2. sql server 中如何查看自定义函数的源代码
3. 如何看c语言标准库函数的源代码
第三方可能都是dll,因为上面也说了,dll是编译好的,只能看到成品,就可以隐藏代码,保护自己的知识产权,同时也是病毒的归宿...... 当然,除了DLL的确还存在一种东西,插件程序~~~
4. c库函数源码
X:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VCXX\CRT\SRC
*qsort.c - quicksort algorithm; qsort() library function for sorting arrays
* Copyright (c) 1985-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* To implement the qsort() routine for sorting arrays.
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <search.h>
/* prototypes for local routines */
static void __cdecl shortsort(char *lo, char *hi, unsigned width,
int (__cdecl *comp)(const void *, const void *));
static void __cdecl swap(char *p, char *q, unsigned int width);
/* this parameter defines the cutoff between using quick sort and
insertion sort for arrays; arrays with lengths shorter or equal to the
below value use insertion sort */
#define CUTOFF 8 /* testing shows that this is good value */
*qsort(base, num, wid, comp) - quicksort function for sorting arrays
* quicksort the array of elements
* side effects: sorts in place
* char *base = pointer to base of array
* unsigned num = number of elements in the array
* unsigned width = width in bytes of each array element
* int (*comp)() = pointer to function returning analog of strcmp for
* strings, but supplied by user for comparing the array elements.
* it accepts 2 pointers to elements and returns neg if 1<2, 0 if
* 1=2, pos if 1>2.
* returns void
/* sort the array between lo and hi (inclusive) */
void __cdecl qsort (
void *base,
unsigned num,
unsigned width,
int (__cdecl *comp)(const void *, const void *)
char *lo, *hi; /* ends of sub-array currently sorting */
char *mid; /* points to middle of subarray */
char *loguy, *higuy; /* traveling pointers for partition step */
unsigned size; /* size of the sub-array */
char *lostk[30], *histk[30];
int stkptr; /* stack for saving sub-array to be processed */
/* Note: the number of stack entries required is no more than
1 + log2(size), so 30 is sufficient for any array */
if (num < 2 || width == 0)
return; /* nothing to do */
stkptr = 0; /* initialize stack */
lo = base;
hi = (char *)base + width * (num-1); /* initialize limits */
/* this entry point is for pseudo-recursion calling: setting
lo and hi and jumping to here is like recursion, but stkptr is
prserved, locals aren't, so we preserve stuff on the stack */
size = (hi - lo) / width + 1; /* number of el's to sort */
/* below a certain size, it is faster to use a O(n^2) sorting method */
if (size <= CUTOFF) {
shortsort(lo, hi, width, comp);
else {
/* First we pick a partititioning element. The efficiency of the
algorithm demands that we find one that is approximately the
median of the values, but also that we select one fast. Using
the first one proces bad performace if the array is already
sorted, so we use the middle one, which would require a very
wierdly arranged array for worst case performance. Testing shows
that a median-of-three algorithm does not, in general, increase
performance. */
mid = lo + (size / 2) * width; /* find middle element */
swap(mid, lo, width); /* swap it to beginning of array */
/* We now wish to partition the array into three pieces, one
consisiting of elements <= partition element, one of elements
equal to the parition element, and one of element >= to it. This
is done below; comments indicate conditions established at every
step. */
loguy = lo;
higuy = hi + width;
/* Note that higuy decreases and loguy increases on every iteration,
so loop must terminate. */
for (;;) {
/* lo <= loguy < hi, lo < higuy <= hi + 1,
A[i] <= A[lo] for lo <= i <= loguy,
A[i] >= A[lo] for higuy <= i <= hi */
do {
loguy += width;
} while (loguy <= hi && comp(loguy, lo) <= 0);
/* lo < loguy <= hi+1, A[i] <= A[lo] for lo <= i < loguy,
either loguy > hi or A[loguy] > A[lo] */
do {
higuy -= width;
} while (higuy > lo && comp(higuy, lo) >= 0);
/* lo-1 <= higuy <= hi, A[i] >= A[lo] for higuy < i <= hi,
either higuy <= lo or A[higuy] < A[lo] */
if (higuy < loguy)
/* if loguy > hi or higuy <= lo, then we would have exited, so
A[loguy] > A[lo], A[higuy] < A[lo],
loguy < hi, highy > lo */
swap(loguy, higuy, width);
/* A[loguy] < A[lo], A[higuy] > A[lo]; so condition at top
of loop is re-established */
/* A[i] >= A[lo] for higuy < i <= hi,
A[i] <= A[lo] for lo <= i < loguy,
higuy < loguy, lo <= higuy <= hi
A[i] >= A[lo] for loguy <= i <= hi,
A[i] <= A[lo] for lo <= i <= higuy,
A[i] = A[lo] for higuy < i < loguy */
swap(lo, higuy, width); /* put partition element in place */
/* OK, now we have the following:
A[i] >= A[higuy] for loguy <= i <= hi,
A[i] <= A[higuy] for lo <= i < higuy
A[i] = A[lo] for higuy <= i < loguy */
/* We've finished the partition, now we want to sort the subarrays
[lo, higuy-1] and [loguy, hi].
We do the smaller one first to minimize stack usage.
We only sort arrays of length 2 or more.*/
if ( higuy - 1 - lo >= hi - loguy ) {
if (lo + width < higuy) {
lostk[stkptr] = lo;
histk[stkptr] = higuy - width;
} /* save big recursion for later */
if (loguy < hi) {
lo = loguy;
goto recurse; /* do small recursion */
else {
if (loguy < hi) {
lostk[stkptr] = loguy;
histk[stkptr] = hi;
++stkptr; /* save big recursion for later */
if (lo + width < higuy) {
hi = higuy - width;
goto recurse; /* do small recursion */
/* We have sorted the array, except for any pending sorts on the stack.
Check if there are any, and do them. */
if (stkptr >= 0) {
lo = lostk[stkptr];
hi = histk[stkptr];
goto recurse; /* pop subarray from stack */
return; /* all subarrays done */
*shortsort(hi, lo, width, comp) - insertion sort for sorting short arrays
* sorts the sub-array of elements between lo and hi (inclusive)
* side effects: sorts in place
* assumes that lo < hi
* char *lo = pointer to low element to sort
* char *hi = pointer to high element to sort
* unsigned width = width in bytes of each array element
* int (*comp)() = pointer to function returning analog of strcmp for
* strings, but supplied by user for comparing the array elements.
* it accepts 2 pointers to elements and returns neg if 1<2, 0 if
* 1=2, pos if 1>2.
* returns void
static void __cdecl shortsort (
char *lo,
char *hi,
unsigned width,
int (__cdecl *comp)(const void *, const void *)
char *p, *max;
/* Note: in assertions below, i and j are alway inside original bound of
array to sort. */
while (hi > lo) {
/* A[i] <= A[j] for i <= j, j > hi */
max = lo;
for (p = lo+width; p <= hi; p += width) {
/* A[i] <= A[max] for lo <= i < p */
if (comp(p, max) > 0) {
max = p;
/* A[i] <= A[max] for lo <= i <= p */
/* A[i] <= A[max] for lo <= i <= hi */
swap(max, hi, width);
/* A[i] <= A[hi] for i <= hi, so A[i] <= A[j] for i <= j, j >= hi */
hi -= width;
/* A[i] <= A[j] for i <= j, j > hi, loop top condition established */
/* A[i] <= A[j] for i <= j, j > lo, which implies A[i] <= A[j] for i < j,
so array is sorted */
*swap(a, b, width) - swap two elements
* swaps the two array elements of size width
* char *a, *b = pointer to two elements to swap
* unsigned width = width in bytes of each array element
* returns void
static void __cdecl swap (
char *a,
char *b,
unsigned width
char tmp;
if ( a != b )
/* Do the swap one character at a time to avoid potential alignment
problems. */
while ( width-- ) {
tmp = *a;
*a++ = *b;
*b++ = tmp;
5. 求C语言中的库函数的源代码 如printf()函数,我要它的源代码
如果你安装的Visual Studio,以及它的Visual C++的话,
6. sql server 中如何查看自定义函数的源代码
如果函数没有被加密的话(未使用with encrypt子句),用语句sp_helptext 函数名查看源码。
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