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❷ 英語自考怎麼考

第一個!!! 你仔細看一下,應該對你有所幫助,
00602 口譯與聽力
南京師范大學編 (高綱號 0694)






這一部分 簡要新聞理解(14分)

這部分由7段簡要新聞(news in brief)級成。主要為國際主要英語媒體如BBC、VOA、CNN、NPR、MSNBC等的簡要新聞報道。每段新聞相應在試題中有兩個單項選擇題。每段新聞的錄音播放兩遍,然後考生有30秒時間答題。

第二部分 詳細報道理解(10分)

第一部分由兩段較長的錄音構成。形式不一,一般是國際主要英語媒體的對新聞事件的詳細報道(news in detail),也可能是國外廣播電視英語節目的節選。每段報道相應在試題中有五個單項選擇題。每段報道錄音播放兩遍,然後考生有一分鍾時間答題。

第三部分 詳細報道內容摘要(20分)


第四部分 聽寫(6分)












要想提高聽力理解能力,首先釘保證語言素材的大量輸入。本科段的高級聽力給考生提出了更高的要求,既在實踐層次上的要求——聽真實材料。考生不能把目光只盯在教科書上,翻來覆去地聽課本所配磁帶是不會有大長進的。盡管對絕大多數考生來說不存在平時使用英語的環境,但這並不是說就沒有辦法了。應該說雖然英語在中國的使用從總體來講還是相當有限,但今天的改革開放和信息社會已經使英語無處不在。世界上主要媒體如BBC、VOA、CNN、NPR、CCTV-9等的播音節目都可能通過電視或互聯網上獲得。英語國家的大報如Washington Post、New York Times 等都在互聯網上提供新聞廣播或錄象服務。國內目前有大量的各種英語原聲雜志和琳琅滿目的英語原版電影的DVD光碟。這些都是練習聽力的上好原材料。在練習聽的時候,要注意方法,講求收效。練習聽力要保持從材料中索取信息的興趣和興奮度,保證定時定量,把握難易度,根據不同的材料性質決定精聽和泛聽。聽時最好有錄音原文的文字稿,這樣可以對照地學習,搞清楚是什麼地方沒有聽懂,沒有聽懂的原因,這樣才有所積累。才能逐步地提高聽力水平。




提高階段:《實用英漢漢英口譯教程》,徐海銘 季海宏編著,南京師范大學出版社

00593和00594 英語聽力


南京師范大學編 (高綱號 0544)



本課程的學習內容主要圍繞本課程的指定教材《英語中級聽力》( Listen to This:2)。全書共36課,每課由三個部分組成。每一課的主要學習內容包括生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套練習等三個部分。







本課程所指定的教材為《英語中級聽力》( Listen to This:2),何其莘等編,外語教學與研究出版社。



















This is a test of your ability to understan d spoken English. It is divided into five sections. Each section of the test begins with a set of specific directions. Be sure you understan d what you are to do before you begin to work on a section.
The tape will tell you when to strat each section an d when to go on to the next section. You must follow the recording all the time an d work quickly but carefully. Do not spend too much time on any one question. If you finish a section early, you may review your answer on that section only. You may not go on to the next section an d you may not go back to a section you have already worked on.
You may find that some of the questions are more difficult than others,but you should try to answer every one. Your score will be based only on the number of questions you answer correctly. Therefore, if you are not sure of the answer to a question, make the best gues that you cna. It is to your advantage to answer every question, even if you have to guess the answer.
Do no mark your answers in this TEST BOOK. You must mark all your answers on the separate ANSWER SHEET. Be careful to mark only one answer to each question. If you change your mind about an answer after you have marked it on the ANSWER SHEET, clear it completely withan eraser an d then mark your new answer.

Section One

Directions:In this section of the test, you will hear tensentences. Each sentence will be read twice an d it contains one of the four words given below. You must listen carefully an find out the word you hear in the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question an d fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. (20%)
Here is an example:
On the recording,you hear:
The boy bit the man on the arm.
In your test book you read:
(A)beat (B)bit (C)bite (D)beast
You learn from the speaker that the word in the sentence is(B),"bit".Therefore,the correct answer is(B).Now,let』s begin with NO.1
1.(A)cha rged (B)trained (C)challenged (D)changed
2.(A)called (B)cold (C)cooked (D)good
3.(A)exhaustion (B)extraction (C)exhibition (D)exhibit
... ...

Section Two

Directions:For each question in Section Two, you will hear a sentence in the form of a statement or a question. Each sentence will
be spoken twice. When ou hear a sentence, read the four choices an d decide which of them is the chlosest interpretation of the statement or the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question an d fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.(20%)
1.(A)The story is very enjoyable.
(B)Is tha one of the stories?
(C)I wonder which story it is.
(D)Is that a wonderful story?
2.(A)The deans』 offices are located jus over the theater.
(B)The dean is in the other office.
(C)The offices are on the same floor as the theater.
(D)The officers are on the stage.
3.(A)Laura had to take the cake upstairs.
(B)Laura put on makeup before the exam.
(C)Laura must take the test.
(D)Laura knows the flag of every nation
... ...

Section Three

Directions: For each question in Section Three, you will hear a short conversation between two speakers. You will be given a question to answer about each conversation. Each conversation will be read twice. You must listen carefully to understan d what each speaker says. After you hear a conversation, read the four choices an d decide which of them is the best answer to the question. Then,on your answer sheet, find the number of the question an d fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. (20%)
1.What does the woman mean?
(A)The train will be heavily loaded.
(B)The Capitol Building is made of stone.
(C)The Capitol building is near the train station.
(D)The train had already departed for Washington.
2.What does the man mean?
(A)He doesn』t think they are allowed to speak.
(B)He doesn』t know what』s happening outside.
(C)He is only talking to himself.
(D)He thinks it』s too noisy to talk now.
3.What does the man mean?
(A)He can read for a long time when he』s interested.
(B)He』s also amazed at how much he reads.
(C)He reads the same amount as he woman does.
(D)He finds it difficult to sit still to read.
... ...

Secton Four

Directions:In this section of the test, you will hear short talks an d converstations. After each talk or conversation, you will be given some question. Each talk or conversation will be read twice. You must read the questions an d the four possible answers carefully an d choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question an d fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. (20%)
1.What trouble did the pigeons have?
(A)The cobra cheated them.
(B)The cobra occupied their home.
(C)They blst their valuable necklace.
(D)The cobra often ate the pigeons』 young babies.
2.Whom did the pigeons go to for help?
(A)A hare.
(B)A snake.
(C)A queen.
(D)Their servant.
3.Why did the pigeon drop the necklace?
(A)Because it was too heave.
(B)Because he wanted to trick the cobra.
(C)Because he wanted to please the cobra.
(D)Because he wanted the servants to run after him.
4.What is the point of this passage?
(A)When you are in trouble, better to go an d ask a clever
friend for help.
(B)bathing with a necklace left on the shore is foolish.
(C)It is better to be clever than strong.
(D)It』s foolish to eat young pigeons.
... ...

Section Five

Directions: This section is designed to measure your comprehension of a passage. You are going to hear the passage twice. It will not be written out for you. Therefore,you must listen carfully in order to understan d the passage completely. After you hear the passage, read each statement in your test book an d decide whether it is TRUE or FALSE according to what you have heard on the tape. Then on your answer sheet, if it is TRUE find the number of the question an d blacken the letter"A";if it is FALSE, find the number of the question an d blacken the letter"B".Now, please get ready to listen to the passage.(20%)
1.Chaplin was born an d had grown up in London』s poor area
an d experienced hardships of life.
2.Chaplin』s parents had been successful actor an d actress in
Englan d.
3.Chaplin had the same dream as his parent』s------to
be film stars.
... ...



Section One

1.The controller cha rged Amy too much.(A)
2.Mike』s coffee was cold.(B)
3.His art was appreciated by the younger people at the exhibi-
tion. (C)

Section Two

1.What a wonderful story!(A)
2.On the floor above the theatre are the deans』 offices.(A)
3.Laura has to make up the examination.(C)

Section Three

1.M.While I』m in Washington,I want to see the Capitol Building.
W.You will. It』s only a stone』s thrown away from the train
Q.What does the woman mean?(C)
2.W. I』m sorry. What did you say?
M. Oh, nothing. I was just thinking out loud.
Q. What does the man mean?(C)
3.W. How you can read so much in one sitting is amazing.
M. When the subject is interesting enough, it』s easy.
Q. What does the man mean?(A)

Section Four

Once upon a time a pair of pigeons were continually upset by a cobra. Every year the snake crawled into their home to eat the young pigeons before they learned to fly.They asked their clever friend, the hare, what to do.
"Do not be disappointed,"he told them,"We cannot stop the cobra by force, as we are not strong enough. We will have to use craft to destroy that cruel beast. Just do what I tell you an d you will be safe."
The pigeon then flew off to the river where a queen was bating, guarded by all her servants. He snatched up the most beautiful necklace left on the shore an d flew away just out of reach of the angry servants. Once they were running straight for the cobra』s home he flew quickly ahead an d settled at the window pretenfing not to know what to do.
The cobra rushed towards the pigeon at once."Stupid pigeon," he thought. He only just managed to fly away, but dropped this valuable necklace in his haste."What will his wife say? Now I will be the most magnificent cobra in the world." However, no sooner had he put it on than the servants appeared an d killed him to take the expensive thing
The year the pigeon』s family grew up healthy an d safe.


1.What trouble did the pigeons have?(D)
2.Whom did the pigeons go to for help?(A)
3.Why did the pigeon drop the necklace?(B)
4.What is! the point of this passage?(C)

Section Five

cha rles Chaplin

In 1911, a penniless young man left Englan d for America. His future was uncertain, but he did not believe it could be worse than his past. He had grown up among the poor in London』s East End an d experience great poverty. His mother』s life had been so hard that she had finally gone mad. an d his father died of drink. Both parents had been on the stage an d lived in the hope that they would one day be "stars". Their son dreamed that he could succeed where they had failed.
By 1914, his dream had come true. His name, cha rlie, was widely talked about in America. He was admired as the king of silent films. How did he reach the top of the film world an d make a huge success in such a short time? It was not at one single stroke. His early efforts to other famous stars at that time were a failure. However, he graally began to develop the cha racter of a tramp, which is always connected with his name. He often borrowed ideas an d even "stole" most of his clothes from others, but he developed his own way to go with them. He used a black hat to pass secret messages, an d the walking stick allowed him to make fun of his enemies or to punish them from a distance. He got the idea for his famous walk from a London driver who had a wound in his foot.
... ...


1.Chaplin was born an d had grown up in London』s poor area an d experienced hardships of life.(A)
2.Chaplin』s parents had been successful actor an d actress in Englan d.(B)
3.Chapin had the same dream as his parent』s---- to be film stars.(A)

(執筆:南京師范大學外國語學院 李霞 等)





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