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发布时间:2022-07-18 01:39:11

⑴ 澳大利亚程序员制作网页时用的最多的是什么语言php,Asp,JSP,Asp.net


⑵ 各国的货币名称英文缩写是什么

货币名称 货币符号 人民币 RMB 美元USD 日元JPY 欧元EUR 英镑GBP 德国马克 DEM 瑞士法郎 CHF 法国法郎 FRF 加拿大元 CAD 澳大利亚元 AUD 港币HKD 奥地利先令 ATS 芬兰马克 FIM 比利时法郎 BEF 爱尔兰镑 IEP 意大利里拉 ITL 卢森堡法郎 LUF 荷兰盾 NLG 葡萄牙埃斯库多 PTE 西班牙比塞塔 ESP 印尼盾 IDR 马来西亚林吉特 MYR 新西兰元 NZD 菲律宾比索 PHP 俄罗斯卢布 SUR 新加坡元 SGD 韩国元 KRW 泰铢THB 各国货币名称的英文缩写简写 主要国家货币简写: 1.CNY(ChiNese Yuan)人民币 2.FRF(FRench Franc)法国法郎 3.HKD(Hong Kong Dollar)港元 4.CHF(德文 sCHweizer Franken)瑞士法郎 5.USD(United States Dollar)美元 6.CAD(CAnadian Dollar)加拿大元 7.GBP(Great Britain Pound)英镑 8.NLG(NetherLandish Guilder)荷兰盾 9.DEM(德文 DEutsche M ark)德国马克 10.BEF(BElgischer Franc)比利时法郎 11.JPY(JaPanese Yen)日元 12.AUD(AUstralian Dollar)澳大利亚元 各国详细货币简介: Afghani阿富汗尼 Af Afghanistan阿富汗 bath铢 B Thailand泰国 balboa巴波亚 B Panama巴拿马 aolivar博利瓦 $b Venezuela委内瑞拉 colon(哥斯达黎加)科郎 ¢ Costa Rica哥斯达黎加 colon(萨尔瓦多)科郎 ¢ El Salvador萨尔瓦多 cordoba科多巴 C$ Nicaragua尼加拉瓜 cruzeiro克鲁赛罗 Cr$ brazil巴西 dalasi达拉西 DG Gambia冈比亚 dinar(阿尔及利亚)第纳尔 DA Algeria阿尔及利亚 dinar(伊拉克)第纳尔 ID Iraq伊拉克 dinar(约旦)第纳尔 JD Jordan约旦 dinar(科威特)第纳尔 KD Kuwait科威特 dinar(利比亚)第纳尔 LD Libya利比亚 dinar(也门民主人民共和国)第纳尔 YD The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen 也门民主人民共和国 dinar(突尼斯)第纳尔 D Tunisia突尼斯 dinar(南斯拉夫)第纳尔 DIN Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 dirham迪拉姆 DH Morocco摩洛哥 dollar(澳大利亚)元$A Australia澳大利亚 dollar(巴哈马)元 B$ Bahamas巴哈马 dollar(百慕大)元 DB$ Bermuda百慕大 dollar(加拿大)元 Can$ Canada加拿大 dollar埃塞俄比亚)元$Eth Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚 dollar(斐济)元 F$ Fiji斐济 dollar(圭亚那)元 G$ Guyana圭亚那 dollar(香港)元 HK$ Hongkong香港 dollar(牙买加)元 J$ Jamaica牙买加 dollar(利比里亚)元 L$ Liberia利比里亚 dollar(马来西亚)元 M$ Malaysia马来西亚 dollar(新西兰)元 NA$ NewZealand 新西兰 dollar(新加坡)元 S$ Singapore新加坡 dollar(特立尼达和多巴哥 TT$ Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥 dollar(美国)元 US$ USA美国 dong(越南)盾 D DBVN越南民主共和国 drachma德拉克马 Dr Greece希腊 escudo(智利)埃斯库多 E Chili智利 escudo(葡萄牙)埃斯库多 Esc Portugal葡萄牙 forint福林 Ft Hungary匈牙利 franc(比利时)法郎 BF Belgium比利时 franc(布隆迪)法郎 Fbu Burundi布隆迪 Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 CFAF Cameroon喀麦隆;The Central African Republic中非共和国; Chad乍得;The People''s Republic of the Congo 刚果人民共和国;Dahomey达荷美;Gabon加蓬;Ivory Coast科特迪瓦;Niger尼日尔爾尔;Senegal塞内加尔;Toto多哥;Upper Volta上沃尔特等 franc(法国) 法郎 FF France法国 franc(卢森堡)法郎 LuxF Luxemb(o)urg 卢森堡 franc(马尔加什)法郎 FMG The Malagasy Republic马尔加什共和国 franc(马里)法郎 MF Mali马里 franc(卢旺达)法郎 RF Rwanda卢旺达 franc(瑞士)法郎 Sf Switzerland瑞士 gourde古德 G Haiti海地 guarani瓜拉尼 C Paraguay巴拉圭 Guilder(或florin)(荷兰)盾 fF Netherlands荷兰 kip基普 K Laos老挝 koruna(捷克)克朗 KeS Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克 krona(冰岛)克朗 IKr Iceland冰岛 krona(瑞典)克朗 SKr Sweden瑞典 krone(丹麦)克朗 DKr Denmark丹麦 krone(挪威)克朗 NKr Norway挪威 kwacha(马拉维)克瓦查 MK Malawi马拉维 kwacha(赞比亚)克瓦查 K Zambia赞比亚 kyat(缅甸)元 K Burma缅甸 lek列克 Lek Albania阿尔巴尼亚 lempira伦皮拉 L Honras洪都拉斯 leone利昂 Le Sierra Leone塞拉利昂 leu列伊 Lv Romania罗马尼亚 lev列弗 L Bulgaria保加利亚 lira(意大利)里拉 Lit Italy意大利 Lira(土耳其)里拉(或镑) LT Turkey土耳其 Mark(德意志联邦共和国)马克 DM GFR德意志联邦共和国 Markka(芬兰)马克 Fmk Finland芬兰 Naira奈拉 Nigeria 尼日尔爾利亚 new cedi新塞地 NC Ghana加纳 Ouguiya乌吉亚 UM Mauritania毛里塔尼亚 pa''anga邦加 T$ Tonga汤加 Peseta比塞塔 Ptas Spain西班牙 peso(阿根廷)比索 $a Argentina阿根廷 peso(玻利维亚)比索 $b Bolivia玻利维亚 peso(哥伦比亚)比索 Col$ Colombia哥伦比亚 peso(古巴)比索 Cub$ Cuba古巴 peso(多米尼加)比索 RD$ The Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国 peso(墨西哥)比索 Mex$ Mexico墨西哥 peso(菲律宾)比索 P Philippines菲律宾 peso(乌拉圭)比索 Ur$ Uruguay乌拉圭 pound(塞浦路斯)镑£C Cyprus塞浦路斯 pound(埃及)镑 LE Egypt埃及 pound(英国)镑£(£ Stg) Great Britain英国 pound(爱尔兰)镑£Ir Ireland爱尔兰 pound(黎巴嫩)镑 LL Lebanon黎巴嫩 pound(马耳他)镑£M Malta马耳他 pound(苏丹)镑£S Sudan苏丹 pound(叙利亚)镑 LS Syria叙利亚 quetzal格查尔 Q Guatemala危地马拉 Renminbiyuan人民币元 RMB China中国 rial(伊朗)里亚尔 Rls Iran伊朗 riel瑞尔 Cambodia柬埔寨 riyal(沙特阿拉伯)里亚尔 SRls Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯 riyal(阿拉伯也门共和国)里亚尔 YRls The Arab Republic of Yemen阿拉伯也门共和国 rouble卢布 R(rub, Rbl) USSR俄罗斯 rupee(印度)卢比 Rs India印度 rupee(毛里求斯)卢比 MRs Mauritius毛里求斯 rupee(尼泊尔)卢比 NRs Nepal尼泊尔 rupee(巴基斯坦)卢比 PRs Pakistan巴基斯坦 rupee(斯里兰卡)卢比 SRs Sri Lanka斯里兰卡 rupiah(印度尼西亚)卢比(或盾) Rp Indonesia印度尼西亚 schilling(奥地利)先令 Sch Austria(奥地利) shilling(肯尼亚)先令 KSh Kenya(肯尼亚) shilling(坦桑尼亚)先令 TSh 坦桑尼亚 shilling(乌干达)先令 USh 乌干达 sol索尔 s/ 秘鲁 Somali shilling索马里先令 ShSo Somali索马里 sucre苏克雷 S/ Ecuador厄瓜多爾尔尔 syli西里 syli syli几内亚 tugrik图格里克 Tug Mongolia蒙古 won(朝鲜)圆 W The Democratic People''s republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 日元¥ Japan日本 扎伊尔 Z Zaire扎伊尔 兹罗提 Zl Poland波兰 注:①dellar的符号$也可作$。 ②有些货币的符号或缩写用复数,如比塞塔(Ptas)、里亚尔(Rls)、卢比(Rs)等, 一般去掉末尾的即为其单数形式,但卢比(urpee)的单数形式为Re。 ③非洲金融共同体法郎(CFAF)的全称为Communaute Financiere Africaine Franc

⑶ 我要一些介绍澳大利亚的资料,越简洁越好,要英文

The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania, and a number of other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 The neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.

The Australian mainland has been inhabited for more than 42,000 years by Indigenous Australians.[2] After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and then European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606,[3] the eastern half of Australia was later claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation as part of the colony of New South Wales, commencing on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established ring the 19th century.

On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The population is just over 21 million, with approximately 60% of the population concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide.

The name "Australia" is derived from the LatinAustralis, meaning "Southern". Legends of an "unknown land of the south" (terra australis incognita) date back to Roman times and were commonplace in medieval geography, but were not based on any actual knowledge of the continent. The first use of the word "Australia" in English was in 1625—the words "A note of Australia del Espiritu Santo, written by Master Hakluyt", published by Samuel Purchas in Hakluytus Posthumus.[4] The Dutch adjectival form Australische was used by Dutch officials in Batavia to refer to the newly discovered land to the south in 1638. "Australia" was used in a 1693 translation of Les Aventures de Jacques Sadeur dans la Découverte et le Voyage de la Terre Australe, a 1692 French novel by Gabriel de Foigny under the pen name Jacques Sadeur.[5]Alexander Dalrymple then used it in An Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean (1771), to refer to the entire South Pacific region. In 1793, George Shaw and Sir James Smith published Zoology and Botany of New Holland, in which they wrote of "the vast island, or rather continent, of Australia, Australasia or New Holland."

The name "Australia" was popularised by the 1814 work A Voyage to Terra Australis by the navigator Matthew Flinders, the first recorded person to circumnavigate Australia. Though its title reflected the British Admiralty's usage, Flinders used the word "Australia" in his book, and as it was widely read it gave the term general currency. Governor Lachlan Macquarie of New South Wales subsequently used the word in his dispatches to England, and on 12 December 1817 recommended to the Colonial Office that it be officially adopted.[6] In 1824, the Admiralty agreed that the continent should be known officially as "Australia".

The word "Australia" in Australian English is pronounced/əˈstɹæɪljə, -liːə, -jə/.

Main article: History of Australia
The first human habitation of Australia is estimated to have occurred between 42,000 and 48,000 years ago.[7] These first Australians were possibly the ancestors of the current Indigenous Australians; they may have arrived via land bridges and short sea-crossings from present-day South-East Asia. Most of these people were hunter-gatherers, with a complex oral culture and spiritual values based on reverence for the land and a belief in the Dreamtime. The Torres Strait Islanders, ethnically Melanesian, inhabited the Torres Strait Islands and parts of far-north Queensland; their cultural practices were and remain distinct from those of the Aborigines.
The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland was made by the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon, who sighted the coast of Cape York Peninsula in 1606. During the 17th century, the Dutch charted the whole of the western and northern coastlines of what they called New Holland, but made no attempt at settlement. In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast of Australia, which he named New South Wales and claimed for Great Britain. The expedition's discoveries provided impetus for the establishment of a penal colony there.

The British Crown Colony of New South Wales started with the establishment of a settlement at Port Jackson by Captain Arthur Phillip on 26 January 1788. This date was later to become Australia's national day, Australia Day. Van Diemen's Land, now known as Tasmania, was settled in 1803 and became a separate colony in 1825. The United Kingdom formally claimed the western part of Australia in 1829. Separate colonies were created from parts of New South Wales: South Australia in 1836, Victoria in 1851, and Queensland in 1859. The Northern Territory (NT) was founded in 1911 when it was excised from South Australia. South Australia was founded as a "free province"—that is, it was never a penal colony. Victoria and Western Australia were also founded "free", but later accepted transported convicts.[8][9] The transportation of convicts to the colony of New South Wales ceased in 1848 after a campaign by the settlers.[10]

Port Arthur, Tasmania was Australia's largest gaol for transported convicts.The Indigenous Australian population, estimated at 350,000 at the time of European settlement,[11] declined steeply for 150 years following settlement, mainly because of infectious disease combined with forced re-settlement and cultural disintegration.[12] The removal of children from their families, which some historians and Indigenous Australians have argued could be considered to constitute genocide by some definitions,[13] may have contributed to the decline in the indigenous population. Such interpretations of Aboriginal history are disputed by some commentators as being exaggerated or fabricated for political or ideological reasons.[14] This debate is known within Australia as the History Wars. Following the 1967 referenm, the Federal government gained the power to implement policies and make laws with respect to Aborigines. Traditional ownership of land—native title—was not recognised until 1992, when the High Court case Mabo v Queensland (No 2) overturned the notion of Australia as terra nullius ("empty land") at the time of European occupation.
A gold rush began in Australia in the early 1850s, and the Eureka Stockade rebellion against mining licence fees in 1854 was an early expression of civil disobedience. Between 1855 and 1890, the six colonies indivially gained responsible government, managing most of their own affairs while remaining part of the British Empire. The Colonial Office in London retained control of some matters, notably foreign affairs, defence, and international shipping. On 1 January 1901, federation of the colonies was achieved after a decade of planning, consultation, and voting, and the Commonwealth of Australia was born as a Dominion of the British Empire. The Federal Capital Territory (later renamed the Australian Capital Territory) was formed from a part of New South Wales in 1911 to provide a location for the proposed new federal capital of Canberra (Melbourne was the temporary seat of government from 1901 to 1927 while Canberra was being constructed). The Northern Territory was transferred from the control of the South Australian government to the Commonwealth in 1911. Australia willingly participated in World War I.[15] Many Australians regard the defeat of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) at Gallipoli as the birth of the nation—its first major military action. The Kokoda Track Campaign is regarded by many as an analogous nation-defining event ring World War II.

The Statute of Westminster 1931 formally ended most of the constitutional links between Australia and the United Kingdom when Australia adopted it in 1942. The shock of the United Kingdom's defeat in Asia in 1942 and the threat of Japanese invasion caused Australia to turn to the United States as a new ally and protector. Since 1951, Australia has been a formal military ally of the US under the auspices of the ANZUS treaty. After World War II, Australia encouraged immigration from Europe; since the 1970s and the abolition of the White Australia policy, immigration from Asia and other non-European parts of the world was also encouraged. As a result, Australia's demography, culture, and self-image have been radically transformed. The final constitutional ties between Australia and the UK were severed in 1986 with the passing of the Australia Act 1986, ending any British role in the government of the Australian States, and ending judicial appeals to the UK Privy Council.[16] In 1999, Australian voters rejected by a majority of less than 5% a move to become a republic with a president appointed by Parliament.[17] Since the election of the Whitlam Government in 1972, there has been an increasing focus on the expansion of ties with other Pacific Rim nations.

⑷ 通俗的说moodle平台是什么东西它与PHP有什么关系




1、 moodle平台是用php编写的。

2、 moddle平台需要运行在php组件下。





⑸ 说一说澳大利亚的纬度位置


“澳大利亚介于南纬10°45′~39°08′间,南北跨28°23′,是跨纬度最少的一个大陆,南北间温差小,气温分布比较简单。南回归线横贯大陆中部,99%的面积属于热带和亚热带,使全年气温都比较暖热,少雨区和沙漠的面积特别广。澳大利亚大陆轮廓比较完整,增加了内陆离海的距离,最大达1,500 公里以上,影响了海洋气流之深入内陆。”

⑹ 与澳大利亚有关的英文资料[追加]

Hi I'm Australian and live in Warragul, a country town 100 km south east of Melbourne.

Australian slang dictionary:

Some other websites:

Quiz about Australia:

⑺ 澳大利亚的地理位置

澳大利亚位于南半球,总面积770万平方公里,约相当于五分之 四个中国。它东临太平洋,西临印度洋,海岸线长达37000公 里。

⑻ php远程数据库连接!数据库是mysql的 空间域名和数据库都是澳大利亚的!

$conn=mysql_connect("cp7-ssl123.syra.net.au:3306","austinoc_tiger","tiger123456") or die("connect err:".mysql_error());




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