‘壹’ 求外国大学数学、物理教材。。。PDF也行。。。谢了。。。
Kleppner An Introction To Mechanics
Zemansky Heat and Thermodynamics
Purcell Electricity and Magnetism
Jenkins/White Fundamentals of Optics
John Taylor Classical Mechanics (本科)
Scheck Mechanics (研究生)
Griffiths 电动力学导论(本科)
Franklin Classical Electromagnetism(研究生)
Griffiths 量子力学导论(本科)
Sakurai 现代量子力学(研究生)
Schroeder Introction to Thermal Physics (本科)
Pathria 统计力学(研究生)
Ma Shang-Keng Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena
Stanley Phase Transition and Critical Phenomena
Ashcroft/Mermin Solid State Physics
Boas Mathematical Methods in the Physical Science
Hartle Gravity
Wald General Relativity
Griffiths Introction to Elementary Particles
1、Peter Petersen, Riemannian Geometry:标准的黎曼几何教材;
2、Riemannian Manifolds: An Introction to Curvature by John M. Lee:最新的黎曼几何教材;
3、doCarmo, Riemannian Geometry.:标准的黎曼几何教材;
4、M. Spivak, A Comprehensive Introction to Differential Geometry I—V:全面的微分几何经典,适合作参考书;
5、Helgason , Differential Geometry,Lie groups,and symmetric spaces:标准的微分几何教材;
6、Lang, Fundamentals of Differential Geometry:最新的微分几何教材,很适合作参考书;
7、kobayashi/nomizu, Foundations of Differential Geometry:经典的微分几何参考书;
8、Boothby,Introction to Differentiable manifolds and Riemannian Geometry:标准的微分几何入门教材,主要讲述微分流形;
9、Riemannian Geometry I.Chavel:经典的黎曼几何参考书;
10、Dubrovin, Fomenko, Novikov “Modern geometry-methods and applications”Vol 1—3:经典的现代几何学参考书。
1、Harris,Algebraic Geometry: a first course:代数几何的入门教材;
2、Algebraic Geometry Robin Hartshorne :经典的代数几何教材,难度很高;
3、Basic Algebraic Geometry 1&2 2nd ed. I.R.Shafarevich.:非常好的代数几何入门教材;
4、Principles of Algebraic Geometry by giffiths/harris:全面、经典的代数几何参考书,偏复代数几何;
5、Commutative Algebra with a view toward Algebraic Geometry by Eisenbud:高级的代数几何、交换代数的参考书,最新的交换代数全面参考;
6、The Geometry of Schemes by Eisenbud:很好的研究生代数几何入门教材;
7、The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes by Mumford:标准的研究生代数几何入门教材;
8、Algebraic Geometry I : Complex Projective Varieties by David Mumford:复代数几何的经典。
调和分析 偏微分方程
1、An Introction to Harmonic Analysis,Third Edition Yitzhak Katznelson:调和分析的标准教材,很经典;
2、Evans, Partial differential equations:偏微分方程的经典教材;
3、Aleksei.A.Dezin,Partial differential equations,Springer-Verlag:偏微分方程的参考书;
4、L. Hormander “Linear Partial Differential Operators, ” I&II:偏微分方程的经典参考书;
5、A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Folland:高级的研究生调和分析教材;
6、Abstract Harmonic Analysis by Ross Hewitt:抽象调和分析的经典参考书;
7、Harmonic Analysis by Elias M. Stein:标准的研究生调和分析教材;
8、Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order by David Gilbarg:偏微分方程的经典参考书;
9、Partial Differential Equations ,by Jeffrey Rauch:标准的研究生偏微分方程教材。
复分析 多复分析导论
1、Functions of One Complex Variable II,J.B.Conway:单复变的经典教材,第二卷较深入;
2、Lectures on Riemann Surfaces O.Forster:黎曼曲面的参考书;
3、Compact riemann surfaces Jost:黎曼曲面的参考书;
4、Compact riemann surfaces Narasimhan:黎曼曲面的参考书;
5、Hormander ” An introction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables”:多复变的标准入门教材;
6、Riemann surfaces , Lang:黎曼曲面的参考书;
7、Riemann Surfaces by Hershel M. Farkas:标准的研究生黎曼曲面教材;
8、Function Theory of Several Complex Variables by Steven G. Krantz:高级的研究生多复变参考书;
9、Complex Analysis: The Geometric Viewpoint by Steven G. Krantz:高级的研究生复分析参考书。
1、halmos ,native set theory;
2、fraenkel ,abstract set theory;
3、ebbinghaus ,mathematical logic;
4、enderton ,a mathematical introction to logic;
5、landau, foundations of analysis;
6、maclane ,categories for working mathematican。应该在核心课程学习的过程中穿插选修
‘贰’ 赵永强的主要论着
1、赵永强,潘泉. 成像偏振光谱遥感及应用.国防工业出版社(国防出版基金资助).2011年5月.[第一章,第二章]
2、Y. Zhao, L. Zhang and Q. Pan. “Spectropolarimetric Imaging for Anomaly Epithelial Tissue Detection”. Chapter 18 (pp.297-330) in Book: Sequence and Genome Analysis: Methods and Applications. ISBN: 978-0-9807330-4-4[PDF] [1] Zhao Yong-Qiang, S.G.Kong. Band Subset Based Clustering Fusion for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification. IEEE Trans on geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2011. [PDF]
[2] Zhao Yong-Qiang, Gao Shi-Bo, Chen Chao et al. Unsupervised Classification of Spectropolarimatric Data by Region Based Evidence Fusion. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2011. [PDF]
[3]Zhao Yong-Qiang, Gong Peng, Pan Quan. Object Detection by Spectropolarimeteric Imagery Fusion. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46(10), pp 3337-3345,2008/10. [PDF]
[4] Zhao Yong-Qiang, Zhang Lei, Zhang David et al. Object separation by polarimetric and spectral imagery fusion. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 113(8), pp 855-866, 2009/8/1. [PDF]
[5] Zhao Yong-Qiang, Zhang Lei, Pan Quan. Spectropolarimetric imaging for pathological analysis of skin. Applied Optics, 48(10), pp D236-D246, 2009/4/1. [PDF]
[6] Zhao Yong-Qiang, Gong Peng, Pan Quan. Unsupervised spectropolarimetric imagery clustering fusion. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 3(1), pp 1-16, 2009/6/15. [PDF]
[7]Di Wei, Pan Quan, He Lin et al. Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery by Fuzzy Integral Fusion of Band-subsets. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 73(2), pp 201-213, 2008/2/1. [PDF]
[8] Zhao Yong-Qiang, Pan Quan, Zhang Hong-Cai. New polarization imaging method based on spatially adaptive wavelet image fusion. Optical Engineering, 45(12), pp 123202-1-123202-7, 2006/12/1. [PDF]
[10]高仕博,程咏梅,赵永强等.基于多时相红外图像探测浅层地下目标.红外与毫米波学报, 01期, 2009. [PDF]
[11]高仕博,程咏梅,赵永强.基于张量的平稳小波变换红外图像去噪.光学学报. [PDF]
[12]贺霖,潘泉,邸韡,赵永强.一种基于单似然检验的高光谱图像小目标检测器.光学学报, 12期, 2007. [PDF]
[13]魏坤,赵永强,潘泉等.一种改进相似度量的红外目标跟踪算法.光子学报, 05期, 2008. [PDF]
[14]魏坤,赵永强,高仕博等.基于混合概率核主成分二次相关红外目标检测.光子学报, 09期, 2008. [PDF]
[15]邸韡,潘泉,赵永强等.高光谱图像波段子集模糊积分融合异常检测.电子与信息学报, 02期, 2008. [PDF]
[16]杨铁恒,赵永强,潘泉等.一种新的偏振光谱二向反射测量方法.光子学报, 12期, 2008. [PDF]
[17]马丽娜,潘泉,赵永强等.红外热像仪标定方法.火力与指挥控制, 11期, 2008. [PDF]
[18]王道荣,赵永强,潘泉.基于模糊聚类和证据理论的光谱偏振图像分类.光子学报, 12期, 2007. [PDF]
[19]赵永强,潘泉,张洪才.一种新的全色图像与光谱图像融合方法研究.光子学报, 01期, 2007. [PDF]
[20]赵永强,潘泉,张洪才.自适应多波段偏振图像融合研究.光子学报, 07期, 2007. [PDF]
[21]卫沛锋,赵永强,梁彦等.偏振光在多层散射介质中传输的蒙特卡罗模拟研究.光子学报, 10期, 2009. [PDF]
[22]陈超,赵永强,程咏梅等.背景偏振光谱二向反射分布函数建模分析.光电子.激光, 03期, 2009. [PDF]
[23]高仕博,程咏梅,赵永强等.基于空时域约束模糊核聚类的红外多时相地下目标探测.光子学报, 11期, 2008. [PDF]
[24] Zhao Yongqiang, Yang TieHeng, Wei PeiFeng et al. Spectropolarimetric imaging for skin characteristics analysis. 2nd International Conference on Medical Imaging and Informatics (MIMI 2007), pp 322-329, 2007/8/14. [PDF]
[25] Zhao Yong-Qiang Analysis of facial characteristics in spectropolarimetric imagery. International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2007/11/15. [PDF]
[26] Gao Shi-Bo, Zhao Yong-Qiang, Cheng Yong-Mei. Multispectral Infrared Image for Target Detection Based on Matched Filtering Using Tensor. MIPPR 2009: Multispectral Image Acquisition and Processing, 2009/10/30. [PDF]
[27] Chen Chao, Zhao Yong-Qiang, Cheng Yong-Mei. Robust materials classification based on multispectral polarimetric BRDF imagery. International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2009, 2009/8/5. [PDF]