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⑴ 做畢業論文答辯的PPT背景、前景的顏色應該怎樣設置


⑵ 上台演講一般用什麼顏色夾子


⑶ 關於色彩的英語演講稿

Hello everybody.
It's my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk something about the color of the earth.
Do you know color of the earth?how many colors are there in it ,let me count,there are yellow,green,blue,white,Brown. The forest is deep green ,grassland is green , semi desert grassland is generally half yellow, the shallow sea is light blue ,the deep sea is blue, snow covered the high mountain and glaciers are white. the desert or Gobi is brown.Do you think about what I said?Land accounts for about 29.2% of the earth's total area, water accounts for about 70.8% of the earth's total area,so most of the color of the earth is blue.
That's all,thank you .

⑷ 同學會主持人發言稿應該用啥顏色紙列印


⑸ 演講用的文件夾要什麼顏色比較好


⑹ 一篇初一英語演講稿 要兩分鍾 內容是關於 我最喜歡的顏色的

I most like the color is a green, in the real life, we may everywhere see the green: The leaf is a green, the willow tree is a green, the green grass is a green. The green is one kind of healthy color: In the life, we looked the green has the advantage to our eye, but also has, why aren't these pure natural foods called red food, blue color food or are called purple food? This indicated the green in the people heart is the healthy color.And the green is a life, is the hope, is the youth, is the vigor.This is the color which I most like: Green I hoped more photographs I like the green equally.

⑺ 世界的顏色英文演講稿小學90字

The Color Of The Earth(地球的色彩)
Good morning everyone!
Today my topic is 「the color of the earth」.
First, I want to ask you two questions, 「how long have you not seen the blue sky?」 「 how long have you not breathed the fresh air?」
Once upon a time, our earth is colorful. Green is the land, blue is the ocean, yellow is the desert, white is the cloud. But today our earth is gray. Every morning when you open the door, you can』t see a blue sky any more. The sky is full of haze and the air is full of inhalable particles.
With the development of human society, human destruction of the earth becomes more and more serious. A large number of cutting trees, emission of toxic gases, mping garbage everywhere and so on. There are more and more problems with our earth such as global warming, ozone hole, acid rain, air pollution, water pollution and desertification. Today, when you overlook our planet, it is very hard to see green areas.
Dear friends, we only have one earth. If we don』t do anything, we will lose our homes, we』ll lose everything. So we should try our best to save our earth. We can plant more green plants. We can choose low carbon life. We can go out by bike or on foot instead of driving our own cars. We can rece disposable supplies.
Let』s join in to save our earth!
Thank you!

⑻ 青春是什麼顏色的演講稿







⑼ 演講稿地球的顏色

珍愛地球 地球,這個宇宙中最偉大的諾亞方舟,已經在浩瀚的星河中緩緩行駛了46億年。而距今200萬年前,這個神奇的星球孕育出了一種不平凡的生物——人類。200萬年,對於地球漫長的生命歷程來說,是微不足道的一瞬 ,但自從這個蔚藍的星球印上了人類的足跡,地球,這個被稱為人類母親的星球就日益的暴虐無常,難以捉摸了,因為 人類不思補給的索取所帶來的痛苦,令她難以忍受,疲憊不堪。 拿地球上的水來說吧。人類生存離不開水,但地球上水體中卻有96.53%是人類不能直接利用的海洋水,除了冰川和深層地下水,人類可直接利用的淡水只佔總淡水量的0.3%,只佔世界總水體餓十萬分之七!然而即使是這樣微乎其微的淡水也正在遭受一場空前的劫難,大量廢水殘渣無節制地排入江河湖海,嚴重的水污染正每時每刻改變著大地上水的顏色。由於缺水,世界上有60%的國家鬧起了水荒;由於缺水,大量珍惜動物面臨嚴重的生存危機。 大自然已經在憤怒之中給了我們一個又一個警告,但渾噩的人們卻依舊在向她永無止境的索取。我們每天可以聽到水質污染,食物中毒,海洋紅潮,森林砍伐,水土流失的消息,地球上每天有幾十種生物在垂死掙扎。有人估計,到本世紀末,地球上將有五分之一的物種慘遭滅絕的厄運,人類啊!該醒醒了,地球,我們只有一個!



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