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解壓的英語翻譯 解壓用英語怎麼說

unzip :v 解壓,拉開拉鏈

㈡ 解壓的英文,解壓的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯解壓,解壓用

ExtractNow ; Extrdo thingsio ; Extrprocessio
溶解壓 solution pressure
; solution tension
開心解壓 HappyUnpack
智能解壓 SmartInstaller; SmartJar; Smart Zipper
data unpack; data decompression ; date decode


After you download the file, extract it into any directory.

Once you have downloaded what you need, the next step is to unzip each file.

㈢ 學生應如何解壓 英語作文 有翻譯


I think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on line.I don't agree it at all.It has nothing to do with their study.And it will make them lose the interests of learning.But also it is very nessary for us to search the Internet.In the modern world,using computer and the Internet is an important skill.We can use it to find some information that we need and communicate with our friends,teachers and parents.Sending e-mail and check out some international news are useful for us as well.

㈣ 解壓縮用英語怎麼說阿


unzip,英 [ʌn'zɪp] 美 [,ʌn'zɪp]


(1)vi. 拉開拉鏈;釋放,解壓縮

(2)vt. 拉開



To your system, unzip the file to a folder on your system.


Download and unzip the packaged version.


Download this file, then unzip it to any empty directory.




釋義:n. 解壓,解壓縮


Set up the FTP server and uncompress the firmware tar package into the ftp directory.


2、decompression,英 [ˌdi:kəmˈpreʃn] 美 [ˌdikəmˈprɛʃən]


例句:You can also use compression and decompression.


㈤ 你如何減壓 英語作文 帶翻譯

In modern society, pressure isubiquitous. As students, we have to enre the pressure from examination, fromhomework and from our parents』 expectations.As workers, people are faced with the pressure fromdeadline, from difficulties and from finance and so on. Here I would like togive some suggestions about relieving pressure.


First of all, to confide to others is anefficient way for relieving pressure. When we feel so anxious and worried thatwe cannot continue to work or study, go to talk with our friends or familymembers and we will get some relief and feel better. Second, to do someexercises is another way to relieve pressure. If we are under pressure for along time, doing some exercises can make us refreshed and regain power tocontinue our task. Finally, another common way for women to relieve pressure isto cry. The effect of crying is the similar as the effect of confiding toothers. After crying, we would find that we are relaxed and then we have spiritto fight against difficulties again.


In a word, there are many ways to relieveour pressure. But the most important point is that if we cannot solve theproblem at once, we need to call off our attention from the pressure we arefaced with to other things. Only in this way we would not be entangled with thepressure for a long time.




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