『壹』 電腦編程有那幾種語言
BASIC(VB),純C(TurboC),C++(Visual C++,C++Builder),C#(Visual C#),Pascal(Turbo Pascal,Delphi),Java(Sun Java),J#(Visual J#)高級語言有很多,常用的就是這些,
『貳』 pat每年什麼時間考試
國際認證協會International Profession Certification Association(簡稱IPA)是資質齊全的駐京國際認證機構。是中國區唯一經美國國務院簽印並由中國駐美國大使館認證認可的國際認證協會。
國際認證協會得到了世界各國政府機構和市場的廣泛認可和歡迎。在中國,國際認證協會獲得國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局的權威認證認可,經北京公安局出入境管理處登記備案的合法國際認證機構。敗族 國際認證協會與歐洲商業管理學院、哈佛大學、劍橋大學、耶魯大學、斯坦福大學等近百家世界知名高等院校和認證機構建立了面向世界范圍的專業等級察缺弊認證考試,並已為IBM、GE、DELL、國際金融管理集團等數百家跨國公司企業中的高級管理人員提供了專業的培訓認證服務。
『叄』 編程語言的歷史
Year - Languages, Operating Systems, Major Programs, Etc.
1945 EDVAC utilizes stored program concept
1945 Plankalkul (Konrad Zuse)
1949 Short Code (for BINAC) (John Mauchly)
1950 Intermediate Programming Language (Arthur W. Burks)
1951 Klamemerausdrucke (algebraic language and compilers)
1951 Formules (complete compiler) (Heinz Rutishauser)
1951 Find (for the Whirlwind) (Jack Gilmore)
1952 Autocode compiler (Alick E. Glennie)
1952 Short Code (for UNIVAC 1) (W.F. Schmidt, A.B. Tonik, J.R. Logan)
1952 Sort-Merge Generator (for UNIVAC 1) (Betty Holberton)
1952c COMPOOL (for SAGE) (MIT)
1952 Punchy (for TX-O) (Jack Gilmore)
1953 A-2 Compiler (for UNIVAC) (Grace Hopper)
1953 Algebraic interpreter (for Whirlwind, MIT) (J.H. Laning, N. Zierler)
1953 Speedcoding (for IBM 701) (John Backus)
1954 Operating System (for IBM 701, General Motors Research Laboratory)
1954 Autocode (for Manchester Mark 1) (R.A. Booker)
1954 PiPi-2 Prgrmg Program (compiler, USSR) (E.Z. Liumbimskii, S.S. Kamynin)
1954c Autocoder assembly language (for IBM 705)
1955 PiPi Programming Program (for BESM) (USSR)
1955 BACAIC (for IBM 701) (Mandalay Grems, R.E. Porter, Boeing Airplane Co.)
1955 MATH-MATIC mathematical programming language (for UNIVAC) (C. Katz)
1955 Kompiler 2 (for IBM 701) (A. Kenton Elsworth, Livermore Laboratory)
1956 Operating Sys. (for IBM 704) (General Motors; North American Aviation)
1956 ADES (U.S. Naval Observatory) (E.K.Blum)
1956 APT machine tool control (MIT) (Douglas Ross)
1956 Logic Theorist AI program (A. Newell & H. Simon, Carnegie Institute)
1956 IT (Internal Translator) (for IBM 650) (A. Perlis & J.W. Smith)
1956 Mark I report generator (for IBM 702) (General Electric-Hanford)
1956 FORTRAN (Formula Translation) (John Backus, IBM)
1957 Mark II Report generator (for IBM 702) (General Electric-Hanford)
1957 IPL-V (Information Processing Language V)
1957 Fortransit programming language
1957 COMIT string processing language (Victor Yngve, MIT)
1957 Scope Writer (for TX-2) (Jack Gilmore)
1957 Lincoln Writer (for TX-2) (Jack Gilmore)
1958 APT (Automatically Programmed Tool)
1958 FLOW-MATIC (for UNIVAC, Remington-Rand) (Grace Hopper)
1958c SOAP assembler (for IBM 650)
1958 IR (Information Retrieval) database management system (for IBM 704)
1958 LISP (List Processing language) (John McCarthy, MIT)
1958 AIMACO data processing language
1958 IPL V list processing language
1959 TUFF/TUG (for IBM 704)
1959 9PAC file handling (for IBM 709)
1959 FACT business data processing language
1959 SURGE (for IBM 704) (Fletcher Jones)
1959 SAGE operating system (for IBM AN/FSQ7) (System Development Corp.)
1959c SAP assembler (for IBM 704)
1959c ASCI-Matic (Jack Minker)
1959 COBOL (December release)
1960 Atlas operating system for Atlas Computer)
(Manchester Univ. & Ferranti)
1960 ALGOL 60 (Algorithmic Language)
1960 COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)
1960 JOVIAL (Jules Own Version of Int. Algebraic Language) (Jules Schwartz)
1960 MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder)
1960 NELIAC (Navy Electronics Laboratory International Algol Compiler)
1960 TRAC string processing language
1960 IOCS operating system (for IBM 709/7090)
1960 FMS operating system (for IBM 709) (North American Aviation)
1961 COBOL revised and reissued
1961 SOS operating system (for IBM 709) (SHARE and IBM)
1961 GPSS (General Purpose Systems Simulator)
1961 SAC/Aids Formatted File System (for SAC 438L system) (SAC)
1961 BASE-BALL natural language system (B.V. Green)
1961 QUERY database (T. E. Cheatham, S. Warshall)
1961 RPG (Report Program Generator) (for IBM 1401)
1961 MADCAP scientific programming language
1961 ALGY formula manipulation language
1961 GECOM business data processing language
1961 QUICKTRAN on-line programming language
1961 Expensive Typewriter (IBM 360) (Stephen Piner)
1961 COBOL 61 Extended
1962 CTSS operating system (for IBM 7090 & IBM 7094) (Dr.F. Corbato, MIT)
1962 Gen. Info. & Retrieval System (GIRLS) for IBM 7090 (J.A. Postley, AIS)
1962 EXEC 1 operating system (for Univac 1107) (Computer Sciences Corp.)
1962 APL (A Programming Language) (Kenneth Iverson)
1962 IBSYS operating system (IBM 7090)
1962 Advanced Data Management System (ADAM) (for IBM 7030) (MITRE)
1962 COLINGO database (for IBM 1401)
1962 FORMAC formula manipulation
1962 SNOBOL (String Oriented Symbolic Language)
1963 Master Control Program operating system (for Burroughs B5000)
1963 COGO (Coordinate Geometry)
1963 Information Processing System (IPS) (for CDC 1604) (NAVCOSSACT)
1963 JOSS (Johnniac Open Shop System) (J.Cliff Shaw, Rand Corporation)
1963 CORC scientific programming language
1963 OMNIT AB scientific programming language
1963 Ambit
1964 Integrated Data Store (I-D-S) (Charles Bachman, General Electric)
1964 OS/360 operating system (for IBM 360)
1964 BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
(John Kemeny, Thomas Kurtz, Dartmouth College)
1964 FORMAC (Formula Manipulation Compiler) for non-numeric mathematics
(Jean Sammet)
1964 PAT on-line programming language
1964 PL/1 (developed by IBM and SHARE)
1964 Altran
1965 Generalized Update Access Method (GUAM) (IBM 7010)
(developed by North American Space Division)
1965 Remote Access Terminal System (for IBM 7010)
(developed by IBM, and Rockwell International)
1965 Generalized Information System (GIS) (for IBM System/360)
1965 DENDRAL (Edward Fiegenbaum, Joshua Lederberg (Stanford University)
1965 C-10 database management system (IBM 1410) (developed by MITRE)
1965 COGENT report generator (for IBM 709)
1965 CPS on-line programming language
1965 RUSH on-line programming language
1965 Amtran on-line programming language
1965 FLAP formula manipulation programming language
1965 CLP list processing language
1965c MULTICS interactive operating system (for GE/Honeywell 645)
(developed by GE, Bell Labs & MIT)
1965 TRAC
1965 SNOBOL 3
1966 SIMULA I (Kristen Nygaard, Ole-Lohan Dahl) (First Object Oriented Language)
1966 TOSS operating system (for IBM System/360) (developed by RCA)
1966 Dialog on-line programming language
1966 MAP on-line programming language
1966 NAPSS scientific programming language
1966 Euler scientific programming language
1966 Coursewriter II
1966 ECAP II (Electronic Circuit Analysis Program II)
1966 MPSX (Mathematical Programming System Extended)
1967 RAMIS non-proceral programming language (Mathematical)
1967 MANAGE database management system (for XDS 940 computer)
(developed by Scientific Data Systems)
1967 AS-IST database management system (for IBM System/360)
(developed by Applications Software)
1967 LUCID database management system (for AN/FSQ32)
(developed by System Development)
1967 ICES (Integrated Civil Engineering System)
1967 CSSL (Continuous Systems Simulation Language)
1967 Simula 67 (Simulation Language 1967)
1967 CPUL programming language
1967 POSE scientific programming language
1967 MAC-30 programming language
1967 DIAGMAG scientific programming language
1967 REDUCE formula manipulation language
1967 SPRINT list processing language
1967 LOLITA list processing language
1967 EOL-3 string processing language
1967 LEAP multipurpose programming language
1967 SNOBOL 4
1968 ALGOL 68 (Algorithmic Language)
1968 ATLAS (Abbreviated Test Language for "All" Systems)
1968 CSMP (Continuous System Modeling Program)
1968 Speakeasy
1968 OS/MFT operating system (for IBM 360 computers)
1968 TSS operating system (for IBM 360/370)
1968 MCP operating system (for Burroughs for B2500 and B3500)
1968 PAL programming language
1968 Proteus programming language
1968 GPL general purpose programming language
1968 TPS
1968 Salem
1968 Ariel
1968 Bruin
1968 TLC
1968 Termac
1968 Active Language 1
1968 Symbal
1968 Champ
1969 MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital General Utility
Multi-Programming System)
1969 PILOT
1969 CP-67/CMS operating system (for IBM 360 computer)
1969 OS/MVT operating system (for IBM 360 computer)
1969 Data Manager-1 (developed by Auerbach)
1969 UNIX multi-user, multitasking operating system development begun at Bell Labs
1969 Cobol Data Management System (CDMS) (for IBM 360)
(developed by Defense Intelligence Agency)
1969 Information Management System (IMS) hierarchical database management
system (developed by IBM)
1969 TSOS operating system (for Spectra 70/46) (developed by RCA)
1969 Time Shared Data Management System (TSDMS) (for IBM 360)
1969 Remote File Management System (for CDC 6000)
(developed at University of Texas)
1969 McG360 programming language
1969 DML programming language
1969 REL programming language
1969 PLANNER programming language
1969 REF-ARF programming language
1969 IITRAN multipurpose programming language
1969 APAREL multipurpose programming language
1969 NUCLEOL string processing language
1969 LEAF list processing language
1969 IAM formula manipulation language
1969 PPL on-line programming language
1969 OSCAR on-line programming language
1969 TRANQUIL scientific programming language
1969 SPEAKEASY scientific programming language
1969 STIL scientific programming language
1969 Music V (Max Mathews)
1969 Scratchpad
1970 BLISS (Basic Language for Implementation of System Software)
1970 SC-1 database management system (for IBM 360)
(developed by Western Electric)
1970 DMS data management system (for Sigma 5,7,9 computers)
(developed by Xerox Data Systems)
1970 S2000 data management system (for CDC 6000)(developed by SRI Systems)
1970 AIDS scientific programming language
1970 IIMP scientific programming language
1970 POEL scientific programming language
1970 LPL list processing language
1970 BALM list processing language
1970 Gedanken programming language
1970c Macsyma programming language (Joel Moses, MIT)
1970 Vulcan
1970 PDEL
1970 Pascal (Niklaus Wirth)
1971 VMOS operating system (for Spectra computers) (developed by RCA)
1971 ETC programming language
1971 TUTOR
1971 ISPL (Instruction Set Processor Language)
1971 FORMAC formula manipulation language
1971 HAL/S A programming language used aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia
1972 SMALLTALK object-oriented language (Alan Kay; Xerox)
1972 PL/M high-level language for microprocessor
1972 VS/9 operating system (for UNIVAC Series 90)
1972 Development of C language (Dennis Ritchie)
1973 BS2000 operating system (for Siemens 7500)
1973 VM 1370 operating system (for IBM 370 series)
1973 OS/VS operating system (for IBM 370 series)
1973 Pholas data management system (for Philips P1000)
1973 PDS/MaGEN (Problem Descriptor System)
1974 PL/M
1975 SPSS (Statistical Programs for the Social Sciences)
1975 OS/MVS operating system (for IBM 370 series)
1975 UNIX licensed by Western Electric for academic and commercial sectors
1975 ADA programming language developed for U.S. Dept. of Defense
1975 MDQS (Management Data Query System) developed by Honeywell
1976 Mola multiprocessing language (Niklaus Wirth)
1976 SMALLTALK 76 (Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, Daniel H. H. Ingalis; Xerox PARC)
1977 CP/M (Control Program for Microprocessors) (Gary Kildall)
1979 VisiCalc electronic spreadsheet software for microcomputers
1979 X-CON (aka RI) expert system (Carnegie-Mellon University)
(used at Digital Equipment Corporation)
1980 INTELLECT natural language query system
(Artificial Intelligence Corporation)
1980 CPF operating system (for IBM System/38 minicomputer)
1980 C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup, Bell Labs)
1981 MS/DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)
developed by Microsoft Corporation) (IBM version called PC/DOS)
1983 KEE (expert systems development tool) IntelliCorp.
198? Objective C (Brad Cox; Stepstone Corporation)
1988 Windows 386 version 2.0 Released by Microsoft Corporation
1990 (April) Windows 3.0 released by Microsoft Corporation
1991 Windows NT Server version 3.1 released by Microsoft Corporation
1994 Windows NT Server version 3.5 released by Microsoft Corporation
1995 Windows 95 (microcomputer operating system and interface, Microsoft Corporation)
1995 JAVA (James Gosling, Sun Microsystems)
1996 Windows NT Server version 4.0 released by Microsoft Corporation
1996 "Inferno" under development by Dennis Ritchie and others
1996 (March) Microsoft』s Active X is released
1996 (October) Sun Microsystems SunSoft division releases JavaBeans
1996 Symantec』s Visual Cafe 1.0 tool (supports JavaBeans model)
1996 Delphi announces JBuilder (formerly code-named Latte)
1996 IBM』s Visual Age (supports JavaBean)
1996 Powersoft announces Jato (originally code-named Starbuck) (supports JavaBeans)
1996 Oracle Corporation announces Sedona, a development tools technology
1997 Microsoft Windows NT 5.0
《BYTE》:A Brief History of Programming Languages
We』ve come a long way from computers programmed with wires and punch cards. Maybe not as far as some would like, though. Here are the innovations in programming.
ca. 1946
Konrad Zuse , a German engineer working alone while hiding out in the Bavarian Alps, develops Plankalkul. He applies the language to, among other things, chess.
Short Code , the first computer language actually used on an electronic computing device, appears. It is, however, a "hand-compiled" language.
Grace Hopper , working for Remington Rand, begins design work on the first widely known compiler, named A-0. When the language is released by Rand in 1957, it is called MATH-MATIC.
Alick E. Glennie , in his spare time at the University of Manchester, devises a programming system called AUTOCODE, a rudimentary compiler.
FORTRAN --mathematical FORmula TRANslating system--appears. Heading the team is John Backus, who goes on to contribute to the development of ALGOL and the well-known syntax-specification system known as BNF.
FORTRAN II appears, able to handle subroutines and links to assembly language. John McCarthy at M.I.T. begins work on LISP--LISt Processing.
The original specification for ALGOL appears. The specific ation does not describe how data will be input or output; that is left to the indivial implementations.
LISP 1.5 appears. COBOL is created by the Conference on Data Systems and Languages (CODASYL).
ALGOL 60 , the first block-structured language, appears. This is the root of the family tree that will ultimately proce the likes of Pascal. ALGOL goes on to become the most popular language in Europe in the mid- to late-1960s.
Sometime in the early 1960s , Kenneth Iverson begins work on the language that will become APL--A Programming Language. It uses a specialized character set that, for proper use, requires APL-compatible I/O devices.
APL is documented in Iverson』s book, A Pro gramming Language .
FORTRAN IV appears.
Work begins on the sure-fire winner of the "clever acronym" award, SNOBOL--StriNg-Oriented symBOlic Language. It will spawn other clever acronyms: FASBOL, a SNOBOL compiler (in 1971), and SPITBOL--SPeedy ImplemenTation of snoBOL--also in 1971.
ALGOL 60 is revised.
Work begins on PL/1.
APL\360 is implemented.
At Dartmouth University , professors John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz invent BASIC. The first implementation is a compiler. The first BASIC program runs at about 4:00 a.m. on May 1, 1964.
PL/1 is released.
SNOBOL3 appears.
FORTRAN 66 appears.
LISP 2 appears.
Work begins on LOGO at Bolt, Beranek, & Newman. The team is headed by Wally Fuerzeig and includes Seymour Papert. LOGO is best known for its "turtle graphics."
SNOBOL4 , a much-enhanced SNOBOL, appears.
ALGOL 68 , a monster compared to ALGOL 60, appears. Some members of the specifications committee--including C.A.R. Hoare and Niklaus Wirth--protest its approval. ALGOL 68 proves difficult to implement.
ALTRAN , a FORTRAN variant, appears.
COBOL is officially defined by ANSI.
Niklaus Wirth begins work on Pascal.
500 people attend an APL conference at IBM』s headquarters in Armonk, New York. The demands for APL』s distribution are so great that the event is later referred to as "The March on Armonk."
Sometime in the early 1970s , Charles Moore writes the first significant programs in his new language, Forth.
Work on Prolog begins about this time.
Also sometime in the early 1970s , work on Smalltalk begins at Xerox PARC, led by Alan Kay. Early versions will include Smalltalk-72, Smalltalk-74, and Smalltalk-76.
An implementation of Pascal appears on a CDC 6000-series computer.
Icon , a descendant of SNOBOL4, appears.
The manuscript for Konrad Zuse』s Plankalkul (see 1946) is finally published.
Denni s Ritchie proces C. The definitive reference manual for it will not appear until 1974.
The first implementation of Prolog -- by Alain Colmerauer and Phillip Roussel -- appears.
Another ANSI specification for COBOL appears.
『肆』 c語言中的error: expected expression該怎麼解決
int x;
int y=square(x);
return 0;
int select;
struct patient pat;
C語言包含的各種控制祥沒逗語句僅有9種,關鍵字也只有32 個,程序的編寫要求不嚴格且以小寫字母為主,對許多不必要的部分進行了精簡。實際上,語句構成與硬體有關聯的較少,且C語言本身不提供與硬體相關的輸入輸出、文件管理等功能,如需此類功能,需要通過配合編譯系統所支持的謹賣各類庫進行編程,故c語言擁有非常簡潔的編譯系統。察禪
『伍』 pat算競賽嗎
『陸』 單片機C語言編程:讓8個LED流水燈以0.2s時間間隔從左到右依次點亮然後重復實現
void delay(unsigned int z );
void main()
unsigned int a;
unsigned char b=0xfe;
b=_crol_ (b,1);
void delay(unsigned int z)
unsigned int i;
for(;z>0;z--) //延遲時間自己算吧
main: mov a,#0feh
mov r0,#8
loop: mov p1,a
acall delay
rl a
djnz r0,loop
delay:mov r6,#0ffh
loop1: mov r7,#01h
djnz r7,$
djnz r6,loop1
『柒』 浙大的PAT考試只能用C/C++嗎可不可以用JAVA
-- 杭州浙江大學玉泉考點:MS Visual Studio 2010 旗艦版, Eclipse (Kepler Release, Build id: 20130614-0229)
-- 杭州浙江大學紫金港考點:VC++ 6.0, C-Free 標准版, DEV-C++, Turbo C 2.0, Eclipse SDK
-- 寧波浙江大學寧波理工學院考點:VC++ 6.0, VS2010, Eclipse 3.7
-- 寧波浙江大學軟體學院考點:Eclipse 3.5.2, Visual Studio 6.0, TurboC 3.0
-- 福州福州大學考點:VC++ 6.0, VS2005, VS2008, Myeclipse 9, Myeclipse 10
-- 西安西安交通大學考點:VC++, VS2008, VS2012
-- 杭州臨安浙江農林大學考點:VC++ 6.0
-- 杭州下沙浙江傳媒學院考點:VC++ 6.0, VS 2005/2010, Eclipse
-- 煙台煙台大學考點:MS Visual Studio 2010 旗艦版, Eclipse 3.5.2, Visual Studio 6.0
-- 鄭州河南中醫學院信息技術學院考點:VC++ 6.0, MS Visual Studio 2010, Myeclipse 8
-- 青島青島大學信息工程學院考點:MinGW+codeblocks12.11, VC++6.0, jdk6+Eclipse Juno
-- 嘉興嘉興學院數理與信息工程學院考點晌簡:VC++ 6.0, VS2008, Myeclipse
-- 杭州浙江大學城市學院計算機與計算科學學院考點:VC++ 6.0,Eclipse V3.5.2
-- 南昌航空大學數學與信息科學陸謹脊學院考點:Win-TC,Dev-C++,VC++ 6.0,Eclipse SDK
-- 蘭州交通大學國家級計算機科學與技術實驗教學示範中心考點:Turbo C 2.0, VC++ 6.0, Eclipse SDK 3.41
-- 蘇州大學計算機科學與技術學院考點:VS2005, VS2010, Eclipse SDK 3.1
『捌』 qarrot是什麼意思,快快快快!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
全球著名手機周邊無線產品品牌 Parrot 據Perl官方網站的消顫帆返息,Perl之父Larry Wall和Python之父Guido van Rossum 4月1日聯合宣布,經過一年的醞釀,茄飢決定合並兩大技術社區,吸收兩大語言的優勢,開發出史上最牛編程語言,這種語言的名字將是Parrot(鸚鵡轎櫻)。 pattorParrot語言代碼片斷:# stdin to stdout, except for lines starting with #while left_angle_right_angle:if dollar_underscore[0] =eq= "#":continue_next;}print dollar_underscore;}
『玖』 浙江大學計算機程序設計能力考試的PAT成績與證書
每題分數的分布與題目難度成正比。甲級考試的分數分布一做殲般為:20、25、25、30;乙考試的分數分布一般為:15、20、20、20、25。 PAT不設合格標准,凡參加考試且獲得非零分者均有成績,可獲得浙江大學計算機科學與技術學院統一頒發的證書。
『拾』 C語言 else if怎麼看它的條件需要滿足哪些
沒敬沒轎錯,先滿亮肆足aaa!=pat,才會進入else分支執行if (CCC==dat)。