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发布时间:2023-06-15 22:57:34

⑴ 高分求一段汉译英,用软件直接翻译的勿扰。

With the development of science and technology, now in many areas of need to know the exact direction of useful signal, the frequency of parameters, the precise measurement of the signal to put a very high demand. Spectrum space technology in many areas has been widely used, and array signal processing plays a very important role.
Often, the signal space is measured up to one direction Wei Boda (DOA) estimates. In practical applications, often at the same time to signal the number of parameters of the estimates, such as signal DOA, pitch angle and frequency. This paper first introced for the two-dimensional space spectrum of the estimated MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm for the basic idea and principle of algorithm, and then focus on the two algorithms based on the position - two-dimensional frequency spectrum estimation. Then this paper were used MATLAB language MUSIC algorithm and ESRPIT algorithm estimated two-dimensional and computer simulation results are analyzed and compared.

This paper first introced the concept of radio frequency identification technology, the rise and development. Radio frequency identification system with the basic structure and principles, described the antenna transceiver and the working principle of the process. Subsequent analysis of the transmitting power, receive power chip, chip power consumption and receiving antennas to receive the echo of the relationship between power and to examine in detail the chip to receive power and receiving antennas to receive the echo power as a range of changes, as well as the decision The size of these power factors, the actual design of radio frequency identification hardware to provide reference data


⑵ 请问MUSIC算法和LMS算法到底是怎么回事,都是用来干吗的啊


⑶ 波束形成和music有什么关系

为了提高频域波束形成的宽带波达方向估计性能,提出了类MUSIC波束形成算法(MBM,MUSIC-likeBeamforming Method).在频域将宽带信号划分为若干窄带信号,叠加各窄带的MBM算法的空间谱后其峰值对应角度即为宽带波达方向估计结果.MBM算法的主瓣宽度在不同分析频率下基本保持不变,计算量与常规波束形成(CBF,Con-ventional Beamforming)相当.仿真结果表明,MBM算法的宽带波达方向估计性能和角度分辨能力介于分别叠加各窄带的CBF和MUSIC算法估计结果的ICBF(Incoherent CBF)和IMUSIC(Incoherent MUSIC)算法之间.

⑷ 问一个信号中MUSIC算法的问题:




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