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发布时间:2022-01-31 02:26:16

‘壹’ 怎么在NDK的makefile加入预编译


ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)

‘贰’ 怎么样为一个xcode的工程添加一个预编译的宏


‘叁’ 关于编译预处理 宏

b[][4]={ @1,@2,@3,@4(列)
#1 1, 3, 5, 7,
#2 9, 11,13,15,
#3 17,19,21,23

‘肆’ c++当中的预编译宏的问题

#ifndef HY //一般在头文件都都使用这种格式以防止头文件在同一文件中被包含两次。语名#ifndef hyong…..#endi表示仅当以前没有使用预处理器编译指令#define定义的名称hyong时才处理#ifndef….#endif之间的语句。

#define HY //在这里用define定义一个名字HY,以便在下次访问到该头文件时,使该名字已经被定义,从而让程序跳过#ifndef….#endif间的语句。




‘伍’ ios cocoapods怎么添加预编译宏


‘陆’ 如何在makefile中定义宏进行条件编译

比如你可以将你想定义的“宏”放在makefile.include中,然后将其赋值,而在makefile中加入include makefile.include一行,在其后需要进行条件预编译时进行字符串比较来实现啊!

‘柒’ c语言中怎么用命令提示窗口编译宏定义并打印出来!请指教.谢谢了.

安装 Visual Studio 后在开始菜单里找 Microsoft Visual C++ 命令提示符,打开后,用微软的编译器 cl 编译,不是 cpp。

‘捌’ 如何在linux环境下使用make命令时加入宏定义

问make命令的用法还是makefile的写法? 问make命令的用法的话,直接man make就好了 问makefile的写法的话,从网上找两篇文章看看 这么宽泛的问题应当学会自己查资料。 如果有特定的问题,比如makefile中某条语句不清楚什么意思,适合在这里提问。

‘玖’ devenv 命令行下怎么指定某个工程的编译宏

直接devenv /?

Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Version 9.0.30729.1.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

devenv [solutionfile
anyfile.ext] [switches]

The first argument for devenv is usually a solution file or project file.
You can also use any other file as the first argument if you want to have the
file open automatically in an editor. When you enter a project file, the IDE
looks for an .sln file with the same base name as the project file in the
parent directory for the project file. If no such .sln file exists, then the
IDE looks for a single .sln file that references the project. If no such single
.sln file exists, then the IDE creates an unsaved solution with a default .sln
file name that has the same base name as the project file.

Command line builds:
devenv solutionfile.sln /build [ solutionconfig ] [ /project projectnameorfile [
/projectconfig name ] ]
Available command line switches:

/Build Builds the solution or project with the specified solution
configuration. For example "Debug". If multiple platforms
are possible, the configuration name must be enclosed in quotes
and contain platform name. For example: "Debug
/Clean Deletes build outputs.
/Command Starts the IDE and executes the command.
/Deploy Builds and then deploys the specified build configuration.
/Edit Opens the specified files in a running instance of this
application. If there are no running instances, it will
start a new instance with a simplified window layout.
/LCID Sets the default language in the IDE for the UI.
/Log Logs IDE activity to the specified file for troubleshooting.
/NoVSIP Disables the VSIP developer's license key for VSIP testing.
/Out Appends the build log to a specified file.
/Project Specifies the project to build, clean, or deploy.
Must be used with /Build, /Rebuild, /Clean, or /Deploy.
/ProjectConfig Overrides the project configuration specified in the solution
configuration. For example "Debug". If multiple platforms are
possible, the configuration name must be enclosed in quotes
and contain platform name. For example: "Debug
Must be used with /Project.
/Rebuild Cleans and then builds the solution or project with the
specified configuration.
/ResetAddin Removes commands and command UI associated with the specified Ad
/ResetSettings Restores the IDE's default settings, optionally resets to
the specified VSSettings file.
/ResetSkipPkgs Clears all SkipLoading tags added to VSPackages.
/Run Compiles and runs the specified solution.
/RunExit Compiles and runs the specified solution then closes the IDE.
/SafeMode Launches the IDE in safe mode loading minimal windows.
/Upgrade Upgrades the project or the solution and all projects in it.
A backup of these files will be created as appropriate. Please
see Help on 'Visual Studio Conversion Wizard' for more
information on the backup process.

Proct-specific switches:

/debugexe Open the specified executable to be debugged. The
remainder of the command line is passed to this
executable as its arguments.
/useenv Use PATH, INCLUDE, LIBPATH, and LIB environment variables
instead of IDE paths for VC++ builds.

To attach the debugger from the command line, use:
VsJITDebugger.exe -p < pid >

‘拾’ 编译命令里有带预定义宏的命令吗




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