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1. "Fluent Python": Written by a core Python developer, this book delves into complex Python concepts such as iterators, generators, and decorators, making it ideal for readers with a solid programming foundation.
2. "Python Crash Course": Designed for beginners, this book guides readers through Python programming using real-world examples, covering web application development and data visualization.
3. "Python Cookbook": This book provides practical code examples and solutions for intermediate and advanced programmers, covering areas such as network programming, concurrent programming, and data processing.
4. "Effective Python": Aimed at experienced Python programmers, this book introces efficient and elegant coding practices, including memory-efficient generators and attribute management.
5. "Python Network Programming": This book covers Python network programming technologies such as Socket programming, HTTP, and SMTP protocols, making it suitable for those looking to deepen their understanding of network programming.
6. "Data Analysis with Python": The book explains how to use Python data analysis tools like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, and provides real-world case studies.
7. "Python Basics": This is a beginner-level guide to learning Python fundamentals, with comprehensive and easy-to-understand content.
8. "Python Advanced Programming": This book introces advanced Python programming techniques, including metaprogramming, multi-threading, and asynchronous programming.
9. "Head First Python": This book is designed for beginners and uses graphics and examples to guide readers through Python programming, also covering web application development and data visualization.
10. "Python Web Scraping": This book introces Python web scraping techniques, including HTTP, regular expressions, and XPath/BeautifulSoup, and provides practical examples of web scraping projects.
11. "Python Concurrency": This book explains Python concurrency techniques such as multi-threading, multi-processing, and coroutines, and provides numerous code examples.
12. "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python": The book shows how to use Python to automate everyday tasks, covering file operations, web scraping, and data processing.
13. "Python for Data Analysis": This book teaches how to use Python for data analysis, including data cleaning, visualization, and statistical analysis.
14. "Python Network Programming": This book explains how to use Python for network programming, including TCP/IP, HTTP, and web frameworks.
15. "Flask Web Development": This book introces how to use the Flask framework for web development, including route design, template rendering, and database operations.
All resources are available for download, and readers in need may access them at their own convenience.

❷ Python電子書學習推薦 | 16本python書籍(附pdf版),看完少走一半彎路



《Python Cookbook》:面向中高級程序員的技巧手冊,提供大量代碼示例和解決方案,涉及網路編程、並發編程、數據處理等。

《Effective Python》:針對有一定經驗的Python程序員,介紹更高效、優雅的編碼方式,如使用生成器節省內存、描述符管理屬性等。





《Head First Python》:適合初學者的Python入門書籍,通過豐富的圖表和實例引導學習,包括Web應用程序開發、數據可視化等內容。



《Automate the Boring Stuff with Python》:指南如何使用Python自動化處理日常工作任務,包括文件操作、網頁抓取、數據處理等,適合提高工作效率的程序員。

《Python for Data Analysis》:介紹如何使用Python進行數據分析,涵蓋數據清洗、可視化、統計分析等內容,適合從事數據分析工作或對數據分析感興趣的程序員。


《Flask Web開發實戰》:介紹如何使用Flask框架進行Web開發,涵蓋路由設計、模板渲染、資料庫操作等內容,適合學習Web開發技術或使用Flask框架進行開發的程序員。


❸ python3前端傳遞的pdf文件對象如何存儲到伺服器的指定目錄

<form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
文件:<input type="file" name="testUpload"/>
<input type="submit" />
@RequestMapping(value = "upload")
public String upload(@RequestParam("testUpload") MultipartFile file) {
if (file.isEmpty()) {
return "文件為空";
// 獲取文件名
String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
System.out.println("上傳的文件名為:" + fileName);
// 獲取文件的後綴名
String suffixName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."));
System.out.println("上傳的後綴名為:" + suffixName);
// 文件上傳後的路徑
String filePath = "E://test//";
File dest = new File(filePath + fileName);
// 檢測是否存在目錄
if (!dest.getParentFile().exists()) {
try {
return "上傳成功";
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return "上傳失敗";



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