A. 需要一篇自動控制方面的英文文獻
This article mainly elaborated has been hanging the movement control system merit, introced was hanging the movement control system function, the principle and the design process. Is hanging the movement control system is one of in control engineering domain important applications, its main target is to is controlled the object the movement condition, including path, speed and position implementation check. The movement control system compares with other control systems, has the system model simply, the check algorithm is unitary, also not complex characteristic and so on non-linearity and coupling situation. Also is precisely because the movement control system can implement to the path, the running rate, the pointing accuracy as well as the repetition precision accuracy control requirement, has the broad application foreground in each category of control engineering, therefore the movement control system has at present become in the check study application domain very much significant the research direction. Through the monolithic integrated circuit to stepping monitor check, implemented the motor-driven to cause the object at on the board which inclined the movement, The control section is the SST89E52 monolithic microcomputer which SST Corporation proces primarily, with when the 1602LCD liquid crystal screen and according to turned has implemented with the user interactive, through the keyboard entry different control command, the liquid-crystal display was allowed to display the setting value and the run the coordinates. The electrical machinery control section used LM324N four to transport puts and is connected the electronic primary device voluntarily to develop the 42BYG205 stepping monitor actuation electric circuit to implement the electrical machinery accuracy control. The algorithm partially for will suit the monolithic integrated circuit system to operate carries on optimizes many times, will rece the microprocessor the operand. Has completed the object voluntarily the movement and according to the different setup path movement.
Key words Magneto; 1602LCD; LM324N; Drive circuit
選擇步進電機時,首先要保證步進電機的輸出功率大於負載所需的功率。而在選用功率步進電機時,首先要計算機械繫統的負載轉矩,電機的矩頻特性能滿足機械負載並有一定的餘量保證其運行可靠。在實際工作過程中,各種頻率下的負載力矩必須在矩頻特性曲線的范圍內。一般地說最大靜力矩Mjmax大的電機,負載力矩大[1 ]。
1.2 課題目的
培養綜合運用四年大學所學知識去分析問題和解決實際問題的能力。在實踐中檢驗所學知識,從而加強理論與實踐的相結合。 體驗一個科研項目開發的全過程,學會單片機開發應用方法,鍛煉應用能力,動手能力。本課題設計是具有一定難度的基於單片機的應用系統開發項目,培養學生創新精神和創新能力。通過這次畢業論文及設計,檢驗的綜合素質和專業教育的培養效果,並且使學會閱讀、利用英文文獻資料,閱讀並翻譯外文資料的能力,學會設計報告和論文。
1.3 課題意義
隨著社會的發展、科技的進步以及人們生活水平的逐步提高,各種方便於生活的自動控制系統開始進入了人們的生活,以單片機為核心的自動門系統就是其中之一。同時也標志了自動控制領域成為了數字化時代的一員[ 3]。它實用性強,功能齊全,技術先進,使人們相信這是科技進步的成果。它更讓人類懂得,數字時代的發展將改變人類的生活,將加快科學技術的發展。
1.4 應解決的主要問題
1. 單片機最小系統硬體設計;
2. 步進電機驅動模塊設計;
3. 輸出部分的軟硬體設計;
4. 主程序設計;
5. 繪圖板的設計。
1.5 技術要求