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发布时间:2022-03-06 23:14:04

1. ADS2008射频电路设计与仿真实例的介绍


2. 求电子书:《ADS2008射频电路设计与仿真实例》


3. 射频低噪声放大器的设计与仿真 的英文文献 带翻译!或者相关的英文文献!


本文借助Agilent公司的射频电路设计软件ADS(Advanced Design System)进行辅助设计一款高增益低噪声放大器(LNA),并对其进行了仿真验证。

1 射频放大器的组成

单级射频放大器的组成如图1所示,包括射频晶体管放大电路和输入、输出匹配网络三部分。2 射频放大器的设计

2.1 晶体管的选择



2.2 偏置电路的设计

设计LNA首先需要确定静态工作点,利用ADS中的“DC_FET_T”的模板可以很方便地仿真出其输出特性曲线。再参考ATF-58143的datash eet,可以确定当Vds=3 V,Ids=35 mA时,各项设计指标满足要求。

确定静态工作点后,就要确定偏置电路的形式和参数。不需人工计算,借助ADS中的设计向导工具(DesignGuide→Amplifier→Tools→ Transistor Bias Utility)可以轻易完成。因为ADS所提供的元件数值是非标称的,所以需要设计者用与ADS提供的数值接近的标称元件进行替代。偏置电路及各点静态参数如图2所示。2.3 稳定性分析及改善




2.4 最小噪声系数的输入匹配电路设计,最大增益的输出匹配电路设计
如果输入匹配电路和输出匹配电路使射频器件的输入阻抗Zin和输出阻抗Zout都转换到标准系统阻抗Zo,即Zin=Zo,Zout=Zo(或,如图1所示)就可使器件的传输增益最高。但输入、输出匹配时,噪声并非最佳。当ΓS=Γopt时,可以得最小的噪声系数。 利用ADS可以很方便地绘制出等功率增益圆和等噪声系数圆,如图3所示。从图中可以看出,如果从m2点匹配到标准系统阻抗,将可以使电路获得最大的增益;如果从m3点匹配到标准系统阻抗,将可获得最小的噪声系数。显然最大增益和最小噪声系数不可同时得到。对于低噪声放大器,首要的是考虑最小噪声系数,因此对m3点进行匹配。借用ADS的自带工具“Smith Chart Utility Tool”进行,只要在其中设置好频率、源阻抗和目标阻抗值,就可以设计出所需要的输入匹配电路。

在输入端匹配完成以后,在原理图中加入阻抗测量控件测出输出阻抗,再次使用“Smith Chart Utility Tool”将输出阻抗匹配到标准系统阻抗,就可得到最大增益的输出匹配电路。

2.5 最终电路及仿真结果分析


需要说明的是,反馈电感L1、L5和匹配电路中的元件C6、L6、C7、L7等因为数值较小,在工程中常用微带线来代替。 仿真结果如图5所示。其工作带宽达500 MHz,中心频率处增益接近20 dB,输入输出反射损耗小于-10 dB,噪声系数小于0.5 dB,稳定系数大于1。如果断开反馈电路后再次仿真,会发现增益有所加大,但稳定系数将小于1,放大电路将不能正常工作。

3 结论


After determine the static working point, shall determine the form and the parameters of bias circuit. Do not need artificial calculation, with the aid of ADS in the design wizard tool (DesignGuide - Amplifier - > Tools - Transistor Bias, the Utility) can be done easily. Because the ADS provided by the component values are nominal, so designers need to use with the ADS provide alternative values close to the nominal elements. Bias circuit and some static parameters as shown in figure 2.

2.3 stability analysis and improvement

Transistor is K > 1, the absolute and stability of the | delta | < 1. Among them:

If the two conditions cannot be satisfied at the same time, there will be potential instability and oscillatory circuit. Transistor of the bias conditions stability simulation analysis found that the stability coefficient within the required working frequency band K < 1, can not meet the needs of absolute stability conditions.

By introcing feedback on ways to improve the stability of the circuit, but also can extend working bandwidth. Between the output and the input series RC circuit is introced into feedback, of which R need to meet the conditions:

In both the source and small inctance is introced into feedback to further improve the stability, the value of the inctance to repeatedly adjust the rear can be determined.

Introction of negative feedback circuit simulation again, within its working frequency stability factor K > 1, meet the absolute stability condition.

2.4 minimum noise factor input matching circuit is designed, the biggest gain of the output matching circuit design

If the input matching circuit and the output matching circuit of rf devices Zin the input impedance and output impedance Zout impedance Zo are transformed to the standard system, namely the Zin = Zo, Zout = Zo (or, as shown in figure 1) to make a device transport the highest gain. But when input and output matching, noise is not the best. When Γ S = Γ opt, could get the minimum noise figure.

ADS can be easily draw power gain and noise coefficient, as shown in figure 3. Can be seen from the diagram, if from m2 point impedance matching to the standard system, will be able to make the circuit gain maximum gain; If impedance matching to the standard system, from the m3 point will be minimal noise coefficient can be obtained. Obviously the biggest gain and the minimum noise figure cannot get at the same time. For low noise amplifier, the first is to consider the minimum noise figure, and so on m3 point matching. Use ADS bring tools "Smith Chart the Utility Tool", in which as long as the set frequency, source impedance and the target impedance value, can the input matching circuit design need.

In the input matching is complete, add impedance measurement control measure in principle diagram output impedance, again using "Smith Chart the Utility Tool will impedance, output impedance matching to the standard system can get the maximum gain of the output matching circuit.

When the output matching is completed, because has changed from the input to see the equivalent impedance Zin, will get poor return loss at the input. For this purpose, the optimal control can be used for the input and the output matching circuit optimization to improve at the same time, also can use Tunig tools.

2.5 the final circuit analysis and simulation results

Matched and optimized circuit as shown in figure 4, the role of each element in the circuit are respectively: C6, L6 is input matching circuit; C7, is about the output matching circuit; L1, L5, C3, R5 is feedback element; L3, L4 is choke inctance; C4, C5 is the direct coupling capacitance; C1, C2 is the bypass capacitor.

Feedback to be sure, inctance L1, L5 and matching circuit element in C6, L6, C7, about because small amounts, such as microstrip line to replace the commonly used in engineering.

The simulation results as shown in figure 5. Its working bandwidth of 500 MHz, the center frequency close to 20 dB gain, input and output return loss is less than 10 dB of noise coefficient is less than 0.5 dB, stability factor greater than 1. If disconnect again after feedback circuit simulation, will find the gain increased, but the stability coefficient will be less than 1, the amplifying circuit will not work properly.

3 conclusion

Through radio frequency low noise amplifier design and simulation, can see use ADS auxiliary circuit design, the theoretical calculation is simple, rapid design process, parameter modification easy, convenient, shorten the design cycle,

4. 谁有徐兴福的《ads2011射频电路设计与仿真实例》电子版,有的大神给一下吧


5. ADS2008 射频电路设计与仿真实例中功放设计中-谐波平衡仿真输入real(ID.i[0])怎么不行呢


6. 电路设计与仿真——基于Multisim 8与Protel 2004,杨欣 清华出版社出的,求电子版


7. 谁有《微波射频电路设计与仿真100例 》这本书的电子版


8. ADS2008射频电路设计与仿真实例的内容简介


9. 谁有《微波射频电路设计与仿真100例 》这本书的电子版

我这里有蛋疼的流量限制......就不在上传了 查看原帖>>

10. 求徐兴福的《ads2011射频电路设计与仿真实例》电子版pdf。 感谢!




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