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⑴ 我的夢想是我想當一位電腦程序員,因為這樣我就可以掙許多的錢.英語翻譯

my dream is to be a computer programer,because i can make much money.

⑵ 程序員英語怎麼說





應用軟體程序員 Applications Programmer

開發程序員 Developer programmer

應用程序員 Application programmer

程序員指南 programmer manual


1. Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer.


2. Demand for topquality programmers exceeds supply, leading to extortionate salaries.

對優秀程序員的需求遠遠超過了供給, 致使工資畸高.

3. Accumulator and index register can be accessed by the programmer.


4. To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine.


5. Similarly, programmers apply self - referential design when they create implementation - model procts.

同樣, 當程序員創建基於實現模型的產品時,應用的是自參考設計.

6. Undoubtedly, all these solutions will cause more work for programmers.

毫無疑問, 所有這些解決 方法 都會加大程序員的工作量.

7. Right now , serious programmer - type readers are beginning to squirm in their seats.

說到這里, 嚴肅的程序員立即開始局促不安.

8. Programmers like wizards because they get to treat users like peripheral devices.


9. Programmers cannot be expected to make the right choice in this situation.


10. Parts II and III provide useful principles for the Refinement phase.


11. Some programmers use tabs to break complex proct capabilities into smaller chunks.


12. His supervisor recommended that he be promoted to junior programmer.


13. A block with a length that can be established by a programmer.


14. Programmers will unilaterally insert buck - passing code in these places, almost without noticing it.

程序員將不知不覺地單方面地在這些位置插入推卸責任的代碼, 這種趨勢應當得到密切關注.

15. Many programmers believe it is their ty to inform users when they make errors entering data.


⑶ 畢業後我的理想工作(是一名程序員)英語作文

Everyone has his own dreams. My dream is to be a computer programmer. I think it's very interesting and exciting for me to work on. With the development of science and technology, people can imagin and swim freely in the world of computers. Computers have become good partners and friends in the daily life.
I like this mysterious world. CPU is just like his brain, Memory is like his heart, Display Card is like his eyes... I'm going to explore the mystery of the world.」

⑷ 計算機程序員 前後台 英文怎麼說

計算機程序員:Computer programmer,前後台:foreground-background

1、Computer programmer

讀音:英 [kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ˈprəʊɡræmə(r)] 美 [kəmˈpjuːtər ˈproʊɡræmər]


2、Front and rear stage



foreground-background monitor前後台監視器

foreground-background environment前後台環境

foreground-background job前後台作業

Foreground-Background Separation前景

foreground-background communication前後台通信






background主要用作可數名詞。作「後景;背景」「底色」解時常用作單數名詞;作「(事態發展等的)背景」解時常用作單數名詞,也可用作不可數名詞;作「不顯眼的位置;幕後 」解時只用作單數名詞。

background後接介詞for,of或to表示「某方面的背景或經歷」; 接介詞in 表示「在…背景中;在幕後」;前面加介詞against表示「映襯在…背景上」。

⑸ 英語作文。我的夢想、我的夢想是成為電腦程序員。。80詞拜託各位了 3Q

「Everyone has his own dreams. My dream is to be a computer programmer. I think it's very interesting and exciting for me to work on. With the development of science and technology, people can imagin and swim freely in the world of computers. Computers have become good partners and friends in the daily life. I like this mysterious world. CPU is just like his brain, Memory is like his heart, Display Card is like his eyes... I'm going to explore the mystery of the world.」 謝謝採納! 譯文: 「每個人都有自己的夢想。我的夢想是成為一名電腦程序員。我認為這是我要從事的非常有趣而又令人刺激的工作。 隨著科學技術的發展,人們在電腦這皓翰的世界裡敖游。電腦已成為人們生活中的伴侶和最親密的朋友。我喜歡這神秘的世界。CPU就像是他的大腦,內存就像他的心臟,顯卡就像他是雙眼。。。。。。我要去探所那神秘的世界。」 謝謝!

⑹ 幫忙翻譯把幾句英語翻譯成英語: 1,我要成為世界第一的程序員 2,我要成為最優秀的程序員

1. I want to be the top one programmer of the world.
2. I want to be the best programmer.
第一句強調世界第一 頂尖的意思, 我認為加了first則變成「世界上第一位程序員」了 會產生歧義第二句強調最優秀的 沒有第一句條件那麼苛刻 所以用best就可以了~




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