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Ⅰ 有哪些php開發工具


Putty是一款Telnet、SSH、純TCP和串口連接的軟體。Putty是開源軟體,主要由Simon Tatham維護,並由MIT授權。Putty是windowsx86上的一個免費的Telnet、SSH和rlogin客戶端,但它的功能與商業Telnet工具一樣強大。



3、PHP開發工具——Sublime Text

Sublime Text是一種代碼編輯器,是一種高級的HTML和散文文本編輯器。Sublime Text是由程序員Jon Skinner在2008年1月開發的。它最初被設計為具有豐富擴展性的VIM。

Sublime Text具有漂亮的用戶界面和強大的特性,如代碼縮略圖、python插件、代碼片段等。您還可以自定義鍵綁定、菜單和工具欄。Sublime text的主要特性包括:拼寫檢查、書簽、全Python API、轉到功能、實時項目切換、多選擇、多窗口等等。Sublime Text是一種跨平台編輯器,支持Windows、Linux和其他操作系統。

Python API、goto函數、實時項目切換、多選、多窗口等。Sublime text是一個跨平台的編輯器,支持windows、Linux和其他操作系統。


Ⅱ Sublime Text,php代碼格式化插件codeformatter 設置PHP代碼格式時報錯 怎麼處理

"codeformatter_debug": false,
"syntaxes": "php", // Syntax names which must process PHP formatter
"php_path": "這里改成你php的路徑", // Path for PHP executable, e.g. "/usr/lib/php" or "C:/Program Files/PHP/php.exe". If empty, uses command "php" from system environments
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"php55_compat": false, // PHP 5.5 compatible mode
"psr1": false, // Activate PSR1 style
"psr1_naming": false, // Activate PSR1 style - Section 3 and 4.3 - Class and method names case
"psr2": true, // Activate PSR2 style
"indent_with_space": 4, // Use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
"enable_auto_align": true, // Enable auto align of = and =>
"visibility_order": true, // Fixes visibility order for method in classes - PSR-2 4.2
"smart_linebreak_after_curly": true, // Convert multistatement blocks into multiline blocks
// Enable specific transformations. Example: ["ConvertOpenTagWithEcho", "PrettyPrintDocBlocks"]
// You can list all available transformations from command palette: CodeFormatter: Show PHP Transformations
"passes": [],
// Disable specific transformations
"excludes": []
"syntaxes": "javascript,json", // Syntax names which must process JS formatter
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"indent_size": 4, // indentation size
"indent_char": " ", // Indent character
"indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
"eol": "\n", // EOL symbol
"preserve_newlines": false, // whether existing line breaks should be preserved,
"max_preserve_newlines": 10, // maximum number of line breaks to be preserved in one chunk
"space_in_paren": false, // Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b )
"space_in_empty_paren": false, // Add padding spaces within paren if parent empty, ie. f( )
"e4x": false, // Pass E4X xml literals through untouched
"jslint_happy": false, // if true, then jslint-stricter mode is enforced. Example function () vs function()
"space_after_anon_function": false, // Space after anonimouse functions
"brace_style": "collapse", // "collapse" | "expand" | "end-expand". put braces on the same line as control statements (default), or put braces on own line (Allman / ANSI style), or just put end braces on own line.
"keep_array_indentation": false, // keep array indentation.
"keep_function_indentation": false, // keep function indentation.
"eval_code": false, // eval code
"unescape_strings": false, // Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation
"wrap_line_length": 0, // Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters
"unindent_chained_methods": false, // Unindent chained method calls
"break_chained_methods": false, // Break chained method calls across subsequent lines
"end_with_newline": false, // Add new line at end of file
"comma_first": false, // Add comma first
"operator_position": "before-newline" // Operator position: before-newline, after-newline, preserve-newline
"syntaxes": "css,less", // Syntax names which must process CSS formatter
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"indent_size": 4, // Indentation size
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
"selector_separator_newline": false, // Add new lines after selector separators
"end_with_newline": false, // Add new line of end in file
"newline_between_rules": false, // Add new line between rules
"space_around_combinator": false, // Space around combinator
"eol": "\n" // EOL symbol
"syntaxes": "scss,sass", // Indentation size
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"indent_size": 4, // Indentation size
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
"selector_separator_newline": false, // Add new lines after selector separators
"end_with_newline": false, // Add new line of end in file
"newline_between_rules": false, // Add new line between rules
"space_around_combinator": false, // Space around combinator
"eol": "\n" // EOL symbol
"syntaxes": "html,blade,asp,xml", // Syntax names which must process HTML formatter
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"formatter_version": "bs4", // Which formatter to use. Current options are "bs4" and "regexp". If an error occurs while loading the bs4 formatter, the regexp formatter will automatically be used
"indent_size": 4, // indentation size
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
"exception_on_tag_mismatch": false, // If the last closing tag is not at the same indentation level as the first opening tag, there's probably a tag mismatch in the file
"expand_javascript": false, // (Under construction) Expand JavaScript inside of <script> tags (also affects CSS purely by coincidence)
"expand_tags": false, // Expand tag attributes onto new lines
"minimum_attribute_count": 2, // Minimum number of attributes needed before tag attributes are expanded to new lines
"first_attribute_on_new_line": false, // Put all attributes on separate lines from the tag (only uses 1 indentation unit as opposed to lining all attributes up with the first)
"rece_empty_tags": false, // Put closing tags on same line as opening tag if there is no content between them
"rece_whole_word_tags": false, // Put closing tags on same line as opening tag if there is whole word between them
"custom_singletons": "" // Custom singleton tags for various template languages outside of the HTML5 spec
"syntaxes": "python", // Syntax names which must process Python formatter
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"indent_size": 1, // indentation size
"indent_with_tabs": true, // Indent with tabs or spaces
"max_char": 80, // Width of output lines in characters.
"assignment": " = ", // This is how the assignment operator is to appear.
"function_param_assignment": "=", // This is how function-parameter assignment should appear.
"function_param_sep": ", ", // This is how function parameters are separated.
"list_sep": ", ", // This is how list items are separated.
"subscript_sep": "=", // This is how subscripts are separated.
"dict_colon": ": ", // This separates dictionary keys from values.
"slice_colon": ":", // this separates the start:end indices of slices.
"comment_prefix": "# ", // This is the sentinel that marks the beginning of a commentary string.
"shebang": "#!/usr/bin/env python", // Hashbang, a line-one comment naming the Python interpreter to Unix shells.
"boilerplate": "", // Standard code block (if any). This is inserted after the mole doc string on output.
"blank_line": "", // This is how a blank line is to appear (up to the newline character).
"keep_blank_lines": true, // If true, preserve one blank where blank(s) are encountered.
"add_blank_lines_around_comments": true, // If true, set off comment blocks with blanks.
"add_blank_line_after_doc_string": true, // If true, add blank line after doc strings.
"max_seps_func_def": 3, // Split lines containing longer function definitions.
"max_seps_func_ref": 5, // Split lines containing longer function calls.
"max_seps_series": 5, // Split lines containing longer lists or tuples.
"max_seps_dict": 3, // Split lines containing longer dictionary definitions.
"max_lines_before_split_lit": 2, // Split string literals containing more newline characters.
"left_margin": "", // This is how the left margin is to appear.
"normalize_doc_strings": false, // If true, normalize white space in doc strings.
"leftjust_doc_strings": false, // If true, left justify doc strings.
"wrap_doc_strings": false, // If true, wrap doc strings to max_char.
"leftjust_comments": false, // If true, left justify comments.
"wrap_comments": false, // If true, wrap comments to max_char.
"double_quoted_strings": false, // If true, use quotes instead of apostrophes for string literals.
"single_quoted_strings": false, // If true, use apostrophes instead of quotes for string literals.
"can_split_strings": false, // If true, longer strings are split at the max_char.
"doc_tab_replacement": "....", // This literal replaces tab characters in doc strings and comments.
// Optionally preserve unassigned constants so that code to be tidied
// may contain blocks of commented-out lines that have been no-op'ed
// with leading and trailing triple quotes. Python scripts may declare
// constants without assigning them to a variables, but CodeFormatter
// considers this wasteful and normally elides them.
"keep_unassigned_constants": false,
// Optionally omit parentheses around tuples, which are superfluous
// after all. Normal CodeFormatter behavior will be still to include them
// as a sort of tuple display analogous to list displays, dict
// displays, and yet-to-come set displays.
"parenthesize_tuple_display": true,
// When CodeFormatter splits longer lines because max_seps
// are exceeded, the statement normally is closed before the margin is
// restored. The closing bracket, brace, or parenthesis is placed at the
// current indent level. This looks ugly to "C" programmers. When
// java_style_list_dedent is True, the closing bracket, brace, or
// parenthesis is brought back left to the indent level of the enclosing
// statement.
"java_style_list_dedent": false
"syntaxes": "vbscript", // Syntax names which must process VBScript formatter
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"indent_size": 1, // indentation size
"indent_char": "\t", // Indentation character
"indent_with_tabs": true, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
"preserve_newlines": true, // Preserve existing line-breaks
"max_preserve_newlines": 10, // Maximum number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk
"opening_tags": "^(Function .*|Sub .*|If .* Then|For .*|Do While .*|Select Case.*)", // List of keywords which open a new block
"middle_tags": "^(Else|ElseIf .* Then|Case .*)$", // List of keywords which divide a block, but neither open or close the block
"closing_tags": "(End Function|End Sub|End If|Next|Loop|End Select)$" // List of keywords which close an open block
"syntaxes": "coldfusion,cfm,cfml", // Syntax names which must process Coldfusion Markup Language formatter
"format_on_save": false, // Format on save. Either a boolean (true/false) or a string regexp tested on filename. Example : "^((?!.min.|vendor).)*$"
"indent_size": 2, // indentation size
"indent_char": " ", // Indentation character
"indent_with_tabs": false, // Indent with one tab (overrides indent_size and indent_char options)
"exception_on_tag_mismatch": false, // If the last closing tag is not at the same indentation level as the first opening tag, there's probably a tag mismatch in the file
"expand_javascript": false, // (Under construction) Expand JavaScript inside of <script> tags (also affects CSS purely by coincidence)
"expand_tags": false, // Expand tag attributes onto new lines
"minimum_attribute_count": 2, // Minimum number of attributes needed before tag attributes are expanded to new lines
"first_attribute_on_new_line": false, // Put all attributes on separate lines from the tag (only uses 1 indentation unit as opposed to lining all attributes up with the first)
"rece_empty_tags": false, // Put closing tags on same line as opening tag if there is no content between them
"rece_whole_word_tags": false, // Put closing tags on same line as opening tag if there is whole word between them
"custom_singletons": "" // Custom singleton tags for various template languages outside of the HTML5 spec

Ⅲ mac開發php使用什麼工具

MAC下開發PHP可以使用Zend Studio、PHPStorm、Sublime Text、Vim等主流工具。

Zend Studio
Zend Studio是Zend Technologies公司開發的PHP語言集成開發環境(IDE)。除了有強大的PHP開發支持外也支持HTML、js、CSS,但只對PHP語言提供調試支持。Studio5.5系列後,官方推出了基於Eclipse平台的Zend Studio,當前最新的11.0.1版本亦是構建於Eclipse平台。

PhpStorm是一個輕量級且便捷的PHP IDE,其旨在提供用戶效率,可深刻理解用戶的編碼,提供智能代碼補全,快速導航以及即時錯誤檢查。

Sublime Text
是一個代碼編輯器(Sublime Text 2是收費軟體,但可以無限期試用),也是HTML和散文先進的文本編輯器。Sublime Text是由程序員Jon Skinner於2008年1月份所開發出來,它最初被設計為一個具有豐富擴展功能的Vim。Sublime Text具有漂亮的用戶界面和強大的功能,例如代碼縮略圖,Python的插件,代碼段等。還可自定義鍵綁定,菜單和工具欄。Sublime Text 的主要功能包括:拼寫檢查,書簽,完整的 Python API , Goto 功能,即時項目切換,多選擇,多窗口等等。Sublime Text 是一個跨平台的編輯器,同時支持Windows、Linux、Mac OS X等操作系統。2012年6月26日推出新版本的Sublime Text 2.0,與之前版本相比主要有較大的改善:支持 Retina 視網膜屏、快速跳到下一個、文本拖放、改善構建系統、CSS 自動完成和高亮設置等。

是一個類似於Vi的著名的功能強大、高度可定製的文本編輯器,在Vi的基礎上改進和增加了很多特性。[1] VIM是純粹的自由軟體。Vim普遍被推崇為類Vi編輯器中最好的一個,事實上真正的勁敵來自Emacs的不同變體。1999 年Emacs被選為Linuxworld文本編輯分類的優勝者,Vim屈居第二。但在2000年2月Vim贏得了Slashdot Beanie的最佳開放源代碼文本編輯器大獎,又將Emacs推至二線, 總的來看, Vim和Emacs同樣都是非常優秀的文本編輯器。[1]

Ⅳ SublimeText3怎麼調用瀏覽器運行php

這里插入一下安裝"view in browser"官方版的說明:(前提是得先安裝package control插件)


2、輸入"install package"打開安裝插件面板

3、輸入"view in browser"後通過滑鼠左鍵單擊或者回車鍵進行安裝



1、在SublimeText下打開該路徑:preference - 按鍵綁定-用戶

2、在" ] "前輸入以下代碼:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+enter"], "command": "open_in_browser" }




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