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发布时间:2025-03-24 01:00:12

㈠ 英语翻译 缓解压力,散心,解闷之类的意思用英文怎么表达,

Ease the pressure,relaxation,relief of boredom

㈡ 【急】英语翻译

Lavender essential oil to the heart have composed effect to relieve insomnia can relieve headaches palpitation eliminate toxins
Respiratory purification treatment,
Introction, Respiratory system's main function is to execute with gas exchange is ceaseless outside in the fresh air through using oil operations can be breathing pores, hyperkeratotic form directly from the air in the absorption of oxygen, which makes human body supersession Chen to smoothly
Makings, Composite superimposed oils
Efficacy: rosemary oils xingnao refreshing increased memory, make clear the mind clear, improve symptoms such as headache and dizziness, strengthen the respiratory system eased cold, bronchitis and respiratory problems as the poison cleansing effect is
Mind soothe decompression therapy
Introction: the technique and relieve pressure is soothing rhythm is the important technical characteristics, treatment with physical movement and operating with guests ventilatory frequency for relieving and metrical operating in the operation of this guidance, the guest will be fully relaxed body, so as to relieve pressure, adjust the mood
Makings, Rose essential oil
Efficacy, Rose essential oil, relax, relax mood and smoothing spirit, to lift mood, relieve tension and pressure, rece inflammation, sore throat and cough
Intestines and stomach recuperation therapy
Introction, Fragrance oils are relaxing effect, can stimulate the secretion of saliva and digestive juices, can enhance bowel peristalsis, in the contraction stomach discomfort or bile secretes inadequacy, or stomach cramps, with slow, deep massage oil can be used with calm and ease muscle spasm
Makings, Lemon essential oil
Efficacy, Lemon essential oil has strong antiseptic, promote blood circulation, purification, strengthens the heart function, improve the digestive system, has the function of liver digestion starter, relieve constipation balance heartburn
Gentleman raises renal therapy
Introction: because human regeneration ability to drop, rece renal units in the kidney, thereby recing the blood and made by kidney spherule filtration rate to decrease in renal excretion in absorption function decline, and the influence of the blood of the metabolic waste discharge and electrolyte balanced, lead to sleep quality and quality of life
Makings, Fish pelargonium essence
Efficacy regulates hormone strengthen circulation system, can improve the urinary system, and the effectiveness of edema promote lymph drainage rece kidney burden to improve limbs weakness waist sour backache
Perfect light of haiyan cutin
Introction, With salt with quality of systemic and seaweed extract, toxin, deep depth of corneous layer remove aged horniness, promoting new cells to grow up and let the skin soft and smooth and help the body of ocean and inorganic mineral intake
Makings, Deep sea seaweed extract,
Efficacy, Efficient metabolism ageing cells, promote cells regeneration, improve skin split ego metabolism, prevent keratinization, dander clogged pores clog and dissolve the hair follicle, with better taste, make skin absorb soft gloss
Over the ocean
Introction: the use of rich mineral mud, supplement the human body wrapped minerals and trace elements, enhance immunity, effectively improve skin texture, and the deep comfort and awaken to the skin feeling youth
Ingredient: natural mineral mud dead
Efficacy, Contain dozens of dead skin healthy and useful mineral composition of trace elements and nutrients, can promote skin water channels open cell cycle, effectively promote skin better absorption, continuously supplement moisture, make skin deep skin moisturizing everlastingly.
Huang type pediluvium,
Introction: the unique through foot care fully open your senses including foot bath, sanding, foot therapy, foot care massage gently and take a walk, you of the comfortable feeling.
Makings, Natural aroma pearl clay, milk, rose, Korea JiangBao,
Efficacy, Promote the blood circulation, adjust nerve system, the meridians, foot reflection district qi, suitable for various diseases therapy can also be used for daily care

㈢ 心情,缓解压力英语怎么写

relieve pressure(有道词典,无需定冠词"the")



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