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1. 電氣工程類專業英語翻譯問題2

The battery polarities, of course, remain as they were according to their symbology (short end negative, long and positive). 當然,電池的極性根據它們的符號(短端為負,長端為正)而保持其原樣。It is okay if the polarity of a resistor』s voltage polarity is correctly based on the assumed direction of current through it.如果一個電阻器的電壓的極性是正確地依據通過電阻器的假設的電流方向,那就行了。 In some cases we may discover that current will be forced backwards through a battery, causing this very effect. 在有些情況下,我們可以發現,電流將被迫通過電池返回,從而導致這一效應。The important thing to remember here is to base all your resistor polarities and subsequent calculations on the directions of current(s) initially assumed. 重要的是要記住,這里是把你所有的電池極性和其後的計算建立在一開始假設的電流方向的基礎上的。As stated earlier, if your assumption happens to be incorrect, it will be apparent once the equations have been solved (by means of a negative solution). 正如前面說明的那樣,如果你的假設偶然是錯誤的,那一旦這些方程式被求解(用一個負解),問題就會很明顯。The magnitude of the solution, however, will still be correct.不過,解的大小(值)將仍是正確的
Kirchhoff』s Voltage Law (KVL) tells us that the algebraic sum of all voltages in loop must be equal zero, so we can create more equations with current terms (I1, I2, and I3) for our simultaneous equations. 基爾霍夫的電壓定律(KVL)告訴我們,在環路中的所有電壓的代數和必定等於零,因此我們可以為四個同時的方程式列出更多帶有電流項(I1, I2, 和 I3)的方程式。(To obtain a KVL equation, we must tally voltage drops in a loop of the circuit, as though we were measuring with a real voltmeter. 要獲得一個KVL方程式,我們必須計算該迴路中某一環路中的電壓降,好像我們是在用一台真正的電壓表進行測量一樣。I』ll choose to trace the left loop of this circuit first, starting from the upper-left corner and moving counterclockwise (the choice of starting points and directions is arbitrary). 我將首先選擇跟蹤此迴路左面的環路,從左上角開始,並逆時針移動(起點和方向的選擇是任意的)。
Notice how current is being pushed backwards through battery w (electrons flowing 「up」) e to the higher voltage of battery 1 (whose current is pointed 「down」 as it normally would)! 注意,電流是如何因電池1較高的電壓(其電流像通常那樣指向「下」)被推回電池W的(電子流向「上」)!Despite the fact that battery E2』s polarity is trying to push electrons down in that branch of the circuit, electrons are being forced backwards through it e to the superior voltage of battery E1.盡管電池E2的極性試圖在該迴路的該分支中將電子向下推,但由於電池1的優勢電壓,電子還是被迫通過E2電池而向後移動。 Dose this mean that the stronger battery will always 「win」 and the weaker battery always get current forced through it backwards? 這是否意味著較強的電池將始終「贏」,而較弱的電池始終讓電流被迫向迴流過自己呢?No! It actually depends on both the batteries』 relative voltage and the resistor values in the circuit.不!它實際上取決於迴路中兩個電池的相對電壓和電阻器的值。 The only sure way to determine what』s going on is to take the time to mathematically analyze the network.決定如何繼續進行的唯一確定方法是花時間對網路進行數學分析。
Now that we know the magnitude of all currents in this circuit, we can calculate voltage drops across all resistor with Ohm』s Law (E=I*R).既然我們知道在此迴路中的所有電流的大小,我們就可藉助歐姆定律(E=I*R)來計算跨所有電阻器的電壓降了。



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