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l love you goodwe

发布时间:2024-06-26 15:39:40

❶ People Ain't No Good (2011 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:People Ain't No Good (2011 - Remaster)
歌手:Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
专辑:The Boatman’s Call (2011 - Remaster)

People Aint No Good
Nick Cave&The Bad Seeds
People just aint no good
I think that's welll understood
You can see it everywhere you look
People just aint no good
We were married under cherry trees
Under blossom we made pour vows
All the blossoms come sailing down
Through the streets and through the playgrounds
The sun would stream on the sheets
Awoken by the morning bird
We'd buy the Sunday newspapers
And never read a single word
People they aint no good
People they aint no good
People they aint no good
Seasons came, Seasons went
The winter stripped the blossoms bare
A different tree now lines the streets
Shaking its fists in the air
The winter slammed us like a fist
The windows rattling in the gales
To which she drew the curtains
Made out of her wedding veils
People they ain't no good
People they ain't no good
People they ain't no good
To our love send a dozen white lilies
To our love send a coffin of wood
To our love let aal the pink-eyed pigeons coo
That people they just ain't no good
To our love send back all the letters
To our love a valentine of blood
To our love let all the jilted lovers cry
That people they just ain't no good
It ain't that in their hearts they're bad
They can comfort you, some even try
They nurse you when you're ill of health
They bury you when you go and die
It ain't that in their hearts they're bad
They'd stick by you if they could
But that's just bullshit
People just ain't no good
People they ain't no good
People they ain't no good
People they ain't no good at all
People they ain't no good
People they ain't no good
People they ain't no good at all



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