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⑴ 什麼是安卓系統



Android操作系統最初由Andy Rubin開發,主要支持手機,後來逐漸擴展到平板電腦及其他領域上,如電視、數碼相機、游戲機等。



Android的Logo是由Ascender公司設計的,誕生於2010年,其設計靈感源於男女廁所門上的圖形符號, 於是布洛克繪制了一個簡單的機器人,它的軀干就像錫罐的形狀,頭上還有兩根天線,於是Android小機器人便誕生了。

⑵ 什麼樣的系統叫安卓系統了

Android是一種以Linux為基礎的開放源碼操作系統,主要使用於便攜設備。目前尚未有統一中文名稱,中國大陸地區較多人使用「安卓」或「安致」。Android操作系統最初由Andy Rubin開發,最初主要支持手機。2005年由Google收購注資,並組建開放手機聯盟開發改良,逐漸擴展到平板電腦及其他領域上。Android的主要競爭對手是蘋果公司的iOS以及RIM的Blackberry OS。2011年第一季度,Android在全球的市場份額首次超過塞班系統,躍居全球第一。 2012年2月數據,Android占據全球智能手機操作系統市場52.5%的份額,中國市場佔有率為68.4%。

⑶ android系統是什麼

Android(安卓),是一個以Linux為基礎的開源移動設備操作系統,主要用於智能手機和平板電腦,由Google成立的Open Handset Alliance(OHA,開放手持設備聯盟)持續領導與開發中。Android已發布的最新版本為Android 5.0(Lollipop)。
Android系統最初由安迪·魯賓(Andy Rubin)等人開發製作,最初開發這個系統的目的是創建一個數碼相機的先進操作系統;但是後來發現市場需求不夠大,加上智能手機市場快速成長,於是Android被改造為一款面向智能手機的操作系統。於2005年8月被美國科技企業Google收購。2007年11月,Google與84家製造商、開發商及電信營運商成立開放手持設備聯盟來共同研發改良Android系統,隨後,Google以Apache免費開放原始碼許可證的授權方式,發布了Android的原碼,讓生產商推出搭載Android的智能手機,Android後來更逐漸拓展到平板電腦及其他領域上。

⑷ 安卓系統是什麼

Android's purpose is to establish an open platform for developers to build innovative mobile apps. Three key components work together to realize this platform.The Android Compatibility Program defines the technical details of Android platform and provides tools used by OEMs to ensure that developers』 apps run on a variety of devices. The Android SDK provides built-in tools that Developers use to clearly state the device features their apps require. And Android Market shows apps only to those devices that can properly run them.These pages describe the Android Compatibility Program and how to get access to compatibility information and tools. The latest version of the Android source code and compatibility program is 2.3, which corresponded to the Gingerbread branch.Why build compatible Android devices?Users want a customizable device.A mobile phone is a highly personal, always-on, always-present gateway to the Internet. We haven't met a user yet who didn't want to customize it by extending its functionality. That's why Android was designed as a robust platform for running after-market applications.Developers outnumber us all.No device manufacturer can hope to write all the software that a person could conceivably need. We need third-party developers to write the apps users want, so the Android Open Source Project aims to make it as easy and open as possible for developers to build apps.Everyone needs a common ecosystem.Every line of code developers write to work around a particular phone's bug is a line of code that didn't add a new feature. The more compatible phones there are, the more apps there will be. By building a fully compatible Android device, you benefit from the huge pool of apps written for Android, while increasing the incentive for developers to build more of those apps.Android compatibility is free, and it's easy.If you are building a mobile device, you can follow these steps to make sure your device is compatible with Android. For more details about the Android compatibility program in general, see the program overview.Building a compatible device is a three-step process:Obtain the Android software source code. This is the source code for the Android platform, that you port to your hardware.Comply with Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD). The CDD enumerates the software and hardware requirements of a compatible Android device.Pass the Compatibility Test Suite (CTS). You can use the CTS (included in the Android source code) as an ongoing aid to compatibility ring the development process.Joining the EcosystemOnce you've built a compatible device, you may wish to include Android Market to provide your users access to the third-party app ecosystem. Unfortunately, for a variety of legal and business reasons, we aren't able to automatically license Android Market to all compatible devices. To inquire about access about Android Market, you cancontact us.

⑸ 安卓系統是什麼


⑹ android系統是什麼


⑺ 安卓系統是什麼 都有什麼手機






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