导航:首页 > 程序命令 > 服从命令的英文


发布时间:2023-02-10 21:39:41

⑴ “服从命令”的英语怎么说

fulfill a command; toe the line;希望对你有所帮助

⑵ 命令的英语单词是什么

命令: [ mìng lìng ]

1. (an) order or command

<order> <command> <dictate sth. to sb.> <mandate> <hest> <imperative> <injunction> <enjoin on> <injunct> <Fiat> <bidding> <behest> <enjoinder> <to order> <give instructions to> <finger command>

1. 上校命令士兵们在甲板上集合。
The colonel ordered their soldiers to gather on the deck.

2. 他虽被命令不许去,但还是去了。
He went, notwithstanding he was ordered to stay.

3. 沙皇命令卫兵把人们赶走。
The czar ordered the guards to drive people away.

4. 将军命令舰队原地待命。
The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions.

5. 公爵命令仆人把一封信送给国王。
The ke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king.

6. 有司令部的任何命令吗?
Are their any orders coming from the headquarters?

7. 有命令要我们必须在一小时内挖好战壕。
Orders came that we should spade the trench in an hour.

8. 军人应当绝对服从命令。
Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question.



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