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A. 靜態html頁面如何gzip 壓縮


B. GZIP 與zip區別


1、GZIP:最早由Jean-loup Gailly和Mark Adler創建,用於UNⅨ系統的文件壓縮。








C. gzip怎麼壓縮和怎麼解壓縮文件到其他目錄

  1. 解決:gzip -c test.txt > /root/test.gz,文件流重定向,解壓也是,gunzip -c /root/test.gz > ./test.txt

  2. 經驗:更常用的命令tar同樣可以解壓*.gz,參數為-c

  3. 附gzip幫助文件

GZIP(1) General Commands Manual GZIP(1)


gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files


gzip [ -acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ] [-S suffix] [ name ... ]

gunzip [ -acfhlLnNrtvV ] [-S suffix] [ name ... ]

zcat [ -fhLV ] [ name ... ]


-a --ascii

Ascii text mode: convert end-of-lines using local conventions.

This option is supported only on some non-Unix systems. For

MSDOS, CR LF is converted to LF when compressing, and LF is con‐

verted to CR LF when decompressing.

-c --stdout --to-stdout

Write output on standard output; keep original files unchanged.

If there are several input files, the output consists of a

sequence of independently compressed members. To obtain better

compression, concatenate all input files before compressing


-d --decompress --uncompress


-f --force

Force compression or decompression even if the file has multiple

links or the corresponding file already exists, or if the com‐

pressed data is read from or written to a terminal. If the input

data is not in a format recognized by gzip, and if the option

--stdout is also given, the input data without change to

the standard output: let zcat behave as cat. If -f is not

given, and when not running in the background, gzip prompts to

verify whether an existing file should be overwritten.

-h --help

Display a help screen and quit.

-l --list

For each compressed file, list the following fields:

compressed size: size of the compressed file

uncompressed size: size of the uncompressed file

ratio: compression ratio (0.0% if unknown)

uncompressed_name: name of the uncompressed file

The uncompressed size is given as -1 for files not in gzip for‐

mat, such as compressed .Z files. To get the uncompressed size

for such a file, you can use:

zcat file.Z | wc -c

In combination with the --verbose option, the following fields

are also displayed:

method: compression method

crc: the 32-bit CRC of the uncompressed data

date & time: time stamp for the uncompressed file

The compression methods currently supported are deflate, com‐

press, lzh (SCO compress -H) and pack. The crc is given as

ffffffff for a file not in gzip format.

With --name, the uncompressed name, date and time are those

stored within the compress file if present.

With --verbose, the size totals and compression ratio for all

files is also displayed, unless some sizes are unknown. With

--quiet, the title and totals lines are not displayed.

-L --license

Display the gzip license and quit.

-n --no-name

When compressing, do not save the original file name and time

stamp by default. (The original name is always saved if the name

had to be truncated.) When decompressing, do not restore the

original file name if present (remove only the gzip suffix from

the compressed file name) and do not restore the original time

stamp if present ( it from the compressed file). This option

is the default when decompressing.

-N --name

When compressing, always save the original file name and time

stamp; this is the default. When decompressing, restore the

original file name and time stamp if present. This option is

useful on systems which have a limit on file name length or when

the time stamp has been lost after a file transfer.

-q --quiet

Suppress all warnings.

-r --recursive

Travel the directory structure recursively. If any of the file

names specified on the command line are directories, gzip will

descend into the directory and compress all the files it finds

there (or decompress them in the case of gunzip ).

-S .suf --suffix .suf

When compressing, use suffix .suf instead of .gz. Any non-empty

suffix can be given, but suffixes other than .z and .gz should

be avoided to avoid confusion when files are transferred to

other systems.

When decompressing, add .suf to the beginning of the list of

suffixes to try, when deriving an output file name from an input

file name.


-t --test

Test. Check the compressed file integrity.

-v --verbose

Verbose. Display the name and percentage rection for each file

compressed or decompressed.

-V --version

Version. Display the version number and compilation options then


-# --fast --best

Regulate the speed of compression using the specified digit #,

where -1 or --fast indicates the fastest compression method

(less compression) and -9 or --best indicates the slowest com‐

pression method (best compression). The default compression

level is -6 (that is, biased towards high compression at expense

of speed).

D. gzip怎麼壓縮js

2.path=C:\ ... 你安裝的gzip目錄
3.aaa.js放到指定目錄 gzip aaa.js

E. 手動壓縮js,css文件和gzip壓縮的區別


F. java中zip壓縮和gzip壓縮的區別


G. gzip格式是啥


GZIP最早由Jean-loup Gailly和Mark Adler創建,用於UNIX系統的文件壓縮。我們在linux中經常會用到後綴為.gz的文件,它們就是GZIP格式的。現今已經成為Internet 上使用非常普遍的一種數據壓縮格式,或者說一種文件格式。HTTP協議上的GZIP編碼是一種用來改進WEB應用程序性能的技術。大流量的WEB站點常常使用GZIP壓縮技術來讓用戶感受更快的速度。

gzip 命令
減少文件大小有兩個明顯的好處,一是可以減少存儲空間,二是通過網路傳輸文件時,可以減少傳輸的時間。gzip 是在 Linux 系統中經常使用的一個對文件進行壓縮和解壓縮的命令,既方便又好用。
語法:gzip [選項] 壓縮(解壓縮)的文件名
-c 將輸出寫到標准輸出上,並保留原有文件。
-d 將壓縮文件解壓。
-l 對每個壓縮文件,顯示下列欄位:
-r 遞歸式地查找指定目錄並壓縮其中的所有文件或者是解壓縮。
-t 測試,檢查壓縮文件是否完整。
-v 對每一個壓縮和解壓的文件,顯示文件名和壓縮比。
-num 用指定的數字 num 調整壓縮的速度,-1 或 --fast 表示最快壓縮方法(低壓縮比),
-9 或--best表示最慢壓縮方法(高壓縮比)。系統預設值為 6。

gzip *
% 把當前目錄下的每個文件壓縮成 .gz 文件。
gzip -dv *
% 把當前目錄下每個壓縮的文件解壓,並列出詳細的信息。
gzip -l *
% 詳細顯示例1中每個壓縮的文件的信息,並不解壓。
gzip usr.tar
% 壓縮 tar 備份文件 usr.tar,此時壓縮文件的擴展名為.tar.gz。

H. linux 中 用gzip 如何壓縮目錄

linux 中用gzip 壓縮目錄步驟如下:


I. 什麼是GZIP壓縮 網頁GZIP壓縮是什麼意思


J. zip壓縮和gzip壓縮有何區別,各有什麼優點謝謝!




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