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A. 求助如何找到關於單片機的外文文獻翻譯,用於畢業設計

Getting Started with µVision2
The Keil Software 8051 development tools listed below are programs you use to compile your C code, assemble your assembly source files, link and locate object moles and libraries, create HEX files, and debug your target program.
 µVision2 for Windows™ is an Integrated Development Environment that combines project management, source code editing, and program debugging in one single, powerful environment.
 The C51 ANSI Optimizing C Cross Compiler creates relocatable object moles from your C source code.
 The A51 Macro Assembler creates relocatable object moles from your 8051 assembly source code.
 The BL51 Linker/Locator combines relocatable object moles created by the C51 Compiler and the A51 Assembler into absolute object moles.
 The LIB51 Library Manager combines object moles into libraries that may be used by the linker.
 The OH51 Object-HEX Converter creates Intel HEX files from absolute object moles.
 The RTX-51 Real-time Operating System simplifies the design of complex, time-critical software projects.
Software Development Cycle
When you use the Keil Software tools, the project development cycle is roughly the same as it is for any other software development project.
1. Create a project, select the target chip from the device database, and configure the tool settings.
2. Create source files in C or assembly.
3. Build your application with the project manager.
4. Correct errors in source files.
5. Test the linked application.
µVision2 IDE
The µVision2 IDE combines project management, a rich-featured editor with interactive error correction, option setup, make facility, and on-line help. Use µVision2 to create your source files and organize them into a project that defines your target application. µVision2 automatically compiles, assembles, and links your embedded application and provides a single focal point for your development efforts.
LIB51 Library Manager
The LIB51 library manager allows you to create object library from the object files created by the compiler and assembler. Libraries are specially formatted, ordered program collections of object moles that may be used by the linker at a later time. When the linker processes a library, only those object moles in the library that are necessary to create the program are used.
BL51 Linker/Locator
The BL51 linker creates an absolute object mole using the object moles extracted from libraries and those created by the compiler and assembler. An absolute object file or mole contains no relocatable code or data. All code and data reside at fixed memory locations. The absolute object file may be used:
 To program an EPROM or other memory devices,
 With the µVision2 Debugger for simulation and target debugging,
 With an in-circuit emulator for the program testing.
µVision2 Debugger
The µVision2 symbolic, source-level debugger is ideally suited for fast, reliable program debugging. The debugger includes a high-speed simulator that let you simulate an entire 8051 system including on-chip peripherals and external hardware. The attributes of the chip you use are automatically configured when you select the device from the Device Database.
The µVision2 Debugger provides several ways for you to test your programs on
real target hardware:
 Install the MON51 Target Monitor on your target system and download your program using the Monitor-51 interface built-in to the µVision2 Debugger.
 Use the Advanced GDI interface to attach use the µVision2 Debugger front end with your target system.
The µVision2 Debugger supports target debugging using Monitor-51. The monitor program resides in the memory of your target hardware and communicates with the µVision2 Debugger using the serial port of the 8051 and a COM port of your PC. With Monitor-51, µVision2 lets you perform source-level, symbolic debugging on your target hardware.
RTX51 Real-Time Operating System
The RTX51 real-time operating system is a multitasking kernel for the 8051 microcontroller family. The RTX51 real-time kernel simplifies the system design, programming, and debugging of complex applications where fast reaction to time critical events is essential. The kernel is fully integrated into the C51 Compiler and is easy to use. Task description tables and operating system consistency are automatically controlled by the BL51 linker/locator.
C51 Optimizing C Cross Compiler
The Keil C51 Cross Compiler is an ANSI C Compiler that was written
specifically to generate fast, compact code for the 8051 microcontroller family.
The C51 Compiler generates object code that matches the efficiency and speed
of assembly programming.
Using a high-level language like C has many advantages over assembly language
 Knowledge of the processor instruction set is not required. Rudimentary knowledge of the memory structure of the 8051 CPU is desirable (but not necessary).
 Details like register allocation and addressing of the various memory types and data types is managed by the compiler.
 Programs get a formal structure (which is imposed by the C programming language) and can be divided into separate functions. This contributes to source code reusability as well as better overall application structure.
 The ability to combine variable selection with specific operations improves program readability.
 Keywords and operational functions that more nearly resemble the human thought process may be used.
 Programming and program test time is drastically reced.
 The C run-time library contains many standard routines such as: formatted output, numeric conversions, and floating-point arithmetic.
 Existing program parts can be more easily included into new programs because of molar program construction techniques.
 The language C is a very portable language (based on the ANSI standard) that enjoys wide popular support and is easily obtained for most systems.
Existing program investments can be quickly adapted to other processors as needed.
Code Optimizations
The C51 Compiler is an aggressive optimizing compiler that takes numerous steps to ensure that the code generated and output to the object file is the most efficient (smallest and/or fastest) code possible. The compiler analyzes the generated code to proce the most efficient instruction sequences. This ensures that your C program runs as quickly and effectively as possible in the least amount of code space.
The C51 Compiler provides nine different levels of optimizing. Each increasing level includes the optimizations of levels below it. The following is a list of all optimizations currently performed by the C51 Compiler.
General Optimizations
 Constant Folding: Constant values occurring in an expression or address calculation are combined as a single constant.
 Jump Optimizing: Jumps are inverted or extended to the final target address when the program efficiency is thereby increased.
 Dead Code Elimination: Code that cannot be reached (dead code) is removed from the program.
 Register Variables: Automatic variables and function arguments are located in registers whenever possible. No data memory space is reserved for these variables.
 Parameter Passing Via Registers: A maximum of three function arguments
 may be passed in registers.
 Global Common Subexpression Elimination: Identical subexpressions or address calculations that occur multiple times in a function are recognized and calculated only once whenever possible.
 Common Tail Merging: Common instruction blocks are merged together using jump instructions.
 Re-use Common Entry Code: Common instruction sequences are moved in front of a function to rece code size.
 Common Block Subroutines: Multiple instruction sequences are packed into subroutines. Instructions are rearranged to maximize the block size.

Keil C 簡介
Keil Software 的8051開發工具提供以下程序,你可以用它們來編譯你的C源碼,匯編你的匯編源程序,連接和重定位你的目標文件和庫文件,創建HEX文件,調試你的目標程序。
 C51美國標准優化C交叉編譯器從你的C源代碼產生可重定位的目標文件。
 A51宏匯編器從你的8051匯編源代碼產生可重定位的目標文件。
 BL51連接/重定位器組合你的由C51和A51產生的可重定位的目標文件,生成絕對目標文件。
 LIB51庫管理器組合你的目標文件,生成可以被連接器使用的庫文件。
 OH51目標文件到HEX格式的轉換器從絕對目標文件創建Intel HEX 格式的文件。
 RTX-51實時操作系統簡化了復雜和對時間要求敏感的軟體項目。
當你使用Keil Software工具時,你的項目開發流程和其它軟體開發項目的流程極其相似。
1. 創建一個項目,從器件庫中選擇目標器件,配置工具設置。
2. 用C語言或匯編語言創建源程序。
3. 用項目管理器實現你的應用。
4. 修改源程序中的錯誤。
5. 測試,連接應用。
uVision2 IDE
uVision2 集成開發環境集成了一個項目管理器,一個功能豐富、有錯誤提示的編輯器,以及設置選項,生成工具,在線幫助。利用uVision2創建你的源代碼並把它們組織到一個能確定你的目標應用的項目中去。uVision2自動編譯,匯編,連接你的嵌入式應用,並為你的開發提供一個單一的焦點。
源代碼由uVision2 IDE創建,並被C51編譯或A51匯編。編譯器和匯編器從源代碼生成可重定位的目標文件。Keil C51編譯器完全遵照ANSI C語言標准,支持C語言的所有標准特性。另外,直接支持8051結構的幾個特性被添加到裡面。Keil A51宏匯編器支持8051及其派生系列的全部指令集。
LIB51 庫管理器
BL51 連接器/定位器
BL51 連接器/定位器利用從庫中提取的目標模塊和由編譯器或匯編器生成的目標模塊創建一個絕對地址的目標模塊。一個絕對地址目標模塊或文件包含不可重定位的代碼和數據。所有的代碼和數據被安置在固定的存儲器單元中。此絕對地址目標文件可以用來:
 寫入EPROM或其它存儲器件。
 由uVision2調試器使用來模擬和調試。
 由模擬器用來測試程序。
uVision2 調試器
 安裝MON51目標監控器到你的目標系統並且通過Monitor-51介面下載你的程序。
 利用高級的GDI(AGDI)介面,把uVision2調試器綁定到你的目標系統。
uVision2調試器支持用Monitor-51進行目標板調試。此監控程序駐留在你的目標板的 存儲器里,它利用串口和uVision2調試器進行通信。利用Monitor-51,uVision2調試器 可以對你的目標硬體實行源代碼級的調試。
Keil C51交叉編譯器是一個基於ANSI C標準的針對8051系列MCU的C編譯器,生成的可執行代碼快速、緊湊,在運行效率和速度上可以和匯編程序得到的代碼相媲美。
 對處理器的指令集不必了解,8051 CPU的基本結構可以了解,但不是必須的。
 寄存器的分配以及各種變數和數據的定址都由編譯器完成。
 程序擁有了正式的結構(由C語言帶來的),並且能被分成多個單獨的子函數。這使整個應用系統的結構變得清晰,同時讓源代碼變得可重復使用。
 選擇特定的操作符來操作變數的能力提高了源代碼的可讀性。
 可以運用和人的思維很接近的詞彙和演算法表達式。
 編寫程序和調試程序的時間得到很大程度的縮短。
 C運行連接庫包含一些標準的子程序,如:格式化輸出,數字轉換,浮點運算。
 由於程序的模塊結構技術,使得現有的程序段可以很容易的包含到新的程序中去。
 ANSI 標準的C語言是一種豐常方便的,獲得廣泛應用的,在絕大部分系統中都能夠很容易得到的語言。
C51是一個傑出的優化編譯器,它通過很多步驟以確保產生的代碼是最有效率的(最小和/或最快)。編譯器通過分析初步的代碼 產生最終的最有效率的代碼序列,以此來保證你的C語言程序佔用最少空間的同時運行的快而有效。
 常量折疊:在表達式及定址過程中出現的常量被綜合為一個單個的常量。
 跳轉優化:採用反轉跳轉或直接指向最終目的的跳轉,從而提升了程序的效率。
 啞碼消除:永遠不可能執行到的代碼將自動從程序中剔除。
 寄存器變數:只要可能,局部變數和函數參數被放在CPU寄存器中,不需要為這些變數再分配存儲器空間。
 通過寄存器傳遞參數:最多三個參數通過寄存器傳遞。
 消除全局公用的子表達式:只要可能,程序中多次出現的相同的子表達式或地址計算表達式將只計算一次。
 合並相同代碼:利用跳轉指令,相同的代碼塊被合並。
 重復使用入口代碼:需要多次使用的共同代碼被移到子程序的前面以縮減代碼長度。

B. 求關於單片機的外文文獻 急急急

1. About SCM It can be said across the twentieth century, the three "electric" era, that is, electrical era, the electronic age, and has now entered the computer age. However, such a computer, usually refers to the personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the host, keyboard, monitor etc.. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to smart to give a variety of mechanical microcontroller (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this computer system only used the smallest one IC, you can perform simple operations and control. Because of its small size, usually hidden in a charged mechanical "stomach" Lane. It is the entire device, like the human brain plays a role, it goes wrong, the whole device was paralyzed. Now, this MCU has a very wide field of use, such as smart meters, real-time instrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, home appliances and so on. Once the microcontroller were using a variety of procts, you can serve to upgrade the effectiveness of the proct, often in the proct name is preceded by the adjective - "smart", such as washing machines and so intelligent. At present, some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain procts, not the circuit is too complex, that is, functions are too simple and easy to be copied. The reason may be stuck in the proct without the use of a microcontroller or other programmable logic device. SCM basic component is a central processing unit (CPU in the computing device and controller), read-only memory (usually expressed as a ROM), read-write memory (also known as Random Access Memory MRAM is usually expressed as a RAM) , input / output port (also divided into parallel port and serial port, expressed as I / O port), and so composed. In fact there is also a clock circuit microcontroller, so that ring operation and control of the microcontroller, can rhythmic manner. In addition, there are so-called "break system", the system is a "janitor" role, when the microcontroller control object parameters that need to be intervention to reach a particular state, can after this "janitor" communicated to the CPU, so that CPU priorities of the external events to take appropriate counter-measures. 單片機的簡介可以說,二十世紀跨越了三個「電」的時代,即電氣時代、電子時代和現已進入的電腦時代。不過,這種電腦,通常是指個人計算機,簡稱PC機。它由主機、鍵盤、顯示器等組成。還有一類計算機,大多數人卻不怎麼熟悉。這種計算機就是把智能賦予各種機械的單片機(亦稱微控制器)。顧名思義,這種計算機的最小系統只用了一片集成電路,即可進行簡單運算和控制。因為它體積小,通常都藏在被控機械的「肚子」里。它在整個裝置中,起著有如人類頭腦的作用,它出了毛病,整個裝置就癱瘓了。現在,這種單片機的使用領域已十分廣泛,如智能儀表、實時工控、通訊設備、導航系統、家用電器等。各種產品一旦用上了單片機,就能起到使產品升級換代的功效,常在產品名稱前冠以形容詞——「智能型」,如智能型洗衣機等。現在有些工廠的技術人員或其它業余電子開發者搞出來的某些產品,不是電路太復雜,就是功能太簡單且極易被仿製。究其原因,可能就卡在產品未使用單片機或其它可編程邏輯器件上。單片機的基本組成是由中央處理器(即CPU中的運算器和控制器)、只讀存貯器(通常表示為ROM)、讀寫存貯器(又稱隨機存貯器通常表示為RAM)、輸入/輸出口(又分為並行口和串列口,表示為I/O口)等等組成。實際上單片機裡面還有一個時鍾電路,使單片機在進行運算和控制時,都能有節奏地進行。另外,還有所謂的「中斷系統」,這個系統有「傳達室」的作用,當單片機控制對象的參數到達某個需要加以干預的狀態時,就可經此「傳達室」通報給CPU,使CPU根據外部事態的輕重緩急來採取適當的應付措施。

C. 求一片關於單片機機電控制的外文文獻!,畢設外文翻譯要用,,求好心人幫忙

D. 關於單片機方面的英文文獻,最還有翻譯

Based on the design of electronic SCM
Abstract: In recent years, with computer penetration in the social sphere and the development of large-scale integrated circuits, MCU applications are constantly deepening, as it has a function of strong, small size, low power consumption, cheap, reliable, Easy to use, and other characteristics, and therefore particularly suited to control the system, more widely used in automatic control, intelligent instruments, meters, data acquisition, military procts and household appliances, and other fields, the MCU is often as a core Parts to use, in accordance with specific hardware and application-specific characteristics of the object with software to make perfect.
This is done in electronic form SCM (AT89S51) as the core, the combination of related components (of cathode LED digital display, BCD-latch / 7 of the decoder, and so on), Coupled with the corresponding software, to achieve Clock calendar shows that the function of the calendar also calculated, display and the clock, the calendar of calibration, and multi-channel Kaiguandingshi output, and other functions, some of its hardware components is difficult choice, layout and welding.

E. 急!!急!!緊急求助!!關於單片機的外文參考文獻!!!

[3] AT89C51 DATA SHEEP Philips Semiconctors 1999.dec
[4]Yang. Y., Yi. J., Woo, Y.Y., and Kim. B.: 『Optimum design for linearityand efficiency of microwave Doherty amplifier using a new loadmatching technique』, Microw. J., 2001, 44, (12), pp. 20–36
[5] Vizimuller, P.: 『RF design guide-systems, circuits, and equations』 (ArtechHouse, Boston, MA, 1995)[6]R. Dye, 「Visual Object-Orientated Programming,」 Dr. Dobbs MacintoshJournal, Sept. 1st ( 1991).

F. 急求關於單片機的外文參考文獻五篇,不要具體內容,只要標題,作者,年份,類型等就可以了

[1] 李東升等.protel 99SE電路設計教程.電子工業出版社,2007.1
[2] 藏春華等.電子線路設計與應用.高等教育出版社,2004.7
[3] 李學海.16位單片機SPCE061A使用教程——基礎篇.人民郵電出版社,2007
[4] 張琳娜,劉武發.感測檢測技術及應用.中國計量出版社,1999
[5] 邵敏權,劉剛.單片機原理實驗及應用.吉林科學技術出版社,1995.1
[6] 楊振江等.智能儀器與數據採集系統中的新器件及應用.西安電子科技大學出版 社,2001.12
[7] 羅亞非等.凌陽16位單片機應用基礎.北京航空航天大學出版社,2005.5
[8] 劉篤仁,韓保君.感測器原理及應用技術。機械工業出版社,2003.8
[9] 薛筠義,張彥斌.凌陽16位單片機原理及應用,2003.2
[10] 徐愛卿.Intel 16位單片機,2002.7
[11] 霍孟友等,單片機原理與應用機械工業出版社,2004.1
[12] 霍孟友等,單片機原理與應用學習概要及題解,機械工業出版社,2005.3
[13] 許泳龍等,單片機原理及應用,機械工業出版社,2005.1
[14] 馬忠梅等,單片機的C語言應用程序設計,北京航空航天大學出版社,2003修訂版
[15] 薛均義 張彥斌 虞鶴松 樊波,凌陽十六位單片機原理及應用,2003年,北京航空航天大學出版社.

G. 跪求單片機電梯畢業設計的參考文獻,要2008年後出現的出版書籍。謝謝!

基於單片機四層樓的電梯控制系統的設計 [單片機] 07-16 【摘要】: 本次設計提出了用AT89C51單片機為核心控制元件及外圍電路組成高度為四層樓的電梯控制系統模式。通過對各樓層用戶按鈕信號的檢測和處理,按預定的運行規則和程序,發出控制信號對電機進行調節,從而控制電梯的啟停、速度和運行時間。介紹電梯控制系統 ... http://www.56doc.com/electron/scm/1704.html 基於單片機的簡易電梯控制系統的設計(附程序和電路圖)☆ [單片機] 07-16 摘要:針對目前建築物上安裝的電梯的常規功能及老式控制系統中存在的問題,提出了以單片機控制板為核心的新型電梯控制系統的電路設計思路、工作原理及軟體編程要點和軟體框圖。 關鍵詞: 微處理器 控制系統 電路設計 引言 電梯是一種垂直起重運輸設備,又是 ... http://www.56doc.com/electron/scm/1705.html 單片機及外圍電路組成的四層樓電梯自動控制系統 [單片機] 07-16 摘要:本論文主要介紹的是電梯自動控制模型,硬體部分我們使用的是單片機及外圍電路組成高度為四層樓的電梯控制系統。單片機採用AT89C51,晶體振盪器選6MHz,C51、C52為30uF瓷片電容與晶體振盪器形成時鍾電路。電容C53、電阻R51、R52和按鍵RESET構成上電復位 ... http://www.56doc.com/electron/scm/1673.html




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