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發布時間:2023-11-02 07:36:53

Ⅰ dd wrt刷tomato前沒有清nvram,導致登陸密碼錯誤.本來的密碼是root,現在死活進不去路由管理界面

Shibby 本人給出了答案(R7000):

run router and wait for 2-3 minutes--開機並等待2-3分鍾
push and hold wifi on/off button for 25 secs.--按住Wifi鍵25秒
use telnet on port 233 and log in to router without password--用telnet連接223埠,無需密碼
run command: nvram get http_username (use as username)--運行命令:nvram get http_username (運行結果作為用戶名)
run command: nvram get http_passwd (use as password)--運行命令:nvram get http_passwd (運行結果作為密碼)
when you log in to tomato remember to erase nvram--正常從網頁登錄即可清除nvram
then flash with the full tomato version--接著可以刷完整版tomato版本了。




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