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㈠ VB給單片機發數據問題

Option Explicit
Dim intTime As Integer
Private strSendText As String '發送文本數據
Private bytSendByte() As Byte '發送二進制數據
Private blnReceiveFlag As Boolean
Private blnAutoSendFlag As Boolean
Private intPort As Integer
Private strSet As String
Private intReceiveLen As Integer
Private bytReceiveByte() As Byte
Private strAscii As String '設置初值
Private strHex As String
Private intHexWidth As Integer
Private intLine As Integer
Private m As Integer
Private strAddress As String
'字元表示的十六進制數轉化為相應的整數,錯誤則返回 -1
Function ConvertHexChr(str As String) As Integer
Dim test As Integer
test = Asc(str)
If test >= Asc("0") And test <= Asc("9") Then
test = test - Asc("0")
ElseIf test >= Asc("a") And test <= Asc("f") Then
test = test - Asc("a") + 10
ElseIf test >= Asc("A") And test <= Asc("F") Then
test = test - Asc("A") + 10
test = -1 '出錯信息
End If
ConvertHexChr = test
End Function

Function strHexToByteArray(strText As String, bytByte() As Byte) As Integer
Dim HexData As Integer '十六進制(二進制)數據位元組對應值
Dim hstr As String * 1 '高位字元
Dim lstr As String * 1 '低位字元
Dim HighHexData As Integer '高位數值
Dim LowHexData As Integer '低位數值
Dim HexDataLen As Integer '位元組數
Dim StringLen As Integer '字元串長度
Dim Account As Integer
Dim n As Integer
'txtSend = "" '設初值
HexDataLen = 0
strHexToByteArray = 0
StringLen = Len(strText)
Account = StringLen \ 2
ReDim bytByte(Account)
For n = 1 To StringLen
Do '清除空格
hstr = Mid(strText, n, 1)
n = n + 1
If (n - 1) > StringLen Then
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
End If
Loop While hstr = " "
lstr = Mid(strText, n, 1)
n = n + 1
If (n - 1) > StringLen Then
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
End If
Loop While lstr = " "
n = n - 1
If n > StringLen Then
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
End If
HighHexData = ConvertHexChr(hstr)
LowHexData = ConvertHexChr(lstr)

If HighHexData = -1 Or LowHexData = -1 Then '遇到非法字元中斷轉化
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
Exit For
HexData = HighHexData * 16 + LowHexData
bytByte(HexDataLen) = HexData
HexDataLen = HexDataLen + 1
End If
Next n
If HexDataLen > 0 Then '修正最後一次循環改變的數值
HexDataLen = HexDataLen - 1
ReDim Preserve bytByte(HexDataLen)
ReDim Preserve bytByte(0)
End If
If StringLen = 0 Then '如果是空串,則不會進入循環體
strHexToByteArray = 0
strHexToByteArray = HexDataLen + 1
End If
End Function

Private Sub cmdManualSend_Click()
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Call ctrTimer_Timer
If Not blnAutoSendFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAutoSend_Click()
If blnAutoSendFlag Then
Me.ctrTimer.Enabled = False
If Not blnReceiveFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
Me.cmdAutoSend.Caption = "自動發送"
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.ctrTimer.Interval = intTime
Me.ctrTimer.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAutoSend.Caption = "停止發送"
End If
blnAutoSendFlag = Not blnAutoSendFlag
End Sub

Private Sub ctrTimer_Timer()
Dim longth As Integer
strSendText = Me.txtSend.Text
longth = strHexToByteArray(strSendText, bytSendByte())
If longth > 0 Then
Me.MSComm.Output = bytSendByte
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InputManage(bytInput() As Byte, intInputLenth As Integer)
Dim n As Integer '定義變數及初始化
ReDim Preserve bytReceiveByte(intReceiveLen + intInputLenth)
For n = 1 To intInputLenth Step 1
bytReceiveByte(intReceiveLen + n - 1) = bytInput(n - 1)
Next n
intReceiveLen = intReceiveLen + intInputLenth
End Sub

Public Sub GetDisplayText()
Dim n As Integer
Dim intValue As Integer
Dim intHighHex As Integer
Dim intLowHex As Integer
Dim strSingleChr As String * 1
Dim intAddress As Integer
Dim intAddressArray(8) As Integer
Dim intHighAddress As Integer
strAscii = "" '設置初值
strHex = ""
strAddress = ""
For n = 1 To intReceiveLen
intValue = bytReceiveByte(n - 1)
If intValue < 32 Or intValue > 128 Then '處理非法字元
strSingleChr = Chr(46) '對於不能顯示的ASCII碼,
Else '用"."表示
strSingleChr = Chr(intValue)
End If
strAscii = strAscii + strSingleChr
intHighHex = intValue \ 16
intLowHex = intValue - intHighHex * 16
If intHighHex < 10 Then
intHighHex = intHighHex + 48
intHighHex = intHighHex + 55
End If
If intLowHex < 10 Then
intLowHex = intLowHex + 48
intLowHex = intLowHex + 55
End If
strHex = strHex + Chr$(intHighHex) + Chr$(intLowHex) + " "
If (n Mod intHexWidth) = 0 Then
strAscii = strAscii + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
strHex = strHex + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
End If
Next n
txtAsc = strAscii 'Ascii
txtHex = strHex '16進制
intLine = intReceiveLen \ intHexWidth
If (intReceiveLen - intHexWidth * intLine) > 0 Then
intLine = intLine + 1
End If
For n = 1 To intLine
intAddress = (n - 1) * intHexWidth
intHighAddress = 8
intAddressArray(0) = intAddress
For m = 1 To intHighAddress
intAddressArray(m) = intAddressArray(m - 1) \ 16
Next m
For m = 1 To intHighAddress
intAddressArray(m - 1) = intAddressArray(m - 1) - intAddressArray(m) * 16
Next m
For m = 1 To intHighAddress
If intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) < 10 Then
intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) = intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) + Asc("0")
intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) = intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m) + Asc("A") - 10
End If
strAddress = strAddress + Chr$(intAddressArray(intHighAddress - m))
Next m
strAddress = strAddress + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Next n
txtAdd = strAddress '地址
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReceive_Click()
If blnReceiveFlag Then
If Not blnReceiveFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
Me.cmdReceive.Caption = "開始接收"
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.MSComm.InputLen = 0
Me.MSComm.InputMode = 0
Me.MSComm.InBufferCount = 0
Me.MSComm.RThreshold = 1
Me.cmdReceive.Caption = "停止接收"
End If
blnReceiveFlag = Not blnReceiveFlag
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
intHexWidth = 8
txtAdd = ""
txtHex = ""
txtAsc = ""
txtSend = "11"
txtAdd.Width = 1335
txtHex.Width = 2535
txtAsc.Width = 1215
blnAutoSendFlag = False
blnReceiveFlag = False
intReceiveLen = 0
'intOutMode = 1
intPort = 1
intTime = 1000
strSet = "9600,n,8,1"
Me.MSComm.InBufferSize = 1024
Me.MSComm.OutBufferSize = 512
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
Dim bytTemp(0) As Byte
ReDim bytReceiveByte(0)
intReceiveLen = 0
Call InputManage(bytTemp, 0)
Call GetDisplayText
Call disPlay
End Sub

Private Sub MsComm_OnComm()
Dim bytInput() As Byte
Dim intInputLen As Integer
Select Case Me.MSComm.CommEvent
Case comEvReceive
If blnReceiveFlag Then
If Not Me.MSComm.PortOpen Then
Me.MSComm.CommPort = intPort
Me.MSComm.Settings = strSet
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = True
End If
Me.MSComm.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二進制接收
intInputLen = Me.MSComm.InBufferCount
ReDim bytInput(intInputLen)
bytInput = Me.MSComm.Input
Call InputManage(bytInput, intInputLen)
Call GetDisplayText
'Call disPlay
If Not blnReceiveFlag Then
Me.MSComm.PortOpen = False
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub disPlay()
txtHex = ""
txtAsc = ""
txtAdd = ""
End Sub

㈡ 我通過VB通信把PC中的數據發送給單片機


㈢ VB可以直接發送字模數組到單片機嗎


㈣ VB和單片機進行串口通信 通過VB界面兩個簡單的按鈕 發送兩個數據給單片機

void InttoChar (uint IntNumber)
// Name: void InttoChar (int IntNumber)
// Func.: Translate integer to ASCII charactor array
// Char.: IntNumber number to be translated to ASCII charactor
if (IntNumber < 10)
AsciiArray[0] = IntNumber + 0x30;
AsciiArray[1] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[2] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[3] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[4] = 0x20;
if (IntNumber < 100)
AsciiArray[0] = IntNumber / 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[1] = IntNumber % 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[2] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[3] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[4] = 0x20;
if (IntNumber < 1000)
AsciiArray[0] = IntNumber / 100 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[1] = IntNumber % 100 / 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[2] = IntNumber % 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[3] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[4] = 0x20;
if (IntNumber < 10000)
AsciiArray[0] = IntNumber / 1000 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[1] = IntNumber % 1000 / 100 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[2] = IntNumber % 100 / 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[3] = IntNumber % 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[4] = 0x20;
AsciiArray[0] = IntNumber / 10000 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[1] = IntNumber % 10000 / 1000 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[2] = IntNumber % 1000 / 100 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[3] = IntNumber % 100 / 10 + 0x30;
AsciiArray[4] = IntNumber % 10 + 0x30;

㈤ 如何用VB通過串口和51單片機通訊使得單片機能夠在IO口產生脈沖,脈沖的數量和頻率由VB設定


㈥ VB用Mscomm如何向單片機發送一個數據

Dim i As Integer Dim j As String i = 125 'j=125作為調試和講解用 j = Mid(Str(i), 2, Len(Str(i)) - 1) '將數據變數變成字元行變數,但轉換後成了"空格125",故對其進行處理 MSComm1.Output = j '將數據進行發送 MSComm1.InBufferCount = 0 '發送緩沖區清零 不知道這位問問好友為何要將數據以字元的形式發送


㈦ VB中,點擊確定,把Text中的內容發送給單片機


㈧ VB給單片機傳送數據問題!急!!

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim bytSj(1) As Byte
bytSj(0) = 50
bytSj(1) = 30
MSComm1.Output = bytSj
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
End Sub

㈨ 請教一下關於VB與51單片機傳送數據的問題

VB程序 與 單片機程序,沒有問題,是波特率 誤差的問題
該 VB 程序 發送 范圍是 0 - 128 ,> 128 時發送 的 為 0 。

單片機 波特率 和 晶振 有關,與 PC 通訊一定要用 11.0592 MHz 的晶振
如果 用 6.000MHz 或者 12.000MHz 的 一般都 會有一定 的誤差
就是 這個 誤差 會 引起通訊 數據 失真。



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