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Exchange rates disorder harmful to global financial stability
-- Talking about Canada's stand on the upcoming G20 summit in Seoul next week, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said high volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse effects on global economic and financial stability.

The two-day summit will be held while the global economic recovery is only proceeding slowly, with heightened tensions in currency markets and risks associated with global imbalances, and just days after the newly announced second round of quantitative easing by the U.S. government, which further weakens the U.S. dollar.

"Exchange rates are a critical adjustment mechanism in the global economy, and continued inflexibility distorts trade flows in a manner that is inconsistent with underlying economic fundamentals," Flaherty told Xinhua in a recent interview.

Although the depreciation of the U.S. dollar will harm the export-oriented Canadian economy, Flaherty said the Bank of Canada does not seek to ensure "some specific value" on foreign-exchange markets.

After the United States announced to buy 600 billion U.S. dollars more in Treasury bonds to boost the sluggish economic growth, he said, "The Canadian government and Bank of Canada monitor fiscal and monetary issues carefully."

To ensure a strong, sustainable and balanced recovery, he said, advanced and emerging economies need to make necessary adjustments, while advanced economies must follow through on the Toronto summit commitment to halve their deficits by 2013 and stabilize or rece government debt-to-GDP ratios by 2016.

He praised China's decision prior to the Toronto summit to proceed with further reforms to its exchange rate as "an important step."

"The G20 Framework establishes a process where we can collectively discuss and agree on policy actions, including exchange rates, to help us achieve our shared objectives of strong, sustainable, and balanced growth," the finance minister said.
Regarding the achievement reached in the G20 financial meeting on the IMF governance reform, Flaherty said the shift of over 6 percent of the IMF quota to emerging or underrepresented countries and the increase of representation of these countries at the IMF Executive Board are significant as they make the governance of the IMF "more representative" of today's global economy.

"Further reforms need to be carried out to help enhance the effectiveness, credibility and legitimacy of the IMF," he added.

He suggested that ministers and governors should be more involved in the Fund issues since they play a primary role in establishing the strategic direction of the Fund.

"The roles and responsibilities of various bodies in the IMF governance structure should be clarified to enhance the accountability of the Executive Board and Fund management," he said. "An open, transparent and merit-based management selection process should be introced regardless of candidate nationality."

He stressed that Canada opposes protectionism and is willing to defend free and open trade on the world stage, since free and open trade and investment are vital to the international response to the global economic crisis.

Flaherty said Canada remains committed to the multilateral process of the World Trade Organization (WTO), continues to seek a broad and ambitious outcome to the Doha Round of negotiations, and supports the WTO's work in reporting on the financial and economic crisis and trade-related developments.

He also said the G20 should follow through on measures to safeguard the recovery and promote strong and sustainable global growth in order to rece poverty. "The G20 Framework is an important tool in this respect," he said.

Flaherty believed that recent lending reforms at the IMF represent a substantial strengthening of global financial safety nets. However, any further IMF lending reform should be carefully calibrated to avoid spurring reckless risk-taking, or "moral hazard."

He said more work needs to be done towards smarter and more effective regulation that will rece the risk of contagion from one area across the entire global financial system.

"We must follow through on our commitment to develop effective resolution rules for all types of financial institutions that are in line with the principle that taxpayers shouldn't bear the costs of louts of financial institutions," he added.

As for the establishment of a G20 secretariat, Flaherty suggested that it is not necessary since the G20 will be more like an international organization, and its flexibility would be inevitably undermined by doing so.

"The secretariat functions should rest with each hosting nation," he said.

‘伍’ 有关汇率方面的书籍推荐


‘陆’ 汇率战争的内容简介


‘柒’ 什么是汇率战争


‘捌’ 汇率战争对世界经济局势的影响

美联储实际上是世界的中央银行,美元的霸主地位没有哪种货币能撼动,美国印发大量纸币美元来掠夺世界的财富,因为美国是世界上最大的经济体,任何一个可能挑战他的地位经济体都会回受到美国的打击,日本二战后经济发展很快,20世纪80年代,日本的人均国民生产总值一度超过美国,美国迫使日本使日元升值,结果日元升值了,日本经济90年代被称为'失去的十年“;同样欧盟经济上21世纪初有所发展,欧盟的经济总量和美国 差不多,欧元相对于美元比较强势,有挑战美元地位的趋势,美国通过衍生品等导致欧洲有些国家出现债务危机,欧元一度成为烫手山芋,一蹶不振。现在又想让人民币升值,进而打压中国经济,防止或减缓中国在经济上挑战美国的可能,总之,美国挑起汇率战争的目的是打压其他可能挑战他的经济霸主地位的经济体,继续维持美国在经济上的霸主地位。

‘玖’ 中美汇率战大事件。急求!!!

1973年 在以美元为基础的布雷顿森林体系彻底解体后,许多国家采行了浮动汇率机制,容许由市场决定各主要货币的汇价,1973年1美元=2.005元人民币
1985年1月1日 重新恢复单一汇率制,1美元=2.80元人民币,汇率下调
1991年4月9日 我国开始对人民币官方汇率实施有管理的浮动运行机制
1993年5月25日 美国财政部在一份递交给国会的报告中将中国列为汇率操纵国,同年九月和七月中国均被置于汇率操纵国名单上
1994年1月1日 人民币官方汇率和外汇调剂市场汇率并轨,初步形成以市场供求为基础的管理浮动汇率制度,当年人民币兑美元约为1兑8.7
1996年12月1日 中国实施经常帐兑换,人民币汇率小幅升值为8.3兑1美元。人民币实现经常项目下的可自由兑换,但资本项下依然实行严格管制。在此之后,人民币的汇价便固定在8.28兑1美元,上下浮动的幅度很小
1997至1998年 亚洲金融危机期间,中国采取多项配套措施稳住人民币
2004年2月 中国允许香港银行提供有限的人民币零售银行服务,以促进跨进旅游消费
2005年7月21日 中国将历时十年的与美元挂钩的制度改为参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。人民币一夜之间升值2.1%,汇率为1美元兑8.11元人民币
2006年5月15日 人民币对美元汇率中间价突破8:1的心理关口,达到1美元兑7.9982元人民币
2007年1月11日 人民币对美元中间价突破7.8,同时人民币汇率13年来首次超过港币
2007年5月18日 中国人民银行宣布,银行间即期外汇市场人民币对美元交易价浮动幅度由3‰扩大至5‰。这是自2006年初银行间市场引入做市商制度以来最重要的举措,也是自1994年以来对人民币对美元汇价波幅的首次调整
2007年7月 首批人民币计价债券在香港发售
2008年4月10日 人民币对美元汇率中间价首度“破7”,达到6.9920元人民币兑1美元
2008年7月 随着全球金融和经济危机日益恶化,中国事实上将人民币汇率固定在1美元兑6.83元,作为稳定中国经济的紧急措施
2009年1月16日 奥巴马要求中国调高人民币汇率
2009年4月17日 人民币跨境贸易人民币结算试点启动
2010年1月29日 奥巴马发表国情咨文,要求人民币升值
2010年2月23日 中国官方媒体连发4文反击人民币升值
2010年3月12日 奥巴马第三次呼吁人民币升值
2010年3月17日 美参议员或提议案惩罚中国人民币政策
2010年3月18日 世行与IMF称中国应提高人民币币值
2010年3月20日 商务部副部长赴美为人民币争议降温
2010年4月4日 美决定暂不将中国列为操控汇率国家
2010年6月19日 央行宣布推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性。重在坚持以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节。继续按照已公布的外汇市场汇率浮动区间,对人民币汇率浮动进行动态管理和调节。
2010年9月15日 美国会召开人民币汇率听证会
2010年9月29日 美国会众议院通过施压人民币法案
2011年10月11日 美国会参议院以63票赞成、35票反对的投票结果,通过了
2011年10月12日 央行撰写报告反驳中国操纵汇率
2011年10月13日 澳财长:将在G20上对人民币施压
2011年10月13日 白宫担忧人民币议案与国际义务不符 与国会商讨
2011年10月19日 商务部:中国将采取措施回应美国汇率法案

‘拾’ 最近的中美汇率战争是什么回事




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