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发布时间:2024-08-12 20:24:08

1. java的开源工具有哪些

1 Ganttproject 1.11.1:项目计划工具
你可以使用这款软件来制定项目计划并跟踪项目资源。Ganttproject 能够将项目的各个组成部分分层次排列,并与相应的人员和时间期限挂钩。它使用一个条状图来显示项目的进展情况,你能从中看到每项任务的预定完成时间和实际的进度。你可以为每个项目组成员分配任务,设定任务的优先级和完成期限。Ganttproject的输出功能相当完备,不仅可以把数据保存为pdf文件和 csv电子数据表文件,还可以输出为HTML文件发布到Internet上。由于Ganttproject是一款纯Java应用程序,因此它可以运行于 Windows、Linux和Mac OS等多个平台上。

2 DotProject 2.0.4:项目管理工具
网址:http:// www.dotproject.net

3 NVU 1.0:HTML编辑器
网址:http:// www.nvu.com
NVU 实际上起源于Netscape,还记得那个有点笨拙的HTML编辑器Netscape Composer吗?NVU就是在它的基础上进一步开发出来的,不过,最新版本的NVU已经不是当年的那只丑小鸭,它完全能够胜任专业网页设计工作的需求。与FrontPage和Dreamweaver这类商业HTML编辑器一样,这款软件(目前支持Windows、Linux和Mac OS平台)同时提供了源代码直接编辑和“所见即所得”这两种网页设计环境。
4. Mozilla Firefox:Web浏览器
Firefox 浏览器应该是Mozilla迄今为止最成功的一个开源软件项目。从2004年11月到2005年2月,这款 Internet Explorer的替代软件已经获得了超过2500万的下载次数(仅指官方网站和镜像网站的下载次数)。如果加上其它的下载网址以及用光盘方式发放的 Firefox,这个数量可能还会翻倍。Firefox拥有不少值得称赞的易用性功能,比如支持标签式浏览窗口、具备开放的插件接口,你可以安装广告拦截器、Google搜索条以及其它大量插件。Firefox不支持Visual Basic脚本、ActiveX和BHO(Browser Helper Objects),相对来说不太容易遭受恶意HTML代码的攻击,当然你也不能完全高枕无忧。
5 Freemind 0.8:Mindmap软件
什么是Mindmap?它是由英国人托尼?巴赞创造的一种笔记方法,和传统的直线记录方法完全不同,它以直观形象的图示建立起各个概念之间的联系。在国内,MindMap又被称为脑图或思维导图。Freemind 是一款Java程序,它可以帮你在一些随机的内容之间建立起有机的联系。
在Freemind中,首先你需要选中一个主题,然后从几个节点开始不断丰富 Mindmap的内容。每次加入新的元素,你都可以用连线将它与原有的元素联系起来。最终的Mindmap可以用HTML文档的形式输出。该软件的帮助信息十分全面,即便你对Mindmap不太熟悉也可以按照它的提示很快掌握Mindmap概念及软件的使用。
6 SubVersion1.4:版本管理工具



7 BugFree1.0:Bug管理软件
网址: http://bugfree.1zsoft.com/
BugFree是借鉴微软的研发流程和Bug管理理念,使用PHP+MySQL独立写出的一个Bug管理 系统。简单实用、免费并且开放源代码(遵循GNU GPL)。是由国人自己自己开发的,强力支持。

10,spring framework

2. java开源项目

Sotacs, Tapestry4, a web framework component, is a Java open-source project available for integration into applications. It leverages annotations and AOP techniques, along with support for EL expressions.

SpringContracts, another Java open-source project, is a Design by Contract solution that seamlessly integrates with the Spring framework. It utilizes annotations and Aspect Oriented Programming, making it convenient to use with the framework.

Jettison, a JSON parser and writer, enables the creation of JSON-based web services within frameworks like CXF and XFire, supporting efficient data exchange.

jEdit Plugin Central is the primary online repository for plugins for JEdit, a popular text editor. It facilitates the installation, update, and removal of plugins, expanding the editor's functionality.

JCL, a Java library, facilitates loading classes from JARs, catering to applications that require multiple versions of the same class to be loaded differently.

JXTA, an initiative by Sun Microsystems, is a peer-to-peer (P2P) technology foundation for distributed computing, particularly addressing issues in modern P2P computing environments.

jOrgan, a virtual pipe organ application, showcases the versatility of Java development for musical applications.

JOnbAS, a plugin for the NetBeans platform, adds functionality to the popular integrated development environment.

RoX, an XML-RPC implementation built on Java 1.4's NIO, provides a robust framework for remote procere calls over XML.

Spring-Dashboard is a tool that helps developers and testers monitor and gather resource usage statistics in Spring web applications, enhancing their management capabilities.

jUploadr, a cross-platform photo uploader, supports uploading to various platforms and services, including customization of photo attributes before upload and batch processing.

Bottomline is a JDBC Bridge API that leverages JCL to load database drivers from JARs, offering a distinct approach to database connectivity management.

BackupEasy, a Java-based backup software, simplifies automated backups of files and folders, including FTP support and Chinese language options.

SubEtha is a comprehensive email list management system built on EJB3 and JMS, featuring a user-friendly interface and advanced features for managing email lists.

JIExplorer, a Java-based image viewer, supports slideshow, zooming, and other functionalities, with the ability to categorize and store images in databases like HSQLDB and MySQL.

j-Interop is an open-source library that enables Java applications to interact with COM components using the MSRPC wire protocol without relying on JNI.

QALab is a QA tool that collects and analyzes data from various QA tools, aiding developers in understanding QA trends over time.

SOJO provides a library for converting POJOs to different formats like CSV, XML, or JSON, facilitating communication with non-Java programs.

Subsonic is an online media player that converts and streams music and video files, requiring Java 5.0 for operation.

Glyph is a collection of tools for enhancing Jini application development and facilitating J2SE5.0 annotations.

nbtapestrysupport, a NetBeans plugin, enhances Tapestry web development by providing features like class navigation links, project setup wizards, and a component design interface.

DContract is a Java project that offers a toolkit for managing digital contracts.

GenericRCP, a SpringRCP-based fat client, generates GUIs for Hibernate domain models, facilitating data management tasks.


开源不是开放编译器的源代码,而是写了一个软件, 然后把这个软件的源代码发布到网上, 让大家都可以学习,改进,就是开源。要符合一定的规范,比如GPL 等。



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