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發布時間:2024-10-05 17:49:51

『壹』 求Lemon tree歌詞


[00:13.70]I'll sitting here in a boring room,
[00:17.17]It's just another rainy sunday afternoon,
[00:20.62]I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do,
[00:23.96]I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you.
[00:26.67]But nothing ever happens and I wonder.
[00:33.96]I'm driving around in my car,
[00:37.27]I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far,
[00:40.58]I'd like to change my point of view,
[00:44.05]I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you,
[00:46.71]But nothing ever happens and I wonder.
[00:53.99]I wonder how I wonder why
[00:57.13]yesterday you told me about blue blue sky;
[01:00.07]and all that I can see is just a yellow lemmon tree,
[01:06.31]I'm turning my head up and down
[01:10.55]I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
[01:13.69]and all that I can see is just another lemmon tree.
[01:34.01]I'm sitting here I miss the power,
[01:37.31]I'd like to go out taking a shower,
[01:40.74]but there's a heavy cloud inside my head,
[01:44.10]I feel so tired put myself into bed,
[01:47.03]but nothing ever happens and I wonder.
[01:54.96]Isolation is not good for me,
[02:01.58]Isolation I want to sit on a lemmon tree .
[02:07.82]I'm stepping around in a desert of joy,
[02:11.14]baby anyhow I'll got another toy,
[02:14.23]and everything will happen and you'll wonder.
[02:21.13]I wonder how I wonder why ?
[02:24.39]yesterday you told me about blue blue sky,
[02:27.59]and all that I can see is just a another lemmon tree;
[02:34.59]I'm turning my head up and down
[02:38.03]I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
[02:40.96]and all that I can see is just yellow lemmon tree,
[02:46.35]and I wonder wonder;
[02:48.30]I wonder how I wonder why,
[02:51.83]yesterday you told me about blue blue sky,
[02:54.44]and all that I can see ,
[02:57.86]and all that I can see,
[03:01.16]and all that I can see
[03:04.10]is just yellow lemmon tree.
剛開始寫我感覺很無聊(boring room,just another rainy sunday afternoon, wasting my time I got nothing to do,),
要去找朋友,因為朋友告訴說可以找TA,那裡有藍天(you told me about blue blue-[強調blue]-sky)(朋友的意思是看看藍天可以讓人感受自然放鬆心情吧-可以聯系一下現在北方的霧霾天氣,如果你也感受過持續霧霾,相信你會極其期待藍天的)
但是朋友沒有出現,啥事都沒發生,我很奇怪、納悶( I wonder)
然後寫我一直很納悶(I'm turning my head up and down .I'm turning turning turning turning turning around.)寫我真的很是納悶,百無聊賴,因為我只看到了一顆檸檬樹
但這時節奏空了半拍, 緊接著I want to sit on a lemmon tree .和I'm stepping around in adesert of joy連得很緊密。好像我頓悟了一樣,原來我心裡的無聊、孤獨、煩躁被清新動人的大自然中的 lemmon tree 「治癒」了(相看兩不厭,只有敬亭山),我一下開竅了,很開心(joy)

『貳』 求將進酒廣播劇不需要解壓的方式呀!!!!!!!!!


?pwd=keoy 提取碼:keoy



『叄』 求just be friends鋼琴版伴奏

=0= 請解壓後使用~



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