⑴ 如何在ubuntu上安装namd
是的,要先解压。终端输入:sudo tar -zxvf 压缩文件名.tar.gz /tmp(假设想解压到/tmp目录),然后cd 解压后的目录名 进入解压后的目录,ls查看其中有没有INSTALL文件,按照上面的说明安装即可。一般步骤是:sudo ./configure、make、make install
⑵ centos 无法解析域名怎么办
应该是一个叫named的服务没有开启,可以使用命令:sudo service named start 启动。
注意:如果启动时报错说找不到named.conf文件,可以手动新建一个空白的namd.conf文件,再试下使用sudo service named start 命令启动。
⑶ 怎么由namd所的dcd文件做sdf
1、将SQLServer Compact 3.5 安装目录下的如下文件复制到将要打包发布的项目中 sqlceca35.dll sqlcecompact35.dll sqlceer35EN.dll sqlceme35.dll sqlceoledb35.dll sqlceqp35.dll sqlcese35.dll 2、将这些文件的“复制到输出目录”属性设置为“如..
⑷ 如何用gromacs分析namd的轨迹
1. GROMACS 4.5.x
Required Libraries : libgmx.a, libgmxana.a 和 libmd.a
2. APBS 1.2.x or 1.3.x
Required Libraries : libapbsmainroutines.a, libapbs.a, libapbsblas.a, libmaloc.a, libapbsgen.a 和 libz.a
Configure to install
To get detailed options
./configure --help
Defining Path to GROMACS and APBS headers and libraries files
Path to GROMACS include directory
Path to GROMACS Libraries files
Path to APBS Libraries files
Path to APBS source directory
Use above options/path to configure
./configure --with-gmx-include=/opt/gromacs-4.5.5/include --with-gmx-lib=/opt/gromacs-4.5.5/lib --with-apbs-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-apbs=/opt/apbs-1.3-source
2. make
3. Install
make install
g_mmpbsa calculates binding energy of biomolecular associations likeprotein-protein, protein-ligand protein-DNA etc using MM-PBSA. Itgives the different component of energy term in separate file so thatuser will have choice to have either MM, PB and SA energy values orall energies according to their objective. The tool also givesresie wise contribution to total binding energy which will provideinformation about important contributing resies to the molecularassociation.
Onlymolecular mechanics (vdw and electrostatic) vacuum energy with energydecomposition
g_mmpbsa -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr -n index.ndx -mme -mm energy_MM.xvg -decomp -mmcon contrib_MM.dat
Onlypolar solvation energy with energy decomposition
g_mmpbsa -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr -i mmpbsa.mdp -n index.ndx -nomme -pbsa -decomp -pol polar.xvg -pcon contrib_pol.dat
Anexample mmpbsa.mdp isprovided in g_mmpbsa/test/polar_orig.
Onlynon-polar solvation energy with energy decomposition
g_mmpbsa -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr -i mmpbsa.mdp -n index.ndx -nomme -pbsa -decomp -apol apolar.xvg -apcon contrib_apol.dat
An example mmpbsa.mdp for SASA model is provided in g_mmpbsa/test/sasa_orig.
An example mmpbsa.mdp for SAV model is provided in g_mmpbsa/test/sav_orig.
An example mmpbsa.mdp for WCA model is provided in g_mmpbsa/test/wca_orig.
Allenergetic term with energy decomposition
g_mmpbsa -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr -i mmpbsa.mdp -n index.ndx -pbsa \ -mm energy_MM.xvg -pol polar.xvg -apol apolar.xvg -decomp \ -mmcon contrib_MM.dat -pcon contrib_pol.dat -apcon contrib_apol.dat
Pleasekeep an eye on RAM usage because combined Molecular-Mechanics andPolar-Solvation energy calculation needs lots of memory.
FileOptions-s topol.tpr
Inputtpr/tpx file of molecule.
-f traj.xtc
Inputtrajectory xtc/trr format file.
WARNING:trajectory should be PBC corrected and molecule should not be PBCbroken. To make molecule whole in trajectory, please follow theselinks: PBC and trjconv.
-n index.ndx
Inputatomic index file. User will get choice to select atomic groups.
-i grompp.mdp
Inputsolvation energy parameter file. User may give choice ofeither polar-solvation or non-polarsolvationparametersfor both type of calculation.
-mm energy_MM.xvg
vander Waal and electrostatic energy of the selected atom group/s. Ifthe index selected is for one group then the file will have vacuum MMenergy value for that group only. On the other side if two group isselected, then file will have vacuum MM energy values for bothselected group and for their complexes.
-pol polar.xvg
Polarsolvation energy of the selected atoms group/s. If the index selectedis for one group then the file will have polar energy value for thatgroup only. On the other side if two group is selected, then filewill have polar energy values for both selected group and for theircomplexes.
-apol apolar.xvg
Non-polarsolvation energy of the selected atoms group/s. If the index selectedis for one group then the file will have non-polar energy value forthat group only. On the other side if two group is selected fromindex file then file will have non-polar energy values for bothselected group and for their complexes.
-mmcon contrib_MM.dat
VacuumMM van der Waals and electrostatic energy contribution per resieper frame/snaspshot.
-pcon contrib_pol.dat
Polarsolvation energy contribution per resie frame wise.
-apcon contrib_apol.dat
Non-polarsolvation energy contribution per resie frame wise.
Otheroptions -diff or -nodiff
Default:yes Ifthis option is "yes", selection of two atom groups will beprompted. For example, atom group A and B is selected by user. Then,third combined AB group will be automatically generated. Further, allenergy calculation will be performed on these three atom groups A, Band AB. If it is switched to "no" by -nodiff,selection of only one atom group will be prompted and all energycalculation will be performed on selected atom group.
-mme or -nomme
Default:yes Ifthis option is "yes", van der Waals and electrostaticenergy of the selected group/s will be calculated. This option can bechanged to "no" by -nomme toprevent this energy calculation.
-pdie 1
Valueof solute dielectric constant in the vacuum electrostaticcalculation. It should be similar to that of the polar-solvationenergy calculation.
-pbsa or -nopbsa
Default:no :If this option is changed to "yes" by -pbsa,solvation energy will be calculated and solvation energy parameterinput file -i isnecessary for this calculation.
-rad bondi
Threekeywords are accepted bondi, mbondi and mbondi2 whichcorresponds to three type of radius discussed in manuscript.
-ndots 100
Numberof dots per sphere used in the calculation of solvent accessiblesurface area and volume. Higher will be the number, more will be theaccuracy.
-decomp or -nodecomp
Default:no If this option is changed to "yes" by -decomp,energetic contribution of each resie to total binding energy willbe calculated using energy decomposition scheme.
tar zxvf gmx-4.5.5.tar.gz
cd gmx-4.5.5
mkdir build
cd build
make install
tar zxvf apbs-1.3-source.tar.gz
cd apbs-1.3-source/
./configure --prefix=/opt/apbs-1.3
make install
./configure --with-gmx-include=/opt/gromacs-4.5.5/include --with-gmx-lib=/opt/gromacs-4.5.5/lib --with-apbs-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-apbs=/home/user/Downloads/apbs-1.3-source --prefix=/opt/g_mmpbsa
make install
需要注意的是apbs的编译, 如果环境变量含有ifort,它会自动选择用intel的ifort来编译,这样g_mmpbsa也应当使用ifort来编译.或者强制apbs采用gfortran等来编译。