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发布时间:2023-09-05 01:52:23

A. 如何在idea上创建spring源码

选择spring,勾上set up library later,勾上spring-mvc,记得project SDK要配置java环境

这里要说application server,我选择tomcat路径

最后会自动弹出一张页面,上面写着Holle world!~说明你成功了。

B. 哪位大哥能给我一个基于IDEA算法的c或者c++的软件以及源代码啊

c++ code
// Project: Implementation of IDEA (International
// Data Encryption Algorithm)
// ECE 575 Term Project
// Winter 2003
// Author: Irwin Yoon
// Overview: This code does the following:
// - print out all encryption and
// decryption subkeys which are used
// in the encryption and decryption
// process
// - encrypts plaintext message
// - decrypts ciphertext message
// - shows detailed, round by round results
// (8 total)
// Program contains a user driven menu where the user can select
// initial 128-bit key and also select messages to decrypt
// and encrypt.
// Compiling: This has been verified to work on SunOS
// with g++ compiler (flop.engr.orst.e).
// To Compile: g++ Idea.cpp -o Idea.exe
// Note: This code is a little sloppy. Coding could
// be made more efficient.
// Usage: Run executable with no arguments: Idea.exe
// Then select appropriate menu options

// main() is at the bottom of file!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>

#define NUMSUBKEYS 52
#define NUMROUNDS 8

// I had problems if we use #define with
// these nums. Problem arose when taking
// mod of this number
unsigned int TWOPOWER16 = 65536;
unsigned int TWOPOWER161 = 65537;
unsigned int inputsize;

// all the subkey information
unsigned short esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS];
unsigned short dsubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS];
unsigned int origkeyint[4];
unsigned char origkeychar[17];

// argument is an array of chars and prints
// the hex value of 4 consecutive chars (4 bytes)
// starting at the pointer. It loops until
// all the bits in the original string are read

void printHex (unsigned char* start)
unsigned int* val = (unsigned int*)start;
int times = inputsize/4;
cout <<endl;
for (int i=0; i<times;i++) {
printf ("\t\tbits %03d to %03d: 0x%08x\n",(32*i)+1,8*4*(i+1),*val);
val = (unsigned int*)start;

// This is the core encryption and decryption
// engine which does all the rounds and does
// all the arithmetic operations (add,mult,xor,swap,inverse)

void runIdea(unsigned char* msg, unsigned char* outmsg,unsigned short* keysbit16,int writeflag)

//if writeflag is 1, then we print round by round results

unsigned short x1,x2,x3,x4;
unsigned short y1,y2,y3,y4;
unsigned short x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10;
unsigned short x11,x12,x13,x14;
unsigned short xtemp;
unsigned int writeint;

// msg is 1 byte. make 2 byte ptr to facilitate ing for
// 16 bit fields
// 2 bytes go into x1, 2 bytes go into x2,etc
unsigned short* msgbit16 = (unsigned short*) msg;
//cout << "msg is " << *msg <<endl;
x1 = *msgbit16++;
x2 = *msgbit16++;
x3 = *msgbit16++;
x4 = *msgbit16++;

//x1 = (x1 >>8) | (x1<<8);
//x2 = (x2 >>8) | (x2<<8);
//x3 = (x3 >>8) | (x3<<8);
//x4 = (x4 >>8) | (x4<<8);

// this is for debug purposes. make greater than 8
// if don't want debugs
int tst=9;

// note that mod 2^16+1 could yield a value which is 2^16.
// this is greater than space for 16 bits, so i think
// the mod operation makes 2^16 mod 2^16+1 equal to 0.

for (int i=0; i<NUMROUNDS;i++)

if (i==tst )
cout << "STEP 1: x1 is " << x1 << ", key is " << *keysbit16 << endl;
//STEP 1 of 14
x1 = (x1* (*keysbit16++)) % TWOPOWER161;
if (i==tst )
cout << "\tAfter mul, x1 is " << x1 << endl;

if (i==tst )
cout << "STEP 2: x2 is " << x2 << ", key is " << *keysbit16 << endl;

//STEP 2 of 14
x2 = (x2 + *keysbit16++) % TWOPOWER16;

if (i==tst )
cout << "\tAfter add, x2 is " << x2 << endl;

if (i==tst )
cout << "STEP 3: x3 is " << x3 << ", key is " << *keysbit16 << endl;
//STEP 3 of 14
x3 = (x3 + *keysbit16++) % TWOPOWER16;

if (i==tst )
cout << "\tAfter add, x3 is " << x3 << endl;

if (i==tst )
cout << "STEP 4: x4 is " << x4 << ", key is " << *keysbit16 << endl;

//STEP 4 of 14
x4 = (x4* (*keysbit16++)) % TWOPOWER161;
if (i==tst )
cout << "\tAfter mul, x4 is " << x4 << endl;

if (i==tst)
cout << "STEP 5: x3 is " << x3 << ", x1 is " << x1 << endl;

//STEP 5 of 14
x5 = x1^x3;
if (i==tst)
cout << "\tAfter XOR, x5 is " << x5 << endl;

if (i==tst)
cout << "STEP 6(outorder): x2 is " << x2 << ", x4 is " << x4 << endl;

//STEP 6 of 14
x6 = x2^x4;

if (i==tst)
cout << "\tAfter XOR, x6 is " << x6 << endl;

if (i==tst)
cout << "STEP 7(outorder): x5 is " << x5 << ", key is " << *keysbit16 << endl;

//STEP 7 of 14
x7 = (x5* (*keysbit16++)) % TWOPOWER161;

if (i==tst)
cout << "\tAfter mul, x7 is " << x7 << endl;

if (i==tst)
cout << "STEP 8: x6 is " << x6 << ", x7 is " << x7 << endl;

//STEP 8 of 14
x8 = (x6+x7) % TWOPOWER16;

if (i==tst)
cout << "\tAfter ADD, x8 is " << x8 << endl;

if (i==tst)
cout << "STEP 9: x8 is " << x8 << ", key is " << *keysbit16 << endl;

//STEP 9 of 14
x9 = (x8* (*keysbit16++)) % TWOPOWER161;

if (i==tst)
cout << "\tAfter mul, x9 is " << x9 << endl;

if (i==tst)
cout << "STEP 10: x7 is " << x7 << ", x9 is " << x9 << endl;

//STEP 10 of 14
x10 = (x7+x9) % TWOPOWER16;
if (i==tst)
cout << "\tAfter add, x10 is " << x10 << endl;

//STEP 11,12,13,14 of 14

if (i==tst ) {
cout << "\tSTEP11: After XOR, x11 is " << x11 << endl;
cout << "\tSTEP12: After XOR, x12(after swap) is " << x12 << endl;
cout << "\tStep13: After XOR, x13(after swap) is " << x13 << endl;
cout << "\tStep14: After XOR, x14 is " << x14 << endl;

//new values for next iteration

if (writeflag==1) {
printf ("ROUND %d:\n", i+1);
writeint = (x1<<16) + x2;
printf("\tBits 1 to 32 0x%08x\n",writeint);
writeint = (x3<<16) + x4;
printf("\tBits 33 to 64 0x%08x\n\n",writeint);
} // foreach round

//final output transformation. modify 4 subkeys like so:
y1 = (x11 * (*keysbit16++)) % TWOPOWER161;
//flip flop these two!
y3 = (x13 + *keysbit16++) % TWOPOWER16;
y2 = (x12 + *keysbit16++) %TWOPOWER16;
y4 = (x14 * (*keysbit16)) % TWOPOWER161;

// put new data into the buffer
msgbit16=(unsigned short*)outmsg;

*msgbit16++ = y1;
*msgbit16++ = y3;
*msgbit16++ = y2;
*msgbit16 = y4;

//*msgbit16++ = (y1 >>8) | (y1<<8);
//*msgbit16++ = (y3 >>8) | (y3<<8);
//*msgbit16++ = (y2 >>8) | (y2<<8);
//*msgbit16 = (y4 >>8) | (y4<<8);

if (writeflag==1) {
unsigned int tempint;
msgbit16=(unsigned short*)outmsg;
tempint = (y1 <<16) + y3;
printf ("\tBits 1 to 32 0x%08x\n",tempint);
tempint = (y2 <<16) + y4;
printf ("\tBits 33 to 64 0x%08x\n",tempint);
} // end runIdea

// each block is 8 bytes (64 bits), so
// we loop until all blocks have been encrypted
// essentially hands over work to runIdea

void encrypt (unsigned char* msg,unsigned char* outmsg,int writeflag)
int blocks = inputsize/8;
unsigned char* inptr=msg;
unsigned char* outptr=outmsg;
for(int i=0;i<blocks;i++) {
if (writeflag==1) {
printf ("Results for Data Block %d\n", i+1);
printf ("=======================\n\n");

// each block is 8 bytes (64 bits), so
// we loop until all blocks have been decrypted
// essentially hands over work to runIdea
void decrypt (unsigned char* msg,unsigned char* outmsg,int writeflag)
int blocks = inputsize/8;
unsigned char* inptr=msg;
unsigned char* outptr=outmsg;
for(int i=0;i<blocks;i++) {
if (writeflag==1) {
printf ("Results for Data Block %d\n", i+1);
printf ("=======================\n\n");
} //end of decrypt

// Finds the inverse of a 16 bit number mod 2^16+1
// uses extended euclidean algorithm

//unsigned short inv(unsigned short b)
short inv(unsigned short b)

// what book said to do if taking mod of 0 or 1
if (b==0 || b==1)
return b;

// initial variables
int a = 65536+1; // 2^16 + 1
int g0 = a;
int g1 = b;
int v0 = 0;
int v1 = 1;
int savev0;
int q;
int rem;
int numloops = 0;

// start of extended euglidean algorithm
while (g1 != 0) {
q = g0/g1;
rem = g0 % g1;
g1 = rem;
v0 = v1;
v1 = savev0 - (v1*q);
assert (g0==1);

//IMPORTANT - since we're dealing wih signs, if we end up with a negative
// number, for some reason the positive equivalent was off by 1. so add
// 1 to value if negative result was found. Not sure why.
if (v0 >1)
return v0;
return 1+v0;
} // end inv

// Prints the original 128 bit key in hex
void printOrigKey()
printf ("Original Key in text: %s\n",origkeychar);
printf ("\tOriginal Key 1st 32bits: 0x%08x\n",origkeyint[0]);
printf ("\tOriginal Key 2nd 32bits: 0x%08x\n",origkeyint[1]);
printf ("\tOriginal Key 3rd 32bits: 0x%08x\n",origkeyint[2]);
printf ("\tOriginal Key 4th 32bits: 0x%08x\n",origkeyint[3]);

// Prints out the 52 subkeys used for encryption
// and decryption
void printKeys()

int count=1;
cout << "\n\n***** ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION SUBKEY SUMMARY *****" <<endl;
cout << endl << "All Subkeys are 16 bits." <<endl<<endl;


for (int k=0; k<NUMSUBKEYS;k++) {
if (k%6 ==0) {
cout <<"\nEncryption Subkeys Round " << count ;
cout <<" Decryption Subkeys Round " << count << endl;
printf (" subkey %02d 0x%08x",k,esubkeys[k]);
printf (" subkey %02d 0x%08x\n",k,dsubkeys[k]);


}//end printKeys

// based on the 52 encryption subkeys, find
// tje 52 decryption subkeys (16 bit)
void calcDKeys ()

//*** 1st,4th subkey for each round
for (int i=0;i<NUMSUBKEYS;i+=6) {
dsubkeys[i] = inv(esubkeys[48-i]);
dsubkeys[i+3] = inv(esubkeys[48-i+3]);

//*** 2nd, 3rd subkey for each round
dsubkeys[1] = -1 * esubkeys[49]; //first round
dsubkeys[2] = -1 * esubkeys[50]; //first round

for (int i =7; i<NUMSUBKEYS;i+=6) {
dsubkeys[i] = -1 * esubkeys[51-i];
dsubkeys[i+1] = -1 * esubkeys[50-i];
dsubkeys[49] = -1 * esubkeys[1]; //last round
dsubkeys[50] = -1 * esubkeys[2]; //last round

//*** 5th, 6th subkey for each round
for (int i=4; i< (NUMSUBKEYS) ; i+=6) {
dsubkeys[i] = esubkeys[50-i];
dsubkeys[i+1] = esubkeys[51-i];

int count=1;
for (int k=0; k<NUMSUBKEYS;k++) {
if (k%6 ==0) {
//IY cout <<"\nDSUBKEYS FOR ROUND " << count << endl;
//IY cout <<"subkey " << k << " = " << dsubkeys[k]<<endl;
} //end calcDKeys

// Takes original 128 bit key which is
// passed in as array of bytes and
// calculate encryption subkeys (52 total - 16 bits)
void calcEKeys(unsigned char* userkey)

//keys from example
//char userkey[16];

//for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
//userkey[i] = i+1;

int firstbyte = 0;

//merge two 8-bit sections into one 16 bit!!!
// this is done by bitwise shifting. most of logic in this
// funciton is because of this

for (int j=0; j<8;j++) {
esubkeys[j] = (userkey[firstbyte] <<8) + userkey[firstbyte+1];
firstbyte = firstbyte+2;

for (int f=8; f<NUMSUBKEYS-4;f+=8) {
//shift 25 bits.
//if we're on subkey 1, then get last 7 bits of subkey 2, and
//first 9 bits of subkey 2

// first 6 subkeys
for (int n=0;n<6;n++) {
esubkeys[f+n] = (short) ((esubkeys[f+n-7] <<9) | (esubkeys[f+n-6] >>7));

// next 2 esubkeys
esubkeys[f+6] = (short) ((esubkeys[f+6-7] <<9) | (esubkeys[f+6-6-8]>>7));
esubkeys[f+7] = (short) ((esubkeys[f+7-7-8] <<9) | (esubkeys[f+7-6-8]>>7));

// subkeys 48-51
esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4] = (short) ((esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4-7] <<9) | (esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4-6] >>7));
esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+1] = (short) ((esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+1-7] <<9) | (esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+1-6] >>7));
esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+2] = (short) ((esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+2-7] <<9) | (esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+2-6] >>7));
esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+3] = (short) ((esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+3-7] <<9) | (esubkeys[NUMSUBKEYS-4+3-6] >>7));

int count=1;
for (int k=0; k<NUMSUBKEYS;k++) {
if (k%6 ==0) {
//cout <<"\nSUBKEYS FOR ROUND " << count << endl;
//cout <<"subkey " << k<< " = " << esubkeys[k]<<endl;
} //end calcEKeys

// states that program has started.
void promptWelcome()
if (sizeof(unsigned short)!=2){
cout <<" size of unsigned short is not 2 bytes. Please run on flop.engr.orst.e or on another machine. This program needs 2 bytes for unsigned short to simulate the 16-bit subkeys" <<endl;

cout << endl <<endl;
cout << "************ WELCOME ***************" <<endl;
cout << "This is Irwin Yoon's program illustrating " <<endl;
cout << "IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)" <<endl;
cout << "************************************" <<endl;
cout << endl <<endl;
} //end promptWelcome

// prompt the user to enter either plaintext
// or ciphertext. puts value in array
// that is passed in
void promptForText(unsigned char* ptext,int encryptionflag)

std::string str;
if (encryptionflag ==1)
cout << endl << "************ ENCRYPTION OF PLAINTEXT **********" <<endl<<endl;
cout << endl << "************ DECRYPTION OF CIPHERTEXT **********" <<endl<<endl;
while (1) {
cout << "Data block size is 8 bits. " <<endl;
cout << "Therefore, please enter 8, 16, 24, 32 characters" <<endl;
if (encryptionflag ==1)
cout << "Your Plaintext input: ";
cout << "Your Ciphertext input: ";

getline(cin, str);

if ((str.size() == 8) || (str.size()==16) || (str.size()==24) || (str.size()==32))
cout <<endl<< "ERROR: input was " << str.size()<< " instead of 8,16,24,32 chars. Try Again" <<endl <<endl;
inputsize = str.size();

for (int i=0;i<str.size();i++) {
ptext[i] = str[i];
} //prompt for plaintext

// We have to prompt user to enter 128 bit
// key. since we only have 1 byte chars
// make the user enter 16 characters, which
// we convert to 128 bit key
void promptForKey()
cout << "IDEA takes in a 128-bit key. " <<endl;
cout << "User will enter 16 alphanumeric characters" <<endl;
cout << "These 16 alphanumeric characters will be "<< endl;
cout << "converted to a 128-bit key. " <<endl;
cout << " (16 char * 8bits = 128 bits)" <<endl;

cout << endl <<endl;

std::string str;
while (1) {
cout << "Please enter 16 alphanumberic characters, then press enter" <<endl;
getline(cin, str);

if (str.size() == 16)
cout <<endl<< "ERROR: That was not 16 alphanumeric chars. Try Again" <<endl <<endl;

for (int i=0;i<16;i++) {
origkeychar[i] = str[i];

cout << endl << "Thank you."<<endl ;

//translate to hex
int firstbyte = 0;
for (int j=0; j<4;j++) {
//merge two 8-bit sections into one 16 bit
origkeyint[j] = (origkeychar[firstbyte] <<24) + (origkeychar[firstbyte+1]<<16)
+ (origkeychar[firstbyte+2]<<8) + (origkeychar[firstbyte+3]);
firstbyte = firstbyte+4;
} //end promptForKey

// prints hex and ascii of plaintext
void printPlainTextSummary(unsigned char* plaintext)
printf ("\n\nYour Plaintext\n");
printf ("=================================\n");
printf ("Plaintext in ASCII: \"%s\"\n",plaintext);
printf ("Plaintext in Hex:");

// prints hex of ciphertext
void printCipherTextSummary(unsigned char* ciphertext)
ciphertext[inputsize] = '\0';
printf ("\n\nThe Resulting Ciphertext\n");
printf ("=================================\n");
printf ("Ciphertext in Hex:");

// prints hex and ascii of decrypted
// ciphertext
void printDecipherTextSummary(unsigned char* decipheredtext)
decipheredtext[inputsize] = '\0';
printf ("\n\nDecrypt the Ciphertext\n");
printf ("=================================\n");
printf ("Decrypted text in ASCII: \"%s\"\n",decipheredtext);
printf ("Decrypted text in Hex:");

// user for input and processes request

int main()


//NOTE: override user prompted key only for testing purposes
//unsigned char origkeychar[17];
//for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
//origkeychar[i] = i+1;


std::string str;
unsigned char ciphertext[MAXINPUTSIZE+1];
unsigned char decipheredtext[MAXINPUTSIZE+1];
unsigned char plaintext[MAXINPUTSIZE+1];
ciphertext[MAXINPUTSIZE] = '\0';
decipheredtext[MAXINPUTSIZE] = '\0';
unsigned int myint;
unsigned int* intptr;

//******** MAIN LOOP

while (1) {
cout << endl <<endl << "MAIN MENU" <<endl;
cout << "=========" <<endl;
cout << "Press 1 to print all Encryption/decryption keys " <<endl;
cout << "Press 2 to encrypt plaintext with intermediate results" <<endl;
cout << "Press 3 to decipher ciphertext with intermediate results" <<endl;
cout << "Press 4 to encrypt, then decrypt "
<< "(No intermediate results shown)" <<endl;
cout << "Press 5 to quit " <<endl<<endl;
cout << "Your choice: " ;
getline(cin, str);

// I should probably use switch statements instead, but it's
// too late
if (str[0] == '1')
else if (str[0]=='2') {
else if (str[0]=='3') {
else if(str[0]=='4') {

else if(str[0]=='5') {
cout << "****** Exiting IDEA program. Good bye. " <<endl<<endl;
else {
cout <<"Error: Invalid input" <<endl;

} // end main loop

return 0;
} //end main

C. intellij idea15 怎样查看jar源代码


D. IDEA 怎么导入java API与源码

点File--> Import Porject,选择你本地的源码路径,根据向导提示导入,idea兼容四种IDE的工程:
1、Eclipse .project .classpath file,也就是你的源码中有eclipse的工程文件.project .classpath,就选择Eclipse类型,idea自动将它导入进来。你的Myeclipse也是一样。
如果你的源码中没有.project .classpath文件,也不是maven项目,在向导中你可以选择
Create project form existing sources

E. intellij idea15 怎样查看jar源代码

2.【Java Build Path】-【Libraries】,在下面找到如:org.springframework.core-3.1.0.M1.jar包,展开它,选择【Source attachment】,单击右边的【Edit…】按钮。
3.在打开的窗口中,可选择文件(jar\zip),晌模目录或搜谨历工作空间中的jar文件,在这里我选择External Folder…,选择如F:\Development Kit\spring-framework-3.1.0.M1-with-docs\spring-framework-3.1.0.M1\projects即可。

我【Java Build Path】-【Libraries】找到spring.jar,展开,选择【Source attachment】,单击右边的【Edit…】按钮,选择workspace,输入:/autojboa/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/spring.jar,最后运行到saveOrUpdate还是进不去,我的/autojboa/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/spring.jar目录下有spring.jar



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