導航:首頁 > 文件處理 > java圖片壓縮指定大小


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『壹』 java將圖片按比例縮小

Image srcImg = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(fnSrc) );//取源圖
int width = 600; //假設要縮小到600點像素
int height = srcImg.getHeight(null)*600/srcImg.getWidth(null);//按比例,將高度縮減

System.out.println("Width: "+srcImg.getWidth(null));// 這幾行是調試用
System.out.println("Height: "+srcImg.getHeight(null));
System.out.println("Width2: "+width);
System.out.println("Height2: "+height);

Image smallImg =srcImg.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);//縮小

『貳』 您好!請問用java怎麼將截取png的圖片中間一部分,以及如何壓縮一個png圖片

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
BufferedImage bi = ImageIO.read(new File("c:\test.png"));
bi.getSubimage(0, 0, 10, 10);//前兩個值是坐標位置X、Y,後兩個是長和寬
} catch (IOException e) {

* 圖片工具類
* 壓縮圖片大小
* @author Cyw
* @version 1.0
public class ZIPImage {

private File file = null;

private String outPutFilePath;

private String inPutFilePath;

private String inPutFileName;

private boolean autoBuildFileName;

private String outPutFileName;

private int outPutFileWidth = 100; // 默認輸出圖片寬

private int outPutFileHeight = 100; // 默認輸出圖片高

private static boolean isScaleZoom = true; // 是否按比例縮放

public ZIPImage() {
outPutFilePath = "";
inPutFilePath = "";
inPutFileName = "";
autoBuildFileName = true;
outPutFileName = "";

* @param ipfp
* 源文件夾路徑
* @param ipfn
* 源文件名
* @param opfp
* 目標文件路徑
* @param opfn
* 目標文件名
public ZIPImage(String ipfp, String ipfn, String opfp, String opfn) {
outPutFilePath = opfp;
inPutFilePath = ipfp;
inPutFileName = ipfn;
autoBuildFileName = true;
outPutFileName = opfn;

* @param ipfp
* 源文件夾路徑
* @param ipfn
* 源文件名
* @param opfp
* 目標文件路徑
* @param opfn
* 目標文件名
* @param aBFN
* 是否自動生成目標文件名
public ZIPImage(String ipfp, String ipfn, String opfp, String opfn,
boolean aBFN) {
outPutFilePath = opfp;
inPutFilePath = ipfp;
inPutFileName = ipfn;
autoBuildFileName = aBFN;
outPutFileName = opfn;

public boolean isAutoBuildFileName() {
return autoBuildFileName;

public void setAutoBuildFileName(boolean autoBuildFileName) {
this.autoBuildFileName = autoBuildFileName;

public String getInPutFilePath() {
return inPutFilePath;

public void setInPutFilePath(String inPutFilePath) {
this.inPutFilePath = inPutFilePath;

public String getOutPutFileName() {
return outPutFileName;

public void setOutPutFileName(String outPutFileName) {
this.outPutFileName = outPutFileName;

public String getOutPutFilePath() {
return outPutFilePath;

public void setOutPutFilePath(String outPutFilePath) {
this.outPutFilePath = outPutFilePath;

public int getOutPutFileHeight() {
return outPutFileHeight;

public void setOutPutFileHeight(int outPutFileHeight) {
this.outPutFileHeight = outPutFileHeight;

public int getOutPutFileWidth() {
return outPutFileWidth;

public void setOutPutFileWidth(int outPutFileWidth) {
this.outPutFileWidth = outPutFileWidth;

public boolean isScaleZoom() {
return isScaleZoom;

public void setScaleZoom(boolean isScaleZoom) {
this.isScaleZoom = isScaleZoom;

public String getInPutFileName() {
return inPutFileName;

public void setInPutFileName(String inPutFileName) {
this.inPutFileName = inPutFileName;

* 壓縮圖片大小
* @return boolean
public boolean compressImage() {
boolean flag = false;

try {
if (inPutFilePath.trim().equals("")) {
throw new NullPointerException("源文件夾路徑不存在。");
if (inPutFileName.trim().equals("")) {
throw new NullPointerException("圖片文件路徑不存在。");
if (outPutFilePath.trim().equals("")) {
throw new NullPointerException("目標文件夾路徑地址為空。");
} else {
if (!ZIPImage.mddir(outPutFilePath)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(outPutFilePath
+ " 文件夾創建失敗!");

if (this.autoBuildFileName) { // 自動生成文件名
String tempFile[] = getFileNameAndExtName(inPutFileName);
outPutFileName = tempFile[0] + "_cyw." + tempFile[1];
} else {
if (outPutFileName.trim().equals("")) {
throw new NullPointerException("目標文件名為空。");

} catch (Exception e) {
flag = false;
return flag;

return flag;

// 圖片處理
private void compressPic() throws Exception {
try {
// 獲得源文件
file = new File(inPutFilePath + inPutFileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(inPutFilePath + inPutFileName
+ " 文件不存在!");
Image img = ImageIO.read(file);
// 判斷圖片格式是否正確
if (img.getWidth(null) == -1) {
throw new Exception("文件不可讀!");
} else {
int newWidth;
int newHeight;
// 判斷是否是等比縮放
if (ZIPImage.isScaleZoom == true) {
// 為等比縮放計算輸出的圖片寬度及高度
double rate1 = ((double) img.getWidth(null))
/ (double) outPutFileWidth + 0.1;
double rate2 = ((double) img.getHeight(null))
/ (double) outPutFileHeight + 0.1;

// 根據縮放比率大的進行縮放控制
double rate = rate1 > rate2 ? rate1 : rate2;

newWidth = (int) (((double) img.getWidth(null)) / rate);
newHeight = (int) (((double) img.getHeight(null)) / rate);

} else {
newWidth = outPutFileWidth; // 輸出的圖片寬度
newHeight = outPutFileHeight; // 輸出的圖片高度

BufferedImage tag = new BufferedImage((int) newWidth,
(int) newHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

* Image.SCALE_SMOOTH 的縮略演算法 生成縮略圖片的平滑度的 優先順序比速度高 生成的圖片質量比較好 但速度慢
img.getScaledInstance(newWidth, newHeight,
Image.SCALE_SMOOTH), 0, 0, null);

FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outPutFilePath
+ outPutFileName);

JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);

} catch (IOException ex) {

* 創建文件夾目錄
* @param filePath
* @return
* @throws Exception
private static boolean mddir(String filePath) throws Exception {
boolean flag = false;
File f = new File(filePath);
if (!f.exists()) {
flag = f.mkdirs();
} else {
flag = true;
return flag;

* 獲得文件名和擴展名
* @param fullFileName
* @return
* @throws Exception
private String[] getFileNameAndExtName(String fullFileName)
throws Exception {
String[] fileNames = new String[2];
if (fullFileName.indexOf(".") == -1) {
throw new Exception("源文件名不正確!");
} else {
fileNames[0] = fullFileName.substring(0, fullFileName
fileNames[1] = fullFileName
.substring(fullFileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
return fileNames;

public Image getSourceImage() throws IOException{
file = new File(inPutFilePath + inPutFileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(inPutFilePath + inPutFileName
+ " 文件不存在!");
Image img = ImageIO.read(file);
return img;

* 獲得圖片大小
* @path :圖片路徑
public long getPicSize(String path) {
File file = new File(path);
return file.length();



package com.sun.util.cyw;

import java.awt.Image;
import java.io.IOException;

public class ImageTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ZIPImage zip=new ZIPImage("d:\","1.jpg","d:\test\","處理後的圖片.jpg",false);

Image image=zip.getSourceImage();
long size=zip.getPicSize("d:\1.jpg");
System.out.println("處理前的圖片大小 width:"+image.getWidth(null));
System.out.println("處理前的圖片大小 height:"+image.getHeight(null));
System.out.println("處理前的圖片容量:"+ size +" bit");


『叄』 Java上傳pdf文件,只壓縮大小,不改變成.zip/.rar文件


『肆』 java上傳圖片 生成縮略圖,如果上傳的圖片尺寸比較小就壓縮處理

public static BufferedImage resize(BufferedImage source, int targetW, int targetH) {
// targetW,targetH分別表示目標長和寬
int type = source.getType();
BufferedImage target = null;
double sx = (double) targetW / source.getWidth();
double sy = (double) targetH / source.getHeight();
//則將下面的if else語句注釋即可
sx = sy;
targetW = (int)(sx * source.getWidth());
sy = sx;
targetH = (int)(sy * source.getHeight());
if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_CUSTOM) { //handmade
ColorModel cm = source.getColorModel();
WritableRaster raster = cm.(targetW, targetH);
boolean alphaPremultiplied = cm.isAlphaPremultiplied();
target = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, alphaPremultiplied, null);
} else
target = new BufferedImage(targetW, targetH, type);
Graphics2D g = target.createGraphics();
//smoother than exlax:
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY );
g.drawRenderedImage(source, AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(sx, sy));
return target;

public static void saveImageAsJpg (String fromFileStr,String saveToFileStr,int width,int hight)
throws Exception {
BufferedImage srcImage;
// String ex = fromFileStr.substring(fromFileStr.indexOf("."),fromFileStr.length());
String imgType = "JPEG";
if (fromFileStr.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) {
imgType = "PNG";
// System.out.println(ex);
File saveFile=new File(saveToFileStr);
File fromFile=new File(fromFileStr);
srcImage = ImageIO.read(fromFile);
if(width > 0 || hight > 0)
srcImage = resize(srcImage, width, hight);
ImageIO.write(srcImage, imgType, saveFile);


public static void main (String argv[]) {
saveImageAsJpg("C:\\Documents and Settings\\xugang\\桌面\\tmr-06.jpg",
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\xugang\\桌面\\2.jpg",
} catch(Exception e){


『伍』 求一個Java無損壓縮圖片的示例,把原圖片復制到指定目錄,按原圖比例改變尺寸,不影響圖片質量。

圖片壓縮就是講圖片的內存變小 對象數坑定有印象 你將壓縮率改小一點 調整一下壓縮率 到自己滿意為止

『陸』 問題:java 壓縮圖片 要求:只壓縮像素 注意:要理解像素的概念,最好有個例子


『柒』 我在用java進行圖片壓縮時,遇到130MB 的圖片是報錯 , 像十幾MB時不會出錯,

Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(),查看一下jvm最大內存,若小了,可通過java參數來設置,如 java -Xmx1024m Test,將最大堆空間設為1024m



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