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發布時間:2023-12-30 05:00:33

A. 怎麼把網站上的pdf文件弄出來


B. pdf文件:下載pdf 文件打不開,刪也刪不掉

My solution for this problem:
1. This kind of dead files are proced by incompletely downloading of the files from the websites.
2. When you download a pdf file from a website, rename and then save it, if the web page does not show change of the name of the pdf file, this indicates that the file have not been completely downloaded. You should immediately delete it (its size is 0 Kb.) from the folder where you save it and re-download it completely.
3. You can cut the folders in all hierarchies and files in them together or separately and paste them in other/new driver (or in new folders in new driver), since the dead files can not be moved, you can filter all dead files and re-download them according to your needs and save the in the new folders in new driver. Then you can delete the older folders in all hierarchies together with this kind of dead files completely without trouble.



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