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Ⅰ 紅旗Linux SP3如何用命令查看光纖卡的信息,謝謝!

系統的/proc/scsi/qla2xxx目錄下一般存在兩個文件:1、2或者3、4,這些文件包含FC HBA卡的配置信息。
[root@localhost qla2xxx]# cat 3
QLogic PCI to FibreChannel Host Adapter for QLA2342:
Firmware version 3.03.18IPX, Driver version 8.01.02-d4
ISP:ISP2312, Serial# P21735
RequestQueue = 0x11f580000,Response Queue = 0x11f4d0000
Request Queue count =4096, Response Queue count = 512
Total number of activecommands = 0
Total number ofinterrupts = 3354
Device queue depth = 0x10
Number of freerequest entries = 4094
Number of mailboxtimeouts = 0
Number of ISP aborts= 0
Number of loopresyncs = 0
Number of retries forempty slots = 0
Number of reqs inpending_q= 0, retry_q= 0, done_q= 0, scsi_retry_q= 0
Host adapter:loopstate = <READY>, flags = 0x1a03
Dpc flags = 0x4000000
MBX flags = 0x0
Link down Timeout =000
Port down retry = 035
Login retry count =035
Commands retried withdropped frame(s) = 0
Proct ID = 49535020 2020 0002

SCSI DeviceInformation:

FC Port Information:

SCSI LUN Information:
(Id:Lun) * - indicates lun is not registered with theOS.

其中,SCSI Device Information下面的scsi-qla0-adapter-port=2100001882374738便是主機光纖卡的WWN號。

RedHat AS5系統的/sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name 這個文件包含了所有已被系統發現的FC HBA卡的信息,使用查看命令查看該文件的內容即可看到FC HBA卡的信息。



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