i=0;i<str2.length();i++)
char c = (char)(str2.charAt(i) ^ KEY);
System.out.println("原始 的字元串為:" + str);
System.out.println("加密後 的字元串為:" + str2);
System.out.println("解密後 的字元串為:" + str3);

⑧ Java加密方式



⑨ java中如何實現對文件和字元串加密. 解密

DES 密鑰生成,加解密方法,,你可以看一下

//DES 密鑰生成工具
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;

import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;

public class GenKey {

private static final String DES = "DES";
public static final String SKEY_NAME = "key.des";

public static void genKey1(String path) {

// 密鑰
SecretKey skey = null;
// 密鑰隨機數生成
SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
File file = genFile(path);

try {
// 獲取密鑰生成實例
KeyGenerator gen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(DES);
// 初始化密鑰生成器
// 生成密鑰
skey = gen.generateKey();
// System.out.println(skey);

ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(file));

} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

* @param file : 生成密鑰的路徑
* SecretKeyFactory 方式生成des密鑰
* */
public static void genKey2(String path) {
// 密鑰隨機數生成
SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
// byte[] bytes = {11,12,44,99,76,45,1,8};
byte[] bytes = sr.generateSeed(20);
// 密鑰
SecretKey skey = null;
File file = genFile(path);

try {
DESKeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec(bytes,9);
SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(DES);
skey = keyFactory.generateSecret(desKeySpec);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(file));
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {


private static File genFile(String path) {
String temp = null;
File newFile = null;
if (path.endsWith("/") || path.endsWith("\\")) {
temp = path;
} else {
temp = path + "/";

File pathFile = new File(temp);
if (!pathFile.exists())

newFile = new File(temp+SKEY_NAME);

return newFile;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub



import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

*制卡文件加/解密 加密方式DES
public class SecUtil {

public static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SecUtil.class);

* 解密
* @param keyPath
* 密鑰路徑
* @param source
* 解密前文件
* @param dest
* 解密後文件
public static void decrypt(String keyPath, String source, String dest) {
SecretKey key = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream keyFile = new ObjectInputStream(
// 讀取加密密鑰
new FileInputStream(keyPath));
key = (SecretKey) keyFile.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException ey1) {
log.info("Error when read keyFile");
throw new RuntimeException(ey1);
} catch (Exception ey2) {
log.info("error when read the keyFile");
throw new RuntimeException(ey2);
// 用key產生Cipher
Cipher cipher = null;
try {
// 設置演算法,應該與加密時的設置一樣
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
// 設置解密模式
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
} catch (Exception ey3) {
log.info("Error when create the cipher");
throw new RuntimeException(ey3);
// 取得要解密的文件並解密
File file = new File(source);
String filename = file.getName();
try {
// 輸出流,請注意文件名稱的獲取
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(dest));
// 輸入流
CipherInputStream in = new CipherInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)), cipher);
int thebyte = 0;
while ((thebyte = in.read()) != -1) {
} catch (Exception ey5) {
log.info("Error when encrypt the file");
throw new RuntimeException(ey5);

* 加密
* @param keyPath 密鑰路徑
* @param source 加密前文件
* @param dest 加密後文件
public static void encrypt(String keyPath, String source, String dest) {
SecretKey key = null;
try {
ObjectInputStream keyFile = new ObjectInputStream(
// 讀取加密密鑰
new FileInputStream(keyPath));
key = (SecretKey) keyFile.readObject();
} catch (FileNotFoundException ey1) {
log.info("Error when read keyFile");
throw new RuntimeException(ey1);
} catch (Exception ey2) {
log.info("error when read the keyFile");
throw new RuntimeException(ey2);
// 用key產生Cipher
Cipher cipher = null;
try {
// 設置演算法,應該與加密時的設置一樣
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
// 設置解密模式
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
} catch (Exception ey3) {
log.info("Error when create the cipher");
throw new RuntimeException(ey3);
// 取得要解密的文件並解密
File file = new File(source);
String filename = file.getName();
try {
// 輸出流,請注意文件名稱的獲取
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(dest));
// 輸入流
CipherInputStream in = new CipherInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)), cipher);
int thebyte = 0;
while ((thebyte = in.read()) != -1) {
} catch (Exception ey5) {
log.info("Error when encrypt the file");
throw new RuntimeException(ey5);




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