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发布时间:2022-06-30 22:40:58

A. 电子类专业英语词汇 WORD pdf


B. 求几篇电子信息类英文文献,3000字左右,pdf格式的

参考 另外一个我想也许就想到一点,就是说你自己很善良,也很有激情,也很幽默,也会讲很多的故事,但你的团队离开你的时候,你要想到一点我们需要雷锋,但不能让雷锋穿补丁的衣服上街去,让他们沟通跟你分享成功是很重要的。

C. 为看懂英文版pdf,求一本关于电子电路的英语书,主要学习电子的专业英语!!!

<High speed digital design>中英文的都有

D. 电气工程及其自动化专业英语 pdf

Major in electrical engineering and automation

E. 求电子信息工程专业相关的英文资料

The next generation keyboard, future keyboard!
It challenged and subverted the global computer keyboard, keyboard music instruments 25 years ago,
The pioneer of the Chinese people (firstly) originally entered this area. who sent it into the modern house of the CEO of Microsoft?
To challenge AT&T of the United States by improving communication deficiencies
Improving communication deficiencies, Chinese people are to challenge AT&T of the United States.
This proct; force feedback keyboard and harmony telephone should be presented at CeBIT, Musikmesse.
Over 400 Chinese enterprises attend (CeBIT),Who can present this proct ;force feedback keyboard and harmony telephone to exhibit China’s creation?
Over 100 Chinese enterprises attend (Musikmesse),Who can present this proct; force feedback keyboard and harmony telephone to exhibit China’s creation?
Important recommendations
The exhibition will be held on (CeBIT, Musikmesse ),
Several hundred Chinese companies will be attending.
I hope that someone will present force feedback keyboard prototype,into the exhibition site,
This is no precedent in the international commodities,
In 2006, 2007, I have made the same request.
I would like to give it to any Chinese company which will present.
This is the purpose for me to use this propaganda.
We also hope that someone can create a better force feedback keyboard, in the next exhibition.

F. 电子专业英语词汇

前不久我刚好弄到一份微电子的英语词汇 已发到你邮箱

G. 怎么看IC的英文PDF资料呢

头疼英文吗?上 soiseek 搜索PDF资料吧。全中文的IC搜索网站。

H. 谁有电子信息工程专业英语




I. 谁能给我提供一些机械电子专业英语的资料 最好给我发的我的邮箱里 [email protected]


牛津英语 电子与机械工程



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