导航:首页 > 程序命令 > 方舟服务器命令


发布时间:2024-06-10 12:59:24

❶ 鏂硅垷鐢熷瓨杩涘寲镵旀満妯″纺绠$悊鎸囦护 镵旀満绠$悊鎸囦护浠g爜澶у叏




This guide contains information about Commandline Arguments for customizing your server as well as Singleplayer and Multiplayer Admin Commands.



Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true

ServerPVE: 鍏抽棴 PVP, 浣犱笉鑳芥潃姝诲埆浜轰简.

ServerHardcore: 姝诲悗娓呮。.浠嶭V1寮濮.

ServerCrosshair: 寮钖鍑嗘槦

ServerForceNoHUD: 绂佺敤娴锷ㄧ殑钖嶅瓧

AltSaveDirectoryName: 淇濆瓨链嶅姟鍣ㄦ暟鎹鍒板彟涓涓鐩褰

GlobalVoiceChat: 鍏ㄦ湇璇阔.镓链変汉鍙浠ュ惉鍒

ProximityChat: 鏂囧瓧镵婂ぉ鍙链夐梼杩戠帺瀹跺彲瑙

NoTributeDownloads: 涓岖幇瀹炵粍澶栫帺瀹

AllowThirdPersonPlayer: 钖鐢ㄧ涓変汉绉拌呜(闇娴嬭瘯)

AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: 鏄剧ず鐜╁剁荤嚎淇℃伅

DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: 绂佺敤鐜╁剁橱褰曚俊鎭

MapPlayerLocation: 鏄剧ず浣犵殑鍦板浘镄勪綅缃

DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: 鏀瑰彉链嶅姟鍣ㄩ毦搴 0 鏅阃氶毦搴 1 3鍊嶉毦搴﹀拰镟村氭帀钀

Server Launch CommandsThese commands need to be used as commandline arguments when launching the server. You can not activate them in-game.

An example would be

Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true

ServerPVE: Disables PVP, you are not able to kill other players.

ServerHardcore: When you die, your character is wiped to level 1.

ServerCrosshair: Turns on a crosshair.

ServerForceNoHUD: Disables the floating names.

AltSaveDirectoryName: Saves server data to an alternate directory.

GlobalVoiceChat: Voice chat is global, everyone can hear each other.

ProximityChat: Text chat only appears to people that are close to one another.

NoTributeDownloads: Turns off outside downloads of characters/dinos.

AllowThirdPersonPlayer: Enables 3rd person mode (needs testing)

AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: Displays message when someone leaves the server.

DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: Disables message when someone joins the server.

MapPlayerLocation: Shows your location on the map.

DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: Changes the difficulty on the server, 0 being normal and 1 being x3 harder and more loot.


鎸涂AB杩涘叆链嶅姟鍣ㄦ带鍒跺彴,铹跺悗杈揿叆 enablecheats


enablecheats pass123


Accessing Server Console & Logging In As AdminTo access the server console press tab and type in enablecheats


enablecheats pass123

Can't open console? Check your keybinding in the game options, it should be default set to Tab


setcheatplayer true: 钖鐢ㄤ綔寮婅彍鍗

setcheatplayer false: 绂佺敤浣滃纷凿滃崟

cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck : 娣诲姞鐜╁跺埌锏藉悕鍗

cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck : 鐜╁剁Щ鍑虹槠钖嶅崟

cheat broadcast : 鍏ㄦ湇骞挎挱

cheat SetMessageOfTheDay : 璁剧疆鐜╁剁橱褰曟椂镄勯氩憡

cheat God: 寮钖涓婂笣妯″纺.娉ㄦ剰.杩樻槸浼氭饭姝

cheat Fly: 浣犲彲浠ラ炰简I BELIEVE I CAN FLY~

cheat Walk: 锅灭敤椋炶.楦熶汉鍙桦嚒浜

cheat Teleport: 钖戦溃链濇柟钖戜紶阃佷竴娈佃窛绂

cheat slomo 5: 鏀瑰彉鐜╁剁殑绉诲姩阃熷害,浣跨敤 slomo 1 鍙桦洖姝e父阃熷害

cheat playersonly: 鍐荤粨镓链夌帺瀹朵互澶栫殑浣岖疆鍜屽姩浣

cheat Ghost: 骞界伒妯″纺.绌垮檅alabala~~

cheat forcetame: 绔嫔嵆椹链.镞犻渶闉岖洿鎺ュ彲浠ラ獞

cheat addexperience 1000 0 0: 绔嫔嵆銮峰缑缁忛獙1000.1000鍙鍙

cheat giveresources: 銮峰缑镓链夎祫婧50

cheat infinitestats: 镞犻檺鐘舵.楗ラタ瀛愬脊钥愬姏绛夌瓑

banplayer : BAN鎺夌帺瀹

unbanplayer : 瑙i櫎瀵圭帺瀹剁殑BAN

cheat damagetarget : 瀵圭瀯鍑嗙殑鐩镙囩珛鍗抽犳垚xxxx浼ゅ

cheat destroyallenemies: 𨱒姝绘墍链夋晫瀵圭洰镙.浠栦滑浼氶吨鐢

giveengrams: 瑙i挛镓链夐厤鏂 *锷熻兘BUG..涓嶈兘鍏ㄩ儴瑙i挛*

cheat hurtme : 瀵硅嚜宸遍犳垚XX浼ゅ

togglegun: 鍒囨崲鏄钖︽樉绀烘﹀櫒宸ュ叿鎴栬呮坠

cheat settimeofday : 鏀瑰彉镞堕棿渚嫔 12:00

cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0: 鎸夊潗镙囦紶阃

cheat saveworld: 淇濆瓨鐜板湪镄勪笘鐣岀姸镐

cheat quit: 阃鍑虹幇鍦ㄧ殑涓栫晫,淇濆瓨钖庨吨钖浣跨敤

cheat execsetsleeping true/false: 浣夸綘镄勮掕壊闄峰叆镌$湢/鍞ら啋浣犵殑瑙掕壊

cheat enemyinvisible true/false: 浣挎墍链夌敓鐗╁拷瑙嗕綘.鍗充究浣犲湪鏀诲嚮瀹

cheat destroyall : 鎸夌岖被钖嶅瓧鏀诲嚮鐢熺墿, 渚嫔傛亹榫.鐗╁搧鍒楄〃.鎴栬呭缓绛戠被钖岖О

cheat summon : 鍦ㄥ綋鍓崭綅缃鎸夌被钖嶅彫鍞ゆ亹榫.

cheat giveitemnum : 鎸塈D缁栾呭.ID鍙镆,渚嫔: admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false 缁欎綘涓涓镓嬫灙 admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false 缁欎綘涓涓鍙ゅ纺绠鏄撴坠鏋

stat fps: 鏄剧ず浣犵殑FPS鍜屽欢杩.浠讳綍浜哄彲鐢


setcheatplayer true: 寮钖浣滃纷凿滃崟

setcheatplayer false: 鍏抽棴浣滃纷凿滃崟

God: 钖鐢ㄤ笂甯濇ā寮.浣嗘槸涓婂笣杩樻槸浼氲娣规.镓浠.涓婂笣镐曟按.

Fly: 浣犱釜楦熶汉鍙堣兘椋炰简

Walk: 楦熶汉鍙堣悗浜...

Teleport: 钖戦溃鍓崭紶阃佷竴娈佃窛绂

Pause: 𨱌傚仠镓链.鍐嶆¤緭鍏ユ仮澶嶆e父

Ghost: 骞界伒妯″纺

playersonly: 鍐荤粨镓链夌帺瀹朵互澶栦簨鐗

addexperience 1000 0 0: 缁1000缁忛獙1000鍙鏀

forcetame: 绔嫔嵆椹链嶆亹榫

giveresources: 镓链夎祫婧50

destroyallenemies: 𨱒姝绘墍链夋晫瀵圭洰镙.浼氶吨鐢

giveengrams: 瑙i挛镓链夐厤鏂 *锷熻兘BUG..涓嶈兘鍏ㄩ儴瑙i挛*

hurtme : 瀵硅嚜宸遍犳垚XX浼ゅ

togglegun: 鍒囨崲鏄钖︽樉绀烘﹀櫒宸ュ叿鎴栬呮坠

infinitestats: 镞犻檺鐘舵.楗ラタ瀛愬脊钥愬姏绛夌瓑

damagetarget : 瀵圭瀯鍑嗙殑鐩镙囩珛鍗抽犳垚xxxx浼ゅ

settimeofday : 鏀瑰彉镞堕棿渚嫔 12:00

slomo 5: 鏀瑰彉鐜╁剁殑绉诲姩阃熷害,浣跨敤 slomo 1 鍙桦洖姝e父阃熷害

setplayerpos 0 0 0: 鎸夊潗镙囦紶阃

execsetsleeping true/false: 浣夸綘镄勮掕壊闄峰叆镌$湢/鍞ら啋浣犵殑瑙掕壊

saveworld: 淇濆瓨鐜板湪镄勪笘鐣岀姸镐

quit: 阃鍑虹幇鍦ㄧ殑涓栫晫,淇濆瓨钖庨吨钖浣跨敤

enemyinvisible true/false: 浣挎墍链夌敓鐗╁拷瑙嗕綘.鍗充究浣犲湪鏀诲嚮瀹

destroyall : 鎸夌岖被钖嶅瓧鏀诲嚮鐢熺墿, 渚嫔傛亹榫.鐗╁搧鍒楄〃.鎴栬呭缓绛戠被钖岖О

summon : 鍦ㄥ綋鍓崭綅缃鎸夌被钖嶅彫鍞ゆ亹榫.

giveitemnum : 鎸塈D缁栾呭.ID鍙镆,渚嫔: admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false 缁欎綘涓涓镓嬫灙 admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false 缁欎綘涓涓鍙ゅ纺绠鏄撴坠鏋

stat fps: 鏄剧ず浣犵殑FPS鍜屽欢杩.浠讳綍浜哄彲鐢



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