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❸ 谁有赛珍珠的《大地三部曲》

赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck或Pearl Buck,1892年6月26日-1973年3月6日),美国作家,在中国长大,美国国籍。1932年籍其小说《大地》(The Good Earth),成为第一位获得普利策小说奖的女性;1938年获诺贝尔文学奖。她也是唯一同时获得普利策奖和诺贝尔奖的女作家,作品流传语种最多的美国作家。[编辑本段]生平经历赛珍珠是以中文为母语之一的着名美国作家。本名珀尔·布克Pearl Sydenstricker Buck。赛珍珠以英文姓氏为姓(其父即名赛兆祥),取pearl中文意思珍珠,合成自己的姓氏。赛珍珠出生于弗吉尼亚州西部,4个月后,随传教士父母赛兆祥和卡洛琳来到中国。先后在清江浦、镇江、宿州、南京、庐山等地生活和工作了近40年,其中在镇江生活了18年,她在镇江经历了她人生的早期岁月,因此她称镇江是她的“中国故乡”。她童年的大部分时光都在那里度过,首先学会了汉语和习惯了中国风俗,然后她母亲才教她英语。值得一提的是,从幼年起,她就在鼓励声中开始写作。17岁回美国进弗吉尼亚州伦道夫·梅康女子学院(Randolph-Macon Woman's College)攻读心理学,毕业后又来中国。1917年与传教士约翰·洛辛·布克结婚,从事传教工作。婚后随丈夫迁居安徽北部的宿县(今安徽省宿州市),在此期间的生活经历成为日后闻名世界的《大地》的素材。1921年秋她的母亲去世后,全家迁至南京。1927年北伐军进入南京,她离开中国。自1921年至1935年,她与布克(J. L. Buck) 长期居住在所执教的金陵大学分配给他们的两层楼房里。在这里她写出了于1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《大地 (Gread Earth) 三部曲》等小说,并最早将《水浒传》翻译成英文在西方出版。1934年与布克离婚;1935年与约翰·戴公司总经理、《亚细亚》杂志主编理查·沃尔什结婚,因而进入约翰·戴公司任编辑。以后在宾夕法尼亚州的农庄里从事写作。1934年由于中国条件较差以及为了亲近她的女儿以及Richard Walsh,赛珍珠告别了中国,回国定居。回国后她笔耕不缀,还积极参与美国人权和女权活动。1942年夫妇创办“东西方联合会”(East and West Association),致力于亚洲与西方的文化理解与交流。1949年出于对当时收养政策歧视亚裔和混血裔儿童的义愤,她还创立了国际化的收养机构“Welcome House”,在后来的50年,这个机构帮助了超过5000名儿童。1964年为了帮助不合收养条件的儿童,她还成立了“赛珍珠基金会”(Pearl S. Buck Foundation)。1972年,尼克松访华以后,她主动支持美国国家广播公司(NBC)的专题“重新看中国”节目,并积极申请访华。但是由于当时的政治氛围,她的访华申请遭到了拒绝。1973年5月6日她抑郁中去世于佛蒙特州的丹比(Danby,Vermont),葬于宾西法尼亚州普凯西的绿山农场。再也没有机会回到她热爱的中国大地。她病逝后,按其遗愿,墓碑上只镌刻“赛珍珠”三个汉字。美国新闻名人海尔德.艾赛克斯(HAROLD ISAACS)在他的杰作《我们里的烙印》一书讲到,他曾深入采访过的五十年代的美国政府、新闻、商界等要人们,都深受赛珍珠笔下刻画的中国人物的影响。尤其神奇的是,尽管经历过抗美援朝、越南战争和“文革”,美国百姓对中国人民的良好印象居然从来就没有改变过。这不得不归功于这位超前女性对中国的杰出贡献。赛珍珠于1922年在牯岭开始尝试写作,1931年发表长篇小说《大地》,立即印成为畅销书,由于赛珍珠“对中国农民生活史诗般的描述,这描述是真切而取材丰富的,以及她传记方面的杰作”, 1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。在她的一生中,赛珍珠创作了超过100部文学作品,其中最着名的就是《大地》。她作品的题材包括小说,小故事,剧本和儿童故事。她的作品和生活有着紧密的联系。她试图向她的读者证明:只要愿意接受,人类是存在着广泛的共性的。她的作品主题涵养了女性、情感(广义的)、亚洲、移民、领养和人生际遇。赛珍珠还为林语堂的成名作《吾国与吾民》作序。

❹ 赛珍珠 大地中文版pdf

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❺ 《大地》 赛珍珠

我收藏有,部分内容如下:(要全的话,麻烦你留个邮箱)THUS HAVE I HEARD
Buddhist Parables and Stories
Series I 1999 SUTRA TRANSLATION Committee of the U.S. & Canada (Dharma Master Lok To, Director) New York - San Francisco - Niagara Falls – Toronto
Buddhism has always been fond of parables and many of these were used by the Buddha himself. He taught by parables, "for men of good understanding will readily enough catch the meaning of what is taught under the shape of a parable."
So wrote a distinguished lexicographer whose name has been lost to us. We could not, however, agree more, and have therefore compiled this modest collection of Buddhist parables and stories.
Our sources are the oral teachings of several masters, sutras such as the Avatamsaka and the Brahma Net, various dictionaries, encyclopedias and monographs and, especially, the Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism, itself an extensive compilation of several hundred works, old and new, on Buddhism.
As with most stories, these parables can be read on many levels, for many ends. Whatever his background, whatever his purpose, we hope the reader will always keep in mind two crucial principles: the Bodhi Mind and serious practice. Without practice, and without the determination to achieve Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings (Bodhi Mind), parables merely feed the intellect and may become, in the words of D.T. Suzuki, "mere bubbles".
Tell me everything that happened while you were away, said the old monk. So the boy started to tell of his journey down from the mountain. He told of villages and towns he passed through, of rivers forded and mountains climbed. Then he told how one day he came upon a stream in flood...
We wish the reader a pleasant journey, a fruitful journey, leading to rebirth in the Pure Land -- in the Pure Mind.
We respectfully acknowledge the following teachers and friends whose advice and assistance have made this book possible. In the order of our temporal association with them, they are: Dharma Master Lok-to; Rev. Ta-yi; Prof. Forrest G. Smith; Messrs. John Ironmount and Sang Lam; as well as Dr. Michael E. Moriarty and our consulting editor, Upasaka Harry Leong, both of whom spent numerous hours assisting us in many ways on this project.
This book is respectfully dedicated to two persons of special significance in our lives: Upasaka Nguyen Van By and Mrs. Mildred Ulrich. Uncle By will always be appreciated for his support of several branches of the Nguyen and Le-Trung families in post World War II Vietnam and Mrs. Ulrich for her sponsorship, directly and indirectly, of some threescore members of the extended Van Hien clan to these shores. Both are responsible, in great measure, for our successful integration in North America on the threshold of this new millennium.
Minh Thanh, MA, MBA & P.D. Leigh, MS Rye Brook, NY Vesak, May '99 Updated: Jan. 2000
In a time long past, there was an old monk who, through diligent practice, had attained a certain degree of spiritual penetration.
"He had a young novice who was about eight years old. One day the monk looked at the boy's face and saw there that he would die within the next few months. Saddened by this, he told the boy to take a long holiday and go and visit his parents. 'Take your time,' said the monk. 'Don't hurry back.' For he felt the boy should be with his family when he died. Three months later, to his astonishment, the monk saw the boy walking back up the mountain. When he arrived he looked intently at his face and saw that they boy would now live to a ripe old age. 'Tell me everything that happened while you were away,' said the monk. So the boy started to tell of his journey down from the mountain. He told of villages and towns he passed through, of rivers forded and mountains climbed. Then he told how one day he came upon a stream in flood. He noticed, as he tried to pick his way across the flowing stream, that a colony of ants had become trapped on a small island formed by the flooding stream. Moved by compassion for these poor creatures, he took a branch of a tree and laid it across one flow of the stream until it touched the little island. As the ants made their way across, the boy held the branch steady, until he was sure all the ants had escaped to dry land. Then he went on his way. 'So,' thought the old monk to himself, 'that is why the gods have lengthened his days.'
Compassionate acts can alter your fate. Conversely, acts of viciousness can adversely affect your fate."
Palmer: 87
Long ago, in T'ang China, there was an old monk going on a pilgrimage to Mount Wu-t'ai, the abode of Manjusri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Aged and weak, he was treading the long sty road alone, seeking alms along the way. After many long months, one morning he gazed upward and saw the majestic mountain in the distance. By the roadside, there was an old woman working the field. "Please tell me," he asked, "how much longer I must proceed before reaching Mount Wu-t'ai?" The woman just looked at
him, uttered a guttural sound and returned to her hoeing. He repeated the question a second and third time, but still there was no answer.
Thinking that the woman must be deaf, he decided to push on. After he had taken a few dozen steps, he heard the woman call out to him, "Two more days, it will take you two more days." Somewhat annoyed, the monk responded, "I thought you were deaf. Why didn't you answer my question earlier?" The woman replied, "You asked the question while you were standing put, Master. I had to see how fast your pace was, how determined your walk!"
A cultivator is in the same position as the old monk in this story. As he practices the Dharma, seeking to help himself and others, he sometimes wonders why no one comes to his assistance. However, others may simply be trying to assess him, to gauge his strength and determination. This process can take five years, twenty years, or even a lifetime. Therefore, seekers of the Way, do not be discouraged, but forge ahead!

❻ 赛珍珠(女作家)

赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck或Pearl Buck)(1892年6月26日-1973年3月6日),直译珀尔·巴克,美国作家。1932年借其小说《大地》(The Good Earth),成为第一位获得普利策小说奖的女性;1938年获诺贝尔文学奖。她也是唯一同时获得普利策奖和诺贝尔奖的女作家,作品流传语种最多的美国作家。 目录[隐藏] 生平经历 反对传教的教师 把《水浒传》推向世界的第一人 诞生于中国《大地》的诺贝尔文学奖 文学历程 1938年诺贝尔文学奖授奖辞 赛珍珠受奖演说(1938年) 评论界对赛珍珠获诺贝尔奖的反应 主要作品 其他情况 文学历程 拍摄过的电影 参与制作过的电影 和三个中国男人的隐秘往事 与徐志摩的真假徘闻 和林语堂对簿公堂 鲁迅印象中的赛珍珠 生平经历 反对传教的教师 把《水浒传》推向世界的第一人 诞生于中国《大地》的诺贝尔文学奖 文学历程 1938年诺贝尔文学奖授奖辞 赛珍珠受奖演说(1938年) 评论界对赛珍珠获诺贝尔奖的反应 主要作品 其他情况 文学历程 拍摄过的电影 参与制作过的电影 和三个中国男人的隐秘往事 与徐志摩的真假徘闻 和林语堂对簿公堂 鲁迅印象中的赛珍珠 赛珍珠 [编辑本段]生平经历 赛珍珠是以中文为母语之一的着名美国作家。本名珀尔·布克Pearl Sydenstricker Buck。赛珍珠以英文姓氏为姓(其父即名赛兆祥),取pearl中文意思珍珠,合成自己的姓氏。 赛珍珠 出生于弗吉尼亚州西部,4个月后,随传教士父母赛兆祥和卡洛琳来到中国。先后在清江浦、镇江、宿州、南京、庐山等地生活和工作了近40年,其中在镇江生活了18年,她在镇江经历了她人生的早期岁月,因此她称镇江是她的“中国故乡”。她童年的大部分时光都在那里度过,首先学会了汉语和习惯了中国风俗,然后她母亲才教她英语。值得一提的是,从幼年起,她就在鼓励声中开始写作。 赛珍珠17岁回美国进弗吉尼亚州伦道夫·梅康女子学院(Randolph-Macon Woman's College)攻读心理学,毕业后又来中国。1917年与传教士约翰·洛辛·布克结婚,从事传教工作。婚后随丈夫迁居安徽北部的宿县(今安徽省宿州市),在此期间的生活经历成为日后闻名世界的《大地》的素材。1921年秋她的母亲去世后,全家迁至南京。1927年北伐军进入南京,她离开中国。自1921年至1935年,她与布克(J. L. Buck) 长期居住在所执教的金陵大学分配给他们的两层楼房里。在这里她写出了于1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《大地 (Gread Earth) 三部曲》等小说,并最早将《水浒传》翻译成英文在西方出版。1934年与布克离婚;1935年与约翰·戴公司总经理、《亚细亚》杂志主编理查·沃尔什结婚,因而进入约翰·戴公司任编辑。以后在宾夕法尼亚州的农庄里从事写作。 赛珍珠1934年由于中国条件较差以及为了亲近她的女儿以及Richard Walsh,赛珍珠告别了中国,回国定居。回国后她笔耕不缀,还积极参与美国人权和女权活动。1942年夫妇创办“东西方联合会”(East and West Association),致力于亚洲与西方的文化理解与交流。1949年出于对当时收养政策歧视亚裔和混血裔儿童的义愤,她还创立了国际化的收养机构“Welcome House”,在后来的50年,这个机构帮助了超过5000名儿童。1964年为了帮助不合收养条件的儿童,她还成立了“赛珍珠基金会”(Pearl S. Buck Foundation)。 1972年,尼克松访华以后,她主动支持美国国家广播公司(NBC)的专题“重新看中国”节目,并积极申请访华。但是由于当时的政治氛围,她的访华申请遭到了拒绝。1973年5月6日她抑郁中去世于佛蒙特州的丹比(Danby,Vermont),葬于宾西法尼亚州普凯西的绿山农场。再也没有机会回到她热爱的中国大地。她病逝后,按其遗愿,墓碑上只镌刻“赛珍珠”三个汉字。 赛珍珠美国新闻名人海尔德.艾赛克斯(HAROLD ISAACS)在他的杰作《我们里的烙印》一书讲到,他曾深入采访过的五十年代的美国政府、新闻、商界等要人们,都深受赛珍珠笔下刻画的中国人物的影响。尤其神奇的是,尽管经历过抗美援朝、越南战争和“文革”,美国百姓对中国人民的良好印象居然从来就没有改变过。这不得不归功于这位超前女性对中国的杰出贡献。 赛珍珠于1922年在牯岭开始尝试写作,1931年发表长篇小说《大地》,立即印成为畅销书,由于赛珍珠“对中国农民生活史诗般的描述,这描述是真切而取材丰富的,以及她传记方面的杰作”, 1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。在她的一生中,赛珍珠创作了超过100部文学作品,其中最着名的就是《大地》。她作品的题材包括小说,小故事,剧本和儿童故事。她的作品和生活有着紧密的联系。她试图向她的读者证明:只要愿意接受,人类是存在着广泛的共性的。她的作品主题涵养了女性、情感(广义的)、亚洲、移民、领养和人生际遇。 赛珍珠还为林语堂的成名作《吾国与吾民》作序。

❼ 谁有赛珍珠《大地》中文版的电子书(pdf),麻烦了,急用

❽ 大地的作者简介

赛珍珠(Pearl Sydenstricker Buck,1892-1973),美国女作家。本名珀尔·赛登斯特里克·布克。赛珍珠是她自己起的中文名字。出生于美国弗吉尼亚州,3个月时即被身为传教士的双亲带到中国。在双语环境中长大,是以中文为母语之一的着名美国作家。曾回美四年接受高等教育。自1919年至1935年,她与丈夫卜凯 (J. L. Buck) 长期居住在所执教的金陵大学分配给他们的两层楼房里。在这里她写出了于1938年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的长篇小说《大地》三部曲等小说,并最早将《水浒传》翻译成英文在西方出版。一生着译作品80余部。她病逝后,按其遗愿,墓碑上只镌刻“赛珍珠”三个汉字。

❾ 求赛珍珠的《大地》TXT和明恩溥的《中国乡村生活》TXT,在线等,谢谢~




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