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1. 求織田NON漫畫全集



2. 電腦藍屏後顯示「PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGEG_AREA是怎麼回事」電腦高手請幫忙




3. 如何解壓文件名是UTF8編碼的壓縮


我們先來看Unicode的編碼:一個英文字母 「a」 和 一個漢字 「好」,編碼後都是佔用的空間大小是一樣的,都是兩個位元組!

而UTF8編碼:一個英文字母「a」 和 一個漢字 「好」,編碼後佔用的空間大小就不樣了,前者是一個位元組,後者是三個位元組!


當要表示的內容是 7位 的時候就用一個位元組:0******* 第一個0為標志位,剩下的空間正好可以表示ASCII 0-127 的內容。

當要表示的內容在 8 到 11 位的時候就用兩個位元組:110***** 10****** 第一個位元組的110和第二個位元組的10為標志位。

當要表示的內容在 12 到 16 位的時候就用三個位元組:1110***** 10****** 10****** 和上面一樣,第一個位元組的1110和第二、三個位元組的10都是標志位,剩下的占湔�每梢員硎競鶴幀?BR>
四個位元組:11110**** 10****** 10****** 10******
五個位元組:111110*** 10****** 10****** 10****** 10******
六個位元組:1111110** 10****** 10****** 10****** 10****** 10******

UTF-7:A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode(RFC1642)。這是一種使用 7 位 ASCII 碼對 Unicode 碼進行轉換的編碼。它的設計目的仍然是為了在只能傳遞 7 為編碼的郵件網關中傳遞信息。 UTF-7 對英語字母、數字和常見符號直接顯示,而對其他符號用修正的 Base64 編碼。符號 + 和 - 號控制編碼過程的開始和暫停。所以亂碼中如果夾有英文單詞,並且相伴有 + 號和 - 號,這就有可能是 UTF-7 編碼。


A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of Unicode

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo
does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of
this memo is unlimited.


The Unicode Standard, version 2.0, and ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993(E) (as
amended) jointly define a character set (hereafter referred to as
Unicode) which encompasses most of the world's writing systems.
However, Internet mail (STD 11, RFC 822) currently supports only 7-
bit US ASCII as a character set. MIME (RFC 2045 through 2049) extends
Internet mail to support different media types and character sets,
and thus could support Unicode in mail messages. MIME neither defines
Unicode as a permitted character set nor specifies how it would be
encoded, although it does provide for the registration of additional
character sets over time.

This document describes a transformation format of Unicode that
contains only 7-bit ASCII octets and is intended to be readable by
humans in the limiting case that the document consists of characters
from the US-ASCII repertoire. It also specifies how this
transformation format is used in the context of MIME and RFC 1641,
"Using Unicode with MIME".


Although other transformation formats of Unicode exist and could
conceivably be used in this context (most notably UTF-8, also known
as UTF-2 or UTF-FSS), they suffer the disadvantage that they use
octets in the range decimal 128 through 255 to encode Unicode
characters outside the US-ASCII range. Thus, in the context of mail,
those octets must themselves be encoded. This requires putting text
through two successive encoding processes, and leads to a significant
expansion of characters outside the US-ASCII range, putting non-
English speakers at a disadvantage. For example, using UTF-8 together

with the Quoted-Printable content transfer encoding of MIME
represents US-ASCII characters in one octet, but other characters may
require up to nine octets.


UTF-7 encodes Unicode characters as US-ASCII octets, together with
shift sequences to encode characters outside that range. For this
purpose, one of the characters in the US-ASCII repertoire is reserved
for use as a shift character.

Many mail gateways and systems cannot handle the entire US-ASCII
character set (those based on EBCDIC, for example), and so UTF-7
contains provisions for encoding characters within US-ASCII in a way
that all mail systems can accomodate.

UTF-7 should normally be used only in the context of 7 bit
transports, such as mail. In other contexts, straight Unicode or
UTF-8 is preferred.

See RFC 1641, "Using Unicode with MIME" for the overall specification
on usage of Unicode transformation formats with MIME.


First, the definition of Unicode:

The 16 bit character set Unicode is defined by "The Unicode
Standard, Version 2.0". This character set is identical with the
character repertoire and coding of the international standard
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993(E); Coded Representation Form=UCS-2;
Subset=300; Implementation Level=3, including the first 7
amendments to 10646 plus editorial corrections.

Note. Unicode 2.0 further specifies the use and interaction of
these character codes beyond the ISO standard. However, any valid
10646 sequence is a valid Unicode sequence, and vice versa;
Unicode supplies interpretations of sequences on which the ISO
standard is silent as to interpretation.

Next, some handy definitions of US-ASCII character subsets:

Set D (directly encoded characters) consists of the following
characters (derived from RFC 1521, Appendix B, which no longer
appears in RFC 2045): the upper and lower case letters A through Z
and a through z, the 10 digits 0-9, and the following nine special
characters (note that "+" and "=" are omitted):

Character ASCII & Unicode Value (decimal)
' 39
( 40
) 41
, 44
- 45
. 46
/ 47
: 58
? 63

Set O (optional direct characters) consists of the following
characters (note that "\" and "~" are omitted):

Character ASCII & Unicode Value (decimal)
! 33
" 34
# 35
$ 36
% 37
& 38
* 42
; 59
< 60
= 61
> 62
@ 64
[ 91
] 93
^ 94
_ 95
' 96
{ 123
| 124
} 125

Rationale. The characters "\" and "~" are omitted because they are
often redefined in variants of ASCII.

Set B (Modified Base 64) is the set of characters in the Base64
alphabet defined in RFC 2045, excluding the pad character "="
(decimal value 61).

Rationale. The pad character = is excluded because UTF-7 is designed
for use within header fields as set forth in RFC 2047. Since the only
readable encoding in RFC 2047 is "Q" (based on RFC 2045's Quoted-
Printable), the "=" character is not available for use (without a lot
of escape sequences). This was very unfortunate but unavoidable. The
"=" character could otherwise have been used as the UTF-7 escape
character as well (rather than using "+").

Note that all characters in US-ASCII have the same value in Unicode
when zero-extended to 16 bits.

UTF-7 Definition

A UTF-7 stream represents 16-bit Unicode characters using 7-bit US-
ASCII octets as follows:

Rule 1: (direct encoding) Unicode characters in set D above may be
encoded directly as their ASCII equivalents. Unicode characters in
Set O may optionally be encoded directly as their ASCII
equivalents, bearing in mind that many of these characters are
illegal in header fields, or may not pass correctly through some
mail gateways.

Rule 2: (Unicode shifted encoding) Any Unicode character sequence
may be encoded using a sequence of characters in set B, when
preceded by the shift character "+" (US-ASCII character value
decimal 43). The "+" signals that subsequent octets are to be
interpreted as elements of the Modified Base64 alphabet until a
character not in that alphabet is encountered. Such characters
include control characters such as carriage returns and line
feeds; thus, a Unicode shifted sequence always terminates at the
of a line. As a special case, if the sequence terminates with the
character "-" (US-ASCII decimal 45) then that character is
absorbed; other terminating characters are not absorbed and are
processed normally.

Note that if the first character after the shifted sequence is "-"
then an extra "-" must be present to terminate the shifted
sequence so that the actual "-" is not itself absorbed.

Rationale. A terminating character is necessary for cases where
the next character after the Modified Base64 sequence is part of
character set B or is itself the terminating character. It can
also enhance readability by delimiting encoded sequences.

Also as a special case, the sequence "+-" may be used to encode
the character "+". A "+" character followed immediately by any
character other than members of set B or "-" is an ill-formed

Unicode is encoded using Modified Base64 by first converting
Unicode 16-bit quantities to an octet stream (with the most
significant octet first). Surrogate pairs (UTF-16) are converted
by treating each half of the pair as a separate 16 bit quantity
(i.e., no special treatment). Text with an odd number of octets is
ill-formed. ISO 10646 characters outside the range addressable via
surrogate pairs cannot be encoded.

Rationale. ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993(E) specifies that when characters
the UCS-2 form are serialized as octets, that the most significant
octet appear first. This is also in keeping with common network
practice of choosing a canonical format for transmission.

Rationale. The policy for code point allocation within ISO 10646
and Unicode is that the repertoires be kept synchronized. No code
points will be allocated in ISO 10646 outside the range
addressable by surrogate pairs.

Next, the octet stream is encoded by applying the Base64 content
transfer encoding algorithm as defined in RFC 2045, modified to
omit the "=" pad character. Instead, when encoding, zero bits are
added to pad to a Base64 character boundary. When decoding, any
bits at the end of the Modified Base64 sequence that do not
constitute a complete 16-bit Unicode character are discarded. If
such discarded bits are non-zero the sequence is ill-formed.

Rationale. The pad character "=" is not used when encoding
Modified Base64 because of the conflict with its use as an escape
character for the Q content transfer encoding in RFC 2047 header
fields, as mentioned above.

Rule 3: The space (decimal 32), tab (decimal 9), carriage return
(decimal 13), and line feed (decimal 10) characters may be
directly represented by their ASCII equivalents. However, note
that MIME content transfer encodings have rules concerning the use
of such characters. Usage that does not conform to the
restrictions of RFC 822, for example, would have to be encoded
using MIME content transfer encodings other than 7bit or 8bit,
such as quoted-printable, binary, or base64.

Given this set of rules, Unicode characters which may be encoded via
rules 1 or 3 take one octet per character, and other Unicode
characters are encoded on average with 2 2/3 octets per character

plus one octet to switch into Modified Base64 and an optional octet
to switch out.

Example. The Unicode sequence "A<NOT IDENTICAL TO><ALPHA>."
(hexadecimal 0041,2262,0391,002E) may be encoded as follows:


Example. The Unicode sequence "Hi Mom -<WHITE SMILING FACE>-!"
(hexadecimal 0048, 0069, 0020, 004D, 006F, 006D, 0020, 002D, 263A,
002D, 0021) may be encoded as follows:

Hi Mom -+Jjo--!

Example. The Unicode sequence representing the Han characters for
the Japanese word "nihongo" (hexadecimal 65E5,672C,8A9E) may be
encoded as follows:


4. Mⅰgnon:n『t是什麼意思


5. 裝個N卡驅動,出現non7 zip archive怎麼回事

裝個N卡驅動,出現non7 zip archive說明安裝失敗;









6. 在英文系統使用winrar查看/解壓zip當中中文文件名亂碼的問題

你只需要更改非unicode應用程序的語言 讓系統能識別中文編碼就行了

把Language for non-Unicode programs改成可以識別中文就行了

打開Control Panel→Region選項里

Administrative →Language for non-Unicode programs

改成Chinese (simplified,PRC)




7. 為什麼我下載的文件在安裝的時候說是non 7-zip archive,但是我已經下載了解壓文件,而且


8. 無聊之作 對 手游十萬個為什麼 的解包分析筆記 游戲引


從網上下載十萬個為什麼的 APK 安裝包後,直接改成ZIP進行解壓。因為網上文章說神之刃 是 妙趣橫生 的自研引擎,所以直接來看Libs文件夾吧。

Libs文件夾裡面有4個不同CPU類型的子文件夾,只有 armeabi-v7a 中存在引擎相關的SO動態鏈接庫文件。

無聊之作 對 手游十萬個為什麼(神之刃) 的解包分析筆記 (游戲引



libcheck.so libentryex.so 這兩個應該是騰訊的三方SDK所有。

libgnustl_shared.so 這個文件應該是使用了C++所以會有。

那麼游戲所有的就只有 libmqcj.so libcompress.so 這兩個動態鏈接庫了。


至於SO文件的大小,Unity的 libunity.so + libmono.so 是14M,就連NDK的Sample都有47KB。難道十萬個為什麼整個游戲框架只有58+6KB?這明顯不可能的。



com.mqgame.lib.SLaunchActivity 這個是游戲的啟動Activity 。

com.mqgame.lib.SNativeActivity 這個是NativiActivity ,並且指定動態鏈接庫 mqcj ,就是上面6KB的那個文件。


首先來看 com.mqgame.lib.SLaunchActivity ,這個Activity 在游戲中就是 資源准備的界面。女王大人。

無聊之作 對 手游十萬個為什麼(神之刃) 的解包分析筆記 (游戲引

if (localIterator.hasNext()) { localRunningTaskInfo = (ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo)localIterator.next(); if ((localRunningTaskInfo.topActivity.getPackageName().equals(getPackageName())) || (localRunningTaskInfo.baseActivity.getPackageName().equals(getPackageName()))) if ((localRunningTaskInfo.topActivity.getClassName().equals("com.mqgame.lib.SNativeActivity")) || (localRunningTaskInfo.baseActivity.getClassName().equals("com.mqgame.lib.SNativeActivity"))) if (localRunningTaskInfo.numRunning >= 1) { Log.d("sog_debug", "SOGActivity:Relaunch native"); localIntent2 = getIntent(); if (localIntent2 != null) { localIntent2.setClass(this, SNativeActivity.class); label194: localIntent2.setFlags(131072); startActivity(localIntent2); finish(); } } }
然後在載入任務執行完畢後,跳轉到 SNativeActivity 。
在SNativeActivity中看到有一個 preRun函數

public boolean preRun() { int i = 1; label323: int j; do { try { LinkedList localLinkedList = new LinkedList(); localLinkedList.add(new String("gnustl_shared")); localLinkedList.add(new String("openal")); localLinkedList.add(new String("compress")); localLinkedList.add(new String("script")); localLinkedList.add(new String("iconv")); localLinkedList.add(new String("ogg")); localLinkedList.add(new String("vorbis")); localLinkedList.add(new String("vorbisfile")); localLinkedList.add(new String("curl")); localLinkedList.add(new String("autoupdater")); localLinkedList.add(new String("speex")); localLinkedList.add(new String("mqcj")); Iterator localIterator = localLinkedList.iterator(); while (true) { if (!localIterator.hasNext()) break label323; String str1 = (String)localIterator.next(); str2 = new String(SUtility.getLibPath() + File.separator + "lib" + str1 + ".so"); if (new File(str2).exists()) break; System.loadLibrary(str1); } } catch (Exception localException) { while (true) { String str2; localException.printStackTrace(); SUtility.appendLog(localException.toString()); i = 0; return i; System.load(str2); } } catch (Error localError) { localError.printStackTrace(); SUtility.appendLog(localError.toString()); return i; } VoiceManager.init(this); SUtility.bNativeEntered = true; j = Settings.System.getInt(getContentResolver(), "accelerometer_rotation", 0); } while ((Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 9) || (j != i)); setRequestedOrientation(6); return i; }



03-29 16:14:07.582: D/SOG(8950): Ready to show Game 03-29 16:14:07.587: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.597: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.597: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:07.597: D/SOG_DEBUG(8950): Loading liberary from inner gnustl_shared 03-29 16:14:07.597: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.602: D/dalvikvm(2087): GC_CONCURRENT freed 24K, 28% free 17104K/23584K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 22ms 03-29 16:14:07.602: D/dalvikvm(2087): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 19ms 03-29 16:14:07.607: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.607: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:07.607: D/SOG_DEBUG(8950): Loading liberary from inner compress 03-29 16:14:07.607: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.607: D/dalvikvm(8950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 253K, 6% free 5156K/5480K, paused 6ms+2ms, total 17ms 03-29 16:14:07.612: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.612: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:07.612: D/SOG_DEBUG(8950): Loading liberary from path:/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 03-29 16:14:07.612: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libautoupdater.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.642: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libautoupdater.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:07.642: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libautoupdater.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:07.642: D/SOG_DEBUG(8950): Loading liberary from path:/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libautoupdater.so 03-29 16:14:07.677: D/libEGL(8950): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_mali.so 03-29 16:14:07.677: D/libEGL(8950): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_mali.so 03-29 16:14:07.682: D/libEGL(8950): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_mali.so 03-29 16:14:07.687: E/(8950): Device driver API match 03-29 16:14:07.687: E/(8950): Device driver API version: 401 03-29 16:14:07.687: E/(8950): User space API version: 401 03-29 16:14:07.687: E/(8950): mali: REVISION=linux-r4p0-00rel0 BUILD_DATE=Tue Jul 8 00:03:51 CST 2014 03-29 16:14:07.687: W/linker(8950): libion.so has text relocations. This is wasting memory and is a security risk. Please fix. 03-29 16:14:07.687: V/WindowAnimator(1979): No window is displayed, unset the SET_ORIENTATION_CHANGE_COMPLETE flag 03-29 16:14:07.742: D/OpenGLRenderer(8950): Enabling debug mode 0 03-29 16:14:07.757: D/SOG(8950): Total:1090 Sub:1080 SceenX:1280 SceenY:800 dX:76 dy:43 nProcess X:160 nProcess Width:770 LocaltionShow:0 03-29 16:14:07.782: D/dalvikvm(8950): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 64K, 7% free 5140K/5480K, paused 9ms, total 9ms 03-29 16:14:07.787: I/dalvikvm-heap(8950): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.647MB for 1638544-byte allocation 03-29 16:14:07.797: D/dalvikvm(8950): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 5% free 6740K/7084K, paused 13ms, total 13ms 03-29 16:14:07.812: D/dalvikvm(8950): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2K, 5% free 6771K/7084K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 16ms 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/sog_debug(8950): launch service 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/SOG(8661): sog service shutdown 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/SOG(8661): sog service startuping 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/Service Loading(8661): /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libgnustl_shared.so 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/dalvikvm(8661): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/dalvikvm(8661): Shared lib '/data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/Service Loading(8661): /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcompress.so 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/dalvikvm(8661): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/dalvikvm(8661): Shared lib '/data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.817: D/Service Loading(8661): /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libscript.so 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libscript.so 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/sog_debug(8950): launch game 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Shared lib '/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libscript.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/Service Loading(8661): /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libiconv.so 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libiconv.so 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Shared lib '/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libiconv.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/Service Loading(8661): /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Shared lib '/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/Service Loading(8661): /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libpush.so 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libpush.so 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:07.822: D/dalvikvm(8661): Shared lib '/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libpush.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421512b0 03-29 16:14:08.417: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.417: D/dalvikvm(8950): Shared lib '/data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libgnustl_shared.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.417: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libopenal.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libopenal.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Shared lib '/data/app-lib/com.linekong.cjad.lk-1/libcompress.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libscript.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libscript.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libscript.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libiconv.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libiconv.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libiconv.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:08.422: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libogg.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libogg.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libogg.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libvorbis.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libvorbis.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libvorbis.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libvorbisfile.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libvorbisfile.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libvorbisfile.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Shared lib '/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libcurl.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libautoupdater.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Shared lib '/data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libautoupdater.so' already loaded in same CL 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.427: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libspeex.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.432: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libspeex.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.432: D/dalvikvm(8950): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libspeex.so 0x421565f0, skipping init 03-29 16:14:08.432: D/dalvikvm(8950): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libmqcj.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.502: D/dalvikvm(8950): Added shared lib /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files/libs/libmqcj.so 0x421565f0 03-29 16:14:08.502: W/Looper(8950): Looper already prepared for this thread with a different value for the ALOOPER_PREPARE_ALLOW_NON_CALLBACKS option. 03-29 16:14:08.507: V/VoiceManager(8950): VoiceManager Init Finished! 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950) 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950): MemTotal: 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950): 1723840 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950): kB 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950): MemFree: 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950): 357384 03-29 16:14:08.712: I/MemTotal: 1723840 kB MemFree: 357384 kB(8950): kB 文章出自

1、工程中的Libs文件夾,就是 /data/app-lib/,使用system.loadLibrary()載入

2、默認應用文件夾 /data/data/com.linekong.cjad.lk/files 中的 libs/* ,使用system.load() 載入

9. 英語Max Non Heap Memory怎麼翻譯


深入理解JVM可以幫助我們從平台角度提高解決問題的能力,例如,有效防止內存泄漏(Memory leak),優化線程鎖的使用 (Thread Lock),更加高效的進行垃圾回收 (Garbage collection),提高系統吞吐量 (throughput),降低延遲(Delay),提高其性能(performance)等。


JVM 是 Java Virtual Machine的縮寫,顧名思義,它是一個虛擬計算機,是硬體計算機的抽象(虛構)實現,是JAVA平台的一部分,如圖所示(見圖中的最底端):

JVM是 Java 程序能夠實現跨平台的基礎(Java的跨平台本質上是通過不同平台的JVM實現的),它的作用是載入 Java 程序,把位元組碼(bytecode)翻譯成機器碼再交由 CPU 執行。如圖所示:

程序在執行之前先要把 Java 代碼(.java)轉換成位元組碼(.class),JVM 通過類載入器(ClassLoader)把位元組碼載入到內存中,【關注尚矽谷,輕松學IT】但位元組碼文件是 JVM 的一套指令集規范,並不能直接交給底層操作系統去執行,因此需要特定的命令解析器執行引擎(Execution Engine) 將位元組碼翻譯成底層機器碼,再交由 CPU 去執行。


JVM是一種規范,基於這種規范,不同公司做了具體實現,BEA公司研發JRockit VM,後在2008年由Oracle公司收購;IBM公司研發了J9 VM,只應用於IBM 內部。Sun公司研發了HotSpot VM,後在2010年由Oracle公司收購。目前是甲骨文公司最主流的一款JVM虛擬機,也是我們現在最常用的一種。


JVM 的體系結構,如圖所示:

類載入系統 (ClassLoader System)負責載入類到內存;運行時數據區 (Runtime Data Area)負責存儲對象數據信息;執行引擎(Execution Engine)負責調用對象執行業務;本地庫介面(Native Interface)負責融合不同的編程語言為 Java 所用。



現在64位的jdk中默認都是server模式(可通過 java -version進行查看)。當虛擬機運行在-client模式的時候,使用的是一個代號為C1的輕量級編譯器, 而server模式啟動的虛擬機採用相對重量級,代號為C2的編譯器.c1、c2都是JIT編譯器, C2比C1編譯器編譯的相對徹底,服務起來之後,性能更高。

JVM 運行時內存結構是怎樣的?

不同虛擬機實現可能略微有所不同,但都會遵從 Java 虛擬機規范,Java 8 虛

擬機規范規定,Java 虛擬機所管理的內存將會包括以下幾個區域,如圖所示:

10. linux怎麼安裝軟體




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